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Moebius, Part 2 (820)

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    Right - Jack had the Ancient gene regardless of whether or not he downloaded the repository into his brain.
    Thor: The Asgard would never invent a weapon that propels small weights of iron and carbon alloys, by igniting a powder of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.


      Oh well that may explain that, but it still doesn't excuse the whole Moebius eps being the absolute pits.


        I didn't mind 'Mobeius, parts 1 & 2' - although I felt Mobieus part 1 was lacking in the ending, leaving it undone & incomplete (something they seemed to 'fix' in part 2).

        The killing off of alt. Daneil was good - considering one would have had to remained in ancient Egypt, else there might possibly have been two Daniels running around + - & the whole alt. Jack/Sam thing - especially the line "Actually, I, I like Daneil" & the subsiquent getting-it-on afterwards was HILLARIOUS .

        I agree that the whole rebellion/stealing of the Stargate thing would of been cool to watch, & the scene with the Jaffa being surroduing in a SG : The Movie-eque was a small touch of brillance. Funny how SG-1 (alt or 'real' team is not an issue for me here) were responsible for the uprising on Earth & subsiquent finding of the Z.P.M. The slight altering of the timeline to include such things as, again, the Z.P.M. & the the fish in Jack's pond; is interesting, & it will be interesting to see how these tremors'aftershocks have altered/effected the timeline form this point on.

        Think of it : the Orrii (pronounced Or-Eye) could be a produce of one small change to the timeline, which has taken it's course over the centuries (just a theory ).

        Mobeus, as it has been said before, could make a great finisher for the entire SG-1 series, but I am looking forward to seeing how Season 9 will take SG Sg-1 in a new direction; even if I may not necessrily like all the changes. I am especially looking forward to seeing how they deal with the Orii, Arthurian mytho's, the decline of the Goa'uuld, etc.

        Anyways, I have rambled on enough. All in all, Mobues was not the best action-packed episode (my fav. in the latter category has to be Lost City, which was suposoed top be the end of SG SG-1 until they got the go-ahead for Season 8 & the spin off, SGA);l but it was still interesting to see how things may have gone if history had been different. . . .


          I have a few things to say...

          1) SG-1 are not responsible for the rebellion 5,000 years ago, as Akren just said "Funny how SG-1 (alt or 'real' team is not an issue for me here) were responsible for the uprising on Earth" Instead it is what Ugly Pig said, "The way it is told, the rebellion was supposed to happen as described in the writings found on Abydos, due in no way to any help from SG-1. In fact, SG-1 showing up and trying to take part in the uprising is what screws up the timeline in the first place! So in the end, while SG-1 do instigate a rebellion against Ra, they do so in place of the rebellion that would have already happened had they not interfered at all. And that's just fine with me, especially since we get such a fun time twisting adventure out of the whole thing."

          2) The last scene I think is the real SG-1 and not the AT ones. My reasoning is after the rebellion, they probably (as one of the team said, Jack or Sam maybe) destroyed the time traveling PJ and hid the ZPM and the tape in the place that was to be discovered. Then, the AT team and Daniel live out the rest of their lives in Egypt and the timeline is saved and not altered (save for the fish in Jack's pond) allowing the creation of SG-1 and everything that has happened. Then they find the tape and ZPM, and so don't have to go to the past. They so have a time traveling PJ because since the time line was not altered (save for the fish in Jack's pond) the ancient Janus built it and SG-1 found it on Maybourne's planet and so on. So essentially, Moebius never happens, the timeline as we've know it for 8 years stays the same, and Earth gets a ZPM.

          3) The last scene is the end of Threads but how does that fit? The only reason Daniel found the information that there might be a ZPM in ancient egypt was from Catherine Langfords(sp?) collection that she left him when she died. Then they did an aerial sweep and didn't find it. So sticking with the timeline, they should have found the ZPM and the tape during the sweep and so after Threads. Explanation please?!
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            Comfirming my thoery that is was the real SG-1 fishing and not the AT ones and why there are fish is this quote from sppeters,

            "Just as a point of reference since it has been spouted that the Orii are a result of SG-1 in the past. As stated by TPTB season 9 is a fresh start. Many people argue that since there WAS a fish in the final scene of Mobius other things have changed, they haven't.

            Stargate SG-1 Executive Producer
            " "Nope. He honestly believed there were no fish in his pond. He was wrong of course." "

            There you have it, there were ALWAYS fish in the pond, jack just didn't know it. The Universe is as it always was, and as it should be. As for the Orii and whoever else we meet they were always out there.
            Reply With Quote"

            That quote is from this thread and sppeters quote is from the Ask JMallozi Thread.

            JM also said in the AsK JMa....Thread, in response to a question was

            "How could you guys kill SG-1? They version we have at the end of Moebius isnt the same team we watched for 8 seasons.

            Have to disagree with you there. Yes, they are. Its like saying the SG-1 at the end of 2010 who received the note in the past were not the team you'd been watching for the past 5 seasons.

            So I, and whoever thought, since i didn't read all the posts, that SG-1 is still the same and the Timeline has not been altered now thanks to the efforts of the AU team and Daniel, or fully correct.
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              Crud I was just thinking, going about the threads and I realized, that while the SG-1 we see at the end of Moebius is not the really real SG-1, they where executed 5000 years ago remember. So while they team we saw had the exact same experiences and where essential the exact same people, they weren't the really real ones. Although they might as well be since they are the same, just not the really real ones, get it?

              I got this idea from Erik Bloodaxe over at this thread who says, " The end of Threads and most of Moebius are the alternate-but-nearly-identical timeline. Otherwise, you might as well claim that the so-called "true" SG-1 died already in 2010, and these are "just alternates" living out different lives from them. Same principle, just that this time the other timeline that led to ours existing had its time travel adventure take place in the present, rather than the future. And for the record, Atlantis pretty much proves that the reality at the end of Moebius is the reality we've been in all along, since Atlantis has shared that reality and that's how
              they got that ZPM from Egypt in the Seige.


              However, at that same thread Red_Rabbit says "There are many view on time travel, the one that SG1 is using seems to use the model where if things are not altered, they never happen. So inturn since sg1 ended up not altering anything in the past, except for moving the location of the ZPM, the real sg1 never had to go back into the past"

              So it can go either way. For me is the latter since the fact that I'd be watching an exact replica alternate SG-1 from now on creeps me out.

              Theres is also a post at the thread i got these two last quotes from, by fjones, that highly backs up Red_Rabbit.
              Last edited by sharky277; 19 March 2005, 09:30 PM.
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                The only thing i found funny in this awful episode was in response to Sam expressing a liking for Daniel, Jack retorts that he thought Daniel was gay, albeit with a guesture.


                  Originally posted by sharky277
                  I have a few things to say...

                  1) SG-1 are not responsible for the rebellion 5,000 years ago, as Akren just said "Funny how SG-1 (alt or 'real' team is not an issue for me here) were responsible for the uprising on Earth" Instead it is what Ugly Pig said, "The way it is told, the rebellion was supposed to happen as described in the writings found on Abydos, due in no way to any help from SG-1. In fact, SG-1 showing up and trying to take part in the uprising is what screws up the timeline in the first place! So in the end, while SG-1 do instigate a rebellion against Ra, they do so in place of the rebellion that would have already happened had they not interfered at all. And that's just fine with me, especially since we get such a fun time twisting adventure out of the whole thing."
                  I totally agree, I've tried convincing my friend with this but she still seems to think SG1 helped. But they couldn't have, if they did then SG1 wouldn't have need to go back in time in the first place because the ZPM would already have been found.

                  Originally posted by sharky277
                  3) The last scene is the end of Threads but how does that fit? The only reason Daniel found the information that there might be a ZPM in ancient egypt was from Catherine Langfords(sp?) collection that she left him when she died. Then they did an aerial sweep and didn't find it. So sticking with the timeline, they should have found the ZPM and the tape during the sweep and so after Threads. Explanation please?!
                  Good point...umm... I cant think of an explanation

                  Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                  Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                    Does anyone know where I can get screencaps of this ep?

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      I have come to the conclusion that the SG-1 we see fishing at the end are the REALLY REALLY REAL, the ones we've been watching for 8 years SG-1. After what Mallozzi has said that nothing has changed, and that there were always fish in Jack's pond he just never caught any. The explanation of why they are still are the same and not alternate even though they where executed is like in Before I Sleep in Atlantis(iIn fact I am very surprised no one has made this link yet). There are many view on time travel, the one that SG1 and the Weir are using seems to use the model where if things are not altered, they never happen. So inturn since sg1 ended up not altering anything in the past, except for moving the location of the ZPM, the real sg1 never had to go back into the past, same with making the city fail-safe and rising to the surface.
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                        I'm surprised the video recorder stayed buried in Ancient Egypt - especially after they managed to set the course of history right again ...
                        Fed up with the current justice system? StarPol might make you happy


                          Don't sweat it about the fish.
                          All it means is that the timeline has been irrevocably altered in the evolution
                          Of course what you don't see is that much like Planet of The Apes, the Fish people have taken over the world and enslaved the human species. This, I believe, is what Avalon will be about in S9.


                            Well they recorded the tape after they found and hid the ZPM, which was before the failed rebellion and before the AT team got there.

                            Oh, and about the fish, I know you where making a joke, but Joe Mallozzi had said, and it's been posted many times, that there was always fish in Jack's pond, he just was a lousy fisherman and didn't realize it. So, nothing has been changed in the timeline.
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                              I'm not talking about the story here, I'm talking about THE HAIR and THE CLOTHES.
                              I mean, what did they do ?
                              When Ra took the Gate with him, did he also take along all the sense of fashion.
                              They looked horrible.

                              SGU Continued....


                                I hope you're including Rodney in this, I LOVED his shirt!!

                                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl

