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Moebius, Part 1 (819)

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    Originally posted by alz0rz
    Wooooooooooow, I read spoilers - NOOOOOO!

    Well, it was pretty obvious too, they had to die eventually - maybe the AU team goes back in time a bit too late.

    Also, Moebius P1 screencaps for all:

    It's there for you guys~@

    oh and btw, my 600th post
    I know they had to die eventualy, but daniel is still alive, so sam and jack must have died from something other then natrual, so something big must have happend as they are a better fighter then Danial.

    I give green for signatures with ancient in them


      Originally posted by Replicarter
      Actualy they shot him with a zat, so he will just be a little confused when he wakes up. And maybe he does take on later on in the current timeline they are in, and added to why the future is so different.
      He'll wake up wondering why he is lying naked in the middle of a pyramid.


        Hmmm... well, we already know that they never really thought the whole time travel thing through but take this what if...

        Ra leaves Earth after the rebellion, leaving the Stargate behind and taking the ZPM with him. Say 2,000 years later whatever planet Ra has the ZPM is lost by him and eventually the people of the planet get the ZPM and their entire culture evolves around worshipping the ZPM.

        What if SG-1 suceeded in getting the ZPM and getting back to the future? That culture would be completely different and who knows what other consequences...

        The lesson: Don't screw with the timeline


          Originally posted by Giantevilhead
          He could kill a jaffa and steal his symbiote.
          Or blag one from a nearby temple. Without a Jaffa rebellion, symbiotes can be obtained from the big gumball-machine-type shrine at the front of any convenient major temple of the Goa'uld.
          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


            Originally posted by Replicarter
            I know they had to die eventualy, but daniel is still alive, so sam and jack must have died from something other then natrual, so something big must have happend as they are a better fighter then Danial.
            Being a better fighter won't necessarily mean you live longer. The good fighters will tend to be the ones in the firing line. Sure, in a fight your typical Marine would beat li'l ol' teacher me nine ways from Wednesday, but his chances of dying by violence are much higher than mine.
            Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
            - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


              Originally posted by Mr Prophet
              Or blag one from a nearby temple. Without a Jaffa rebellion, symbiotes can be obtained from the big gumball-machine-type shrine at the front of any convenient major temple of the Goa'uld.
              You make it sound like your friendly neighbourhood ATM at a local 7-11.
              To Infinity And Beyond!

              O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                The end is near!

                of 'Moebius'

                I really, really hate the dreadful "reproductive organs" line from 'Children of the Gods', and have said so on several occasions. Easily my most hated moment in all of 'Stargate', it actually makes me cringe every time I watch the scene. Really. So how can I not love an episode in which Sam begins to repeat the line before stopping herself and going, "That's horrible! Don't ever say that!".

                Yep, this episode was fun. I think my only nitpick would be that Sam caved in a little too easily regarding whether the team should go back in time using the timeship from 'It's Good To Be King' or not. It just seems that normally, she'd be a little more insistant. But when an episode is as good as this, who cares? Especially since we all knew they were gonna end up doing it anyway.

                And thus, SG-1 go back in time. 5005 years back, to be precise. We get to see them in ancient Egypt, we get to see Ra himself (for the first time since 'Stargate' the movie) and we get to see the original SG-1 team members - all four on them - going on a good, old-fashioned mission. Not through the stargate, granted, but this time there's really no reason at all to be complaining about that.

                Random observations!
                - This is the first time in gosh-knows-how-long that they've recycled parts of the score from the original movie for an episode of the TV series. I don't think they've done that at all since around season 3 or so. Its use in this episode was highly appropriate, of course.
                - Ra remains the one System Lord we've never witnessed speak English.
                - In 'Threads', Sam and Jacob both made the mistake of saying it's been four years since Jacob's blending with Selmak when it has in fact been six years since it happened in season two. This lead to some speculations among fans that the series is not taking place in real time, but that those six seasons were actually four years in SG-1 time. This episode proves the theory false - it is said that the events in the original movie took place nine years ago. And as we know, those events happened about a year before 'Children of the Gods' in the established SG-1 canon. One season still equals one year, and the comments last week about Jacob's blending remain a mistake.
                - Is alternate McKay a bigger jerk than "our" version, or does it just seem that way because he's not the central character here and thus we're not rooting for him?
                - Lemon chicken is alternate McKay's favorite! Classic!!
                - Does anyone else really like alternate "geeky" Sam?
                - Anyone else notice that alternate Jack lacked our Jack's ability to quip? Notice how the best sarcasm he can come up with is "Yeah, right! Sure! I buy that!" when our Jack would surely have said something funny!
                - Alternate Major Davis seemed kinda creepy to me, somehow. Maybe it's the mustache.
                - Samuels!! Now here is a character I wasn't expecting to see again, ever (Or at least I wouldn't if I hadn't read those darn spoilers.) - alternate timeline or not! It's been almost seven years since we saw him, and here he is, just popping up just like that...
                - Obviously, the name of Jack's boat is yet another 'The Simpsons' reference, but I wonder if Sam's line about her being worried about stepping on a bug and changing the future is not also a reference to Homer doing just that in 'Treehouse of Horror V'?

                Great, great fun! Bring on part two!

                Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                  - Does anyone else really like alternate "geeky" Sam?


                  raises hands and jumps

                  geek sam was totally PRECIOUS

                  her expressions were so open unlike our sam who tends to be rather guarded

                  i do think it's telling that she was the first one to have a realistic idea of how they'd be treated (ie kept around until they weren't needed then kicked out the door)

                  geek sam also has MAJOR self esteem issues poor thing

                  oh, and mckay, excuse me, Mr Fantastic was right, she does have the 'sexy librarian' thing down
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                    Random observations!
                    - Is alternate McKay a bigger jerk than "our" version, or does it just seem that way because he's not the central character here and thus we're not rooting for him?
                    I saw 48 Hours after I'd seen Redemption: The latter title could have applied to McKay as much as anyone because I was stunned by how much more of a jerk he was in his first appearance. I think admitting to Sam that he was brilliant but would never be a genius must have been terrific therapy.

                    - Lemon chicken is alternate McKay's favorite! Classic!!
                    Does the presence of a ZPM on the planet increase the risk of deadly citrus fruit allergies? Surely a study must be commissioned.

                    - Anyone else notice that alternate Jack lacked our Jack's ability to quip? Notice how the best sarcasm he can come up with is "Yeah, right! Sure! I buy that!" when our Jack would surely have said something funny!
                    Well, he never had the Abydos mission to get over losing Charlie. Sounds like they did a pretty good job of changing characters for their situations, especially if you read Sam's reproductive organs fiasco in Children as an ill-advised response to fifteen years of beating her head against macho crap.

                    These days, I assume she'd just heard back from Jonas Hanson for the first time in a year so she was spoiling for a fight and not at her best.
                    Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                    - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      - Does anyone else really like alternate "geeky" Sam?


                      raises hands and jumps
                      *waves hand in the air*

                      Me too. I thought she was great. Very, very funny.

                      I also liked that even though the time line changed she and Daniel immediately had that same bond that they had in COTG.


                        Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
                        I'm not so sure about that. In "Gemini" (episode 8x11), he obviously deferred way too much to Carter's opinion and expertise, to the near disaster of all mankind.

                        The problem is, a commander back at the base is forced to rely upon his people and experts in the field. He isn't there and can't make a personal assessment of the situation. In "Gemini", Jack was let down by *both* of his field people. Despite Teal'c's reservations and suspicions, he did *not* keep Jack informed about how he felt. He never told Jack about RC getting into Carter's mind or that Sam was being overly sympathetic. At some point, Sam lost her perspective and Teal'c could see that. He should have passed the information back to Jack, who was not in a position to see exactly what was going on.

                        We've seen a difference when Jack is actually in the field and making his own observations. He listens to his team, asks for (and respects) their opinions, but in the end, he makes the decision he feels is best after synthesizing their opinions and his observations. In "Gemini", he was unable to add his own observations and perceptions to the mix and was forced to go with just what he was being told--and he wasn't being told everything.

                        Both Sam and Teal'c were off in the ep.

                        "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                          Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                          - Obviously, the name of Jack's boat is yet another 'The Simpsons' reference, but I wonder if Sam's line about her being worried about stepping on a bug and changing the future is not also a reference to Homer doing just that in 'Treehouse of Horror V'?

                          I think it's more likely a reference to Ray Bradbury's "The Sound of Distant Thunder."

                          "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                            Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                            Well, he never had the Abydos mission to get over losing Charlie.
                            And yet, he was still a Simpsons fan. Guess it just didn't improve his sense of humor much in that reality.
                            Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                              Here's a spoilery question -- did anyone notice an Ernest in the funeral scene? I know the actor who played him is dead now, but I wonder if they put someone in the bg to be him even somewhat. Otherwise, I guess Ernest himself died and nobody told the SGC!


                                I found it funny that McKay was driving Sam nuts and that lemon chicken was his favourite meal while in the real reality he is allergic and would die of lemon chicken
                                Lord Zedd

