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Threads (818)

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    Originally posted by Madeleine_W
    ...she'd only ever seen Jack really tense and stiff around Sam.
    Oh no! You didn't actually write "tense and stiff around Sam", did you?

    Me bad.
    To Infinity And Beyond!

    O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


      Originally posted by Frostfox
      And I agree, as a 40 something woman, I don't think the writers have even the smallest clue how real women react, interact and run their lives.
      Maybe the writers don't but Amanda Tapping, as a woman in her late 30's, must surely know how a real woman reacts, etc. I'm sure if she were really uncomfortable delivering certain lines of dialogue, that she would convey her sentiments to the directors and writers.
      To Infinity And Beyond!

      O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


        Threads as a whole sucked (half of it played out like a poorly-written Mary Sue fanfic) and is a waste of the 30 minutes that should've gone to another Atlantis episode. Had they stuck to the diner and did a show-not-tell of the Jaffa conflict it wouldn't be nearly as bad.

        That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

        Originally posted by Madeleine_W

        Do not disparage any groups of fans, including (but not limited to) Shippers Who Like Threads.
        I will rule the world... and find that truly good cup of coffee.


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          There's a school of thought that Kerry was referring to Jack and Daniel.
          I love it! I hadn't heard that one. I guess TPTB could have been deliberately keeping it just vague enough to please everyone. The dream is still alive for all Jack/whoever shippers.


            Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
            Maybe the writers don't but Amanda Tapping, as a woman in her late 30's, must surely know how a real woman reacts, etc. I'm sure if she were really uncomfortable delivering certain lines of dialogue, that she would convey her sentiments to the directors and writers.

            From what I understand she has expressed her opinion on certain scenes but at the end of the day, she is being paid to do a job--which is to say the lines that the writers write.

            I am about the same age as Sam is supposed to be and I also think that the writers don't have a clue about how to write a female character realistically. (Atlantis included) But if I were an actress who wanted to stay employed, I would perhaps give my input, but I would say the lines I was told to say.


            When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

            Abraham Joshua Heschel


              It's a few days later than usual, but here I am with a post that will by now surely be pretty much redundant. When I'm done with this, I'll go back and read what everyone else said and I suspect the episode has been more thoroughly discussed than any other in recent memory...

              of 'Threads'

              Wow. Now, here's an episode sure to get Stargate fandom all riled up. The Sam/Jack ship storyline is taken a step further, Pete is essentially written out of the series, Jacob Carter dies, and Daniel gets naked again. Oh yeah... and he kind of ascends again. Guess I should have mentioned that before the naked part. I really am straight, honest!

              Okay... Since the "ship" aspect of the episode has without a doubt been discussed ad nauseum, I will share my view on that part first and get it out of the way. Now, I've repatedly stated that I don't really care about Sam/Jack ship one way or another. It doesn't bother me, but it also doesn't rock my world. In this episode, the two both appearantly come to realize that they "should" be together. While it doesn't go quite that far, the episode does end with every shipper's dream scene: They go fishing. Okay, I'll say this again: I am not a shipper. But I did like the fishing scene. It's long overdue. It has been teased for so long, and now it has finally happened. I must say, though, that I was happy to see that Daniel and Teal'c were also present. That way, it wasn't "Sam and Jack's first date", but SG-1 as a group out having fun. I suppose it will dissappoint those who figured "fishing" was some kind of euphemism, though - unless y'all are bigger pervs than I thought.

              Pete fans, however, might be upset - and rightly so. I doubt very much that we will see him again. Personally, I always liked Pete and I think it's sad that he has to leave the series with a broken heart. But to be fair, didn't we all know that it would end this way? At least they didn't have him turn out to be cheating on Sam or be some kind of an abuser or something so that we would feel "good" about her breaking up with him. And that's a plus. On the other hand, I do feel that it was wrapped up just a little too quickly, especially after having spent so much time on this storyline. But at least it is over now...

              Likewise, the Anubis storyline feels like it is wrapped up way too suddenly and too swiftly after having been the focus of the show for three and a half years. Not only was it anti-climactic, but it also felt dissatisfying. All this build-up, and almost out of the blue, Oma decides to swipe him away. I think. I admit, I didn't quite get that part. What exactly did she do? She said she'd fight him, does this mean that they are locked in a never-ending battle for all eternity now? However, I did love how "Jim" turned out to really be Anubis. I had never expected that twist, and I realized it only when Daniel did. That was just great. Even though it did rob us of seeing him defeated as the dark cloudy blob we've known him as all this time.

              But Jacob's death... That was sad. I have always liked Jacob, and I always enjoyed his guest appearances. In fact, he was probably my favorite recurring character. And now he's gone. I'd guessed it would happen, though, so I wasn't too shocked. But it was a little dissappointing to see that after his final scene, nobody mentions him. It's like he never existed. Once again, I feel things were wrapped up too quickly.

              Daniel's story leaves a few things open for discussion, as well. Let's see... First, Replicarter searches his mind for Ancient knowledge (and helps Daniel remember it in the proccess). She then kills him, and Oma comes along and drags him into this "limbo" place where he must choose between death and ascension. By the end of the episode, he appears in the SGC naked (Now, honestly - who didn't see that one coming?) so he has obviously ascended again, only to then re-take human form. And it appears that he has his memories intact this time - he clearly remembers what happened while in was in limbo. The question is; does this also mean he still remembers the Ancient knowledge that Replicarter managed to dig out of him?

              Random observations!
              - This must have been the longest "previously-on" ever.
              - Are TPTB going for some kind of record of how many times Jack's house has been seen over the course of one season? At least nobody broke in to it this time...
              - So Jacob's dead. Soon there won't be any recurring characters left, it seems.
              - Funny stuff: Pete meeting Jacob, Jack literally expecting Daniel to walk through the door, and Daniel's eventual re-taking human form (Why didn't he do that in his appartment? That could have spared him some embarrassment!).
              - Anyone else find Bra'tac's reaction to Daniel's nudity at the end amusing?
              - Still no word from Rak'nor? I suppose he's dead too, then...
              - Why aren't Rya'c or Ishta and her gang anywhere to be seen in the great Jaffa liberation?

              Anyhoo... While this episode was not a heart-pounding, fast-paced ride like the 'Reckoning' two-parter, it kept my interest from start to finish. And despite my complaints about the quick ending, I enjoyed it a whole lot. I know a lot of people are going to hate this - but I've never been part of any particular fandom "section", and for that reason maybe it's easier to just enjoy any episode for what it is? I don't know, but I suppose any episode that has me rambling on this long deserves a

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                I really enjoyed this episode overall...I have been saying that alot about the second half of season8 and so far it has been the way of the wind

                I really enjoyed Daniel FINALLY getting some kind of answers about things that had gone on before and Osma getting to *do* something to finally help instead of sitting on the fence of ascension

                As far as Sam & Jack & Pete...well being a Shipper I of course want Sam & Jack to end up together...But I was a bit let down how the writers handled Sam's character again...TPTB keep harping about how *All of this could be happening right now*....well being a female at the same age as Sam...I know I would not be as flaky as the writers have been making Sam's character whenever *romance* comes into play.

                I think a few posts ago someone mentioned that these guys really have no clue how to write women and I have to agree....BUT how many of us women KNOW men don't understand us

                So all that being said...I am glad that they got the Sam/Jack/Pete triangle out of the picture period...and I am glad that they addressed it a bit more head on.

                We all know that RDA's involvment with the show is either going to be SERIOUSLY short or nonexistant for Season 9 so I for one think they need to wrap those two up....and if they get the characters together...well then NEXT season we can see more stuff focused on the rest of the characters and not have to worry about seeing Sam's lovelife anymore....I know from many of the posts here THAT would be a why not let them get together and make Sam's character unavailable for anymore episodes like the few we have seen ....
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  I finally watched "Threads". I was afraid it was going to be a letdown after the GREAT Reckoning II and it was certainly a much different kind of episode. Overall it was enjoyable but paled in comparison to Reckoning.

                  *Sam and Jack and Pete. Going to get this out of the way first. Not my thing. I really don't see the romantic chemistry between Sam and Jack - it just all seems so awkward when I see them together. Still I have to say I'm happy this whole arc seems to be concluded. I haven't really cared for the way they've written Sam during this whole thing and poor Pete had become about the worst plot-device ever. Luckily Kerry shows up to serve as a one-episode plot device to help diminish uber plot-device Pete. Maybe in S9 Sam will be happy with her personal life and can just go back to being distracted by bright shiny objects.

                  I like that it was all fairly subtle although I think this may leave room for the writers to wriggle out of it if they want to. But I'm thinking the happy thoughts that it's all resolved. If Sam and Jack are going to arrange their lives to be together because they truly love each other -that's fine. At least that's mature and will end this "do they, don't they" stuff that's been dragging along for WAY too many seasons. With Jack mostly off-screen next season it seems reasonable.

                  *Daniel and Oma and Anubis. I enjoyed this although it kind of dragged in spots. The Ascended Diner concept was fun and at least we got to find some more things out about Oma and Anubis and that whole bit. I was hopelessly spoiled by the time I watched it so it all felt a little anti-climatic. And I didn't get as many answers as I was expecting. Thought we'd find out more about what Daniel did while he was ascended, other than breaking the rules. And I thought Daniel and Anubis were the ones who were going to have a showdown. Still, it was nicely played and it's probably fitting that Oma made the sacrifice to correct her mistake and stepped up to battle Anubis for all eternity(?). Guess that means Oma won't be around to hand out any "get out of death free" cards for awhile.

                  I'm a little confused as to the end of the Daniel story. I assume he ascended and retook human form but I guess the Others could have ascended him and thrown him out again as well. (Daniel's starting to seem like a fish that you keep throwing back after you catch him ). Maybe they left him with select memories but not ALL the memories. I'm really wondering if he's left with all the Ancient knowledge that was revealed when he had his battle with RC. If it's never touched on again I'll be peeved. The ending bit - with Daniel nekkid in the flag - was very funny. Although what's up with Bra'tac - he seemed VERY happy to see nekkid Danny. I have to say I liked that they kind of played the "Daniel's dead again" with a little humor.

                  *Jacob and Sam. Very sad. One of my favorite dynamics has always been Jacob and Sam and how close they became after a very rocky relationship early on. I figured he was a goner but I hated to see Jacob go. I thought the scene of Jack supporting Sam as a grieving friend (or woman he loves, however you see it) was nice.

                  *Teal'c and Bra'tac and the Jaffa. if I hadn't already known RCC wrote this I would have guessed from the opening scene. Like something straight out of Star Wars. I guess the free Jaffa's struggles will be an ongoing storyline and we didn't really get a decision from Teal'c as to whether he'd be part of the Jaffa's high council or not. Did we? I always felt Teal'c true story arc would be to return and become a leader of his people. I wonder what that means for next season.

                  So.....a nice episode that was character-intensive and that appeared to wrap up quite a few dangling story threads. Good to see the whole team together at the end. Although it makes me confused about the whole fishing=sex thing that exists in fandom.

                  Threads didn't blow me away like Reckoning II did but I had a good time watching it.
                  Last edited by keshou; 13 February 2005, 07:12 AM. Reason: big old typo
                  Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                    I just watched it again and on this repeat my impression were less wow-y.

                    It's solid as it is but nothing more. Sam seems strangely detached throughout and I've noticed throughout Season 8 that the Pete/Sam ship seemed much for awkward compared to Chimera. It almsot seems as if in Chimera TPTB were serious about the relationship and in Season 8 felt so battered by the J/S shippers that they changed it so it obviously wasn't working.

                    The Jack/CIA Lady realtionship was solid but came out of the blue it was just suddenly there.

                    Jack was lovely in the Backyard scene wasing his beer around.

                    Sam seemed very nampy pampy through her scenes with Jack and Pete. And the writing out of Jacob seemed incredibly poorly done. It was a wasted oppertunity. His death deseverd to be the A Plot of a epsidoe re alling ourselves with the Tok'Ra not a B-Plot for J/S ship. Why did only one Tok'ra dude show up? I mean him being out of favour shouldn't mean they all don't care that he's dying!

                    The Teal'c/Bra'tac scenes were good but plain. and Bra'tac whining about last battlefields was not him.

                    The Oma/Anubis/Daniel scene was what stopped me being totally appaulled with this episode. It was very well done. Loved the "trtuh with a side order of clarity' bit.

                    The ending scene was very sweet but came straight off the fan wishlist just like Kinsey as Gou'ald.

                    Mobeius Spoilers ahoy:
                    If SG-1's trip back to Ancient Egypt next week incited the original rebellion against rather It'll just confirm my suspision that TBTP have run out of ideas and are just trawling out ones from Fan forums....

                    Some other observations I just thought of:

                    * My dad didn't like this episode (he only really watches if he's working in the next room when I switch it on) due to the fact there was 'talking not fighting' (though I think he might have been teasing me slighty) My responses was: "But it's deep!"

                    * Pete meeting Jacob. People have been critising Pete behavour but In my opinion he was trying to be nasty or stupid or anything. He was simply very suprised shocked and nervous and ended up babbling.... I know he handled it far better than I ever could...
                    Last edited by Crazedwraith; 12 February 2005, 12:49 PM.
                    Banner By JME2


                      I finally saw it. Who is going to be their big bad now? They set up the Replicators as a huge baddie that could do some serious damage then whipe them out after a few episodes. They also set Anubis up as a big bad and then they kill him off the next ep! Whats with that? I guess Baal could be their new bad but he doesnt really seem that bad now after he helped the SGC. Did they kill off Oma too? Poor Jacob too! The whole thing just seems to wrap up too nicely. Meh.

                      It was a decent ep though. Next week looks great!
                      ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                        Originally posted by TechnoBoY
                        I finally saw it. Who is going to be their big bad now? They set up the Replicators as a huge baddie that could do some serious damage then whipe them out after a few episodes. They also set Anubis up as a big bad and then they kill him off the next ep! Whats with that? I guess Baal could be their new bad but he doesnt really seem that bad now after he helped the SGC. Did they kill off Oma too? Poor Jacob too! The whole thing just seems to wrap up too nicely. Meh.

                        It was a decent ep though. Next week looks great!
                        I was thinking the same thing in who is going to be the new villan. Anubis was an uber-awesome villan and they got rid of him. I understand that they want to tie up all loose ends (which they did, all 50000 ends) and they want the show to go in new directions; but is it necessary to get rid of EVERYTHING that made the show last eight years???

                        ANYWAY, I just hope season nine doens't let me down.


                          Hmmm, I was kinda let down by Threads - Reckoning II was a fantastic build up in comparison.

                          I thought the Sam/Jack thing was yet another tease - of all the things they could be saying to each other, it's like a Minimalist's Convention when they
                          try to broach the subject of their relationship. With Jack away in S9 I wonder if Sam will be all gooey and loved up with boyfriend Jack off world and in charge.

                          Sad that Jacob had to go, don't actually know why he had to go but then there are a few additions to S9 and so I suppose it's a general change around thing.

                          The Jaffa thing just bores me. Always has. Couldn't give a rats about the Jaffa now, and oh, Bratac, you snooze - you lose.

                          Daniel/ Oma was good in that I liked the Jim character - but again, why didn't Oma just say 'He's Anubis!' and why didn't she expand on what DJ did during his last ascension, and why is she allowed to keep giving him second chances all the time - is it some kind of crush she has on him?

                          Well, I assume she's gone. I assume Anubis is gone. Episode was well named in that all the Threads were tied up and we get a new baddy for S9.
                          For all the folk who insist that SG1 isn't what it used to be - with all it's new story arcs and new characters, S9 will be something entirely new to chew on.

                          Looking forward to the Moebius twins.
                          Never go to bed angry. Stay up and plot your revenge!


                            Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear
                            As for the diner, I got the sense that it was a diner only in Daniel's mind. Oma got the diner concept from his mind because it was one of the happiest memories of his childhood and he would feel safe there.
                            Please... Daniel says that it's the place his grandfather took him to after his parents' funeral! I wouldn't call it "the happiest memory of his childhood"...


                              Originally posted by joasia
                              Please... Daniel says that it's the place his grandfather took him to after his parents' funeral! I wouldn't call it "the happiest memory of his childhood"...
                              I wonder if Nick had the GIIIAAANNNNTT PANCAKES at Der Waffle Haus.

                              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                              BAD WOLF!!!


                                After reading some of the posts here criticizing Sam's response(or perceived lack of response) to Jacob's death, someone on another thread suggested I post this here, too. These are some excerpts from an interview with AT about filming the scene, taken from the newest issue of Stargate Magazine.

                                ...Argenziano, who has been a key part of Stargate SG1 since his first appearance in season two episode Secrets, has long been a very close friend of the actress, who confessed that filming Carter's reaction to her dad's death was a particularly difficult task.

                                "What's so astounding to me is that we started to shoot it, I was up in the observation room and had to walk down [to the Gateroom]. And I lost it," recalls Tapping. "I wasn't even on camera. I went back up to the observation room and they said, 'Why are you crying?' and I said, 'They're killing off Carmen!' The enormity of it hit me right then, it hit me just like a brick to the head, and I couldn't stop crying."

                                Despite her distress at Jacob Carter's departure, the actress acknowledges that the episode provided an excellent conclusion to the character's arc.

                                "It worked out beautifully," she admits. .'They handled it really well. I don't think they had to kill him off, but I think it worked. It worked in with a couple of different story lines, so it was really kind of cool."


