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Reckoning, Part 1 (816)

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    That's a good theory; but i think that if the gou'ld were slaves of the ancients, then why don't they use more of their technology and have the knowledge of them.

    UHHHH...i wanna see part two tomorrow.


      Originally posted by Quinn Mallory
      I agree she looked different. I like Tok'Ra Hostess's explanation for this being a hint to the viewer about the Oma being fake.

      Anyhow, it is tough for recurring characters to return once every year or two and for them to retain the same look despite the fact that Oma probably wouldn't change her look but nor should a replicator robot like Fifth gain weight.
      Yes, she looked more pasty white, plus she had like some gel in her hair. In all the other instances we have seen Oma, there has been white light shined down on her to give her the more astral look. there wasn't that look in this episode. but i didn't notice this until it was over, good job with the twist.


        I don't know if this has already been mentioned but did anybody else wonder about the casual reception that Jacob received? I mean he left saying that he didn't know when or if he'd be able to get back and yet there's no big reaction to him showing up. You'd think Sam at least would have been more suprised, and definately more happy.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          I have my own personal theory about the goauld, which has changed slightly now with atlantis

          I think the ancients stumbled across p3x888 and found a planet full of sentient creatures living in the water. they experimented on them, found out that, while they were pretty helpless outside a host, they were formidible within a host

          atlantis spoilers

          given what we found out in Underground i think, that one person had a protein that gave them an immunity to the wraith, i think the goauld were bred and sought after as a potential serum for the wraith. I think the protein they found there was the protein like sam has, a by product of blending.

          I think the ancients bred the goauld, planned to use them as a weapon against the wraith

          i think the ancients even started the naqahdah in the blood as a way to track their goauld slaves

          what they didn't realize was that the goauld had a genetic memory and, after centuries of enslavement, they were happy to rise up as the ancients were defeated by the wraith

          the ancients created teh goauld problem, then were too defeated to do anything about it. and the furlings, nox and asgard were all too arrogant and uncaring to bother with the goauld. they just stood by and let it happen, not caring as long as the goauld left them alone

          I haven't seen any indication that the Goa'uld exist in the Pegasus galaxy. In First Ones, we found their home planet and it was in our galaxy. And the Goa'uld, who still all their technology from others, don't appear to have any Ancient technology (except semi-ascended Anubis, but he knows because of his ascension).

          "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


            Originally posted by Congerking
            That's a good theory; but i think that if the gou'ld were slaves of the ancients, then why don't they use more of their technology and have the knowledge of them.

            UHHHH...i wanna see part two tomorrow.
            because the ancients either took it with them when they left or rigged it so that it didn't work for goauld, like the head grabber in fifth race, that didn't work for jaffa, only for someone with the ancient gene
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by DarkQuee1
              I haven't seen any indication that the Goa'uld exist in the Pegasus galaxy. In First Ones, we found their home planet and it was in our galaxy. And the Goa'uld, who still all their technology from others, don't appear to have any Ancient technology (except semi-ascended Anubis, but he knows because of his ascension).

              no, we haven't seen definitive proof

              underground spoilers

              however carson said that it was a protein in the blood of one person on that planet that was immune from the wraith

              sam has a protein in her blood from being a host

              yes, it's just a coincidence, however i think that the goauld were used by the ancients as a possible antidote/poison to the wraith

              time will tell
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I don't know if this has been talked about but when Teal'c's ship is attacked by a replicator ship we only see the four main characters leave the ship.

                But didn't Teal'c say something like `the Jaffa on the ship will overwhelm those loyal to` whoever it was. Kinda sly not to even show any of the Jaffa, especially if they all died trying to fight off the replicators.
                The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
                The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
                Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
                All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
                Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
                An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
                Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


                  Originally posted by Cronus
                  I don't know if this has been talked about but when Teal'c's ship is attacked by a replicator ship we only see the four main characters leave the ship.

                  But didn't Teal'c say something like `the Jaffa on the ship will overwhelm those loyal to` whoever it was. Kinda sly not to even show any of the Jaffa, especially if they all died trying to fight off the replicators.
                  He does make mention of the Jaffa. I guess they're just Red Shirts so it doesn't matter. However did they say that they dialed home from the planet they were above? Maybe some of the Jaafa on board ringed down with them and then they dialed to another planet to take them home and then Carter/Bratac and Teal'C dialed back to the SGC from there?

                  Anyways, I liked this episode a lot and if this episode is any indication then I think season 8 could possibly redeem itself with these last few episodes. Onto part 2!!
                  "You ended that sentence with a preposition!!" - Jack O'Niell

                  My DVD Collection


                    Originally posted by Cronus
                    I don't know if this has been talked about but when Teal'c's ship is attacked by a replicator ship we only see the four main characters leave the ship.
                    But didn't Teal'c say something like `the Jaffa on the ship will overwhelm those loyal to` whoever it was. Kinda sly not to even show any of the Jaffa, especially if they all died trying to fight off the replicators.
                    In "The Seprent's Lair" Bra'tac has his mighty wing (also known as A Pair of Jaffa). For some time Bra'tac, SG1 and the 2 Jaffa are together, but then Bra'tac sends his wing away and we never see them again. Nobody even thought about getting them off the ship stuffed with C4...


                      Okay, here's my problem with the episode so far. (27 minutes past the hour)

                      I find it to be really inconsistant if Rep Sam could dig the ancient knowledge out of Daniel's brain, and use it, without the ascendeds stopping it.

                      I don't see any difference between Daniel using his powers to stop Anubis from destroying Abydos, and the replicators using ancient knowledge gathered from Daniel to take over the galaxy. (And if that IS the case, Rep Sam would know that)


                        In the scene were Ba'al comes in, and there are 2 Kull warriors holding a man, and a black cloud passes from the really sick looking man to the one being held. That's Anubis (the cloud), isn't it?

                        Bloody h---.


                          This episode has to be the most dissapointing episode of Stargate ever.

                          I don't like what Stargate is turning into. It used to be about the people...the characters, how the situations are explored and exploited through the characters, and the tactics used to overcome obstacles, via the characters.

                          Now it's just like all other win when you come upon the next magical solution that trumps the enemy's latest magical solution.

                          Looking now more than ever that SG1 is passing the torch to Atlantis.

                          And if the replicators become the main enemy instead of the gu'ald, it'll be like that in season nine no matter how good or bad the new characters are. You don't beat the replicators by manipulating them or outsmarting them, you do it by finding the next piece of technology. Hopefully Reckoning, pt 2 will have a clever, character-oriented solution, and save the series. If not...Lost City should have been the finale.


                            i can't rember the last time i have really goten in to a ep. reckoning was great but i have a couple of Qusetons

                            one how did anubis get off the ice planet and how long has ball been srvering anubis

                            one more thing how come the ancients don't stop rep cater from geting there tech?


                              Okay, just saw Reckoning.

                              IT ROCKED!! This has to be the best ep i have seen in S8!! It felt more like StarGate this time around. We went offworld, we saw Replicarter (who I could smack across the galaxy) we saw Anubis (not that I care) We saw Jack and Sam and Danny boy and T, they actually acted like Jack, Sam Danny and T, the plot was pretty good (though I gotta say, I hate Jack's new attitude. I'm beginning to lose respect for him) and I'm actually looking forward to part 2. This could be great, a big new weapon, which they set up nicely, Ba'al want's Jack and Co. to get it first, Replicarter is after it, Oma might scoop Danny back in her wing (God, I hope Oma reduces RepliCranium to RepliBits, Guuuuuhhh!!) and we're learning some more about the Ancients. If all goes well, we might just see the Furlings soon, and we get some nice Smor footage. () PTB, pretty good. Try to keep this pace, huh? I actually wasn't typing while I absentmindedly watched TV, not giving a care about the plot.
                              KEEP IT UP, HOO AH!!
                              Next, another great episode of Monk! Friday is truley TGIF, Thank God It's Friday!!!!
                              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                                Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                                Okay, just saw Reckoning.

                                IT ROCKED!! This has to be the best ep i have seen in S8!! It felt more like StarGate this time around. We went offworld, we saw Replicarter (who I could smack across the galaxy) we saw Anubis (not that I care) We saw Jack and Sam and Danny boy and T, they actually acted like Jack, Sam Danny and T, the plot was pretty good (though I gotta say, I hate Jack's new attitude. I'm beginning to lose respect for him) and I'm actually looking forward to part 2. This could be great, a big new weapon, which they set up nicely, Ba'al want's Jack and Co. to get it first, Replicarter is after it, Oma might scoop Danny back in her wing (God, I hope Oma reduces RepliCranium to RepliBits, Guuuuuhhh!!) and we're learning some more about the Ancients. If all goes well, we might just see the Furlings soon, and we get some nice Smor footage. () PTB, pretty good. Try to keep this pace, huh? I actually wasn't typing while I absentmindedly watched TV, not giving a care about the plot.
                                KEEP IT UP, HOO AH!!
                                Next, another great episode of Monk! Friday is truley TGIF, Thank God It's Friday!!!!
                                i agree with every thing you just said it was kind of sacry how in just couple of days the Replicarter were all over the place and kicking the goua'lds but and once again Replicarter cater scared the carp out of me

