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It's Good To Be King (813)

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    Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum View Post
    I'm with TrekGirl on this one - much as I've enjoyed His Majesty's journey from Smug Colonel to Absolute Monarch, I think he's run his course. There really isn't anywhere left for him to go now, and it was nice to see him end his time on a high.

    Obviously, if someone could come up with a really good story for him, I wouldn't object; of course.

    Slice of guango, anybody?
    Yeah, he has probably run his course sadly. Though I still would say no to a return either, if it were a really good story. But this was a lovely cap-off for a wonderful character.

    *takes Guango* Thanks!


      I Was excited to hear Wayne Brady was going to be on SG-1. Thought he would play a funny & crazy character. I've never been more disapointed in a guest star. Poor use of what could have been a great guest star.


        Who did he play?


          Originally posted by Teal'c View Post
          I think the overwhelming coolness of this episode can be summed up in the following sentence:

          A Puddle Jumper blew up a friggin' Ha'tak!!!!
          (2 shots fired)
          Keep firing, sir.
          Nothing's happening.
          Weapons must be depleted. Hopefully you hit some vital systems.
          (Ha'tak blews up)

          Wow, so much for beeing a Sci-fi show.
          Who needs a ZPM with an Ancient OutPost, when you can have a small Puddlejumper wiping out Ha'taks like fly's!
          I agree with the Ha'tak part
          How on earth did 2 Puddle jumper missiles blow up the Ha'tak
          Could have been more of a space battle though
          Overall good episode
          Wanna see it again!!!
          Last edited by Teddybrown; 26 March 2008, 08:43 AM.


            All in all I think it was a great episode. Never cared much for Maybourne in the beginning, but ever since he helped Jack get evidence against Kinsey & reinstate Gen. Hammond I've seen that deep down he's a good guy. Maybourne's just more into fighting dirty when it comes to defeating scum. I'm glad he finally did well for himself.


              Great to see Jack off-world again. I miss that. Love seeing Maybourne again...that rascal.

              Puddle jumper = cool too.


                i still cant understand why they left the puddle jumper ? it fits in perfectly in startgate atlantis and all stargates are of the same size.


                  One of my absolutely favorite episodes, gotta love maybourne the scoundrel! he does it so charmingly!


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    One of my absolutely favorite episodes, gotta love maybourne the scoundrel! he does it so charmingly!

                    ditto on maybourne. i sure do miss the guy.


                      So, can someone clarify something. The ancient who went back in time to write the prophecy on the stones. How did he do it? I mean, did he go back in time, live his life there, then write the wall before dying?
                      I thought about this, but he can't have, as so many of those things were hundreds of years ago, and still in the future from when we saw.

                      So did he go the future, learn from the locals of the history, then went back a few hundred years and write it on the walls? More importantly, what happened to him after he had written the prophecy? His Puddle jumper is still there, I doubt he'd leave his time machine when leaving.

                      So my other thought was had he gone back in time only, then lived out his life before dying, but this brings me back to the items written in the future, as surely he couldn't live that long.


                        Time travel episodes make my head hurt. This must be why I don't like them. LOL!

                        In a season 5 episode of Atlantis, wasn't it revealed that it was the Ancient Jamus who was the one who time travelled in this SG-1 episode? I thought I heard or read that. I've only seen a select few of the Atlantis season 5 episodes.

                        Anyway, if that is the case, I really like how they tie in SG-1 and Atlantis storylines.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          i like how they tie atlantas with stargate sg1 but i also believe that they may have used the back in time to many times like the diffrent worlds it is great to see but gets boring if done to many times. anyway back to the subject of this episode this is an episode i kind of like. i love the history and dislike between jack and maybourne in any episode they are both in and again in this episode


                            I'm pretty sure that it was Janus's Puddle Jumper and time-machine. They did bring the Jumper back with them seeing as its mentioned and used again in season 8.
                            Janus had created a similar time-machine in the other time-line shown in ''Before I sleep'' in Stargate Atlantis.
                            Whatever the ancients can do we can, eventually, do better.


                              yes but the Atlantis puddle jumper in that episode was destroyed so he had to have made another on earth


                                I agree with that. He definately made a second time-machine and PJ.
                                Whatever the ancients can do we can, eventually, do better.

