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Gemini (811)

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    I agree Amanda's performance was great. Loved how she kicked all the guards butts.


      Saw this episode last week and it was easily the best episode of Season 8 so far. Had a great storyline, good to see the Alpha site being used more, Amanda was great in both roles and and we have two Carters again
      Last edited by Jedi Daniel; 02 January 2005, 04:59 AM.


        Originally posted by nathanaus
        I agree Amanda's performance was great. Loved how she kicked all the guards butts.
        Or when she gave that evil smile...
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          Originally posted by Lord You
          Actually, it was shown that Replicators usually win by brute force when they can't adapt to a new technology. The trick to defeating the Reps is to destroy any initial incursion before they gain a foothold. That's when they're weakest, and apparently they can't instantaneously communicate with the others of their kind (otherwise the Replicators would have overrun the Milky Way shortly after the first episode featuring them).

          The ancient weapon is the most effective weapon against the replicators, but there are still other defenses. Kinetic weapons still sometimes work. The good old "blow the star up" plan would probably still work, as would sucking them into a black hole (if they don't have a time-dilation device lying around) or blowing them up in hyperspace. Or allowing an energy-creature to drain their power. Or heat from uncontrolled decent into an atmosphere. Or chemical attacks on their component alloys (like rusting ferrite). Or possibly energy damping fields that can stop Wraith ships. Or...

          Note: I'm not saying it wasn't a goof to allow Replicarter access to the Ancient weapon... just not a completely obvious goof.
          In season 8, the debris from the destroyed replicator ship was still capable of replicating and forming a replicator army. There is no way for any of the present races so far to account for all the landing vectors. There is no way to stop the replicator foothold if they arrive by ship because even the most powerful non-ascended race (excluding the Nox) was not capable of targeting all the vectors to destroy individual replicator blocks. Your argument is moot.


            I'm going to agree with a lot of people in this thread about the silliness of this episode in regards to letting Replicarter have access to the computers and their only weapon against the replicators. The acting and everything else I thought was good but I was waiting for Teal'c and/or Carter to go "we knew it was a trap and thats why we set this trap for you too". But then they didn't. I was really disappointed because, come on, they are not that dumb to let an enemy have access to their best weapon. I've liked this season so far, even though I know a lot of people haven't but I thought this episode was poor in terms of storyline (well, the conclusion of the storyline really).


              Also, it seemed like they killed off Fifth in this episode because the actor was getting chubbier.. Just wouldn't fit with Replicators if the human actor was gaining a few pounds.


                Originally posted by Loopy
                I'm going to agree with a lot of people in this thread about the silliness of this episode in regards to letting Replicarter have access to the computers and their only weapon against the replicators. The acting and everything else I thought was good but I was waiting for Teal'c and/or Carter to go "we knew it was a trap and thats why we set this trap for you too". But then they didn't. I was really disappointed because, come on, they are not that dumb to let an enemy have access to their best weapon. I've liked this season so far, even though I know a lot of people haven't but I thought this episode was poor in terms of storyline (well, the conclusion of the storyline really).
                I liked this episode. I think it's good to have an episode once in awhile that shows the main characters making not so great decisions to remind us that they are supposed to be just regular human. Carter trusted her replicated self a bit too much but it was only natural. I'm looking forward to another replicator Carter episode (or episodes arc) in season 9.
                I just love shows about wormholes!


                  the reps will most likely be
                  defeaten in S8, either in Reckoning or Threads, RCC said this in an earlier interview


                    So.... I'm not reading the pages of earlier information, if I repeat, I'm sorry. And in the tradition of the Ugly Pig....

                    Fischer's Pointless Rambling about Gemini

                    Long inhale.

                    In general feeling this episode was kind of creepy, which is I suppose the way it was intented, but i quickly found it painful to watch. Like so many things in the eighth season, it seems that Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter is more teenage or twenty something girl, and not the forty year old professional soldier that we are supposed to believe her character to be.

                    Not helped by the tank tops and boobs look they've been useing lately. It makes her look unprofessional and brings me out of the universe. Yes, it's something that a soldier might wear if it was very hot, or she was doing dirty work, but not on a CONUS base. It's silly. Please stop.

                    In similar vains, I was disturbed by this buisness of Carter being too involved in the situation to have done what was important to the situation that was a threat to the galaxy. Good acting on Amanda Tappings part, a shame it was to the detrement of her own character. I hope the writers get out of this funk.

                    Not a horrible story, simply one that I wish had not been written the way it was for one particular character. Unfortunately, it was the central character in the story. I found myself routing more for Replicarter than for Sam herself, because the emotionless badguy was more interesting to watch. I suppose they are trying to make a more sustainable badguy where Fifth, though well acted, did not work more than a few episodes.

                    One of the few things I didn't mind in this episode was the use of Jack, which seemed fairly well done given that his scenes were so obviously filmed seperately from the others. I did feel that Jack and Teal'c both did not respect Carter as a soldier or a commander and... well, we come back to the issues about this episode that bothered me.

                    * Odds and ends... one of the minor speaking parts had one monster of a Canadian accent. But oh well, I was already well into hating the episode by that point, if I'm noticing the accents on the airmen, it's a bad sign.


                      *looks around* Okay, no need to start a dumb thread. Here's the forum. *slaps forehead* could've found it earliar.

                      Anyway, liked Gemini. I was kind of surprised that RepliCarter was more like the first Human Replicators instead of like Reese. I liked Reese, she felt more human that Replicator Carter.

                      And it seemed a tad out of character too for Sam to be so friendly and protective of this replicator. She seemed to be seduced by her reflection in the face of the Replicator. Then she seemed surprised when RepliCarter betrayed her.

                      I was like - "well, serves you right, sam!" when Replicarter stepped through the gate. And that arm scene was soooo cool. Then what does Sam go and do? She goes and disects the arm particals. How typical. I kinda wished T had just blasted her, but then we wouldn't have this much cooler baddie floating around the universe.

                      Seriously though, I thought Replicator Carter would be more human. I liked Reese beacause although she was wacky and kind of childish, she was so dangerous and kind of maniacal. You underestimate her when you first see her. I was so with Daniel when he said, "You son of a b***h", to Jack.

                      So, in effect, that's what the replicators are. They were toys, really, and they became these monstrous machines out there for one objective - to multiply and multiply. Even good 'ol Fifth had more feeling and emotion than Replicarter. He too was surprised when she black mailed him. HIM! But, what I hope is that neither Fifth nor Reese are truly gone. They'll probably come back and defeat Uber-RepliCarter together or something like that. That'd be cool.

                      I hope RepliCarter decorates her ship a little better - like, less shades of grey?
                      TEAM SG1 LIVES


                        Before I start, I have to tell you that I'm relatively new to Stargate, and I'm watching it more religiously now because I'm excited about Ben Browder for Season 9.

                        That said, was it me, or was Gemini an incredibly boring episode? Almost nothing seemed to happen, other than a lot of standing around and talking. Tealc virtually had nothing to do. Jack was gone for the most part. Daniel was missing. This thing moved at a snail's pace. There was no urgency at all until the very end. There needed to be more twists or action or something because at times I felt like I was watching office workers talking shop, which is quite boring.

                        And I have to ask about Sam. Does she ever show emotions? She seemed to take everything in stride, which just seemed really strange to me. It's like watching Mr. Spock or Data.

                        I'm not trying to start anything other than to express my opinion, but I did not like this episode at all. In fact, it's down there with the worst episodes I've seen on TV ever in any show.


                          IMO, I thought it was an okay episode.


                            I thought this episode was a little boring -- until the twist at the end.

                            I predicted that Replicarter was actually two timing Fifth to get him killed, but I thought it was the classic cliche: "She was so much like Carter she was actually a good guy" and she'd somehow end up dead. I was pleased to see -- which redeemed the entire episode -- that Carter was actually working from her own agenda.

                            Although, the whole replicator arc seems a little straightforward. The replicators are so much more powerful than the good guys that every time they want to win they have to just invent some new technology that will do it. Either that or they have to resort to that 'made it too human to be evil' cliche that I thought they were doing originally.


                              I seriously enjoyed this episode and was not disappointed for my wait. The effects seemed so subtle, and I was satisfied with the action as well as some ship that was subtly shown between Sam and Jack was definitely more then I had expected. It was also interesting how they were able to make you think two things at once but then come up with an option number three for the conclusion. Who else fears the wrath of Replicarter?
                              Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                              Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                                Originally posted by Jedi Daniel
                                Saw this episode last week and it was easily the best episode of Season 8 so far. Had a great storyline, good to see the Alpha site being used more, Amanda was great in both roles and and we have two Carters again
                                Best ep of season 8? Not by a long was ok. I would give it a 6.5/10

                                What was that bum excuse they had in the begining to have Daniel not be in the ep? Someone want to remind me? Thanks.
                                When I wake up..I think of you Steve.
                                I miss you.
                                Please...please come back one day.

                                (Steve the Wraith from Season 1)

