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    Originally posted by sacme
    I'm a total shipper, but hearing that line the second time around, I hear Jack saying that if he had a family, he wouldn't be at the SGC risking his life everyday. Not shippy, just a tragic lost moment between the two, IMO.
    Dang ambiguous remarks!

    If that is what he meant, then it's still shippyish, because he's saying that family would come first, and he'd be gone to take care of them *Sam and child(ren).




      Originally posted by nugglebugget
      I thought the episode was ok.Teal'c's place was cool;I hope he can transform his quarters at the SGC into something more "homey" with the stuff he acquired as a result of "HGTV" .

      Girl-next-door,3 thugs at the beginning,abusive boy friend,were all a bit cliche IMO,but Teal'c moments with them were fine.
      "Throwing the fruit to nail the purse snatcher" bit;It's been seen before but it was still funny.I'd like to know how many takes it took.Granted I'm assuming some one a lot closer lobbed it at the thief but they were out of range enough for the camera shot that it would've taken some skill [mind you,this POV comes from someone who couldn't hit the broadside of a barn even with my nose against it ].
      I took the scene with Carter & O'Neill this way["I wouldn't be here"]

      If Charlie hadn't died & subsequent marital strain,he wouldn't had been in the frame of mind that made him a perfect candidate for what was considered a "suicde mission".He would probably have never known about the "Stargate" in the first place
      Speaking of which,it'd be nice to see it in action again.

      Poor old stargate & blast doors are gonna rust from no use.

      * Gen. O'Neill to Chevron Guy upon investigating the sudden activation of gate blast doors : Sgt,what's going on ?!I didn't authorize any....

      Chevron guy:[rolls eyes in annoyance] sorry sir,just wanted to see if they still worked...

      O'Neill:[miffed at underling acting without authorization]Look,if you'd rather go back to just saying "cheron locked,yadda-yadda instead of actual dialouge....
      CG: Sorry sir,no really I like sceening your calls ,getting your tea,listening to your fishing stories....I won't act without permission again!
      The Gen. turns & leaves.CG mutters @!$@@$# under his breath.He smiles softly at the gate & strokes the control panel affectionatly,blowing it a kiss.
      "Daddy didn't mean it,I'm right here...Gen. O'Neill can pick up his own d@#& dry-cleaning..."
      LMAO!! You have just made my day! I can SO see CG doing this!!

      I've held back off posting for a few days, cos I wasn't sure how the ep was going to sit with me. Having read through the whole thread, and read everyone's thoughts I have to say I think a lot of people have very good points.
      Overall impressions..... I actually enjoyed this ep a lot more than I expected. That said, I did find a lot of it to be very cliche - the old lady with the cat!! LOL. Just because I plan to become one of these in 50 years doesn't mean I want to see it in Stargate I didn't find Pete particularly objectionable in practise - despite the fact I'm not a big fan of the character - in fact I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for him .
      I had two immediate reactions over the "stalker" line, firstly I thought "wow! the writers are paying attention, cool!", followed by "hey! are they poking fun at the fans?? ". I was suprised when he pulled out the ring so early in the ep, I don't know why, I just wasn't expecting it so early.

      I didn't mind Sam's little rant, a bit suprised mind you I love action Sam, but why wouldn't she have these thoughts at some stage? In the context of what we've seen of her character in the past 7 seasons it might be a bit uncharacteristic, but if she were real she's bound to have considered her career and family at some point. I liked that Sam and Jack had something remotely resembling an adult conversation about their relationship - despite the fact the whole thing was vague to the point of silliness, and the writers deserve a medal for ambiguity for jack's line about "not being here"!

      So, overall, not their best effort, but mildy entertaining.


        Okay, I watched this episode about four or five times this weekend (sick on the couch, I was). I don't remember seeing PDL in it...was he there in the background as the pre-release photos suggested?
        Urgo: I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie!
        O'Neill: Who doesn't?
        - Urgo, Stargate: SG-1, Episode 3.16

        "Let's be real here. It should be fun. We're not saving lives, we're entertaining them."
        - RDA, Stargate SG-1: The Lowdown

        some assembly required, batteries not included, action figures sold seperately
        once done, cannot be undone...
        brought to you by Anthro Girl, Grand Pooh-Bah of the SFA


          Originally posted by brihana25
          See... I actually really like this scene, and this is why.

          This is, to me, "ship done right."

          I walk away from that scene thinking someone gave the music guy a miscue on the shippy theme - because the only love I saw in Jack's eyes was for Sara.

          Others are walking away from it thinking that it was all about Jack and Sam, and which one would leave the SGC if they got involved.

          A little ambiguity goes a long way, I say. If I had one wish for the show, and the J/S ship, it would be only that TPTB had learned this little lesson a year ago. Had the scenes in The Lost City been this ambiguous, I would have liked that episode a whole lot more than I do.
          Ambiguity only goes so far, or only serves its purpose so far. Imagine if most of the scenes on this show were ambiguous... we'd never know what anyone was really meaning or getting at. I felt the S/J scene was too ambiguous... I can't tell you how many different interpretations I've read on this. I think regarding this scene, it was just too much.




            Originally posted by Teal'c
            He only agreed to go on the Abydos mission because Charlie killed himself, if Charlie was alive he wouldn't have joined the program or SG-1, and everyone would probably be dead.

            I agree that Jack would not have been on the Abydos mission--but that does not mean that he would not be part of the program, the SGC or SG-1. There are *lot* of people currently at the SGC who were not there for the Abydos mission. Jack is a perfect person for the SGC with his background, skills, talents, abilities and experience. Odds are, he *would* have been one of the people asked to join.

            "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


              Originally posted by majorsal
              Ambiguity only goes so far, or only serves its purpose so far. Imagine if most of the scenes on this show were ambiguous... we'd never know what anyone was really meaning or getting at. I felt the S/J scene was too ambiguous...
              That would be... the point.

              There are many out here in TV land that feel like the ship is much too unambiguous. There is an outlet for those who would like it to be less so. Fan fic.
              Last edited by Major Fischer; 23 August 2004, 05:27 PM. Reason: Me Stupid


                Originally posted by majorsal
                Ambiguity only goes so far, or only serves its purpose so far. Imagine if most of the scenes on this show were ambiguous... we'd never know what anyone was really meaning or getting at. I felt the S/J scene was too ambiguous... I can't tell you how many different interpretations I've read on this. I think regarding this scene, it was just too much.
                I believe it was ambiguous on purpose. Of course there are a bunch of different ways one could "read" that scene, depending on what it is people want to see in that scene. That's some great screenwriting there, PDL.
                Urgo: I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie!
                O'Neill: Who doesn't?
                - Urgo, Stargate: SG-1, Episode 3.16

                "Let's be real here. It should be fun. We're not saving lives, we're entertaining them."
                - RDA, Stargate SG-1: The Lowdown

                some assembly required, batteries not included, action figures sold seperately
                once done, cannot be undone...
                brought to you by Anthro Girl, Grand Pooh-Bah of the SFA


                  In regard to posts about Jack still being in love with Sara: if Jack were still madly in love with Sara, he would have been really happy for Sam and that she had found someone in her life. The man in that scene was *not* happy.

                  Jack has spent the last seven years never mentioning or having anything to do with Sara (gee, do we think that Sara has been sitting around waiting all this time?). The picture we saw at his house was of his *family*--and those were happy years for him. Why wouldn't he keep a reminder? Notice, though, that from FB to TLC, the picture went from a personal room--his bedroom--to an impersonal one--the living room.

                  And in his locker, Jack has *only* pictures of Charlie.

                  Jack is the kind of person who does not take back what he has given: he will always love Sara. But he is no longer *in* love with her.

                  (Besides, we know what's *really* behind the argument that Jack doesn't want Sam, he want Sara. Many of the fans pushing this really know that Sara is history, so it's safe to claim that they--and Jack--love her; she is never coming back to the show or into Jack's life. Leaving Jack free to enter into the relationship they *really* prefer. Sam, OTOH, remains a threat to that.)

                  "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                    On the whole I didn´t like this episode, it´s only saving grace is that it sets up something that might be good.

                    We are massively overdue for a genuine off world mission where the team works together and the focus isn´t on any one character.

                    And the whole relationship thing? I couldn´t care less, have her marry the guy and lead a more normal healty live, it´s not like she goes off world any more


                      Can someone just like a person or pairing without it being a conspiracy against Jack/Sam ship?

                      I'm just asking 'cause I get a little tired of being told why I like something.

                      Thanks, much.

                      Anyway, a couple of random thoughts,

                      --I don't think think that Sam comes across as desparate at all. If she was desparate, she wouldn't have waited two weeks to give an answer.

                      Also, her problem with men was not about being desparate for one--she has pretty much had the pick of the all the eligable men in the galaxy. Her problem was that she was using feelings for Jack to not move forward because she was afraid to be hurt.

                      Moving forward with Pete isn't a step backward whether or not the writers let them get together in the end.

                      --Also, I think that Daniel had no choice but to give the info to the bad guys. The look on his face suggested that he thought of bluffing before they told him that they would know if he did lie.

                      Meanwhile, they could have shot Krista to make their point and then snatched up any man, woman or child of the street to continue to threaten him.

                      He is not the only one who has chosen to save an individual life--they all pretty much agreed to let Nurrti go to save Cassie.

                      We don't really know for sure what happened between his receiving the message and going to the stakeout. But these folks were able to reach him in a top secret facility and he would have every reason to think they would know if he told anyone. At that point, he was just going to get more information.

                      And besides, these people are ruthless--they shot an innocent cup of coffee right in front of him.


                      Proud Sam/Pete shipper

                      When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

                      Abraham Joshua Heschel


                        Originally posted by Jace021903
                        Can someone just like a person or pairing without it being a conspiracy against Jack/Sam ship?

                        Originally posted by Jace021903
                        And besides, these people are ruthless--they shot an innocent cup of coffee right in front of him.
                        I know! I know! All this angst over Teal'c's adjusting, Sam and Pete getting engaged, Jack being ambiguous...and no one gives a whit about the poor cup of coffee! How would you like it if your coffee got shot? That's an act of war where I come from!
                        Urgo: I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie!
                        O'Neill: Who doesn't?
                        - Urgo, Stargate: SG-1, Episode 3.16

                        "Let's be real here. It should be fun. We're not saving lives, we're entertaining them."
                        - RDA, Stargate SG-1: The Lowdown

                        some assembly required, batteries not included, action figures sold seperately
                        once done, cannot be undone...
                        brought to you by Anthro Girl, Grand Pooh-Bah of the SFA


                          Originally posted by Anthro Girl
                          Okay, I watched this episode about four or five times this weekend (sick on the couch, I was). I don't remember seeing PDL in it...was he there in the background as the pre-release photos suggested?
                          He was in the park scene. He is the guy who walked up to the hot dog stand carrying the kid right as Sam and Pete started walking away. I missed it the first time myself.

                          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                            Originally posted by kiwigater
                            I had two immediate reactions over the "stalker" line, firstly I thought "wow! the writers are paying attention, cool!", followed by "hey! are they poking fun at the fans?? ".
                            Of COURSE they are!

                            But fans are big enough to take it, right?


                              Originally posted by gwangung
                              But fans are big enough to take it, right?
                              Perhaps. Or perhaps TPTB were trying to tease the fans a little, but to me it fell flat. And I wasn't even one of the people who felt that strongly that he was a stalker to start with. It's just not a subject that's all that funny.

                              Maybe it's a woman thing. But I have been stalked. Nothing about that kind of behavior is funny.

                              But, that said, I don't think the vast majority of their viewers will know or understand that line refers to fan backlash. The number of people who follow the goings on outside what they see on SciFi on Friday nights is quite small, and the number of us who read and comment on the message boards is even smaller. *shrug*

                              So I guess my answer is that perhaps we are big enough to take it. Perhaps we're not. But my question is why should we be expected to take it.


                                Originally posted by Anthro Girl
                                ...and no one gives a whit about the poor cup of coffee! How would you like it if your coffee got shot? That's an act of war where I come from!
                                Only if it had sugar in it where I'm from. :-D

