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Lockdown (803)

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  • Jae'a
    My LiveJournal post

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  • Matt G
    Another ep of SG1...

    1. To be fair to Jack...Vassilov was a full-bird Colonel so he would have effectivly been leading SG1. Did Jack want 'anyone' just walking in and leading his old team just after he promoted Sam? SG1 needed a junior officer not a senior one.

    2. Anubis vs Vassilov reminded me of that scene in The Enemy Within.

    3. Forgot half the peeps that Anubis posessed.

    Decent ep.

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  • mathpiglet
    This is my third time through the entire series, and I remembered nothing about this episode.

    Is it episode or is it early onset Altzheimers?

    One thing that struck me - Dr. Brightman seemed very by the book, and yet she called Daniel by his first name. Seemed odd to me.

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  • Lieutenant Sparrow
    Not the greatest ep.

    Having Anubis taking control of SG-1 members was kinda interesting. Seemed like there was no way of stopping him. Should have called the Ghostbusters.

    I feel sorry for the Russian guy. Frozen on that planet.

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  • Krisz
    Good to see more of Jack who is now 'the man'! Always liked seeing his command style, watching him adjusting to commanding a whole base and coming to terms with the different challenges that poses.

    The scene with Daniel waking up in the infirmary and totally bewildered by discovering he'd been shot. The way no one owned up, and Sam silently indicating to Jack with her eyes was hilarious.

    Loved evil 'possessed' Jack, he played that really well, he looked so different!

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  • NowIWillDestroyAbydos
    Thought it was a boring episode.

    Liked Daniel's reaction after waking up from being shot.

    Dr. Brightman will return during SGU Season 1

    Tomorrow, Jack's having a crazy day.

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  • Dave2
    Where was Camilus the goa'uld asylum seeker all this time??
    And how did Anubis eventually escape the frozen body of Vasilov on the snow planet??

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  • chaapa-ai
    Eh, a so-so episode. We got the idea that Anubis is (sort of) still around but otherwise not very much of story there. Best part was the exchange with Daniel on who shot him

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  • Ulkesh47
    Originally posted by maneth View Post
    Poor Daniel, he never has it easy... A bit slow and I definitely don't like the new doc, she's such a robot.
    I completely agree; she disappears after this episode but is back for a few SGU episodes, when surprise! She actually becomes a passable character...

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  • maneth
    Poor Daniel, he never has it easy... A bit slow and I definitely don't like the new doc, she's such a robot.

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  • mrscopterdoc
    Okay this one was a little slow at times but it was so funny Daniel getting shot 3 times.


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  • Automission
    Am I the only one to spot an easy way for anubis to escape/ The lockdown was planned so he couldn't possess someone and escape, but Anubis could of taken control in the new control room, dialed the gate, left the body, floated to the gate room and then taken control of someone there to escape with.

    Simple right?

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  • vzzzzzbx
    Very good episode, I always liked the ending in particular "Chilly" and then a dramatic shot of the guy frozen and half buried in snow.

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  • Dinoman
    Originally posted by Hornet View Post
    I really dislike that new Dr whoever she is. She's like a robot
    Agree. She's like reading her own lines to get the job done. Funny to see Daniel's look when he realized it was Jack who shot him, something like 'you really did take every chance available to shoot me!'

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  • Hornet
    Just saw this ep on DVD yesterday, not bad at all. This Anubis guy just wouldn't die. But sad for him he no longer have his goaulds and ships, he had to run around for his life, lol.

    I really dislike that new Dr whoever she is. She's like a robot

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