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Grace (713)

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    Every time I watch this episode, I'm continually totally confused by the Grace character. Yes, I understand that it's basically the representation of the nebula, but why does Sam imagine it as a young girl?

    And my biggest beef with this one (even though I love the episode), is why are Teal'c, Daniel, Jack & Jacob the only ones that Sam hallucinates? Why is there no Janet mentioned? or Cassandra? They are very important in Sam's life as well. Why just the three plus her dad? I would think that Janet would be the one whom Sam would conjur up to remind herself to stay awake and not sleep because of her concussion - instead of Teal'c. This subject is also brought up in one of the books I've read - I believe it was Jo Storm's "approaching the possible" (great book, BTW)

    The best part of this episode is the visual of Sam blowing bubbles with Grace.


      Originally posted by gateship15 View Post
      i like this episode.


        Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
        Every time I watch this episode, I'm continually totally confused by the Grace character. Yes, I understand that it's basically the representation of the nebula, but why does Sam imagine it as a young girl?

        And my biggest beef with this one (even though I love the episode), is why are Teal'c, Daniel, Jack & Jacob the only ones that Sam hallucinates? Why is there no Janet mentioned? or Cassandra? They are very important in Sam's life as well. Why just the three plus her dad? I would think that Janet would be the one whom Sam would conjur up to remind herself to stay awake and not sleep because of her concussion - instead of Teal'c. This subject is also brought up in one of the books I've read - I believe it was Jo Storm's "approaching the possible" (great book, BTW)

        The best part of this episode is the visual of Sam blowing bubbles with Grace.
        You know that there are dozens of possible interpretations of Sam hallucinations, don't you? I've seen whole essays written on the subject

        Personally, I see all hallucinations as representations of various parts of Sam. Daniel is scientist!Sam, Teal'c is warrior!Sam, Jacob - daughter!Sam, Jack - woman!Sam and Grace represents Sam's inner child. I agree that it would be nice to see Janet and Cassie and explore their friendship, but then the ep would have to be a 2-parter.

        As for Joe Storm's book - it's enjoyable, but I wouldn't take it too seriously. It's very subjective; basically she just published what we are talking about on the forum and her opinion doesn't carry more weight than our opinions.
        There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
        awesome sig by Josiane


          Originally posted by Petra View Post
          Personally, I see all hallucinations as representations of various parts of Sam. Daniel is scientist!Sam, Teal'c is warrior!Sam, Jacob - daughter!Sam, Jack - woman!Sam and Grace represents Sam's inner child.
          That pretty much sums my interpretation up as well. I see Grace also as the inner child of her; the core of herself so to speak.


            Just rewatched the episode last night. (Indeed, my banner is a few seasons outdated...)

            I agree that they were all representations of various aspects of Sam. Heck, I thought it was kind of obvious. Then again, I probably read that here on GateWorld sometime in the past few years and don't remember it.

            Good episode. It harbors one of the few moments in the entire series in which I genuinely feel something for the SamJack gig. I'm not much for ships; I'm not even much for romance. But things were portrayed admirably here.
            If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


              Just finished re-watching this one on SyFy. I wish they would have re-visited the story of the alien craft that was stuck in the nebula with the Prometheus. It would have been nice to see who exactly was on that ship.


                I love this episode for Sam.


                  This was a great Sam ep. A bit too Trek for me in places, even though I love Trek. But Prometheus is a gorgeous ship.


                    I agree on both accounts - a good Sam ep (the pieces of Sam disassembled), and bit too Trek like with the Nebula and mysterious alien ship.


                      This is one of the best episodes for me. The first time I watch this episode I thought that the Prometheus was a beautiful ship. And every time I watch this episode I still think that the Prometheus is a beautiful ship.
                      But it's clear, at least by one measure, Stargate Universe is going out with a social supersonic boom.


                        1st of I would like to apologise if this was already discussed somewhere.
                        I was re-watching various episodes from SG-1, and I got a bit confused about this episode, that is continuity.
                        When this episode starts, we get 'Previously on SG-1 thing' showing how Prometheus broke down and how they have to land to certain planet to repair it. As far as I remember and stargate wiki agrees with me that this happened on the 6th season(one year ago):
                        <...>The Prometheus had to land on the planet Tagrea. After some conflicts with the Tagreans they were allowed to stay and await parts and repair equipment brought through the Stargate in order to get back home. (SG1: "Memento")
                        She did not make it home, however, until the following year, using a hyperdrive taken from a captured Al'kesh bomber. <...> (SG1: "Grace")
                        While 12th episode of season 7 shows Sam being on earth and kicking some Anubis super warriors ass.
                        So why such a jump in continuity? Or am I missing something here?


                          Ithink the ''grace'' aliens were somewhat like the Dedaleus variations aliens........and they either crossed into our reality or we jumped into theirs.


                            So why such a jump in continuity? Or am I missing something here?
                            That confused me as well. Was it supposed to be a direct continuity from that episode or is it that Prometheus is now flying around with a much smaller engine all the time as the core hasn't been rebuilt yet?

                            And yes, quite trekish episode. Still ok though, it's Sam after all. I keep wondering though what happened to the crew. Were they just magicaly beamed onboard the other ship into cells, were the aliens mean to them, did they board the Prometheus and so on. Many questions ...
                            I hope you like Guinness, sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for... food.
                            -Col. Jack O'Neill. Lost City part 1.


                              Not an ep I enjoy. The opening scene was good. But from then on I had trouble maintaining my attention.


                                Tuesday night another ep of SG1...

                                1. First question, who the hell was Grace? Still not 100% sure.

                                2. Teal'c's first appearance was really wierd, made me wonder if he was even meant to be a benign hallucination.

                                4. The way it went shippy was...less than ideal.

                                Very wierd ep.
                                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!

