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Window of Opportunity (406)

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    Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
    Another scene I think was a bit strange was when Daniel first gets knocked over carrying his books. Jack says "Should've seen that coming"!
    Why would he? It's not happened before!
    Jack was joking to himself. It was meant to be a funny line.
    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


      lol it was a funny line and i think it was a line that fit really well into the fact they keep living this day over and over it also fits with the earlier question someone asked earlier in the episode " so whats going to happen" and jack replays that because they didn't go thro the gate it has changed


        I think that this episode is really good, it was very amusing!


          i agree i have watched it 5 more times since i last post and no matter how much i watch it it is still a funny and great episode


            This is one of my favourite episodes too.

            It is so funny and the look of Hammond when Jack kissed Sam. Great!!!!

            And the report reading thing. Awsome!
            So what would you think about Alar?
            I'm not sure he is concealing something.
            What do you think it is?
            I do not know. He's concealing it!


              This is my number 1 favourite SG-1 episode - it's full of fantastic, funny moments.

              "Anyway, that just happens to be how I feel about it - what do you think?"

              I just wish I knew what Daniel was talking about in the first place!

              (I hope I got that quote right, it's been a while since I've seen the episode)
              Newly liberated multi-thunker
              Julia xx


                Season 4 is my favourite and WOO is the best episode in the season! Too many great moments to remember.

                Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
                One of my favourite quotes of the episode....

                Daniel: "Maybe he read your report!"

                Love it!
                LOL! Love his facial expression too. Anyone notice Daniel's eyebrows?
                Sign by me


                  yes i did i love this episode for me the jokes never get old and it always cheers me up when i am down


                    Originally posted by gateship15 View Post
                    yes i did i love this episode for me the jokes never get old and it always cheers me up when i am down

                    I absolutely agree. It always cheers me up, as well.
                    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                      i am glad i am not the only one it does that for. i love the seen were jack was putting a smily face on a pancake


                        LOVE THIS EPISODE!!!!
                        so funny!
                        some of the things i loved:
                        -"maybe he READ your REPORT?!
                        -the look on Teal'c's face everytime they take his temperature
                        -the look one daniels face everytime Jack corrects him about traslations
                        - when Daniels flips the picture Jack is holding (i DIE laughing everytime!)
                        - GOLFING WITH THE STARGATE????! HELLLS YA!!!!
                        -"IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BACKSWING???!!!!"
                        - WACKO!!!!!
                        -the kiss!

                        I could go on and on! (actually i kinda did!)

                        but a seriously amazing episode!


                        Stargate SG-1

                        The best thing to ever happen to TV...and LIFE!

                        Follow me on Twitter!


                          Definitely my favourite episode ... any time I'm feeling a bit down I just watch this one and I'm smiling again Although I think the last time I watched it I spent the whole day going round saying "Bad example" and that night at work I got busy with a red and yellow pen drawing a WACKO!!! face lol


                            this is absolutely one of my favorite episodes!


                              Lol, I watched this episode on my iPod last night and it made me laugh out loud in several places (I was smiling throughout the whole episode anyway) - usually in SG-1 episodes there are a few funny moments anyway (usually because of O' Neill) but this one is a real laugh from start to finish

                              (Apart from when the guy that's trying to make the machine work is mourning his wife of course).

                              I love it!
                              Newly liberated multi-thunker
                              Julia xx


                                Hello to my fellow probies.

                                This is my all time fav episode of SG-1. All the laughs, isn't Teal'c juggling the best?

                                Of course Daniel is thoughtful enough to suggest doing whatever they want. Wonder what Daniel would have done?

                                There was a sad moment at the end but I felt that I got to know Jack and Teal'c a lot better as I got to see what they'd do with time to spare.

                                I can watch this episode over and over again.

                                Remember Teal'c and the door, lol.
                                "The last time I came face to face with myself, I ended up kicking my own ass."

