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Window of Opportunity (406)

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    Yeah, I've noticed every so often Jack gets an "episode line" as I call it. It's one phrase that he keeps saying every so often throughout the ep. In this ep it was "Bad example." Another example of this is in "Serpent's Lair" Where he continues to keep on saying "Bad Day."

    Just a little thing I've noticed.
    Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

    Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


      Originally posted by GateWorld
      <IMG SRC="/images/clear.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=10 ALT="">
      O'Neill and Teal'c are caught in a time loop in the S.G.C., and must relive the same 10 hours over and over again.

      <B><A HREF="">Visit the Episode Guide >></A></B></FONT></DIV></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>
      This is easily the best episode in sg-1. it had a wonderful plot to it and most of all the humor. Just watching jack and teal'k hit golfballs into the stargate cracked me up. i play golf myself and i must say teal'k has a wonderful swing


        haha hilarious daniel is the best character


          Loved this episode. So funny, great stuff.

          Did anyone else notice the machine was nearly identical to the machine that was the big weapon in the end of Season 8. The one that Jacob/Selmak was adjusting the heights of the various stones.


            Best episode ever. The possiblities Jack and Teal'c had, i wish i did. One of the best lines in the series it has, aswell. Hammond - "Colonel O'neill, what the hell are you doing?!" O'neill - "In the middle of my backswing!". Excellent, and Malachiisn't a Tollan, because why would he use goa'uld sheild technology, and his weapon doesn't look Tollan either.

            O'neill:- Ok, lets go to plan B.
            Carter:- Why plan B?
            O'neill:- Since when has plan A ever worked!

            Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


              Originally posted by QuiGonJohn
              Loved this episode. So funny, great stuff.

              Did anyone else notice the machine was nearly identical to the machine that was the big weapon in the end of Season 8. The one that Jacob/Selmak was adjusting the heights of the various stones.
              Yes, I noticed that while watching "Reckoning" the first time. I think that's where they got the idea for detinating the weapon throughout the entire galaxy- because the time device worked on several planets simultaneously.

              This has to be my favorite episode. It is one of the most quotable ones, too.

              What do you think was Daniel's question at the beginning of every loop?
              Elando na coinya!


                Originally posted by SmartEagle
                Yes, I noticed that while watching "Reckoning" the first time. I think that's where they got the idea for detinating the weapon throughout the entire galaxy- because the time device worked on several planets simultaneously.
                Perhaps they're both from the same period of Ancient development. They could be standard Ancient interfaces for the technology of the time. I suppose the time device needed to accumulate the additional power by building it up in the various gates it activated - given that they're capable of storing massive amounts of energy.
                The weapon, on the other hand, used the gates to spread the energy wave across the Galaxy either as near or as far as the operator saw fit.

                It's quite possible that, based on the available evidence we have, the device is a non-standard interface which is linked with the gate network for uses other than simple gate travel. Chances are they are quite early in date - and were used at a time when the Ancients were a bit more 'into' tampering with things they shouldn't.

                Originally posted by SmartEagle
                This has to be my favorite episode. It is one of the most quotable ones, too.
                Same here. It's got the right balance of comedy and pathos - which works brilliantly.

                Originally posted by SmartEagle
                What do you think was Daniel's question at the beginning of every loop?
                I'm hoping it was really, really innocuous - like the proposed transfer of the SGC Toilet Paper Supply contract from Andrex to Izal.


                  Classic stargate, Classic Jack - great episode - so many fantastic lines
                  I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                    They should make another ep like this! With the same writters, directors, producers, etc.


                      Originally posted by thorshammer
                      They should make another ep like this! With the same writters, directors, producers, etc.
                      Well the two hundredth episode is coming up soon in season 9 or 10 and they'll most likely do something funny for that. I hope they get RDA back for it though.
                      * Always remember - You are unique, just like everyone else. *

                      * Avoid employing unlucky people, throw half of the CVs in the bin without reading them. *

                      Lost City, Part 2 - The Gateworld best ep S1-7

                      The 'Everyone Gets A Compliment' Thread


                        Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum
                        Perhaps they're both from the same period of Ancient development. They could be standard Ancient interfaces for the technology of the time. I suppose the time device needed to accumulate the additional power by building it up in the various gates it activated - given that they're capable of storing massive amounts of energy.
                        The weapon, on the other hand, used the gates to spread the energy wave across the Galaxy either as near or as far as the operator saw fit.

                        It's quite possible that, based on the available evidence we have, the device is a non-standard interface which is linked with the gate network for uses other than simple gate travel. Chances are they are quite early in date - and were used at a time when the Ancients were a bit more 'into' tampering with things they shouldn't.
                        i wonder what would happen if someone were to go through the gate when it was linked to every other stargate in the galaxy...


                          One of the funniest episodes ever. Prior to buying the box sets, I bought the individual disc with this episode on. Now whenever I ask my daughters which episode they want to watch, this is the first one they pick. As you can see by my sig. Jack's flip out in the commissary is one of my favourite scenes although the whole ep was hilarious. My daughters (aged 6 & 9) can say that speech verbatim and they crack themselves up every time.
                          They also love the scene with Jack and Teal'c playing golf through the Stargate especially when General Hammond yells "Colonel O'Neill, what the hell are you doing?" and Jack replies "In the middle of my back swing." Yeah whenever I need a lift I pop this episode into the DVD and laugh.

                          TOGETHER FOREVER,
                          NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                            Originally posted by shipper hannah
                            i wonder what would happen if someone were to go through the gate when it was linked to every other stargate in the galaxy...
                            An interesting concept - though I expect the results would need either a mop and bucket or possibly a dustpan and brush...


                              Just rewatched this episode. It's great and so funny. But one thing I would have liked, it should have started with the breakfast scene on the original day. A short run through of the briefing, then show them going to the planet and pick up where the current version begins. Would've made it even funnier the first time O'Neill goes back.


                                lol i loved this ep...

                                bad example!

                                lose it... it means crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in posession of one's faculties, 3 fries short of a happy meal, WACKO!!!!!

                                careful, tealc! be careful

                                colonel oneill, what the hell are you doing --- right in the middle of my backswing??!

