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Unending (1020)

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    Ok so wait, that was it, that was the series finale, the series finale.

    This was a mediocre episode at best and I'm sorry but as a series finale it completely failed for me, completely. Where was the sense of grandeur, the sense that this episode was special, where was the ending, the closure, the completion of 10 years?

    What did we get here...

    The worst instance of blatent and shameless technowank in recent memory to start things off.

    A jagged, mismatched first act where it seemed as if we were dropped into an episode that had already been in progress for an hour.

    Sg1 supposedly getting old together but not actually showing us anything of consequence about that other than that Vala and Daniel hooked up. Method to create problem... technology gone wrong... surprised? You shouldn't be.

    An ending that reset everything the episode had done with.... drumroll.... MORE LOATHSOME PLAYED OUT TECHNOWANK. "I'll just reverse the phase polarity, rewind time, and that will solve the problem" THATS the ending to the series? That's what I watched 10 years of this to see? The 50th incarnation of "team gets in trouble, eventually solves problem with technological plot device cop-out and everything is reset for the next episode".

    Hopefully they just intended to actually finish the thing with those movies cause if this is the actual ending it's probably the worst, most dissapointing, series finale to a popular series I have ever seen, and I include the Farscape "ending that wasn't actually meant to be the ending" in that.


      Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
      I just noticed something regarding this episode. Did SAM forget she could cloak the ship? The ship is cloaked with no explanation in the previous episode but when you could actually use that cloak it is nowhere to be found. I find it hard to believe that linking with the asgard super core made the cloak go away. They had so many opportunities to cloak the ship. One vital moment when they came out of hyper space close to the planet with the gate. Plenty of time to cloak and hide someplace and work on the hyper drive anomalies...yet another flaw in the show...
      I don't think the cloak could stop (or cloak) the energy signature the asgard core was emitting.


        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
        I just noticed something regarding this episode. Did SAM forget she could cloak the ship?
        If they could use the cloak when the Ori appeared, no doubt Landry would have considered it and/or tactical would have engaged it. It wouldn't be up to Sam to remind the bridge of such a thing from another deck.

        Can they maintain shields when cloaked? The Ori were tracking their position from energy sigs which they couldn't mask, knew where they were and so could fire upon them, and a cloak gives no protection against weapons.


          Or will it?

          Notice Cameron's insistance on faith. That seems to be a small runing theme through out the series, throughout the Ori arc. Perhaps the 3rd series will deal with Faith. With more modern gods. In the mist of all Gouald and Asgard myth after the Revolt against Ra on Earth a group of people refused the Notion of many gods. They held strong faith in a God that gives us the power to shape our wrold. That shows us freadome to chose a path. One is closeness with him and his favor. The other is apartness and the cruel cold world.

          Earth now has Advance Technology of the Asgard and hold Atlantis. How will they use it? What path will they pick?
          Unending brings an end to the main threats of Earth. To the reason that SG-1 started. Now lies a new story. A new path with new perils and hard decisions. And a chance for those like the Trust to take advantage. In a way the SGC's directive is over, jet it just began.

          All we can do is Have faith like those that I mentioned. the "gods/God" has given us the power to shape our Galaxy. To show everyone the glory that fallows thier wisdom. Now is our journy to the promise land. To seek out new Allies and Technology. To learn about us through the stargate. To excersize out free will.
          [An alarm is sounding. Harriman checks his watch as he and Siler stand, facing Ba'al's hologram.]
          I'm sure he'll be here any second now.
          [Ba'al is obviously impatient.]
          So, um…

          Take our ships, take our toys, take our awesome alien tech... I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take Stargate from me!

          Special Thanks to Elles sence this is a ripof of her great sig.


            Yeah, but the neutrino ion generators have a power output almost the same of a ZPM.



              Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
              Yeah, but the neutrino ion generators have a power output almost the same of a ZPM.



                Transcript and over 600 images have now been posted for S10 Ep20 'Unending'




                  Originally posted by chaotic_uk View Post
                  i thought the asgard had pulse weapons ?
                  What? They can't change their style? Maybe that was the reason why they couldn't kill the Ori ships before... Beams >>> Pulse.

                  And of course no one was satisfied... None of them got any for like, 60 years... Well except Daniel and Vala...


                    Spoiler thread.

                    After watching "Unending" I had a few things I wanted to get others opinions on. Here goes...

                    1) The big Daniel/Vala scene. My take on it was that Daniel's whole mean speech (seriously my mouth was hanging open at what he said and how he said it), I think that it was all a ploy to see what her reaction would be and know if he could trust his heart to her. Still should have gotten a good smack from her for that one. What say you?

                    2) After Laundry dies there is a nice Teal/Carter hug. More than friendship? I'm not sure either way.

                    3) So no one else but Carter and maybe Vala for 5 minutes, could try to solve their problem? I realize that Carter is the genius but come on if Carter can become a viola prodigy in 50 years, any one of the gang could learn theorical physics in 50 years. These are not stupid people, they could have at least tried instead of leaving it all on her shoulders.

                    4) So, 50+ years stuck on a ship and no sex? No wonder Cam was losing it.


                      Originally posted by Zamboni View Post
                      What? They can't change their style? Maybe that was the reason why they couldn't kill the Ori ships before... Beams >>> Pulse.

                      And of course no one was satisfied... None of them got any for like, 60 years... Well except Daniel and Vala...
                      That was probably the most unrealistic part of the ep imo, Cam must of got a peice of Carter in all that time...
                      Last edited by jenks; 14 March 2007, 04:55 PM. Reason: spelling


                        The Asguard developed new weapons and shields remember the ones in power were going to give the Tau'ri all of their knowledge and weapons so after their final attempt at restoring their race failed they turned to developing new defensive and offensive tech for the Tau'ri to use against the Ori and also living in another galaxy would have helped the Asguard to not be an Ori target seeing as the Ori only had like 5 ships for the entire MW. I think it was Adria cheating and telling the priors where to go and also its another galaxy so theres no ancient shield preventing the Ori from being open with their powers.

                        The new phaser weapons are probably developed on the same tech as the Ori laser beams so i bet the Priors are really scared now the Asguard took out two ships with the planet exploding and the Odsessy's new lasers took out 2 more Ori ships


                          Originally posted by jenks View Post
                          That was probably the most unrealist part of the ep imo, Cam must of got a peice of Carter in all that time...
                          I bet they did, because how else is Carter meant to relax besides playing her Cello


                            i must say that ep was awesome

                            I will miss the asgard very very much
                            Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together


                              The last show really pissed me off at first, especially with the fact that they killed the asgard and doesnt really do the show's ending any justice. After reading some threads, i find that many feel the same way. Even though there are movies coming out, this is still the shows ENDING.

                              SO after thinking about it for a while, i actually believe that unending was a pretty good series finale. I mean, the whole meaning of the show is exacly the opposite of UNENDING, that everything comes to end. The Asgard has ended and the series has ended. the show was full of symbols about how life is too short and all that stuff. The generals life ended for a while and so did everyone else except Tealc. In fact, tealc is kinda of a living legacy himself carrying the memories of a lifetime lost. Since of show is ending, its leaving a legacy (much like the asgard) of movies, atlantis, a thrid series, and us fans. So i guess this show wasnt all that bad. Thoughts?


                                Originally posted by SG-17 View Post
                                I thought she was a BC-304?
                                (Battle Cruiser Series 3 Model 4)?

                                awesome episode!
                                well its been shown tht the Odyssey is called a Deep Space Carrier and the Daedalus i think she is a BC. But since the Odyssey has had so many upgrades what type of ship is she now?

