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Unending (1020)

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    It seems this new technology of theirs is fairly new, otherwse we wouldve seen them using it in "Camelot". Their weapons there were ineffective but this beam type weapon owns.
    -- Brains12


      Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
      I thought that was an amazing scene, MS and CB played it beautifully. It hurt, but it was supposed to. It made it all the more powerful when they did get together.

      I'm not sure that it never really did and Teal'c remembers it. Which makes it unique in the Stargate universe, every other time we have seen two charaters get together it's been in an AU, AT, or a dream.
      Yes. I see what you mean. For Daniel and Vala though it never happened, is, I guess, what I meant. True about the uniqueness of it...I hadn't thought of that.
      I just get a nice warm feeling thinking that they had 5o years of happiness even if it wasn't the conventional children and family sort of happiness.


        Originally posted by spaceangel View Post
        Yes. I see what you mean. For Daniel and Vala though it never happened, is, I guess, what I meant. True about the uniqueness of it...I hadn't thought of that.
        I just get a nice warm feeling thinking that they had 5o years of happiness even if it wasn't the conventional children and family sort of happiness.

        Daniel and Vala interacted a bit at the end of the episode. This shows that their BOND is very strong and if they would get into something similar they will end up hooking up and, to quote Vala: "let's make babies ".


          SG-1 Is OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS EPISODE WAS GREAT !!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO) THE COOLEST RACE IS GONE !!!!!!! WE ARE UBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLOWED IS THE TAURI !!!!! WE EAT ORI SHIPS FOR DESERT!!!!!!! FEAR US !!!!! CANT WAIT FOR THE MOVIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MAYBE THE MMO (how come the asgard be a playable race in that game if they all died anyway??!??!??!?)


            10/10 so fracking hilarious...

            Tauri are da best !!
            Hallowed are the Ori !!!
            Follow the path of the Enlightment !
            Why Sg1 !!?? Why not me!!?? Why !!??


              Maybe...but i still think even with new Azgard weapons it would have been too early to count out those Ori, reckon it would have been pretty even but with the Ori having superior numbers.


                If only I could turn back time.....

                I would sneak into Joe's room and modify his script with the following:

                A fleet of O'Neill class ships with the most advanced Asgard technology is waiting in orbit for the Odyssey. Thor beams on the Odyssey and explains the situation to Sam and the crew. Freyr contacts Thor on the Odyssey saying the long range sensors have picked up ORI ships that will drop out of Hyperspace close to them. While Thor beams on one of the O'Neill class ships, their weapons are charged and they arrange themselves in attack formation around the Odyssey (as we saw in revelations against Anubis). Hermiod beams on the Odyssey from the planet in order to supervise the modifications while Thor takes the helm of the fleet. The ORI drop out of Hyper space and stop. Thor contacts them, saying he is the supreme commander of the Asgard fleet and asking them to leave. The ORI do not respond to the hail and charge their weapons. Thor continues and says "Very well..." and all asgard ships open fire and break formation to attack the ORI vessels. After the ORI are destroyed the Asgard head towards the planet with their ships, Thor beams back to the Odyssey, shares some last minute information with SAM and advises the crew to depart. All the Asgard are beamed to the surface and shazam.....

                and then they can continue with their episode the way they did, but add more battle scenes because the Odyssey had everything on max and could slay more ships .

                I really needed to hear Thor one more time saying "I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet" ....Highest military rank in the most developed race in the show (excluding the ascended ancients)....

                On my way to my time machine to add these parts . Any other feedback and small changes are welcomed before i put my shoes on .

                P.S. How does one change a nickname on this board?
                Last edited by Integrabyte; 14 March 2007, 02:11 PM.


                  Originally posted by vorador View Post
                  I belive the version of the song played in the episode is performed by CCR:

                  *nitpicker* John Fogherty was the CCR singer
                  Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                  Yes, I am!
                  Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                  Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                  Peter Pan R.I.P


                    I don't think the Asgard would have won. Maybe with increased numbers against one ship they could have did some serious damage, but Asgard ships are lacking one important key item that the Odyssey has, a ZPM.

                    The Odyssey was powered by a ZPM as well as an Asgard device so it could have easily been the ZPMs power increase that allowed them to defeat several Orii ships so easily.

                    It would have been interesting to see how a ZPM enhanced O'Neill class would have turned out, that could probably take on the whole Orii fleet single handed.



                      Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                      If only I could turn back time.....

                      I would sneak into Joe's room and modify his script with the following:

                      A fleet of O'Neill class ships with the most advanced Asgard technology is waiting in orbit for the Odyssey. Thor beams on the Odyssey and explains the situation to Sam and the crew. Freyr contacts Thor on the Odyssey saying the long range sensors have picked up ORI ships that will drop out of Hyperspace close to them. While Thor beams on one of the O'Neill class ships, their weapons are charged and they arrange themselves in attack formation around the Odyssey (as we saw in revelations against Anubis). Hermiod beams on the Odyssey from the planet in order to supervise the modifications while Thor takes the helm of the fleet. The ORI drop out of Hyper space and stop. Thor contacts them, saying he is the supreme commander of the Asgard fleet and asking them to leave. The ORI do not respond to the hail and charge their weapons. Thor continues and says "Very well..." and all asgard ships open fire and break formation to attack the ORI vessels. After the ORI are destroyed the Asgard head towards the planet with their ships, Thor beams back to the Odyssey, shares some last minute information with SAM and advises the crew to depart. All the Asgard are beamed to the surface and shazam.....

                      and then they can continue with their episode the way they did, but add more battle scenes because the Odyssey had everything on max and could slay more ships .

                      I really needed to hear Thor one more time saying "I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet" ....Highest military rank in the most developed race in the show (excluding the ascended ancients)....

                      On my way to my time machine to add these parts . Any other feedback and small changes are welcomed before i put my shoes on .

                      P.S. How does one change a nickname on this board?
                      Also I loved it when I think it was Freyr said "Challenge us at your peril!" Sweet! Tough little guys!
                      Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
                      The Strongest Will Survive!
                      I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


                        Originally posted by jerkface View Post
                        *sigh* All right, please bear in mind, this is me being as positive as I can be.

                        I thought the acting (save from Bridges, who did his usual nothing) was very well done. Tapping, Shanks, and Judge all brought a lot to their lines, and did well making their characters' older selves seem both more experienced and less hopeful. Browder and Black were fine with the little they were given.

                        Overall though, I was left feeling sadly detached. Having SG-1 stuck together for their entire lifetimes (and for nearly the whole, final episode) should have had more of a purpose than getting Daniel and Vala to have sex with one another. But it felt like nothing else of importance happened to the characters.

                        Sam and Daniel have one scene in which he reiterates his need to keep learning in spite of everything, and she admits to giving up hope. Sam learns the cello. Cam throws furniture. Landry dies, which is meaningful to Sam after 20 years with him, but not for the audience. And Teal'c apparently spent 50 years doing nothing worth showing aside from helping to stack some supplies.

                        I thought the montage was decent at conveying how mind-numbing and frustrating being stuck on a ship for 50 years would be. The problem for me was that even when I sympthasized with Mitchell's anger or Vala's crying, it felt like these could have been the reactions of anyone in their position. We didn't learn anything new about Landry, Sam, Cam, Teal'c, or Vala, and they weren't shown learning anything new about themselves.

                        Daniel did learn that Vala's feelings for him were sincere, which I suppose is better than the generic "We are sad and frustrated" reaction everyone else got. I thought Shanks made Daniel's speech a lot less awful than it might have been. Nevertheless, Daniel's lines in this scene still sounded like a stiff summary of the character's feelings, rather than anything a human being might actually say to another adult. And in spite of the fact that Daniel and Vala were shown in an apparently stable relationship for 50 years, and got the only character development in the episode, we never really saw why they loved each other, only that they did.

                        And that was it. We spent the majority of the final episode of a ten year show watching our main cast do and learn nothing.

                        It seemed like the death of the Asgard was supposed to tie in thematically with SG-1's slow death on board the ship. The Asgard artificially extended their individual lifespans at the cost of their race's life. SG-1 experiences the cost of artificially giving themselves more time. A nice concept, but the parallel didn't work onscreen at all. SG-1 suffered virtually no conseqences in the end, and the Asgard's suffering was left to the viewer's imagination.

                        The final scene was almost moving, if you squinted really hard and imagined Vala and Cam were Jack, and Landry was Hammond.

                        All in all, a mediocre ending to what's became a mediocre-to-poor show. Here's hoping they bring something other than uber-tech, space battles, and childish characters to the movies. (I don't think they write well enough to drag Atlantis out of the hole they've put it in.)
                        even though i haven't watched this episode yet, i have to applaud your post.

                        i think that even though i've *tried* to let go of the old sg1 (and team), i just can't seem to. post after post seems to be missing that this group of ppl... i've barely seen *this* group feel like a real family and team. from the caps i've seen, i've watched the characters caring about each other, but *i* can't seem to care about them *as a team/family*. what you said about sam crying over landry's death... you stated it perfectly. i haven't had enough time to care for landry to that degree to 'feel' bad about his death.

                        and i thought this ep was to show all the characters and their relationships through out these 50 odd years? it only looked like daniel-vala was given any time. (one of the things i'm excited about sam going to atlantis is that i don't have to see/hear/read/know/acknowledge anything to do with daniel and vala. yes, i've had it up to ^ with them, separately and together.)

                        *also, on a side note: if they bring any sg1 character to the third series, let it be mitchell. since season 10 -the daniel/vala show- mitchell has been so underwritten that it's pathetic.*

                        someone above in this thread said that she didn't think jack wasn't need in this *last* ep. jack/rda was stargate sg1. out of respect for the character and actor, at least a bloody mention would have been nice.

                        oh, since i haven't seen this ep yet; is it really as depressing as it sounds? i didn't like '2010' because of it's depressive nature...

                        but still, i'll give this ep a try, but i'll know what i'm going to get so i won't get my hopes up too high.

                        oh, and WHY kill off the asgard!?!?! must every, single thing about the first 8 GREAT seasons of sg1 be destroyed?




                          Even though I hate that the Asgard disappeared, I've been also wondering if the season 10 episode implied the message that the gods have left. SG Atlantis (the series) doesn't seem to have enough mythology built into it, most major Go'uld empires have been destroyed, the ascended Ori have also disappear, and now the Nordic gods have faced their Ragnarok. It may be a hint that the next Stargate series won't focus on mythology at all.


                            Originally posted by jannagalaxy View Post
                            Also I loved it when I think it was Freyr said "Challenge us at your peril!" Sweet! Tough little guys!

                            We can add that too if you want . Another interesting and strong line .


                              Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
                              Not that I'm a shipper but where was any mention of Jack, regrets from Carter about what could have been. TPTB spend years teasing us with Jack/Sam only to whack us over the heads in S9/10 with comparatively full-on D/V. Thank goodness the barfing Daniel/Vala thing was undone and forgotten by the end, wish I could forget it too.
                              you're not an s/j shipper? you've just shown more concern over this storyline than the writers. i'm hoping for a *real* resolution in one of the movies.

                              btw, when teal'c went back in time to stop sam, were there two of him? if not, why not?




                                Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                                I don't think the Asgard would have won. Maybe with increased numbers against one ship they could have did some serious damage, but Asgard ships are lacking one important key item that the Odyssey has, a ZPM.

                                The Odyssey was powered by a ZPM as well as an Asgard device so it could have easily been the ZPMs power increase that allowed them to defeat several Orii ships so easily.

                                It would have been interesting to see how a ZPM enhanced O'Neill class would have turned out, that could probably take on the whole Orii fleet single handed.
                                unlikely there comes a point where adding a new powersource will have no further affect on performance, no matter how strong a powersource is it cannot make the technology it's powering surpass it's potential...

                                an Oneill would have been no more powerful than the Odyessy (the Odysessy would actually appear to have more advanced tech) even a fully updated Oneill would be only as strong as the Odysessy not stronger and it would be a bigger target meaning the Ori would own it quickly
                                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

