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Family Ties (1018)

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    I enjoyed Cameron and Sam's jabs at Sci-Fi for their decision to cancel the series.
    Last edited by Liam Kincaid; 11 June 2007, 10:47 AM. Reason: typo


      While I did laugh a time or two, it really was a poor ep.

      One thing that bugged me that I didn't see mentioned previously in this thread is that I really doubt Vala kept her treasure box safe during all those years she was a Goa'uld.

      ~I'm Just Sayin'~


        don't point those little plot holes out.

        it'll only confuse the writers

        continuity is nothing more than a pesky inconvenience anymore
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I debated getting up an turning off the television multiple times during this episode but I'm too damned loyal to do it. I had wondered at one point whether it would be the second or third worst episode of the season. The verdict is #2. Bad Guys I disown from being SG-1 (the only episode I feel should be absolutely disowned) and Bounty wasn't as bad as this episode.

          All that said, the ending was still damned funny!


            Well, I am so mad!! I wrote a long post and just as I hovered over 'submit' my other computer crashed!!! Argh! Now I have to try to do it again.

            I did not like this episode, I thought it was a filler, though I kind of know why they did it. Here in the US, Father's Day is coming up, so maybe they decided to do something to honor it. Plausible, anyway.

            Vala's dad was a jerk. I found it unbelievably annoying that everyone tried to get Vala to talk with him even though we all knew how it was going to turn out. Poor kid. Treasure chest thing was cute, however. Packing peanuts was hilarious. To bad Jasic never got, like, punched in the face though. I think I would have liked it if he had been heroic, you know, when the Jaffa pointed the staff at Vala, he shot it, Jasic got in the way, they have a touching moment... I wanted a real happy ending.

            Okay, now I kinda (don't kill me for this) liked the Lam and Laundry time, I thought it was sweet. Found it annoying that she disappears for, like, 8 eps and then suddenly appears again.

            I thoroughly enjoyed when Mitchel and Carter poked fun at the fact that Sci Fi canceled the show, very sneaky.

            All right, I think that covers it all... Yep, I'm done rambling.


              Originally posted by Arga View Post
              and from now on, I won't look at those polystyrene beans in postal packages in the same innocent way as before...

              Me to.

              I guess I'm in the minority here ... but I enjoyed the episode (minus the final scene). Glad to see Sam and Vala getting some girl bonding, and loved all the dibs at SciFi. Especially the one where they are discussing the fact that the Stargate program doesn't get all the support it used to, etc., etc., etc.

              Cam's reaction to Sam and Vala in the beginning ... was that a nod to the all the Cam/Sam Shippers??? I'm not a shipper but I'll say it, he sure had a goofy look on his face when he looked at Sam, and he looked at Sam a LOT more than Vala

              The Lam/Landry back story was good.


                Originally posted by Ozzy O'NeiLL View Post

                I did (also) like General Landry's attempt at communication with his wife after all these years. I really like Dr. Lam, too, who imo has WAY too little screentime in this season. I'd almost forgotten she was still there at the SGC. But regardless, it was a nice family ep.
                I understand from Lexa's website she had to cancel her appearence at a
                convention to be in the up coming DVD movie....Wooohoooo!!

                I hope they will give Lexa more screen time too. Again my favorite spot
                in the whole tenth season......was the side story in this episode...

                Originally posted by Carter1994 View Post
                Okay, now I kinda (don't kill me for this) liked the Lam and Laundry time, I thought it was sweet. Found it annoying that she disappears for, like, 8 eps and then suddenly appears again.
                It would have been interesting to see her interact more with the cast. Compared to the first part
                of the 9th season it looked liked she was going to be going with Cameron....but as I recall, Lexa
                said she would feel uncomfortable playing a romantic love interest while her "real" hubby was
                on the set,( Shanks... aka Dr. Jackson.)

                Of course if Lam had started to date Jackson....Lexa said she sees Michael at home all the time, if
                she had to work with him would be too much :lol.

                I am just glad they made Lam a normal civilian with no action fight scenes every episode...
                Lexa said she had a lot of that in her last show Andromeda.

                I would love to see Lam more in the SG1 movies.....
                Last edited by dec55; 12 June 2007, 11:02 PM.
                Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                  Okay, I'm not one to post a review on a specific episode. But after watching "Family Ties" on my DVR last night with my wife, I HAD to say something. Let me preface this by saying that I'm a huge Sci-Fi fan. And there are been very few episodes that i have genuinely disliked. There are plenty of eps on there that have generated tons of bad reviews that I liked.

                  Family Ties has to be the worst ep. I've seen in a few seasons. The casting of Fred Willard was probably one of the worst guest stars I've seen on Stargate yet. I mean, it was "Star Wars Christmas Special" bad. It felt like he was reading all his lines off a piece a cardboard below the camera. It was SO bad it felt like the writers were trying to make it cheezy like a comedic episode. But every piece of comedy fell flat on its face. It was rediculous! I mean seriously, it was SO bad my wife got up and left the TV.

                  I, (for some reason) kept watching the episode. I have NEVER stopped watching an episode until completion. But I was a hairs breath away from it on this one. I can't believe it myself. There was absolutely NO connection between Claudia Black and Fred Willard as daughter and father.

                  So bad I can't continue to complain. It was that worthless of an ep. Granted, the scene with Teal'c at the Vagina Monologues was pretty damn funny. But that alone can't hold up an entire ep. I can't believe it'll be the 3rd to last Stargate episode I'll ever see.

                  Lastly, I'd like to comment on the whole Ori being killed off issue. This was pretty hokey to do it several episodes before the end of the entire SERIES. I know SG-1 tends to go from a really serious ep to a comedy quite often. But I just feel that they missed the ball on this one. The tension should be ratcheting up at the end of the series. Through the whole last 2 seasons they've portrayed the Ori as the gravest threat to our galaxy ever. And bam, they wipe them out? Completely anti-climatic.

                  My wife was a newcomer to Stargate SG-1. She told me that the entire Ori storyline was what got her interested in SG-1. She's been watching every ep since season 9 and liked a lot of them. SG-1 was getting a fan in my wife, which is no easy task for a sci-fi series. But once she watched "Family Ties" she as like: what happened the Ori. And you know what I said? "oh, they kinda...beat them." She responded with, "That’s pretty lame. That’s why I want to watch the show. This episode is horrible." And she got up and left the living room.

                  That pretty much sums up the course of the end of season 10 sadly.


                    Point of order: we haven't beat the Ori.


                      Exactly PG. The Ori are in the next episode, and the episode after that. And the first of the two movies.


                        Waywardsage, there have already been seven episodes of the season focusing on the Ori. Remember, it's Stargate SG-1, not Stargate ORI. The show has always been more about the team than the war against X civilization. I have found it refreshing to have the last four episodes be Ori free.

                        Did you and your wife see Episode 14 "The Shroud?" In that episode, the weapon capable of wiping out the Ori was sent to the Ori galaxy, but we don't know for sure that it wiped them out. All we know for certain is that more Ori warships have since come into our galaxy.

                        The final two episodes will feature the Ori. The feature film Stargate: The Ark of Truth will wrap up the Ori saga. Tell your wife she has two more episodes and a movie to look forward to that will feature the Ori saga.


                          I actually liked "Family Ties" for some reason. It had a homely feel to it, at least for me. The whole scammer and absent dad thing was kind of funny and sad and reminded me of someone I know.



                            This was a very poor and unbelievable episode. Actually, I've seen it before. It was an episode of "It Takes a Thief" with Robert Wagner (1968-1970). He had gone straight, but his father showed up embarrassing him. The father was played by Fred Astaire. At least Fred Astaire was charming.

                            I know. It ages me.

                            When Vala and Carter came in together all gussied up and in heels, I just cringed. When Carter talked about pedicures, I thought, "The writers have gone too far!". No woman who wants to be taken seriously at work would talk about pedicures, never mind an Air Force Colonel who wears boots during her work day.

                            An alien father being able to immediately fit in with American society, and speak English well enough to do commercials on T.V. Hm.

                            Actually, the entire episode made me cringe. I almost thought I turned into a bad situation comedy show, but "Hey!" they did show the Gate and 2 cargo ships.

                            Remember the "Where's the Beef?" commercial? Where's the science fiction?

                            Please let the last 2 episodes of what used to be my favorite show be good; please, please, pretty please!
                            Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                              The above mentioned episode was shown in my area (GTA) Monday night, and having missed Fridays broadcast on SPACE I thought I'd better make a point of seeing what the last few episodes of SG-1 were like.

                              If this is the kind of **** (use whatever four letter word you wish to insert here) TPTB could come up with as a final episode in what was a stellar series seasons 1-8, then it's high time this series ended. This episode was a load of crap, frankly and a complete waste of time. Why would I even care about these characters particularly Vala (who normally I don't mind) and her imbecilic father??

                              Did this answer any of the questions about the series?? Did it move the storyline along, finalize anything?? No, it was complete and utter waste of time, money, people, yadda yadda.

                              Clearly this script could have been done anywhere any time and that was one script that should have been pitched..........under G. This post does not even begin to describe how pissed off I am at what SG-1 has become lately, and the creative talents that started this series clearly have run dry.


                                I agree with with. This epi sux
                                Stolen Kosovo

