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Bad Guys (1016)

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    I really enjoyed this episode. I really don't understand why some folks insist on believing that their opinion is more valid than that of others.

    I've always seperated SG1 eps into 2 catagories: 1. Stories that continue one of the current story arcs, and 2. One offs.

    This was obviously a One off. I have always enjoyed the irreverence and humor that SG1 often displays in some of their One off episodes. Window of Opportunity and Urgo are a perfect examples IMHO.

    I think that *some* of those that disliked it are either impatient with the pace of the current story arc (which confuses me because I think I read that only the final 3 episodes weren't already filmed when they found out there was to be no season 11) or they prefer the darker and more brooding type of episode.

    I really don't understand how anyone can suggest that this was the worst episode ever when we've been subjected to clunkers like 1.03 Emancipation and 2.19 One False Step which I think were the worst ever. I didn't have too much trouble getting through Emancipation once because I couldn't wait to see if Sam got dressed up in any other funky costumes: ONCE. However, it took me 4 tries to get through One False Step because I kept falling asleep!! The plot was Soooooo obvious: We introduced something into their environment that is deadly to these creatures and now it's our moral obligation to figure out how to fix it. I think I've seen probably 7 Star Trek episodes in the same vein throughout the various iterations. No cool bad guys. No cool SFX. No continuation of the current arcs. No funny stuff. What's to like?

    I would just encourage folks to refrain from absolute value judgements in the expression of their opinions. It only kills any credibility one might have of them if someone watches it themselves and disagree. If someone says "I didn't like it because...." then others can listen to the reasoning and judge for themselves if they think they might like it. There's a phrase I made up on the subject of absolutes "Never always comes and Always never lasts."

    Obviously I can't tell people how to express themselves, I can only point out that their opinions lose value when they exaggerate through hyperbole. I mean really, if you post here to sway opinion or give knowledge, doesn't it kind of defeat the whole point if you lose all credibility?
    The Characters from Bloom County were located to another world where they could live in Peace and avoid the wrath of Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

    Here's a photo of Bill the Cat hanging out by the gate waiting for more partying supplies:


      well it showed that night watchmen can be heroes


        EDIT: I was thinking of the episode before (BOUNTY). sorry
        Last edited by Team SG-1*save the show*; 15 February 2007, 01:11 PM.
        Thankyou SG-1 for 10 great years!
        sig made by kidwizz

        join Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city and lets get our show back


          Originally posted by Team SG-1*save the show* View Post
          I think this episode was really funny. pointless it was not. firstly it was ending the conflict with Netan and part of the Lucien allience and also you have to have some funny episodes. thats what makes stargate so fantastic!

          Huh? None of those things were even mentioned in this episode. I agree that it was something of a throwback to SG-1's exploration days, but it was missing half of what made those eps so good ( & ). It wasn't good, poorly produced episode.
          "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
          ~David Hewlett


            sorry im on about the episode before oops lol (BOUNTY)

            maybe they were going to go back to that planet later on in the next season but as PG15 said the show was cancelled half way through. if you remember at the beginning of the episode they were on about a device.
            Last edited by Team SG-1*save the show*; 15 February 2007, 01:11 PM.
            Thankyou SG-1 for 10 great years!
            sig made by kidwizz

            join Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city and lets get our show back


              I can't explain why, but I LOVED this episode. The whole idea amused me greatly...and I was just overjoyed to see all the Goa'uld museum pieces. When they first came out of the Stargate and Danny started looking at the walls, I was reminded instantly of the good old days of exploration into uncharted Goa'uld territory...*sighs happily* I actually remarked to me brother that it was like Die Hard BEFORE they made the reference and as I love Die Hard...well I just love hostage situations.

              Although I felt Danny yelling at the women was OOC, it was still very amusing to see him lose it...and try to act rebel

              Sam would have made things interesting, but although the episode wasn't of a SUPER high quality, it's one of my favs for the season.

              Highlight - "rebel scum"


                I read some of the opinions here before viewing this episode and rather than reiterating the same sentiments, I'll simply say that I whole eartedly agree with Tantalus. I enjoyed this episode for what it was, a standalone jaunt with our favorite characters! Too soon there will no longer be any new episodes to complain and disect every phrase, look, character flaw, writing mis-steps etc... so I plan to relish every episode left and be thankful for 10 great years of stories.


                  I must say after reading some of the negativity on this i took longer than normal to watch it. I finally did tonight and absolutly loved it! I love all of SG-1s episodes mainly because I watch each ep as it is intended. In every single season there are eps that deal with the main storyline and stand alones. This was a great standalone. It was action packed, funny and just all out fun. The screaming girl was alittle anoying and so was the security gard. I aplauded when Cam taped his mouth. Great to see Vala's skills come into play, neat to see Dany as a negotiater and basically playing a role within a role. Loved seeing the GDO again and every ep I watch while good just makes me sadder knowing that there are only 4 eps left. 8/10
                  Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                  "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                  Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                    It must seem like this is all i do but: i found a goof in the begining of the episode.
                    when cam picks up the fake dhd and you can clearly see most of the symbols you can notice up the top there is the earth's point of origin symbol.
                    why is that there? as far as i know that symbol is unique to earth and shouldn't appear on any other dhd.

                    p.s. sorry if this has been mentioned before.


                      [quote=BloomGate;6332603]I really enjoyed this episode. I really don't understand why some folks insist on believing that their opinion is more valid than that of others. [/qu ote]

                      I don't remember anyone saying that their opinion is more valid than someone elses here. I think maybe some people can't exactly place what was wrong with this ep, just everything seemed to be out of balance, not just one thing. And when that's the case it's hard to express in words what was actually wrong. But those that have been able to vocalise specifically why they didn't like it have summed it up for me very well.

                      I've always seperated SG1 eps into 2 catagories: 1. Stories that continue one of the current story arcs, and 2. One offs.

                      This was obviously a One off. I have always enjoyed the irreverence and humor that SG1 often displays in some of their One off episodes. Window of Opportunity and Urgo are a perfect examples IMHO.

                      I think that *some* of those that disliked it are either impatient with the pace of the current story arc (which confuses me because I think I read that only the final 3 episodes weren't already filmed when they found out there was to be no season 11) or they prefer the darker and more brooding type of episode.
                      I'm the same, always seperate those into Arc's or stand alones, and really enjoyed those eps that you mentioned. Those were very funny episodes, but for me this ep was nowhere near the quality of the eps you mentioned because it was too OTT and OOC, and the screaming women, please!! And the whole 'Don't you understand the rules of being a hostage'. I mean, c'mon it was so lame. If the hostages truly didn't believe the team capable of carrying out the actions that they were supposed to be accused of, then why was everyone still sitting around. If they were supposed to be feared then why have that little side show with the bickering females? At least make it look believeable... did that make any sense?

                      Why would you say that those that either disliked the ep are impatient or like something darker? Please try not to catagorize people without having some rationale to back up your point because putting people into catagories can cause arguments and then feelings are's not pretty, lol. For me, I didn't like it, it was boring, cliche, unbelievable, story line was just not exciting enough to hold my attention. Sometimes the best eps are fillers, or stand alones, but sorry not this one. But again it always amazes me the diversity of this forum, and i always wonder how people's perceptions differ on certain eps and I love reading everyone's thoughts even if I don't always agree with them.

                      I really don't understand how anyone can suggest that this was the worst episode ever when we've been subjected to clunkers like 1.03 Emancipation and 2.19 One False Step which I think were the worst ever. I didn't have too much trouble getting through Emancipation once because I couldn't wait to see if Sam got dressed up in any other funky costumes: ONCE. However, it took me 4 tries to get through One False Step because I kept falling asleep!! The plot was Soooooo obvious: We introduced something into their environment that is deadly to these creatures and now it's our moral obligation to figure out how to fix it. I think I've seen probably 7 Star Trek episodes in the same vein throughout the various iterations. No cool bad guys. No cool SFX. No continuation of the current arcs. No funny stuff. What's to like?
                      Lol, and I don't understand how you like it so much *shrugs*, but there ya go. If you did a poll on the best and worse of SG1 or SGA you'd see a complete mix, sometimes that's just the way it goes.

                      I would just encourage folks to refrain from absolute value judgements in the expression of their opinions. It only kills any credibility one might have of them if someone watches it themselves and disagree. If someone says "I didn't like it because...." then others can listen to the reasoning and judge for themselves if they think they might like it. There's a phrase I made up on the subject of absolutes "Never always comes and Always never lasts."

                      Obviously I can't tell people how to express themselves, I can only point out that their opinions lose value when they exaggerate through hyperbole. I mean really, if you post here to sway opinion or give knowledge, doesn't it kind of defeat the whole point if you lose all credibility?
                      I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but this is a forum and people can say what they want ias long as it's in the rules and I don't think anyone has the right to say they should refrain from absolute value judgements when expressing oppinions. The whole idea is to debate the episode... either just the good points or just the bad or a mixed bag, and what I love about debating is trying to explain to the other posters why I don't agree with them, and most of the time it can be fun, otherwise it would get pretty boring fast if everyone agreed.


                        Originally posted by shoarn View Post
                        I read some of the opinions here before viewing this episode and rather than reiterating the same sentiments, I'll simply say that I whole eartedly agree with Tantalus. I enjoyed this episode for what it was, a standalone jaunt with our favorite characters! Too soon there will no longer be any new episodes to complain and disect every phrase, look, character flaw, writing mis-steps etc... so I plan to relish every episode left and be thankful for 10 great years of stories.
                        Great post, my friend. I agree with everything you just posted. We have a lot to be thankful for over these past 10 seasons. IMO, this episode was just another to add to my long list of great episodes.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          This was easily one of the funniest episodes ever, and certainly is now one of my favorites.

                          When Vala was demonstrating how to steal a treasure from a 'glass enclosure', and they way it was filmed looked almost like it was a special on Discovery Channel

                          I personally think that I could have acted better that some of the people who played the hostages (namely the screaming woman. I'm not a woman, but I can scream more convincingly...), but other than that the episode was golden. Plus we get to see what will happen to stargate sg-1's best props in tenety years if a fan doesn't buy them all on eBay.
                          You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                          We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



                            I thought this episode was fantastic, one of the funniest ones they've done in ages. I always like it when the team gets to play up their witty sides - and our crew is awesome with facial expressions.

                            Loved Daniel's reluctant but hiliarious take on taking hostages, and trying to control them.

                            Teal'c - great reaction to Daniel's miserable comments to the negotiator, Die Hard, and that great little smile after zatting the councillor and explaining.

                            Vala - Thieving 101!

                            Mitchell - Loved his reaction to Vala's turning on the bomb.

                            Liked the senior negotiator and also the really liked the fellow playing 'Daniel's kindred spirit.'

                            I thought alot of the comic timing in this episode was fantastic, and loved the expressions and also the delivery of the lines, especially from the night security guard, Daniel, and Teal'c.
                            Four out of five voices in my head agree: I'm ok. It's the fifth one that scares the hell out of me.


                              Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                              Grace, Space Race, Prodigy, Divide And Conquer, Emancipation, Line In he Sand, all candidates for worst episode ever, then again could anything be as bad as The Road Not Taken? I don't think this one was bad at all, it had the team, off world, working together. Some really good lines and wonderful acting, this season has been great apart from the odd clunker,eg. TRNT. Season nine started really, really well, the first five episodes were amazing, in fact most of season nine was pretty damn good in my book. Just goes to show to each thier own.
                              So... Not a fan of Carter, then?


                                Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                                So... Not a fan of Carter, then?
                                No, also not a fan of really bad episodes. One of the main reasons I hate Space Race was the god-awful outfit they put poor Teal'c in!! Grace was just plain silly, even for a cheap filler episode. Oh and I just remembered Avenger 2.0, now that was a truly bad one.

                                Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.

