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The Shroud (1014)

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    I hope the Ori aren't "dead"...

    but the storyline for the first SG-1 movie which is meant to rap up the Ori story reads; "As SG-1 searches for an Ancient artifact which they hope can defeat the armies of the Ori..." (Gateworld News) I didn't pay much attention to this wording when I first read it, but after this episode the same term is used to refer to the followers minus the Ori. Might be worthy of note, hopefully I'm reading to much into it though!

    Anyway, I hope they're not dead, but I don't think the weapon was a flat out failure... perhaps Adria tampered with it during the time Daniel was captured and she was meant to be finishing it herself? I guess we'll have to wait and see...

    I'm not much one for big build-ups followed by an "ah crap, it didn't work", but this was an exceptional episode!!! The Jack & Daniel stuff was classic SG-1 banter, loved it.

    Oh and... I thought Jack was above Landry in the chain of command? What's with the "Sir"???


      What an awesome episode.

      Tons of good stuff happened, kept me guessing on whether Daniel was actually good or not, I admit I had my doubts. Adria was definently hot, seems like she gets hotter every episode shes in.

      Daniel and Jack scenes were done really well, espeically when Daniel brought up what Ba'al did to him back in season 6, glad they remembered that. Nice to see the Anti-Prior device again. These episodes with Jack only make me want more.

      Left us a big cliffhanger about the Ori, should definently be interesting.

      Gotta rewatch this one.
      I'm proud to be an American.

      "...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust."


        I'm not much one for big build-ups followed by an "ah crap, it didn't work", but this was an exceptional episode!!! The Jack & Daniel stuff was classic SG-1 banter, loved it.

        Oh and... I thought Jack was above Landry in the chain of command? What's with the "Sir"???
        That is strange, he is - he's director of homeworld security, which puts him above the commander at the SGC. And also - harking back to those 5 min cameos in avalon etc. - he addresses him as 'Hank' and hints he had something to do with getting him the job at the SGC, suggesting old buddy-ness or serving together. Hmm, that is a bit of a plot hole hehe.

        Hmmm - the Ori. I don't think they're dead. Why? Because of one line of Daniel's in the pegasus project - "I don't pretend to know what that battle will look like or on what battlefield it'll take place" ... - and one line of Morgan's - "Surely some of you believe it" - "Not enough" - I don't know about anyone else but I could practically feel an unspoken 'yet' at the end of that.

        And more than that ... How cool would a battle like that look if it was on our plane of existence?! Glowly things charging at each other, the sky exploding with light and flames etc? Hehe. My main reason is kind of shallow ... I don't think TPTB can resist such a cool concept/sfx opportunity in Ark of Truth. I'm imagining the finale of Ark of Truth as being one of those - like season 8, Reckoning - where they jump around various battles/pivotal events. And I think one of them will be the Ori attacking the Ancients and them defending themselves.

        Kazan, thanks so much for the screen caps, you own. I feel a wallpaper coming on ...
        kay x
        Last edited by Kales; 30 January 2007, 04:23 PM. Reason: forgot to say thank you :D


          Oh and... I thought Jack was above Landry in the chain of command? What's with the "Sir"???
          Although Jack is Landry's superior officer, Jack has only been a two star general since the start of season nine. This would make Landry the senior officer as he's been a two star for longer.

          So the sir seems more of a matter of courtesy. If Jack had issued Landry an order, then Jack would be the one being called sir. At least that's how I understand it, but i'm not military minded so someone else could probably confirm this or blow big holes in it.



            Am I the only one that wasn't that thrilled by the Jack and Daniel banter? They both sounded off to me, especially Daniel. He seemed to be acting more like an immature little kid than anything (may not have helped that I had just watched One False Step the other night, which makes The Shroud's banter really lame in comparison). The jack and daniel 'banter' in The Shroud was actually everything I dislike about how they usually do the Daniel/Vala stuff... on the other hand the Daniel/Vala scene in this ep was great.

            Also, massively disappointed that there was no Prior!Daniel stuff. It was basically just Daniel looking kinda like a prior and that was it. And I don't understand how Daniel was able to defeat Adria so easily? Adria is nothing without the little shield she has? So much for being all powerful... ;o

            Carter commanding the Odyssey was pretty cool, so was the fact that she can fly the Ori ships now. I wonder if Earth will get to capture any - would make up for all those Goa'uld motherships that they kept having to destroy lol.

            I guess the Ori are gonna launch an all out attack on Earth now. Probably what Dominion is gonna be about. And I wonder if Merlin's Device would kill Adria (if it did in fact go off)?


              Wow, this episode made me realize how much I missed Jack's energy from S9+S10, but at the same time it proved that I no longer consider Mitchell and Vala as outsiders. They carries several scenes, and it felt completely natural.

              Some screenshots that I felt were missing to get a mental image/feeling of the episode without having watched it (though some of the scenes have been posted by others by now):

              (continued in next post)
              Last edited by sgeureka; 30 January 2007, 05:21 PM.
              No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

              "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
              (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                More screenshots

                No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                  I loved the banter, as despite being a serious situation, both were acting like they had countless times before even when the situation was serious.

                  As for Adria, it wouldn't kill her. She's supposed to show up at least once before the end of the series (in 'Dominion') and plus you've also got this from the end of season nine.

                  KVASIR: It is an energy transfer device similar to a Zero Point Module, except that the energy is channelled not from subspace into ordinary space-time but rather into the dimension occupied by ascended beings.

                  CARTER: And this energy is harmful to them in some way?

                  KVASIR: It is a form of interference. A simple analogy would be two standing waves cancelling each other out. If the weapon indeed works the way Merlin's writings imply, we would simply need to activate it and send it to the Ori galaxy and they would be eliminated.

                  So he device isn't explosive, it just creates an energy that would kill the Orii and not anything else.



                    I counted at least 7 Ori ships from the shots posted.


                      Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                      As for Adria, it wouldn't kill her. She's supposed to show up at least once before the end of the series (in 'Dominion') and plus you've also got this from the end of season nine.

                      KVASIR: It is an energy transfer device similar to a Zero Point Module, except that the energy is channelled not from subspace into ordinary space-time but rather into the dimension occupied by ascended beings.

                      CARTER: And this energy is harmful to them in some way?

                      KVASIR: It is a form of interference. A simple analogy would be two standing waves cancelling each other out. If the weapon indeed works the way Merlin's writings imply, we would simply need to activate it and send it to the Ori galaxy and they would be eliminated.

                      So he device isn't explosive, it just creates an energy that would kill the Orii and not anything else.
                      So maybe the Ori themselves are defeated, but Adria is still around and sets herself up as the central figure of the Ori Religion? And that's what the movies are about?


                        Thanks "sgeureka" for the screen shots. They were GREAT!!!


                          Mmmmm...sounds like an interesting episode. Thanks for all the caps and I can't wait to see it. I really can't wait to see Jack with his old team again.


                            Ok , for everyone who has seen the episode-What is the great sacrifice Jack was supposed to have made?


                              Nice pictures. Can't wait to see it.


                                Originally posted by rnwhocares View Post
                                Ok , for everyone who has seen the episode-What is the great sacrifice Jack was supposed to have made?
                                Uhh, missed his lunch because he had to fly to the SGC?

                                There wasn't any sacrifice Jack had to make....

