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Memento Mori (1008)

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    This is the episode that made me like Vala. (Up until now, the only good thing about her that I could find was that she made Daniel do funny things! )

    In this episode, I came to admire Vala's survival skills. It gave me a sense of what life has been like for her up to now -- always on the run, danger everywhere, don't know who to trust, so better not trust anyone . . .

    I can see why she practically wept when she recognized Daniel. I can see why she would want to be part of the team. In space, there's no one to watch your back.


      I like this epsiode because we got to see another side of Vala. But, she wasn't really herself, but at the end when she hugs Daniel, I saw her in a different light.

      Also, the last scene in the breifing room when she makes her statement, it's also like a different side. I'd like to see more, because sometimes the peppy, free-spirited Vala gets annoying, and I liked the change.
      I love Sparky. =)


        I had posted about this in the Season Ten forum, but I thought I'd put my specific thoughts about this episode in this thread.

        I liked this episode a lot. Yes, I'm a Vala/CB fan. This was a chance to see a different side of Vala, a very vulnerable side. As someone else mentioned (probably several someones) you see her Vala's survival instinct.

        As for the "romance" aspect of the episode. It's funny, I didn't really see it as Vala having feelings for Daniel or vice versa. I am not opposed to Vala/Daniel ship but I'm not necessarily rooting for it either. I am sure there is some attraction there, but whether they really *belong* together, I just can't say. I took it at face value that Daniel wanted to treat Vala to something nice as a thank you. I think Vala was just looking forward to going out on a date. She is pretty easy going and I didn't see this date as the beginnings of a long-term relationship. I keep remembering Ties That Bind where she just shows up in Daniel's room for a romp. And she does seem to take it in stride when he turned her down in TTB.

        As for Vala joining SG-1, yeah, it may have seemed kind of soon, but I can forgive it. How long was Jonas around before he became an official member of the team?

        So, I thought it was wonderful performance by Claudia Black. Now, I'll be a broken record and say, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE VALA AND SAM INTERACTION!?!?!?!

        Oh yeah, and Ben Browder handcuffed to the bed shirtless was a nice treat.
        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
          As for Vala joining SG-1, yeah, it may have seemed kind of soon, but I can forgive it. How long was Jonas around before he became an official member of the team?
          Agreed it is forgivable. I'm happy she part of the term.

          To be fair with Jonas he was around for months plus he had speacil skills. Not to mention Jack choice *had* to make a choice right away or have a Russian on the term. IMO it's two different things with Jonas joing the term and Vala.

          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
          Now, I'll be a broken record and say, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE VALA AND SAM INTERACTION!?!?!?!
          Agree, their just pushing it to the side and it's high time we go to see some more one on one Sam/Vala interaction that has some meaning. I want to know see what these women really think of each other. I wan to see their firendship is there is friendship. What kind of friendship it is. INstead we get nothing. there just there around each other and I guess we supose to think whatever we want?!?
          Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


            Originally posted by angelfire east View Post

            Originally Posted by meredithchandler73
            Now, I'll be a broken record and say, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE MORE VALA AND SAM INTERACTION!?!?!?!

            Agree, their just pushing it to the side and it's high time we go to see some more one on one Sam/Vala interaction that has some meaning. I want to know see what these women really think of each other. I wan to see their firendship is there is friendship. What kind of friendship it is. INstead we get nothing. there just there around each other and I guess we supose to think whatever we want?!?
            Hey - I'm the one that wished we could have a Sam/Vala body-switching episode. It would be so much fun to see what Amanda and Claudia could do with each other's characters. Alas, I know it's just a pipe dream.
            Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


              Originally posted by Kpnuts View Post
              How can you not like 'The Fifth Race'? One of SG-1's finest hours in my opinion.
              You don't seem to like most of the current episodes, but people don't say "How could you not like ....." to you, even though alot of people like the new episodes. They can ike what they want, you can't tell people what to like.

              You give Brits a bad name arount here, nothing but negative and insulting the new seasons.


                Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                Hey - I'm the one that wished we could have a Sam/Vala body-switching episode. It would be so much fun to see what Amanda and Claudia could do with each other's characters. Alas, I know it's just a pipe dream.
                That would be so cool That a great idea
                Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                  Boring storyline, although told about as interestingly as possible. Bike chase sequence was nice, though he seemed to be struggling with the gearbox. Ending was a bit... blah.


                    I didn't see this episode when it first aired. Now I have the season box set I saw it for the first time the other day. I've never been able to decide whether I like Vala in the SG setup or not. This episode confirmed for me that I like her more as an outsider who decides to help SG1 for altruistic reasons on occasion.

                    This episode showed that she's much better when portrayed as being on her own and us seeing her survival instincts in action. Vala's nature in itself does not lend itself easily to the constraints of what being part of the SGC involves.

                    When she was confirmed as a member of SG1, I was sitting there wondering where that came from suddenly! Was it because she seemed to show genuine joy in remembering who she was and what her life was at the moment to Daniel when he rescued her? Daniel then told everyone how genuine she was and she was now part of the team, goodness knows!

                    The car chase was the worst car chase I think I've ever seen! To me it had the feel of a load of amateurs getting a car and a motor bike, getting on the highway and trying to recreate their favourite movie car chase!!

                    When they turned up on that turn off for Surrey/Langley stretch of highway I've been on once or twice, that made it even worse!!! That certainly was not Colorado!! Now that just ruins the whole idea of the setting for the episode! I know they like to thrown in references to Vancouver on occasion but this didn't work at all!


                      Wow. I thought the car chase was the best TV show car chase I had seen. Not that I have seen many, but stuff like 24 and stuff...
                      Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!


                        Originally posted by Daniel's Sister View Post
                        This was a great episode!!!!!!!!

                        Claudia Black made this episode.

                        But, I must say, The only parts that I really remember, is the part were Vala orders each kind of martinie;
                        where she says that she's so happy that Daniel finally takes her out on a date and Daniel tries to explains that its not a date;
                        where Vala shoved a twinkie in Cam's mouth; where the rest of SG-1 finds Cam on the bed, hand-cuffed, no shirt, and surrounded by sweets; and Sam says that that's the second time that Cam's had his pants down. My whole family found that hilarious!!;
                        and the part at the end where Vala becomes a permenant member of SG-1, and Daniel again tries to explain to everyone that he wasn't taking Vala out on a date, and even Gen.Landry didn't believe him. Poor Daniel

                        All-in-all, GREAT EP!!!!
                        You pointed out nearly every part that I loved. Just one is missing; when Vala gives the policeman her last name as 'todad' and he turns around and there is a drawing by one of his kids that says 'To Dad' on it. That was hilarious! Loved the Cam/pants joke too.

                        Originally posted by chazevelt View Post
                        I liked it. Hey, it's SG1 for crying out loud. Like marriage, there are good times and bad times, but when you step back and look at the big picture, it's all about the love affair. I'm in love with SG1. I'll happily take whatever they give me and be grateful. I'm not going to tear apart every episode and examine each thread for a yea or nay, and I'm certainly not gonna use one episode to decide if I'm gonna bother watching the next. Gimme more SG1, that's all I ask. Keep it coming. Earthbound, in space, this ship, that ship, heroics, jokes, aliens, too much Cam, not enough Jack- just gimme gimme gimme. I'm in this for the long haul...
                        That's exactly how I feel about SG1! I've been watching it since the start and no matter what, I'm going to stick with it till the end. Sure, not all episodes are as awesome as they can be, but I usually enjoy them anyway.

                        Overall, I thought this was a really good episode with some very good humour in it too. Claudia Black also did a great job.

                        Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
                        btw I've been meaning to say this for a while I hate Daniel's new glasses. I loved his rounder ones, they made him look cute and no glass where sexy. I don't like these new ones
                        It took me a couple of episodes to figure out why Daniel looked so different, hehehe, but I agree. I also liked the rounder ones because I think these new ones change his face a bit.
                        "Don't dis MacGyver, or before you know it he'll be at your door with some tinfoil, a whistle and a bag of marbles...and you'll be sorry then..."
                        S/J all the way!
                        Big Honkin' Resolution!
                        John/Teyla Shipper!
                        SAVE STARGATE ATLANTIS!!!!


                          At 1rst I did not like this episode but after the 2nd then 3rd (with Audio Commentary) I started to really like it!
                          Its great to see alot of new elements like car crashes, Bike chases and yet another warehouse fight and break in! Theres alot of abondoned warehouses used by bad guys in the Stargate area! Its nice se also see some of the old and classic Goa'uld mythology again with Athena!

                          One bad thing is that although he directed the episode Peter Deluise did not do the Audio commentary! As his my fav person doing them! But oh well. Maybe he will do an Atalantis one?
                          However his "Behind the scenes" feature of this episode was intresting. Especailly when exsplaining about the wide angel lens! and when the biker guy was telling Peter stuff he could do on this bike and Peters reply was
                          "I have no Idea what you just said... But do what ever looks cooler!" lol that made me laugh!
                          Banner Made By Me for Me
                          The Red Team proudly supports Stargate: Universe, Suck it Blue


                            Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post

                            I got to say the Mallozzi/Mullie writing team has been writing bad episodes lately, I think they're in a slump.
                            Oh but according to Joe Mallozzi in the special features of season 10 dvd in the deleted scenes, everything he writes is gold. (Cringes) I am sure he meant that sarcastically (hopes) and the only reason I quoted this was to be sarcastic but not to you, to Mallozzi. I didn't enjoy this ep, but one thing I am unclear of and perhaps it was mentioned, but why are the goa'uld no longer talking funny. Now they are talking human. I see that when they are talking to others, because they want to hide on earth, but when Athena was talking to Vala why wouldn't she talk in her true nature?


                              I thought this episode was a really good one. Claudia Black's performance was really great. Bits and pieces were really funny and some were really emotional. The chemistry she has with Ben Browder is definately still there


                                I really liked this episdode. I thought it was a really good Vala episode and it showed how much the team all missed her even though they found her annoying at times.

