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    I was thinking that too but with Devlin's plans would that attempt one around the same time?


      ok Ive just realised that he does the narrator for Teal'c PI. I was just watching it again and heard:

      "when it comes to fighting crime, theres only one man keeping the streets safe, while keeping it real". Lol

      edit: looks like you beat me to it Ace!


        I was a little disappointed the first time I watched it - I kept waiting for the bits I was spoiled on (Farscape, Wizard of Oz, etc) and they were SO short. And it seemed a little slow.

        But then the second time I just sat back and enjoyed all the silly bits and all the in-jokes and sight gags and it was fun.

        Favorite bits:

        *"Invisible Jack" was hilarious....I would have liked to have seen that episode. Especially the bits with Teal'c and "invisible Jack" drinking the coffe. "I can see right thru you "O'Neill".

        * Farscape was fun but too short. But a stroke of genius casting Thor as Rygel.

        * Wizard of Oz. The best part was the sight gag of the boys in costume. Which of course had already been spoiled. But still cute.

        * The original team heading up the ramp at the end......*nostalgia time*

        * Vala and Cam joining the team "fishing" at the end of Moebius and Jack shouting "you weren't there!" RDA was great delivering that line.

        * The pseudo nods to the Jack/Sam ship and the Daniel/Jack slash at the "wedding" kind of made me roll my eyes but it was fun to see all the fandom wank acknowledged. I think.

        *The puppets were kind of fun I thought but it did go on a little long. I got the "Team America" reference having seen an ad for that movie.

        *Teal'c PI. Short but cute. CJ was great in this whole episode. OMG.....and I just read that Isaac Hayes did the voiceover for that. I thought that voice was familiar. Hee!

        Really, some of the best were all the nods to the stuff that gets talked about on these forums day in and day out.

        The convenient "beaming out", the "easy escapes not being shown", "why does everything have to explode in this script?", "why can't they just mention the character who's gone a lot"?, etc., etc. Lots of nods to fandom and the writers poking a bit of fun at themselves as well. These writers spend *way* too much time reading these boards. LOL.

        I didn't care for the whole SG-1 /OC parody. But maybe that was intended since I suspect that's a jab at the network (or studio) for pushing them to get sexier and younger. Either that or I thought it might be a reference to that time a couple of years ago when MS and AT were holding out and they floated those casting sheets for their new younger replacements to be ready to go if they didn't sign.

        I actually laughed at the Wormhole X-Treme "interviews" at the end - they really poked fun at the actors but hopefully they all took it in stride. Edited to add: Oh, and it took me several minutes to recognize PDL! He was a cutie before but he's really looking like quite the hardbody stud muffin now.

        But I would have rather seen them just gate thru and then cut to the actual cake and party they had on set for all the original cast, crew and actors.

        I did thoroughly enjoy the special beforehand. Usually those lowdowns are really ads for the new season but this hour featured wonderful interviews of the entire cast - and nice pieces with Brad and Rob - reflecting on the 10 years of Stargate and their experiences with the show. Really loved it.

        Thanks for 10 years. And thanks for bringing RDA back for the episode - it wouldn't have been the same without him.
        Last edited by keshou; 19 August 2006, 06:23 AM.
        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


          I think im at the point where I dont really want to see the ship onscreen. I loved the tension over the years, dont get me wrong. But I think all it needs, is just a simple reference or mention of their relationship confirming or denying either way, to suffice us shippers.

          But then again, I wouldnt say no to it in a movie...

          Stars with gates are cool...
          "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


            yeah just cams, hes got a quirk where he counts every trip, infact i probably would too. Id scratch another notch on the wall.


              Originally posted by Easter Lily
              ... The Furlings were hilarious and I can't get over how much they look like Koalas...
              Yeah!! When I first saw them I thought Caramello Bears
              My niece walked in as I put it on and she went "Blinky Bill" !!


                If they did get married i would hope they would in the movie. But you could tell from the little look that they were both still interested.


                  For the most part, I loved this episodes, couldnt stop laughing, and I was so proud of myself that I understood like 99% of all the jokes and references.

                  But I was kinda let down in the end, I hated the swearing. There was no need for it and it had nothing to do with the show.

                  Stars with gates are cool...
                  "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                    I keep watching it again and i love the fishing joke.

                    "going fishing is the best ending, anything after it would seem pointless"

                    which of course refrences to the end of season 8 which closed the show perfectly. Then when cam and vala showed up fishing it was even more funny. "You wernt there!".


                      Originally posted by Hatusu
                      This "Team America" parody went right by me. I had no idea what it was, so I just looked it up on the internet. THE PUPPET MOVIE! A puppet movie?! Who goes to see puppet movies? I have a feeling a huge percentage of the audience didn't get that one. If they start referencing Anime, I'm going to go to Vancouver to have a talk with Joe Mallozzi.
                      Team America was definately a political satire that came out during the 2004 Presidential election or right before, can't remember. If you are not into politics you probably weren't interested. It was a great satire that pretty much lambasted the Hollywood actors. It was all about Patriotism. It also was a very bloody, disgusting movie that you probably wouldn't want your children to see. ( I have to add that every time I see Kim Jong Il now I have to laugh because I always think he looks just like his Team America


                        yey walter went through with beau. That was excellent. The episode was brilliant!


                          I was slightly dissapointed by the ending because I wanted to see the party on the other side but the rest of the episode made up for it, and I also have never seen a show make fun of itself so much, with style of course.
                          I'm proud to be an American.

                          "...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust."


                            Devlin can leave the series alone. With such a massive fanbase for the show, if they make SG1 or an original movie sequel SG1 would make more money because of the fans. Im sure that if SG1 ends this season on a cliffhanger (which it probably will be) they will conclude it in a film.


                              200 is awesome, the only thing i "disliked" about it was that we didnt get to see Don S. Davis i.e Hammond in flesh and blood. It was nice to "see" in puppet mode and it was hillarious, but i would really like to see him for example in the wedding scene he should of been there IMO.
                              I always though that Hammond should of came back instead of Landry, but that just me.

                              Dispite that 200 is AWESOME
                              "Do you know what's the Chain of Command?? It's the chain i'm gonna beat you
                              with until you realize who's in rotten command here." - Jayne Cobb


                                I dont think any of it really happened, most of the episode was just 'what if's and even at the end when they went through the gate with walter and landry it was all silly. But it was supposed to be silly and it kept aknowledging it the entire way through.

