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Flesh And Blood (1001)

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    Originally posted by Dani347
    I really don't think there are enough people on Gateworld, or for that matter any fansite, to make a significant dent one way or the other.
    Not even with bots.

    Shame not to be able to trust those polls to give even a rough guide to relative fan preference/opinion anymore.


      Originally posted by Dani347

      The Goa'uld were a huge part of 8 seasons and they didn't appear in every single episode, so I don't see why there can't be a break from the Ori as well. And, team together? Teal'c spent most of the episode on the Lucian ship. By himself (and by that I mean, without SG1) Daniel didn't show up on screen until about halfway through, spent most of his time with Vala (hope they mix it up, have all of them together, or if they split them up, have Daniel with someone other than Vala and vice versa at times) and didn't reunite with the rest of the team until the end. In fact, it wasn't until the end that every member of SG1 was in the same room. So, no, I didn't feel a warm rush of teammy goodness here.
      Based on the previews, and the spoilers here, it looks like "Morpheus" is more of a team episode. Yep, the Ori-killing weapon is the catalyst for them to go off-world but it looks like the foe is not Ori at all.

      And it appears Vala will be otherwise occupied in the next ep too so perhaps it will be more to your liking.

      At the risk of getting chopped down, didn't "New Order" spend a good deal of time with the team split up? Sam was "dead" (and getting mind frelled, to use a Farscape term), Jack was frozen, Daniel was somewhere else, I think, and later joined Teal'c on the "Daniel Jackson". I know they re-grouped in part 2 but I think they were split up most of part one. It seems to me like that's part of the conflict--split up the team and watch them have to figure out how to get back together AND still fight the bad guys. I would think that just adds to the problem meter.

      I thought this episode was pretty good. Not the best sci fi episode I've ever seen (that would either belong to Battlestar Galactica or Farscape) but I was entertained and interested, thought the acting was good, loved the dialogue/relationship between Vala and Daniel and liked the fact that the team didn't win right off the bat.

      And for those who complain "too many Mitchell close-ups..." He is a pretty man! Bring it on

      ETA: as for fan, who cares? What will really count are ratings and whether those ratings support continuing the show. It's obviously not cheap--it looks to me like SGA, SG1 and Battlestar Galactica are all using the same CGI house, from the looks of those battles.
      Last edited by esoap524; 16 July 2006, 04:03 PM.


        Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
        As someone who really hated season 9, I loved this episode. The main reason I wasn't a fan of season 9 was Vala, but I have to say I loved her in this ep. She was funny but not over-the-top, and I hope the Adria(sp?) plotline will tone her down a little, because I think I could really love her character.

        Favorite moment? When Sam and Teal'C insisted on coming in the hope of getting Daniel, because it definitely reminded me of how close these three people are.

        And that was some pretty sweet flying on Cameron's part when he saved Sam.
        I agree Redshirt, that is one of my fav scenes too.

        I was at my first convention last week (shore leave) and got in on Amanda Tapping's talk, one of the things she mentioned was that she felt a lot of the team moments were missing from last year and she thinks this year is a little better with it, but still a lot of the moments will be looks and subtle moments between the original three cast members that are going to put in that closeness that I love to see between the teammates.
        SGT AJ


          Obviously the Ori got plenty information, from Daniel's mind, but they are ascended beings, so it's very likely that they got much of their information by peeking in on the galaxy. I can't wait, for Morena Baccarin to take on the part of Adria.


            Originally posted by DEM
            Not even with bots.

            Shame not to be able to trust those polls to give even a rough guide to relative fan preference/opinion anymore.

            shame too that those polls on the front page can be cheated by clearing cookies - let's see the real ratings and then get cocky about it either way - my guess is that a lot of the people who gave up on S9 didn't watch so the low numbers areen't higher because those people already stopped watching and just don't care anymore. S9s numbers on the GW polls did not reflect the drop in ratings that S9 experienced as they always showed higher numbers for the good on GW polls. BTW - careful what you wish for with regard to people who should stop watching - the fall in ratings from S8 to S9 wouldn't get me all uppity that's for sure . . . .


              Just a mod reminder that the topic is FLESH AND BLOOD, as in the episode, not other posters.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Okay, I have to ammend one reservation to the episode. I rewatched the beginning, and after Sam and Mitchell found out the other was alive, Sam mentioned the Korelev, and asked about Daniel and looked concerned. So he was mentioned before the second half of the episode by a member of SG1. (I know the ship captain did, but he doesn't count to me) I missed it the first time.
                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                  Season ten seems to off to a good start. I Think that I'll get over all of the overly convienant escapes from the battle with the Ori. I was sort of hoping that a main character would have died, it would have added creditabilty to the Ori threat i think. Putting that aside the action was good and I like the plot development with Vala's daughter. It'll be intereting to see how that plays out.
                  You don't know the power of the Dark Side


                    Originally posted by Dani347
                    I rewatched the beginning, and after Sam and Mitchell found out the other was alive, Sam mentioned the Korelev, and asked about Daniel and looked concerned.
                    And she did that hesitant, soft-spoken thing, too, didn't she? ("Daniel?")


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      And she did that hesitant, soft-spoken thing, too, didn't she? ("Daniel?")
                      Yes, she did. That, and her reaction after hearing from him were big plusses. (Pluses?)

                      Still found the episode mediocre overall, but much better to hear concern about both missing team members.
                      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                        Originally posted by Dani347
                        Okay, I have to ammend one reservation to the episode. I rewatched the beginning, and after Sam and Mitchell found out the other was alive, Sam mentioned the Korelev, and asked about Daniel and looked concerned. So he was mentioned before the second half of the episode by a member of SG1. (I know the ship captain did, but he doesn't count to me) I missed it the first time.
                        That's right--she asks Mitchell when Mitchell regains consciousness in the battered 302 (that's what it's called, right? Ships always confuse me). And Mitchell, I think, looks sick and says something to the effect of "he was on the ship."

                        I got the feeling that both of them were upset about the Daniel question--Mitchell didn't per se speak it but he sure looked upset; not much time to lament though, given that Carter had the immediately pressing need of getting out of space before she died, and Mitchell was dealing with saving her, as well as contemplating the general ass-whumping.

                        The response I thought was a bit odd was Emerson's "I'll take that as a 'no'" when Teal'c obviously comes under fire. Of course, I thought Emerson was a bit off during the entire thing.

                        I also liked Sam's "good news, Daniel's alive"; Teal'c and Mitchell exchanged some looks of satisfaction at that but I sure was waiting for "bad news, we're gonna die."


                          That scene at the start took away my reservations about caring from the team. Sam asking, Mitchell remembering the ship exploding and remembering that Daniel was still on it (as far as he knew) I don't need wailing and gnashing of teeth (although, I wouldn't turn my nose up). Just concern at the right time. Meaning you can keep on the business at hand, and still take the time to ask about your teammates during that time. Sam and Mitchell finding out that the other one was alive, and being glad. Sam asking about Daniel. Mitchell asking Emmerson (?) about Teal'c, Sam asking about him in the infirmary, than checking on him when they beamed him up, Mitchell telling Sam that Daniel wasn't one of the people who beamed off the ship, but the rings were used. Mitchell and Kvasir (or, as Sam likes to call him, Sweetums ) working to get her back on. Sam saying that Daniel might be alive and her reaction. I'd say there was concern for each member. And, like I said, none of it seemed like it was done after the "important" stuff was out of the way, but was part of the important stuff. Good job on that front.
                          I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                          Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                          Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                          Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                          Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                            Originally posted by golfbooy
                            Right. Now on to the characters themselves. And I think I'll start with everyone's favorite whipping boy.........Landry. Ah, ah, you thought I was going to say Mitchell, didn't you? Nope, I'll be needing a thicker switch to tan that boy's ass. All joking aside, what was up with Landry? His scene with Woolsey left me scratching my head. Smug much? Arrogant often? What moron finds out that the fleet he sent to defend the galaxy has been entirely wiped out with loss of life totaling in the thousands, only to snidely take a dig at the one sympathetic voice on the IOA? "Stupid Woolsey, quit offering reasonable suggestions. If you'd have thrown more money at the problem I could have fixed it." WTF? Please, tell me if I read the scene wrong. Because right now, I'm thinking that Landry is the biggest tool the SGC has seen since Gen. Bauer.
                            I thought that whole scene was a little strange as well. I was sitting there listening to Woolsey and though his suggestion wasn't that off the wall. When Landry took off with his whole "Did I say that out loud" thing, I was kind of shocked.

                            It was like they just decided to create a scene where Landry could be "tough as nails, not putting up with those politicians" but fell short of creating a good *reason* for him to be "tough as nails".

                            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                              Originally posted by keshou
                              I thought that whole scene was a little strange as well. I was sitting there listening to Woolsey and though his suggestion wasn't that off the wall. When Landry took off with his whole "Did I say that out loud" thing, I was kind of shocked.

                              It was like they just decided to create a scene where Landry could be "tough as nails, not putting up with those politicians" but fell short of creating a good *reason* for him to be "tough as nails".

                              Although I was tickled by the "Did I say that out loud" jab (having used it a number of times myself) the scene did feel a little off to me as well, but I'm not sure why. Landry is growing on me. I'm starting to like his occasional snarkiness.
                              "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                              it has it's own laws and beats about things
                              which the intellect scorns."
                              - Mark Twain -


                                Originally posted by Sela
                                Although I was tickled by the "Did I say that out loud" jab (having used it a number of times myself) the scene did feel a little off to me as well, but I'm not sure why. Landry is growing on me. I'm starting to like his occasional snarkiness.
                                Personally, I've loved his "snarkiness" all along. Beau Bridges, IMO, is doing a wonderful job as the new General in charge of the SGC. Last season, I loved his "putz" comments. They always made me laugh.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

