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The Cam and Vala discussion thread

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    Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
    I think the incredible response from so many people all over the world when it was announced, (inacurately as far as we know, but don't give up hope) that the new show would star MS/Daniel with the chance of CB/ Vala as co star shows just how wildly popular those two are.
    Our definitions of incredible are very different. The response I saw here was mixed.

    A poll taken on a possible third series showed that just over 25% of the respondents favoured Daniel as the star of any new spin-off.

    Given that Season Ten, featuring Daniel and Vala heavily, failed to perform well enough, even with the benefit of an existing fanbase for the show, to merit renewal, if I was the one who would be footing the bill, I wouldn't be prepared to risk starring the characters in a new show.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
      I think the incredible response from so many people all over the world when it was announced, (inacurately as far as we know, but don't give up hope) that the new show would star MS/Daniel with the chance of CB/ Vala as co star shows just how wildly popular those two are.
      funnily enough-everybody and their brother said it wasn't true-that there was no such show and no such offer to MS or even a mention of CB being in it.

      however, we all know the old saying-where there is smoke-there is some idiot that used too much lighter fluid to light the grill
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
        funnily enough-everybody and their brother said it wasn't true-that there was no such show and no such offer to MS or even a mention of CB being in it.

        however, we all know the old saying-where there is smoke-there is some idiot that used too much lighter fluid to light the grill
        Or maybe somebody testing the waters to see how an idea will be received.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by smurf View Post

          Season 10 was a done deal, not only for the record, but because Skiffy hadn't yet completed their full slate of new shows to replace it with.
          Season 10 was very much a done deal. Skiffy wanted thier record. and once they had it, they dropped the show like a hot rock. IIRC, they even had the overwhleming grace and tact to tell people 'sorry you're cancelled' at a celebration party thrown to celebrate the 20th episode.

          Skiffy milked the series to have the record.

          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          I have to say that I've found Gateworld is probably the most diverse bboard in terms of viewership (and so much more representative of fandom as a whole) and the first 5 episodes were not universally adored here. You will really have to provide some definitive proof.


          That was a joke...right?
          Well, if you take polls on boards that censor membership and gag all dissenters, of course you're gonna get biased results.

          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          Well then as I would need to link to actual posts on other forums you will have to take my word for it. But then again it is common knowledge.
          Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
          I guess this means there is no quote?
          looks like it.
          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          The writers are very bad at 'doing' women. Vala is the exception. They ruined Carter to the point where she has become un-watchable to so many viewers. CB is such a superb actress that I think she has risen above some of the bad writing to make her character much better. It's a real shame we won't get to see more of her, if only she had been the one transfered to Atalntis it could have made it watchable...oh well, never mind plenty more shows to watch.
          I agree that CB is a good actress. however vala is little more than a frat boy's wet dream. sexually promiscious, leather bustier clad woman throwing herself at every man??? sounds more like the star of the newest porn movie.

          vala HAD potential. however just like ever other female character created by these writers - Weir and Teyla amongst them - she's nothing but a walking cliche. shallow, there just for decoration and very predictible. about the only times we get to see more than 'whorelette' vala is when MS is absent andd she's allowed to be more than an accessory to daniel's budding machismo

          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
          I think the incredible response from so many people all over the world when it was announced, (inacurately as far as we know, but don't give up hope) that the new show would star MS/Daniel with the chance of CB/ Vala as co star shows just how wildly popular those two are.
          well, of COURSE the worldwide members of Michael Shanks Online loved the news. Who would blame them. Of course the other 80% of the fandom had a much more mixed reaction.

          They wanna remake Stargate Command starring MS and CB, go for it. BUt since they've already been doing that for the better part of 2 seasons and the ratings are dropping like a rock, i just don't see it happening.

          While there is no denying at all that MS is popular amongst his fans, he just doesn't seem to have as much general popularity.

          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
          funnily enough-everybody and their brother said it wasn't true-that there was no such show and no such offer to MS or even a mention of CB being in it.

          however, we all know the old saying-where there is smoke-there is some idiot that used too much lighter fluid to light the grill
          or wishful thinking. Daniel and his scantily clad sidekick may have a short term level of enjoyabilityy - and heck even i laughed when vala beat the crud out of daniel as he did his best to homage Crichton, a steady diet of the girl beating daniel up would get really old really fast.

          Vala, as a one shot, worked. even in an episode that was fatally flawed. we're supposed to believe that one woman overwhelmed a large group of well trained marines? That on all those levels of the promie, NO ONE thought to close bulkheads or shoot her or kick her ass? they all just meekly held their hands in the air and gave up???

          so muh for the sgc having hte best and the brightest. It was more like the keystone cops.

          PU was, at its most basic, a sterling example of coop's poor leadereship skills. It was one of many times when the existing characters were warped and denigrated to make a poor plot work. REynolds and hammond ware turned into lampoons to facilitate the funny of vala emasculating daniel.

          but then, when skiffy fell so in love with CB that they just HAD to have her back, they didn't keep her the kick butt schemer. they had to take that extra step and turn her into a whorelette, cause you know, they ARE trying to appeal to the young male and boobs are always an appeal.

          vala, as a female character, had promise, but these boys can't handle strong women. so they write them as a fantasy girl.

          the writers wrote vala so poorly that even some of claudia's fans - as much as they love her - can't stand her character
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Mitchell has proved to be a very good leader when he has been allowed to be, the fact that he is the same rank as Carter is a huge mistake, he should outrank her. If tptb had introduced him as a mature officer of higher rank at the begining it would have worked out much better.
            If he had outranked her and been more mature...hmm, now THAT would have been a Jack thing, although I suppose it's arguable that Carter is more mature than Jack.

            At any rate, there's a lot of what ifs and they should haves...unfortunately, there's too much water under the bridge. I'm just sad to realize that the show in its more current incarnation, which finally seems to be falling into a groove, is done.

            And I can't believe it but, I'm looking forward to the movies.


              i can't say that i'm looking forward to Vaniel and the Bori - the feature

              but the second one does sound promising.

              and yeah, what? 48 hours from now and it'll all be over? kinda sad
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Sad only in the same way putting down a lame championship horse with a broken leg is sad.

                I mean if it was really a nice healthy Stargate then killing it would be really really tragically sad but putting it down the way it is now is merciful. Sure it’s still sad from remembering all that it was but ultimately it is for the best to put it out of is misery.
                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                  Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                  Sad only in the same way putting down a lame championship horse with a broken leg is sad.

                  I mean if it was really a nice healthy Stargate then killing it would be really really tragically sad but putting it down the way it is now is merciful. Sure it’s still sad from remembering all that it was but ultimately it is for the best to put it out of is misery.

                  Sad because this season has been better than ever. Vala and Daniel have made the show so much more interesting, Mitchell has been much better this season, a true leader, Teal'c has been as good as ever. Landry and Lam have also been wonderful additions and now with Carter being dumped on poor Atlantis it's a real shame the show is ending. It could go on for years without the dead wood.

                  I really hope that the movies do so well that the show is renewed, Carter would be out of the way and they would all be free to move on and tell some more fantastic stories and not have to worry about Carter holding them back. {Mod Snip} the shippy music where tptb try to hit us over the head...look Sir luvs Sammykins, just listen to the music.

                  Heaven! Roll on the Vaniel show and throw in the bori!!!!!! Just see the ratings soar! No Carter to drag them down.
                  Last edited by TameFarrar; 12 March 2007, 04:09 PM.

                  Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                    The responsibility for a shows fall can't come to rest on these two actors. they are doing their jobs and working to the best of their ability with what they are given. That said, I love Stargate and am still watching it, but it just does not have the same feel. the original cast had an amazing chemistry, that I have never before saw in another show. Their was a naturalness amongst them, that made even the most boring of stories more bearable to watch. That chemistry seems strained now, as I watch the show. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable watching, because I just can't feel that chemistry anymore. The writing is okay. The Ori storyline just doesn't do it for me, no the way the Goa'uld did. Had the original cast stayed together, perhaps it would have made Ori storyline take on a different feel. But actors have lives too, and that said I think they show would have been great if it had stopped at season8.


                      I've decided to begin providing a vital service - that of a proof-reader/editor. Don't worry about payment, or even thanks, folks. This is strictly voluntary on my part.

                      My first customer -

                      Sad because this season has been slightly better than ever nine. Vala and Daniel have made the show so much more interesting, Mitchell has been much better this season - the wheelchair and alcoholism were big improvments - and Teal'c has been as good as ever. Landry and Lam have also been wonderful additions And now with Carter being dumped on poor Atlantis given her own show, it's a real shame the show is ending. It could she will go on for years without the dead wood.

                      I really hope that the movies do so well that the show is renewed, Carter would be out of the way and they would all be free to move on and tell some more fantastic stories and not have to worry about Carter holding them back. Just imagine a Stargate without the gulping,swallowing, google eyes, the OTT body movements, the shippy music where tptb try to hit us over the head...look Sir luvs Sammykins, fear not, there has to be at least one god out there who wants to set things right. Sam and Jack will soon wed. just listen to the music.

                      Heaven! Roll on the Vaniel show and throw in the bori!!!!!! Just see the ratings soar plummet! No Carter to drag them down maintain some semblence of Grace - get it? Grace?.


                        Originally posted by gatechick View Post
                        Had the original cast stayed together, perhaps it would have made Ori storyline take on a different feel. But actors have lives too, and that said I think they show would have been great if it had stopped at season8.
                        that would have been interesting to see. just how the attitude of Jack O'Neill would have handled the Bori.
                        the humor of the show used to have a bit of reverance to it. They would acknowledge that the situation was OTT and then deal with it. IMHO, had gekko still been involved, Mitchell would have had a backstory BEFORE he was taped, and he would have been fleshed out and the writers would have been given a sheet of paper saying 'this is cameron mitchell' and theyu'd have had osmething to go by, instead of each of them making up what htey wanted to make up.

                        Vala would have been given some more depth from the getgo. there would have been more emphasis on her character and her angst and her past instead of her chest measurements and how tightly tehy can tailor her costumes.

                        Both Cameron and Vala HAD potential. And under some different leadership, perhaps they could have lived up to that potential.

                        It's not thier fault. and it's not the actors' fault. It's the writing. to paraphrase Jessica Rabbit 'i'm not bad, i'm just written that way'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                          Sad because this season has been better than ever. Vala and Daniel have made the show so much more interesting, Mitchell has been much better this season, a true leader, Teal'c has been as good as ever. Landry and Lam have also been wonderful additions and now with Carter being dumped on poor Atlantis it's a real shame the show is ending. It could go on for years without the dead wood.

                          I really hope that the movies do so well that the show is renewed, Carter would be out of the way and they would all be free to move on and tell some more fantastic stories and not have to worry about Carter holding them back. Just imagine a Stargate without the gulping,swallowing, google eyes, the OTT body movements, the shippy music where tptb try to hit us over the head...look Sir luvs Sammykins, just listen to the music.

                          Heaven! Roll on the Vaniel show and throw in the bori!!!!!! Just see the ratings soar! No Carter to drag them down.
                          LOL. You've got the talking points down pat, that's for sure.


                            Originally posted by SionnachOghma View Post
                            I've decided to begin providing a vital service - that of a proof-reader/editor. Don't worry about payment, or even thanks, folks. This is strictly voluntary on my part.

                            My first customer -

                            Sad because this season has been slightly better than ever nine. Vala and Daniel have made the show so much more interesting, Mitchell has been much better this season - the wheelchair and alcoholism were big improvments - and Teal'c has been as good as ever. Landry and Lam have also been wonderful additions And now with Carter being dumped on poor Atlantis given her own show, it's a real shame the show is ending. It could she will go on for years without the dead wood.

                            I really hope that the movies do so well that the show is renewed, Carter would be out of the way and they would all be free to move on and tell some more fantastic stories and not have to worry about Carter holding them back. Just imagine a Stargate without the gulping,swallowing, google eyes, the OTT body movements, the shippy music where tptb try to hit us over the head...look Sir luvs Sammykins, fear not, there has to be at least one god out there who wants to set things right. Sam and Jack will soon wed. just listen to the music.

                            Heaven! Roll on the Vaniel show and throw in the bori!!!!!! Just see the ratings soar plummet! No Carter to drag them down maintain some semblence of Grace - get it? Grace?.
                            OH MY GOD!!!! A childish Sam fan...I'm shocked!!!!
                            Last edited by flynn1959; 11 March 2007, 12:27 PM.

                            Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                              Originally posted by SionnachOghma View Post
                              I've decided to begin providing a vital service - that of a proof-reader/editor. Don't worry about payment, or even thanks, folks. This is strictly voluntary on my part.

                              My first customer -

                              Sad because this season has been slightly better than ever nine. Vala and Daniel have made the show so much more interesting, Mitchell has been much better this season - the wheelchair and alcoholism were big improvments - and Teal'c has been as good as ever. Landry and Lam have also been wonderful additions And now with Carter being dumped on poor Atlantis given her own show, it's a real shame the show is ending. It could she will go on for years without the dead wood.

                              I really hope that the movies do so well that the show is renewed, Carter would be out of the way and they would all be free to move on and tell some more fantastic stories and not have to worry about Carter holding them back. Just imagine a Stargate without the gulping,swallowing, google eyes, the OTT body movements, the shippy music where tptb try to hit us over the head...look Sir luvs Sammykins, fear not, there has to be at least one god out there who wants to set things right. Sam and Jack will soon wed. just listen to the music.

                              Heaven! Roll on the Vaniel show and throw in the bori!!!!!! Just see the ratings soar plummet! No Carter to drag them down maintain some semblence of Grace - get it? Grace?.
                              Boy, I didn't realize how much we needed your services! Thank you for all your hard work

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                                OH MY GOD!!!! A childish Sam fan...I'm shocked!!!!
                                Imagine my surprise at an adamant fan of 'The Cam and Vala Show' who can't take a joke

