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unconvertable asgard?

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    Enhancing a nuke with naquadah was something that doesn't require a huge amount of engineering.
    We were already building space shuttles. We just added neutronium alloy to the hull. That's adding a new metal alloy to a construction process that we already have. PLUS the Asgard helped quite a bit.
    AR weapons weren't possible until O'Neill interfaced with the Ancient knowledge and used the Asgard computers to design the first prototype. The asgard then modified their ship to project that kind of wave. Who's to say that our AR weapons technology wasn't assisted by the Asgard/Thor after the replicator conflict?

    But building a weapon similiar to the dakara weapon, which was huge and required who knows how much combined ancient tech to build, is on a totally different scale than small-scale items.

    I pointed out jumpers because using your craptastic logic, we should be able to manufacture plenty of jumpers on our own just because we know how to use it.

    Sam carter can't do everything, a point that she's brought up time and time again.


      Originally posted by Zamboni
      What you gonna say next, making weapon grade plutonium is as easy as picking up rocks from the ground?
      It is when you've already got a viable weapon, and you're adding an element that you've tested and confirmed to amplify the power of the blast wave. Ra did this work for the SG teams in the movie, so all they had to do is test how much in labs. We do this quite commonly in real life.

      Oh yeah, the recipe has been on the net for ages right? Just add one spoon of neutronium and two pints of steel eh? Asgard only helped with the hyperdrive. SGC manufactured all the crystal interface and whatnot.
      We did? Or could it be that we were able to get our hands on captured alien ships, which we then took apart and retrofitted? With help from the Tok'Ra and/or Asgard, we were able to figure out what does which and build interfaces around them. We could have grown them too, but it takes a much longer process to do so.

      Uh... Thor? He said they now must rebuild their homeworld and humans can go *bleep* (censored for Asgard coase language)...
      Thor has been too busy to help out himself (being supreme commander and all), but I'm pretty sure the provided Asgard assistance (Hermiod, and possibly K'Vasir) did SOMETHING to help our R&D. But again, none of this is confirmed by canon either way.

      Yes... Just like combining crystal technology with goa'uld and asgard ones plus good old human know how... And as we all know, humans space ships are so tiny they're piloted by naqudah enhanced ticks. Also like you said, we DON'T know how much Ancient tech is needed for the D-gun, for all we know it could be an anti-replicator weapon sitting on top of a ZPM next to a DHD, in which case even Siler build one in 4 hours.
      We don't know specifically, but we can estimate. We know how to reconfigure the crystals data paths to reprogram the crystals on the Dakara interface, but we don't know how to make our own programmable crystal. That's only about 15% of it. We then have to build something for the crystals to sit in and interface with the main system. That's 25% of it. We then have to have a housing for all the crystals, and run power systems throughout the complex to power the various parts of the device. That's 40%. Now we need the correct software to tell everything what to do properly. That's the last 20% of it.

      I never said that, I said Carter could potentially draw up plans to build a weapon similar to the Dakara weapon.
      She figured out how the frequency works and worked out a way to interface with the device and get a read-out from it. That is far from knowing how to build another one. Really far.

      That's called modesty. Something you should practice when you bash the smartest blonde in 3 galaxies.
      No, she's messed up pretty far before, and has proven unable to complete tasks. She's not perfect, and not the smartest among the asgard.

      Simply put, just because you know how to work something doesn't give you mastery over construction. Just because you know how to turn your computer on and get on the internets using Internet Explorer doesn't grant you the knowledge to build your computer from scratch and write your own operating system. If it did, every computer company in the world would be out of business.

      You can drop the defensive irrationality. I'm an engineer, and I build things for a living. You're just exposing yourself as the tool you really are. Stop while you are still ahead.


        Originally posted by IcyNeko View Post
        You can drop the defensive irrationality. I'm an engineer, and I build things for a living. You're just exposing yourself as the tool you really are. Stop while you are still ahead.
        You can say you're the president of the united states for all I care. Rationality doesn't really work all that well in SG verse, nor the internet. The rabbit stopped when he was ahead, look what the turtle did to him.

        I'm not the first to start posting in condescending tones while driving the thread off track with the "knowing how to fish doens't mean you can build the fish" analysis. Great job stating the obvious, except we are not discussing reality, we're discussing a comedic sci-fi where "out of phase" means you still touch the ground.

        Give it a rest trying to convince the world "it's hard to build things". We know. Just because you've got a Phd doesn't give you the right to laugh at your fellow men. If you don't get enough respect in your field then I suggest you change it, as you're the first engineer who hates tools.

        What, you're gonna build the world with only your hands?


          You're confusing realistic views with ZOMG WE KAN BUILD NETHANG.

          It took stargate 6 seasons to build the Prometheus, partially due to gathering enough Trinium for the hull. We already had a methodology for building space-faring vessels. Building a device that reseeds life in the galaxy is quite a leap from there. More than realistically possible to do in all 10 seasons.

          I don't hate my profession. I love my engineering training. In fact, it grants me the ability to not act like a tool and make claims like "ZOMG THEY CAN BUILD ANYTHIGN THEY'VE USED FROM SCRATCH". It's really nice because then I don't haev to piss off everyone else who DOES know what they're talking about.

          Hint taken? Cuz I'm totally out of cluesticks.


            Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post
            Asgard are in a different galaxy this fight really dosnt concern them
            And do the Ori even know of where their galaxy is??

            Be kind of hard to convert them if they cant get there.


              Originally posted by BewareofthePhil View Post
              Surely they have the power to send a few scout ships to various galaxies though? I mean, they must know that Pegasus etc are there, so what would it hurt to go look?
              They did not know about milky way before Daniel and Vala messed up. Why they know Pegasus? They are not gods.
              Asgard in memoriam


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                And do the Ori even know of where their galaxy is??

                Be kind of hard to convert them if they cant get there.
                The Ori, when they enter a new galaxy, seemt o be able to get info from people they encounter along the way. Adria was able to pull "Dakara" from the Jaffa she revived. I'm pretty sure that if they came across any SG team that had experience workign with the Asgard (and read mission briefings), they could glean "IDA" pretty quick. :|

                Which is probably good that Daniel wasn't exposed to the Ori as a prior.

                but wait.. Merlin was an ancient born after the alliance, and he's the part of daniel that became a prior.

                ... oh noes

