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Maybe they can't kill one without killing the other

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    Yeah, those views are good. The religious ones were just a bit more specific is all. Yours just covers the same thing for a wider audience. :-)


      Besides, if the Sangraal merely descends everyone, why would the Ascended Beings of the Milky Way be so much against it? They have little Ascending Machines lying around, after all. All they'd have to do would be to run to them and use them and presto, Re-Ascension.


        the sangral could destroy the other planes of existence themselves and not the actual ascended beings, so the ancients/ori would have no choice but to descend or be destroyed. That could fit in with why they both want the weapon destroyed


          I don't think it descends them directly. Rather it makes the plane they're existing on uninhabitable for them. They would probably have to either ascend further or descend to get away from it.


            its been stated that ascension turns you into a state of pure energy. the san greal is blood line, the writers changed it to sangraal to fit their needs. It wouldnt kill humans because merlin would have used the dakara device and a ZPM to do that, dial the galaxy of the ori and blast them. It wouldnt decend them because they would just ascend again, and where would the energy go, if they are canceled out then it makes sense.
            Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


              Yes. Again, it's like radar jamming their dimension basically.

              Remember the videos of the Indonesian tsunami? Did you ever see the one where the guy was on the second floor of the hotel and you see the wave come rolling in and rolls right over the hotel's swimming pool? The wave is the sangraal. The water in the pool is an ascended being.


                Ascended Beings don't exist on one dimension only. We've seen them interact with people from our dimension (Oma, Orlin, Chaya), so they aren't phased out into another dimension (like the bugs in "Sight Unseen").

                They roam around and interact with stuff on our plane, so obviously they can exist on the "mortal plane" as well. The only thing jamming their "special dimension" would do would be forcing them to come down and lives with us.


                  Maybe the bloodstone acts as a prison for the Ori.
                  I remember hearing in one episode that size is irrelevant to the function of the weapon or something, so maybe inside of the bloodstone is an infinite amount of space-time.
                  like a ZPM contains a mini-universe/galaxy spacet time or something like that. (I'm not sure of the specifics)
                  so maybe "the weapon" just beams all of the ori to the inside of the bloodstone. So they are trapped in there inside the bloodstone forever, in their own little galaxy where they cant touch anyone, unless they get out
                  (ie: someone should accidently drop the bloodstone and smash it and set them all free!).
                  Its kind of like in the film MIB when the cat has the mini universe in a gemstone attached to its collar,and the cockroach guy was tryin to get that diamond cos he knew what wasi nside it of it.
                  I kind of like this theory that i just hatched up today..
                  "Furlings" is an anagram of "Fun Girls"
                  I wish we could finally get to see the "fun girls" !
                  They must be really sexy cos the Asgard said you'll know 'em when you see 'em!!


                    I actually think that the Sangraal cuts off the conection between planes of existence, locking the Ascended up and us down and that's what caused Merlin problems because the Ascended Ancients believe, to the point of risking their own lives, in self determination, our right to choose our destiny whatever we pick it to be.
                    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                      When talking about the Ori and the Ancient's, science versus religion just doesn't hold up, and further than the face that people actually worship the Ori. When every bit of Ori technology seen has been equal, or superior to any Ancient technology of the same kind. The Ori believed in religion, the Ancient's in science, as we have seen by the Book of Origin, the Ori are more spiritual, and not religious in the way that humans of Earth are.

                      I would think that the Sangraal is a prison of sorts, because what is meant by canceling them out, merely interrupting their frequency, that if someone was to stop the interference the Ori would pop back in to existence, or are they actually destroyed, gone forever, and can never be brought back. There are many things that went wrong with the Ori story in my opinion, but science vs. religion was definitely the worse.


                        The dialogue from the episode spells out the effects of the device fairly clearly:

                        KVASIR: It is an energy transfer device…similar to a zero point Module
                        except that the energy is channeled not from subspace into ordinary
                        space-time but rather into the dimension occupied by ascended beings…

                        CARTER: and this energy is harmful to them in some way?

                        KVASIR: it is a form of interference…a simple analogy would be two
                        standing waves canceling each other out. If the weapon indeed works
                        the way Merlin's writings imply…we would simply need to activate it
                        and send it to the Ori galaxy…and they would be eliminated…

                        Provided the Asgard understand the Tech it seems to be a device with a localised effect on the dimension that the ascended beings inhabit, i.e it works in the galaxy it's in so it wouldn't kill the Ancients.

                        What isn't explained is whether or not they are killed, eliminated suggests that strongly, or whether the device just causes interference on the Ascended plain for as long as it functions, or on a permanent basis.

                        You'd have to assume it doesn't cause a permanent effect or they wouldn't really want to activate it in this galaxy and then send it to the Ori galaxy, one of the inconsistencies for me is if they activate it and send it through or even take it there what's to stop the priors or other followers of the Ori destroying the Sangraal.

                        The other thing is, if this thing works like a ZPM does it run out after a couple of thousand years? Time doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever on ascended beings, so if it imprisons the Ori in the ascended dimension do they come out in 10,000 years when the ZPM like device runs out feeling a little peeved?

