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This Sucks

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    Originally posted by Starxgate View Post
    If thats the case then why are Sc-Fi being ****ing *****es & is not allowing MGM to find SG-1 a new home ? For this reason alone you have to admit there is more going on that we dont know about between them. If it was simply not worth it anymore then Sci-Fi would have no problem letting SG-1 move to another station. In my opinio we do not & will never know the whole story. At the end of the day there is more to this cancellation then meets the eye.
    No, I don't. Once more, with feeling: It's in the contract.

    And as a reason number 2, Sci-Fi don't want SG-1 continued elsewhere because they're going to make movies. Which, to them, looks like a nice easy relatively inexpensive way of allowing SG-1 to continue.

    This is why I say a lot of gaters are being whiny a petulant. Constantly b*tching about Sci-Fi not letting SG-1 continue, while conveniently forgetting that there are two movies planned. No, it's not the TV series, but again, I can't think of a single other show where this has happened. The only thing remotely like it is Firefly/Serenity, but they had to change production companies first.

    Sci-Fi want to keep making SG-1, but they simply can't afford it. So they're doing movies instead.

    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
    Announcing after the 200th episode to the fans was.....well, questionable. I would say, from visiting Gateworld, etc. that fan "morale" was at a high.

    etc etc
    I can almost see what you're saying, but I still disagree. I've been involved in a number of Save Our Show compaigns, and it really does matter when the announcement is made. There is a point of no return when sets have been demolished and the cast are working on different projects. The sooner the announcement is made, the better, and I will always be glad the news was released early in the season.
    To TPTB and SciFi: thank you for ten wonderful years of SG-1. Thank you for three slightly less wonderful but still very good years of Atlantis, may there be many more to come. Thank you for the two SG-1 movies and the new spin-off being considered. SciFi, thank you for picking up SG-1 when it was cancelled after its fifth season, few other networks would even consider a show with so many season already behind it.

    Mistakes have been made, but we are all only human, and coming up on fourteen season DVD box sets and two DVD movies are more than good enough for me.


      Originally posted by Teotl View Post
      If SG-1 really was doing well enough not to get cancelled, they would not cancel it. They are out to make money. As soon as one of their shows stops making them money, they will no longer produce it. It is of absoultely no interest to them to cancel a show that is doing well. They have had five years of dealing with SG-1, they know how much money it makes for them. If they have decided to cancel it, it's because it's just not worth it any more.

      I have absolutely no illusions about this. I believe the reasoning at Sci-Fi was "We'll do season 10, get a record breaking show. If the ratings improve significantly, we'll do season 11 as well, but if not, it's over."

      And I can't figure out why fans have a problem with this.

      They gave us a 10th season, which we would not otherwise have had. Season 9 would have been a terrible place to end it. This way, we got the conclusion to a cliffhanger. Are you saying you'd rather it ended in Season 9?

      While I have no doubt that the break-up of Sci-Fi Friday has contributed to the falling ratings, it would be stupid to assume it is the only cause. You said it yourself, last year the ratings were pretty much the same, and that was when there was a Sci-Fi Friday.

      Yes, yes, yes. Curse them all you want for cancelling the show, but do not forget that there wouldn't be seasons 6-10 of SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, two TV movies and a another spinoff series without the sci-fi channel.

      I am compeltely failing to understand why anouncing it after 200 was a bad idea. Regardless of when they announced it, they had already made the decision. The producers knew early on, and as such they were given the opportunity to finish the show with a proper ending. Do you know how many shows get that? The fans knew early on, and as such they were given the opportunity to start up a Save Our Show campaign with plenty of time before the show was well and truly dead. Do you know how may fans get the opportunity to do that?

      Not many.

      The earlier the announcement comes, the better.

      Now, as somene else said, I'm not sure when it was announced to the cast was in great taste.
      Oh maybe your right Scifi is so unselfish. They anounce it's cancelation after a high rating showing like the 200th episode. Also before that they break up 3-shows that were doing good together. But no your right they extend it's life, so they are allowed to end it when ever they want.

      I will believe that when rules the world
      Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
      Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
      new enemy of the Ori


        Originally posted by Kingomon View Post
        Oh maybe your right Scifi is so unselfish. They anounce it's cancelation after a high rating showing like the 200th episode. Also before that they break up 3-shows that were doing good together. But no your right they extend it's life, so they are allowed to end it when ever they want.

        I will believe that when rules the world
        I never said they were unselfish. In fact, I have said many times that they are only out to make a profit.

        The main point I am trying to make is that for an American television network, SciFi is actually pretty good. As a cable network they don't have a great deal of money behind them, but they do the best they can. I fully believe that SG-1 would not have lasted as long as it did if it was on any other network.

        Sci-Fi did not cancel SG-1 out of spite. They did not even cancel it because they truly wanted to, only because MGM wouldn't lower the licence. Despite breaking up Sci-Fi friday, they did not do it to sabotage the shows. Was it a mistake? Maybe it was, but we all make them.
        To TPTB and SciFi: thank you for ten wonderful years of SG-1. Thank you for three slightly less wonderful but still very good years of Atlantis, may there be many more to come. Thank you for the two SG-1 movies and the new spin-off being considered. SciFi, thank you for picking up SG-1 when it was cancelled after its fifth season, few other networks would even consider a show with so many season already behind it.

        Mistakes have been made, but we are all only human, and coming up on fourteen season DVD box sets and two DVD movies are more than good enough for me.

