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The all inclusive final scene/episode speculation thread

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    well, this came up in a forum discussion on the sgomega game's forums just thoughts id post it here

    well, the most likely/probable scenario would be at the end of season 10(if it will truly be the end of sg1) they will be going for merlin's device, there would be a very kool, and well done battle going on outside the place where the device is located(jaffa, tokra, tauri vs ori) and in space (asgard, nox, furlings, tauri, tokra vs ori(like 100 of their ships)), and a even more well done battle vs the ascended beings just beating the living **** out of each other

    the ori would eventually be defeated after sg1 figures out how to activate/get to the device and then, ending would be the ori soldier realizing they have been defeated sorta, they retreat, ori ships retreat, then eveyone relaxes kinda thing, then ends with a scene on an asgard vessel "We are picking up several hundred ori battlecruisers heading towards earth"

    black screen, credits

    movie comes out, ori wtf bbqpwning earth, full on disaster, the combind forces couldnt do anything, then it goes threw how they are going to defeat the ori, in the end, the ancients decide to help out and boom, end of sg1, milky way is safe, the ancients still refuse to help in pegasus and thus, atlantis continues...or if they wanna end the show all together, they take out all enemies in pegasus and milky way galaxies, spin off of another galaxy that the ancients refuse to deal with as it would kinda be like being ori and then we find a new enemy, etc etc etc

    whatya think, i just thought of it on the spot so im sure it has some mistakes in it or sumtin

    sig made courtesy of M2W


      anyone have some theories on how the show will end?
      my guess is the simple "walking thru the gate for another mission" scenario, after beating the Ori with merlins device.
      or the (unfortunate) funeral of a member of SG-1(not somthing im hoping for,just to clarify, but an interesting plot twist and sad final scene to end the series)
      anyone have anything more complicated/interesting?
      MSG Me If You Can Answer This:
      I have a 720p tv, and i have plugged my xbox into it and it gives me the option choose between 480p, 720p, 1080p, and 1080i display settings. I'm not really sure which one to choose on it, I know not to use the 480 setting, and obviously my tv only plays 720, but what if i set it to 1080? would the quality degrade? i cant rly notice a difference when i set it higher but maybe one who is more knowledgeable could tell me what im missing?


        Here you go folks, your one stop shop for all your speculation/theorizing/guessing about the season and series ender.

        Let's keep all the speculation in one place ok

        have fun and let's see who guesses closest in May when it finally airs
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Doubt the nox would actually fight, and we still need to meet the furlings before we get their help. Overall decent, I think that there should be a few more things:

          1) Include Jonas: We know that Jonas's planet was invaded, and considering he was on the show for a year, he should at least have part in the movie.

          2) Resolve Adria: There should be some resolution to the whole Adria thing.

          3) Resolve Baal: Not as nessecary, but it would be nice to see some resolution with Baal.

          4) Giant Aliens: I dont think Im the only one who wants to see the Giant Aliens from "Crystal skull" return. Cmon, they could be in the space battle, flyin through space, blowin up stuff...

          Still, pretty decent idea. Work on details.


            Originally posted by Orion475
            What was the story line going to be for SEASON 10 before the crew were hit with the bad news of having Stargate SG-1 being cancelled.

            Are they rewriting stories what was going to happen before they cancelled SG-1?
            I don't think they're rewriting stories. Brad Wright said for TV Guide magazine that it will be a satisfactory season's finale. I hope it's gonna leave the door wide open for continuation in one form or another.
            T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



              I still think that Anubis's return would be a good plot twist for the end. Nothing is better than allying with your former enemy for a common purpose. Season 8 had it in "Reckoning" with Baal, and Season 9 had it in "Camelot" with the Lucian Alliance. I feel that it worked well in both situations. Its also been employed in various other shows. Allying with Anubis would reinforce the true evil of the Ori. If you have to ally with someone who tried to obliterate your entire race, you know that you are desperate, and your new enemy is much worse.

              On another note, I feel that the final episode should include eery single main cast member of SG1 over the years. That means that O'neil, Hammond, and Jonas should come back in some way or another. Daniel ascending hhas been done a lot, so if they were to do it again, they should add some twist to it, like him actually getting in to an ascended fight with someone.

              Those are just my ideas. Feedback would be appreciated.


                Originally posted by einx359
                I still think that Anubis's return would be a good plot twist for the end. Nothing is better than allying with your former enemy for a common purpose. Season 8 had it in "Reckoning" with Baal, and Season 9 had it in "Camelot" with the Lucian Alliance. I feel that it worked well in both situations. Its also been employed in various other shows. Allying with Anubis would reinforce the true evil of the Ori. If you have to ally with someone who tried to obliterate your entire race, you know that you are desperate, and your new enemy is much worse.

                On another note, I feel that the final episode should include eery single main cast member of SG1 over the years. That means that O'neil, Hammond, and Jonas should come back in some way or another. Daniel ascending hhas been done a lot, so if they were to do it again, they should add some twist to it, like him actually getting in to an ascended fight with someone.
                Uhm. No.
                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                  nice, maybe an ascended shielding thing so they can march on celestis and toss the sangral into the fires of enlightenment. ori are gone they go home and the remaining ori fleet are on their way to earth for a final kamikaze run.
                  Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                    Originally posted by mburrows
                    well, this came up in a forum discussion on the sgomega game's forums just thoughts id post it here

                    whatya think, i just thought of it on the spot so im sure it has some mistakes in it or sumtin
                    The nox dont have ships of ANY kind. They are a peaceful race, and if youre thinking that they have a flying city or sity ships then youre mistaken cuz waht that is, is a floating city, and in my terms, a hovering flower pot.

                    Jesus is Lord!


                      I forget who posted this but to answer the rewritting thing, they waited to write the last 3 epsiodes till they knew for sure if the show would be renewed. I think a great end to the series would be a massive battle between us and the Ori. We need to have a major victory against the Ori. Preferebly we find out that the Adria is bringing a major fleet to Earth and we have a very short time to find merlins weapon. The Ori fleet appears on Our scope while SG-1 is away looking for "the last resting place of Merlin" Where they beleive the weapon is. SG-1 figures out the weapon is here on Earth, somewhere near Stonehenge. While they are using the Odessyes sensors to find where the weapon is, the ori fleet appears in orbit. Back at the SGC Adria apears in the Gateroom. "All that are pridefull must bow down and be laid unto dust". Landry tries to speak with her, unsusccesfully and she states, "You are too late""We have the weapon and soon all our enimies will be destroyed." Landry orders the airmen to fire and the bullets go straight through her. She is a hologram. She states "Soon this world will trouble us no longer." Back at Stonehenge the team believes they have found the entrance when Adria beams out and is now standing infront of SG-1. "Hello Mother." "Adria?" Vala says, "yes Mother, you are too late. Now I have the weapon and now I will offer you one last chance to accept Origin" Mitchell says " Not a chance in Hell!" "Adria states "So be it!" Adria touches her pendant and prepares to Activate the weapon... To be continued.......
                      Part 2.
                      After the previously on... Adria is about to push the weapon and right as she is about to a bright light strikes Adria knocking her down and the weapon out of her hands. Daniel Jumps to grab it and Adria beams herself back to her ship.Sudennly three people appear in a bright light. They are Merlin,Morgan,and Oma. Daniel says "Now this is a shocker." Morgan says " The three of us couldn't just stand by as Earth is destroyed." Carter suddenly perks up"What are you talking about?!" "There is a huge fleet orbiting the planet as we speak." States Morgan. Daniel asks " Well what can you do? The minute you try anything the others will stop you!?" "They allowed us to interfere only b/c our exsistense was at risk. That is all we can do." Oma states. Morgan says"If I act quickly I might be able to reactivate the traits that Daniel had as a prior. That would give you the chance to oporate the weapon inside Stonehenge." Daniel says " I thought this was the weapon?!" "No Daniel" "That is only the key, to be able to use the weapon you need to be genetically advanced. Also if used in our galaxy we will perrish. You have to activate the weapon and transmit the beam to the Ori Galaxy. Once done the Ori will perrish as will the Priors in this Galaxy. Adria however is another story. If she wears the Amulet she will be immune." States Morgan "Wait a minnute how do we establish a connection to the Ori Galaxy?" Carter asks Oma says "With this. Plug this crystal in the pannel and all will be revealed". Mitchell says "What pan"... a bright light appears and suddenly they are in some cavern with some very advanced Ancient technology " Where are we?! Daniel! Look at yourself!" "Oh great not again!" "I've turned back into a Prior!" Meanwhile while SG-1 is trying to figur out what to do 12 ships are in orbit and the Oddesey, the Deadalus 5 Oneil class Asgard Vessels(one commanded by Thor)50 Hataks and Gemini, Earths newest vessel created by the Asgard combined with Asgard and Ancient technology. The Ori send a message to all Vessels and to the President "And those who are pridefull should bow down and be laid unto dust". The Ori fire a blast at Earth and President Hayes looks out the Window at an Ori beam headed straight towards the White house and sexonds later the White House is destroyed. The Ori then broadcast another message "Let this be a lesson to all who oppose the Ori." The Ori and Earths fleet start going at it.
                      Back in Stonehenge a HUD starts beeping and a tactical display shows SG-1 what is going on in orbit. Mitchell says "OMG we have to do something NOW!" Carter inserts the Crystal into the pannel and it stars beeping and glowing then and a Ori looking control chair pops out of the floor. Daniel goes over to the Chair and sits in it. All of a sudden a HUD appears and he goes all Oneil on us (meaning he acts like jack in th lost city knowing exactly what to do) and the stones of Stonehenge start glowing and create a type of event horrizen and in Ancient a phrase appears "Connection to Ori Galaxy established, Fire weapon?" As Daniel ponders we see that we are getting severely butt kicked. Four of the Asgard ships are destoyed half of the hataks and the Deadalus. The Gemini is piloted by Thor and he states " We are just not doing enough damage! We only destroyed 2 ships we must Pull....." The Gemini was destroyed, and the Odessey and 20 hataks are all that is left. Carter says "Daniel it's now or NEVER!" Daniel activates the weapon and we switch to Celestis and watch as the Doci looks in Horror as his gods are being destroyed and then his failsafe kicks in and when he goes all of Celestis goes. all throught the ori galaxy we and thousands of followers in their galaxy and ours watch as their gods burn infront of them. The ships stop firing as all of the Priors have fanished and the warriors are just stunned and arent sure what to think. Adria bends over in agaonizing pain as she feels what is happening and we see her burn, but not disapear. She falls over and her ship goes silent. Daniel gets out of the chair and asks,"Did we do it?" Suddenly Oma appears. "Yes Daniel you did. The Ori are destroyed, and i will for the "last" time ask if you would join us one last time?" "No oma my place is here." "Alright, but let me bring you back to the way you were." Oma waves he hand at Daniel and his face turns bright white then a huge bright light encompases the entirer screen and they are back at the SGC.
                      Landry tells them of our great losses and even one ove the galaxy's greatest losses, as we tell him of our success. Daniel says "Well it's finally over. The Galaxy is safe again." "Don't be so sure of that Daniel, I have a feeling there is one Ori that didn't die.'Vala states. Then we go to a shot of Adiras vessel still powerless, then suddenly it powers up again and we see a wounded Adria get up and let out a bloodcurderling screem. "Earth will pay for this one day,EARTH WILL PAY!" Fade to black.
                      Please any thoughts?
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        Just two things about that:

                        1. We don't want to pull another 'Lost City' out of our asses, so the weapon can't be on earth.

                        2. Morgan has likely been descended like daniel was, Oma is fighting anubis, and Merlin's probably dead.
                        You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                        We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



                          A short plot outline for the last Stargate-SG1 episode:

                          *) Merlin's weapon is found, turned out to be something NOBODY would expect, ie an Ancient lunchbox or umbrella. The whole "sangral" was just to throw you off. Haha, Merlin, you sly old trickster!
                          *) The weapon is activated through the use of four "elements", combined with a "fifth element" which is "love".
                          *) They hook up a ZPM to the gate, dial the Ori galaxy, send it through and call it a day. The coordinates of the Ori galaxy were conveniently found in the Ancient database in the article on avocado omelettes.

                          Meanwhile in the Oval Office:

                          Hello Mr President! We, your advisors, because we're absolute idiots, have decided to cancel the nation's most popular show, erh SG team because we figure it's time to move on.

                          Meanwhile in Atlantis:

                          The atlantis teams dies a horrible and heroic death, Ronan dies extra slowly and painfully. How do they die? Uhm. The flux capacitors blew up? Sad and tragic... Yes, yes, moving on...

                          Since Atlantis is a team short there's now room for SG1! Weir gets fired because she's horribly incompetent (current aliens-take-over-earths-most-valuable-possession-count: 3-4?). And now we have room for Hammond or Landry!

                          Some more flux capacitors blow up and there's a job opening for that guy who dials the gate but never gets invited to the SGC parties.

                          Why yes TPTB, I am currently unemployed and would LOVE to write for Stargate! If you're going to go back to Showtime I could take care of the required frontal nudity scenes...


                            Originally posted by Amaunator
                            A short plot outline for the last Stargate-SG1 episode:

                            *) Merlin's weapon is found, turned out to be something NOBODY would expect, ie an Ancient lunchbox or umbrella. The whole "sangral" was just to throw you off. Haha, Merlin, you sly old trickster!
                            *) The weapon is activated through the use of four "elements", combined with a "fifth element" which is "love".
                            I hope you got the copyright rights.

                            Originally posted by Amaunator
                            *) They hook up a ZPM to the gate, dial the Ori galaxy, send it through and call it a day. The coordinates of the Ori galaxy were conveniently found in the Ancient database in the article on avocado omelettes.

                            Meanwhile in the Oval Office:

                            Hello Mr President! We, your advisors, because we're absolute idiots, have decided to cancel the nation's most popular show, erh SG team because we figure it's time to move on.

                            Meanwhile in Atlantis:

                            The atlantis teams dies a horrible and heroic death, Ronan dies extra slowly and painfully. How do they die? Uhm. The flux capacitors blew up? Sad and tragic... Yes, yes, moving on...

                            Since Atlantis is a team short there's now room for SG1! Weir gets fired because she's horribly incompetent (current aliens-take-over-earths-most-valuable-possession-count: 3-4?). And now we have room for Hammond or Landry!

                            Some more flux capacitors blow up and there's a job opening for that guy who dials the gate but never gets invited to the SGC parties.

                            Why yes TPTB, I am currently unemployed and would LOVE to write for Stargate! If you're going to go back to Showtime I could take care of the required frontal nudity scenes...
                            well thats interesting. However killing off Atlantis? I'm afraid I don't approve.
                            Last edited by tommiekins; 04 September 2006, 04:49 AM.

                            Question 2, you are in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on his back, in the hot sun. You recognize his plight but do nothing to help, why?

                            because… you are also a tortoise.

                            O’NEILL: No. No. Full well expected the other shoe to drop eventually.

                            THOR: We can only hope this will be the last footwear to fall.

                            T-minus 16 days until sky one season 10 premiere.


                              Originally posted by Battera
                              Just two things about that:

                              1. We don't want to pull another 'Lost City' out of our asses, so the weapon can't be on earth.

                              2. Morgan has likely been descended like daniel was, Oma is fighting anubis, and Merlin's probably dead.

                              Yeah imagine, the weapon is on Earth in Avalon hidden in the dimension Merlins phase shifting device sends you. That would never happen.


                                Originally posted by Amaunator
                                The coordinates of the Ori galaxy were conveniently found in the Ancient database in the article on avocado omelettes.

                                Meanwhile in the Oval Office...

                                The atlantis teams dies a horrible and heroic death, Ronan dies extra slowly and painfully. How do they die? Uhm. The flux capacitors blew up? Sad and tragic... Yes, yes, moving on...

                                ...Some more flux capacitors blow up and there's a job opening for that guy who dials the gate but never gets invited to the SGC parties.
                                Darned flux capacitors... they'll be the end of us all.

