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The vice president hunting joke

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    Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
    Not an American, here, so I'm just asking, okay?

    But Landry gives off Conservative vibes, IMO, and I imagine armed forces of any state to lean toward a conservative mentality. Could it be that conservatives simply have a sense of humor and can actually laugh at themselves?
    Hell I'm conservative and thought the hunting accident thing was funny, only because the gut wasn't killed though, then maybe not so funny. However most politicians are about as humorless as the Ancients, except for Al Gore, they programmed him with a sense of humor.
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

    The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

    Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


      Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
      Not an American, here, so I'm just asking, okay?

      But Landry gives off Conservative vibes, IMO, and I imagine armed forces of any state to lean toward a conservative mentality. Could it be that conservatives simply have a sense of humor and can actually laugh at themselves?
      I'm conservative and I laugh at myself all the time.

      I have no problem with goodhearted political humor in general. One of my favorite comedians was Bob Hope because he picked on both sides equally and with no malice or agenda. (Just for clarification, I'm not suggesting that TPTB are malicious in their intent. I have no idea what their ideology is and frankly it's of zero concern to me unless they start making "real life" political statements, regardless of what issue or agenda is being forwarded, even if in "real life" I agree with it.)

      That being said, I found the joke offputting because inserting "real life" political humor in this setting is jarring, regardless of what political figure from whatever political party is getting teased. Why? Because there's no association between real life characters and the fictional world of SG-1. No John Kerry or George Bush or Hillary Clinton or Dick Cheney.

      So if there's any political humor, it should be directed to the political figures we know on the show...the senators and the president that exist in that world.

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        Originally posted by LiquidBlue
        I found the comment funny. However, it was an anachronism, as Vice President Cheney doesn't exist in the Stargate Universe.
        Good point. I didn't think of that.

        "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
        - Stephen Colbert
        "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



          Originally posted by Gategal36
          Agreed. Cheney is an idiot. I don't know if the line was in the original script or not, but I'm thrilled they put it in.
          The "{insert politician's name} is an idiot" stuff belongs in the Off-Topic forum.

          The REASON it belongs in that forum is because there are plenty of members here who don't feel the same way and in fact find your comment downright offensive. However, this is not an appropriate forum for a politically based argument; so political flame-bait should be avoided.

          "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
          - Stephen Colbert
          "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



            I thought the line was awesome. I couldn't stop chuckling. What gave me pause, though, is that SG1 is shot in Canada- not the US. Regardless of our own politics, we all know (or should) what the world in general thinks of our administration. Canada has every right to take pot shots at our government- they don't vote so who cares which side they appear to pander to? *And yes, I'm aware many of the cast, crew and staff are American. I don't need lectured. * The line was awesome. IMO it took moxy, and one-liners like that only serve to endear the series even more.
            BTW: Does anybody know if that line was scripted, or did Browder ad-lib it?
            I've having a hard time falling in love with Mitchell- Vala I enjoy immensely- but Mitchell is no Jack O'Neill and so far I'm iffy on his character. That one-liner helped me to accept him just a tad more. Jack is the ultimate hero and the world needs more characters like him to look up to. I'm just not sure Mitchell will fit the bill.
            Come Back, Jack!!!


              That joke was hilarious. I was laughing straight for a good 3 minutes.

              Best Stargate quote:
              Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
              Green is your friend.


                Thank You.If we cannot insult the Actors on this forum the same should be true for the politicans.It does not matter if you like the persons politics or not.IMO if the show wants to insult politicans they should insult both sides not just one.This is not crossfire on CNN.TPTB of SG-1 should keep their politics out.


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  Thank You.If we cannot insult the Actors on this forum the same should be true for the politicans.It does not matter if you like the persons politics or not.IMO if the show wants to insult politicans they should insult both sides not just one.This is not crossfire on CNN.TPTB of SG-1 should keep their politics out.

                  I could turn this around and say that since I see a lot of bashing and insulting of actors on these forums then I should be allowed to insult and bash a politician.
                  Or I could ask you this, what politician were TPTB insulting in this ep???
                  Or I could also ask if you be this offended if we had a Democrat in office right now?


                    Bashing of characters is fine.Bashing of Actors is not.It was obvious they were insulting Dick Cheney.It's one thing if the show makes fun of both sides but that is not the case.I'm sick of Hollywood bashing just one side.Hollywood should be the last ones to bash anyone.I probably would not be as offened so much if a Democrat was in office but If I was TPTB I would not pick on just one side since a large number of Fans may not agree with my politics.


                      How is it obvious they were bashing Dick Cheney when this fictional show has fictional people serving in their White House? Dick Cheney does not exist on this show. And, how was it bashing?


                        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
                        Not an American, here, so I'm just asking, okay?

                        But Landry gives off Conservative vibes, IMO, and I imagine armed forces of any state to lean toward a conservative mentality. Could it be that conservatives simply have a sense of humor and can actually laugh at themselves?
                        yeah it appears as you are correct lol... I agree wit you. lol

                        Originally posted by ses110
                        Hollywood sees all Republicans as Evil like the Ori and all
                        Democrats as good like the Asgards.Lets not forgot the shrubs comment from Jack.TPTB of SG-1 have made it clear which party they support.SG-1 has enough trouble with the ratings right now without insulting anyone.If TPTB like a good joke they should look at the ratings.Now that's funny.
                        Hollywood is in California.. Vancouver is in Canada, since when did Vancouver join the states or California join the canucks?
                        By your statements, its safe to assume that just because hollywood is somewhat anti conservative, that their movies are 100% anti conservative... so because polls last year made it sound like parts of Canada were Anti American, that SG1 should be not Anti Conservative but Anti American... and their not Anti anything.. except goauld and Orii ofcourse..

                        I'm somewhat conservative, and found the comment VERY VERY non-OFFENSIVE... the guy didn't die so it's still fun and games....(someone said he got shot in the face??? i heard it was in the back but the face wow? lol i didnt really care... its a hunting accident it happens all the time maybe the guy made a joke about his mom lol) SG1 is far from one side to the other... Their military, Conservatives are known more for helping their military, as most liberals voted against additional spending to send more supplies and better armor to troops in Iraq as an example... So why on earth would they want to be liberal when they are on the front lines of a war more friegtning than any seen on earth...

                        I dont see your comparison of the Orii being republicans and the Asgard being Democrats as anything more than a metaphore for the power they control at this time... Republicans have great deal more power right now. but saying Democrats are good and Reps are evil? i've never seen that in the show... Also, the Asgard are far from Liberal, if you put aside their cloning technology. They are willing to fight, they give us what they can until we're able to support ourselves(more of a conservative idealogy)

                        Ancients would be closer to the Liberals than the asgard, but... A Race can't be defined by the thoughts of a single group...I mean.. watch Progeny, thats proof..

                        also.. about who hayes's VP is...
                        I thought, when a vice president gets knocked out of his seat, they don't do the title changes, but if they did it would goto the next one down the chain which... i actually dont remember, secretary state or war most likely take th position...

                        "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                        If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                          The joke was topical, not political. Mitchell said "we don't want this to turn into a Vice Presidential hunting trip" not "we don't want this to turn into a Vice Presidential hunting trip, the Republicans are scum, their policies are ruining this country, and they like to shoot people in the face."


                            Originally posted by SylvreWolfe
                            How is it obvious they were bashing Dick Cheney when this fictional show has fictional people serving in their White House? Dick Cheney does not exist on this show. And, how was it bashing?
                            I don't believe it was bashing, I saw it as nothing more than a joke, but that aside...

                            In reference to your statement:
                            "How is it obvious they were bashing Dick Cheney when this fictional show has fictional people serving in their White House?"

                            Am I to understand that you are claiming to NOT know that Dick Cheney put some birdshot into one of his friends during a minor hunting accident recently?

                            Because if you didn't know, you do now and the answer to your question should be obvious.

                            And if you DID know, your question is insulting to the intelligence of everyone here who DOES read a newspaper occasionally.

                            "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                            - Stephen Colbert
                            "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



                              Metonic -

                              Hollywood is in California.. Vancouver is in Canada, since when did Vancouver join the states or California join the canucks?
                              "Hollywood", in this context, is not only a geographical location; it's a methaphor for the entertainment industry in general.

                              "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                              - Stephen Colbert
                              "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



                                Originally posted by Giantevilhead
                                The joke was topical, not political.

                                I agree.

                                "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                                - Stephen Colbert
                                "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."


