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Outdoing the Ori-The next villain for Stargate SG-1

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    Originally posted by Battera
    Yeah We accidentally activate the sangraal in this galaxy before sending it to the ori. We kill most of the ancients, and they execute a horrific revenge

    I thought ( in our real mithology) That merlin created the Philosopher's stone not the Sangraal.
    The MT one has MT will,
    The MT one is MT still!!!
    ||| |||
    ||| save sg1 |||


      Originally posted by Battera
      This is my follow up for my previous thread I posted a while back.

      I was watching a special on Stargate SG-1, where it said that the creative spark of the writers has yet to diminish, and could last for years. If the Ori are defeated in season ten, or soon later, what enemy could possibly surpass them in terms of power/creepiness/intimidation?
      Local powers probably, the Jaffa, the Aschen, the Grace aliens. The bad guys dont have to be overwhelmingly all powerful to be a threat. Hell with only 2 ships a solo system lord leftover with a mothership, some bombers, and a fleet of gliders could still be a problem.


        Originally posted by kymeric
        Local powers probably, the Jaffa, the Aschen, the Grace aliens. The bad guys dont have to be overwhelmingly all powerful to be a threat. Hell with only 2 ships a solo system lord leftover with a mothership, some bombers, and a fleet of gliders could still be a problem.
        And if a mad IOA member revealed the Stargate to the masses that could easily be stretched out into several episodes. Although I don't think TPTB could do more than one or maybe two seasons with just the local powers.
        Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now your revelations
        Cut me in, I don't wanna live without your revelations.


          there should do the aschen as the new enemy if there is a new season

          Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


            Let's be honest, after the Ori, there's only God, and I don't think that tptb is ready for that, the Ancient's are basically the same as the Ori, unless you make the universe the real enemy, the divine consciousness.


              You never know. Oma herself did say that ascension was only the first step. Next enemy: Ascended being 2.0

              'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

              'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

              Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                if we did some how tick off the ancients, i dont know if there would be such a hard time defeating them due to there are less of them and more ori...... or so we are lead to believe, who knows there could be less ancients but they could also have more power. how about evil sg-1 teams invading our dimesion for our zpm's yet again? after the ori or maybe while battling them i would like to see a story arc with the foothold aliens that goes on for atleast 6 eppisodes, they were total badasses.
                SAVE SG-1

                Proud Member of F.O.R.D.
                Say No To The Six Month Hiatus


                  Originally posted by Prior_of_the_Ori
                  I don't think you can top ascended beings, so nothing more powerful then them.
                  No. If the producers/writers follow the storyline and logic introduced in S03E20 'MATERNAL INSTINCT', it's obvious that the Alterans/Ancients' ascension is in line with Buddhism, in which there are many level of elightment, with Buddha the highest. Oma seems to be portaited as a Bodhisattva, but with strangely limited capabilities. There does not seem to be any character as a Buddha yet, because a Buddha is all-knowing, while the Ancients or the Ori are not.

                  Simply put, Ori are not the most powerful ones.


                    ok this idea is sort of ripped from the startrek Invasion books but, sinse we've beaten the 'gods' what about the creatures from hell, an alien species that we got what our 'devil and demons look like etc. and invade our galaxy to get it back, from when the alterrans came and kicked them out.. I dunno something like that, and they should be able to bestlow fear onto enemies

                    Joe Mallozzi: "Like my grandmother used to say: Whenever a gate closes, a hyperspace window opens…"


                      I know who the villians will be after the Ori. It'll be the vampires who rise up after millions of years of sleeping in a far off galaxy. Quickly! Somebody go find Buffy.


                        Originally posted by busuan
                        No. If the producers/writers follow the storyline and logic introduced in S03E20 'MATERNAL INSTINCT', it's obvious that the Alterans/Ancients' ascension is in line with Buddhism, in which there are many level of elightment, with Buddha the highest. Oma seems to be portaited as a Bodhisattva, but with strangely limited capabilities. There does not seem to be any character as a Buddha yet, because a Buddha is all-knowing, while the Ancients or the Ori are not.

                        Simply put, Ori are not the most powerful ones.
                        Well thats true I just don't think it will be a sensible plot to make an even MORE powerful enemy then the Ori. Earth can barely fight the Ori well and something even more powerful? What would hold them in check since they could technically be more powerful then the Ascended Ancients.

                        Anyway there are tonnes of other myths out there that could be done. As beale947 said, go for pure demons. Go for perhaps the Jotuns of Asgard myth. The Fomorian giants of Irish myths. Werewolves since Atlantis has done Vampires? Or go for something else like the Aschen or Foothold aliens.

                        'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                        'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                        Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                          Originally posted by SpikeBad
                          I know who the villians will be after the Ori. It'll be the vampires who rise up after millions of years of sleeping in a far off galaxy. Quickly! Somebody go find Buffy.
                          Yeah... arent stargate vampires suppose to be the wraith?

                          Originally posted by The.Prior.of.The.Ori
                          if we did some how tick off the ancients, i dont know if there would be such a hard time defeating them due to there are less of them and more ori...... or so we are lead to believe, who knows there could be less ancients but they could also have more power. how about evil sg-1 teams invading our dimesion for our zpm's yet again? after the ori or maybe while battling them i would like to see a story arc with the foothold aliens that goes on for atleast 6 eppisodes, they were total badasses.
                          the Ancients arent the only ascended beings. who knows how many people Oma ascended, and exactly how many people were on Abydos, not to mention how many ascended beings there are in the Pegasus Galaxy.
                          Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                          ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                          encounter on the strange journey.


                          2 Cor. 10:3-5
                          3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                          4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                          5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                            I'm not sure who I'd want to see as the next villain, but next time around, they should maintain more secrecy. I mean, we've always known what the Goa'uld are... the only mystery was who the next system lord would be. We knew from the start what the Ori were. We need a single villain, shrouded in mystery, that will make people curious enough to keep watching to find out what the villain's identity is.

                            Carson: Muh tuttles!


                              Maybe, instead of a more powerful enemy (at the moment there seems to be a lot of bigger badder stronger memes floating about), they could go for a more interesting, subtle and devious enemy. And maybe rather than a simple "well I'm doing it because I'm just evil and power-crazed" motive, how about some subtler and more complex motives.

                              I'm not taking a potshot at the Ori, I'm just saying that they just can't go on much further like this: making enemies that are just 'worse than' the previous enemy. The Ori are kind of the end of the line for that meme.

                              The Wraith are very interesting because you've got the whole morality of feeding "our survival vs yours" issue.

                              Maybe something completely incomprehensibly alien and totally unlike anything we've ever seen?

                              How about a race of sentient AIs who's goals and motives conflict with the survival of humanity? How about AIs that were programmed to terraform this galaxy for an unknown race of beings, and will complete their task regardless of how many races they will kill in the process?

                              How about an interesting alien race that just happens to be extremely xenophobic by nature, and so decides to wipe us out not because they're bad, but just because they're naturally selfish and want to strike first in case we ever decide to do the same to them? They would just be following a different moral system that places their security above all other species', and wouldn't necessarily be evil. It would stimulate debate at least. They could show the aliens as being really caring and kind on their homeworld, but cruel and ruthless on the battlefield.

                              How about a race with a very utopian society. They gladly offer to show us how to build the perfect society, but there are elements in the government that do not wish this to happen (they would loose all their power) and so set up the alien race as hostile and conspire to make the aliens out to have less than benevolent motives. The conspiracy could be revealed a few seasons later. They could start the series showing the aliens in a really nasty light and then later reveal that it was in fact the humans that were in the wrong and have the team desperately try to make things right, only to end up fighting against the aliens (now convinced we're evil) and the government conspirators.

                              And you've always got some aliens that we've already encountered:
                              - The Aschen
                              - The Mimetic Foothold Aliens
                              - The Grace Aliens (very little is known about them)


                                Anubis returns and has all of the Ori and their followers at his command.

