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The Nox - Older and more powerful than the Ancients?

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    why havent they ascended!!!??
    Those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.



      and yes they woudl clearly own any prior that started lol
      Those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.



        Originally posted by Primus Commander Woden
        why havent they ascended!!!??
        Perhaps they don't want to?

        It has never been said that ascension is the ultimate state a being can attain. As a matter of fact it has been stated that ascension is merely the beginning of the journey, and we don't even know that the Nox *don't* ascend. Maybe they live long, full lives and then ascend when they die? Maybe they are immortal and don't really care about ascension? Maybe their strong connection to the natural world precludes ascension? Maybe they are more highly evolved than the ancients and are capable of that level of understanding without ascension (we have seen some pretty remarkable powers without the aid of technology)?

        We simply don't know enough about them, I really wish they could be featured in some more episodes.


          Originally posted by thomashortoncc
          I think the Nox are an off shoot of the Alterans who chose a different path similar to how the Ori chose Religion and Alterans chose science, the nox could have chosen spirituality or mental development. Anyway they look far too like us to not be related in some manor, hell i think the Asgard are probably related millions of years ago

          maybe their even ancients who chose to advance to the ultimate level prior to accension? they definately show the characteristics
          I would be annoyed if the Nox were actually an offshoot of the Ancients. There should be more races in the galaxy than just one, thank you very much.


            Originally posted by The Prophet
            Didn't the Alterans reseed virtually all humanoid life in the Milky Way. That being the case, they would have "created" the Knox & Asgard as they're humanoid (or, in the case of the Asgard, were humanoid). So would that mean that the Alterans are older than the Knox, as they created them?

            Also, joining onto the Furling Mystery, "Are the Furlings Humanoid?"
            The Asgard are from another galaxy.


              Originally posted by override367
              Perhaps they don't want to?

              It has never been said that ascension is the ultimate state a being can attain. As a matter of fact it has been stated that ascension is merely the beginning of the journey, and we don't even know that the Nox *don't* ascend. Maybe they live long, full lives and then ascend when they die? Maybe they are immortal and don't really care about ascension? Maybe their strong connection to the natural world precludes ascension? Maybe they are more highly evolved than the ancients and are capable of that level of understanding without ascension (we have seen some pretty remarkable powers without the aid of technology)?

              We simply don't know enough about them, I really wish they could be featured in some more episodes.
              But if you remember what the holligram lady said in Atlantis Rising 1 "never have we encountered beings with powers that rieveld our own." I my own humble opinion, I think the Nox were second to the Ancients spritually and mentally, but the Asgard were closer scientifically. As for the Furlings, only time will tell when TPTB finally discloses how far advanced this missing race was, or maybe is?


                Furthermore, how can a Nox be as powerful as an Ascended being? I'm not downgradnig the powers the Nox have, and perhaps they have more than what's been seen, but I honestly doubt they rival being able to make lightening storms and such.

                Even if the Nox were to, let's say make our ships invisible to combat the Ori, I'm pretty sure the Ori- being Ascended Beings and all- would be able to easily dected our presence. While it's true that being Ascended doesn't make one all-powerful, nor does it mean you know all the secrets of the universe, I think it's safe to say that it does make you much more powerful than simple lower beings on much lower plains of existance than you.

                We humans consider ourselves the morst advanced and domiant speices in this world, yet there are thousands of animals and insects on Earth that can still do great harm to us. Therefore, we may not be all invincible on all levels to all life in this world, but we still are extremely powerful to other species we share the world with.


                  Personelly I think she was just bosting or perhaps the alliance did not happen with the acients in pegasus, may be they were not the only anicents to abandon the galexy and that other ancients did return to the milkyway straight after the dakara device was use. It was these returning ancients which establish the great alliance with the nox, asguard and furling, this would explain the reason why she says that they never excounter being which rival them and also may this would explain the difference in technology.


                    I don't know, to me i always thought that the ancient alliance was formed when they returned to the MW galaxy though there is no....exact proof to say. Though there are indications....Asgard were too young before, Lanteans said that they never encountered a race like there own etc.

                    'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                    'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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                      Y'know, all u ppl that are saying 'nox/asgard are related to ancients cause they all look (or looked) kinda human' can be discredited with two simple facts:
                      The actors playing these characters are human, hence the race will look human
                      In special effects, if they created something that had 15 arms, 2 heads, 45 stomachs etc, we (the audience) wouldn't relate to them well. I think the creators of stargate had the 'roswell greys' in mind when creating the asgard anyway, which, appear human kinda (2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head, 2 eyes etc).



                        A Nox wouldn't need to create lightening. Power and abilities are only useful when there's a practical application of them.


                          Originally posted by naseuy
                          A Nox wouldn't need to create lightening. Power and abilities are only useful when there's a practical application of them.
                          Why would the Ancients need a pratical use for making lightening storms? It's not that they need to but rather that they simply can. With ascenion comes a much better understanding of the universe and the way it works. So the Ancients don't have the kind of power they have due to pratical reasons but due to having an extended knowledge of the universe.


                            The nox, Furlings, Ancients and the Asguard are all different species from different places, probably they were living all in one galaxy ido, then the ancients left and came to the milkyway. although they all humanoid like they are totaly different in terms of spirit and technology. Ascension to the ancients was a way to prolongue their life or just the existance as we do not realy know what kind of life they have there. while nox live long without ascension and later they ascend if they want, but it could be some other plane of existence and not that of the ancients. My guess would be that all of the 4 races evolved aproximately at the same time and it took them some time to become mature races as they are now and form the alliance.


                              no i dont think there older then the Ancient's. The Ancient's are million's of years old. and i dont think that the NOX are
                    [Ori Trailer]


                                Originally posted by AlterianX
                                no i dont think there older then the Ancient's. The Ancient's are million's of years old. and i dont think that the NOX are
                                and you say that because?
                                for me nox are quite cool (because they are quite the same as the Tollan people), and while they seem a primitive race, they are one of the most powerful ones.

