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The matter of Jonas

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    itd be like a episode of different stokes.
    Jonas: Ah Same Ol' Same Ol'
    Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

    Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


      this is such a good idea. i think season 10 is prime time to really make some great story arcs. explain things that have been brought up seeeeassons ago, like the furlings. jonas for the 200th episode would be great. he's a fun character and it would be so cool to see him again. maybe in the 200th he can come back, and go off to atlantis?
      I salute Stargate SG-1.


        I think it'd be fun to have Kelwona (and therefore Jonas) come back into the show as the Ori end up on his planet to conver them all. It all ends with Kelwona being destroyed and Jonas and a few others of his people being stranded on Earth.

        Jonas swears revenge on the Ori and joins SG-1 again.

        Hah... I can dream can't I...

        "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

        "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


          The only way I see TPTB bringing back Jonas is when the Ori establish a second beachhead on Kelowna, and thus killing him in the process, although I would hate them for that.
          School is overrated.


            Originally posted by The Engineer
            The only way I see TPTB bringing back Jonas is when the Ori establish a second beachhead on Kelowna, and thus killing him in the process, although I would hate them for that.
            I like that idea, but he and a few people from Langara should escape through the Stargate the Earth, where they set up permanent residence, and can be a reaccuring guest star on another team... or somethin'...

            Wait...Even better.... they should do something on Atlantis where the Wraith actually make it to the MW in a fluke of technology or some other device, and arrive at Langara to start culling. SG-1 eventually stops it, and Jonas goes to Atlantis to help stop the Wraith and keep something like this from happening again... how is that for a crossover plot?



              Originally posted by The Engineer
              The only way I see TPTB bringing back Jonas is when the Ori establish a second beachhead on Kelowna, and thus killing him in the process, although I would hate them for that.
              They won't kill Jonas because that was a choice that was given to the actor when he was forced off of the show. Do you want him to go home or have him die. Nemic chose to have him go home. Though I don't trust TPTB since they did change their minds about having Jonas on Atlantis...


                Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                They won't kill Jonas because that was a choice that was given to the actor when he was forced off of the show. Do you want him to go home or have him die. Nemic chose to have him go home. Though I don't trust TPTB since they did change their minds about having Jonas on Atlantis...
                This is interesting.... was Jonas suppossed to be on Atlantis in the beginning? I never heard that before.



                  Originally Jonas was going to appear in season 6, the movie that later became season 7 and TPTB said they might bring him onto the spin-off which became Atlantis (the original idea was quite different to the present show).

                  But the movie became season 7, Michael Shanks wanted to return to the show and the fans hadn't responded to Jonas as well as TPTB hoped they would. They decided to cut Jonases stay on the show short and as part of the deal they made with Corin Nemec they let him write his own episode in season 7.

                  Anyway I don't think Jonas has a place on Atlantis - it doesn't make any sense to have him there, what would have made sense was if Jonas had become a recurring character on SG-1 like Jacob or Bretac once he returned home


                    Originally posted by KnightCrusader
                    This is interesting.... was Jonas suppossed to be on Atlantis in the beginning? I never heard that before.

                    Yep, originally TPTB believed that season 6 would be the last season. What was discussed (mostly with Brad Wright) with Corin Nemec when he first signed on was; S6, the film, then the spin-off - the reason why MGM signed him on a two year contract.
                    Unfortunately, the movie and SGA part were only discussions and not locked into the contract.
                    So, with S7, and, I believe, a lot of internal politics within the upper echelons of TPTB, the character (and the actor) got dumped.

                    Shame really, I was looking forward to where they were going to take the character.
                    **ancient genes**

                    Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith
                    Anyway I don't think Jonas has a place on Atlantis - it doesn't make any sense to have him there, what would have made sense was if Jonas had become a recurring character on SG-1 like Jacob or Bretac once he returned home
                    He probably hasn't got a place now, but I think we'd be looking at a different team make up if he was there from the beginning.


                      I second that bringing Jonas back for a 2-3 episode arc would be a great idea for Season 10. There would a lot more interesting interaction between Jonas and SG-1 than Jonas in Atlantis (unless he's there with Sam).
                      I just love shows about wormholes!


                        I'd like to see a three ep arc which starts in SG-1 and ends in SGA, it'd fit in well with the crossover-ing they're doing next season.

                        On the other hand watching S9, I'm worried what complete personality change they'd write for the character.


                          I really would like to see Jonas back in some capacity, on either show.

                          Unfortunately TPTB seem to have done this to the character:

                          (Note the closed Iris).
                          I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                            Jonas is done and overwith. I don't think we'll be seeing him anymore.


                              yeah send him to atlantis. hell that dr gall was sent to atlantis why not him.

                              jonas and his world are more advanced than earth evolutionary wise


                                Originally posted by NakedJehutyV2
                                yeah send him to atlantis. hell that dr gall was sent to atlantis why not him.
                                Gall was from earth, Jonas isn't. Atlantis is top secret, Jonas probably knows nothing about it

                                jonas and his world are more advanced than earth evolutionary wise
                                I think Jonas was more the exception on his planet - his fellow Kelownans did mention that he was especially smart

