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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I never played much outside of the merchandising corner at Gateworld, but a few weeks ago I found this thread and am now on my way to make it through the 700+ pages. I can’t stop because I’m amazed, there are so many good and funny ideas for improvement here and I found myself more than once agreeing. You all gave voice to the dull feeling I had while watching season nine and ten. I think I like most the ‘Dallas’ explanation with Jack in the shower – and not only to see him naked

    I know, I’m a bit late, but here is another explanation how Cam managed to get the job as leader of SG-1. Beware, top secret!

    Only difference about me would be that I actually giggled my way through “Bounty” and “Bad Guys”, so therefore apparently I must have liked them. But it may be that I only was grateful for every Bori-less episode. It was the same at the beginning of “Atlantis”, I was very sceptical of the Wraith, the “cool new enemy”, and could not have endured them in every episode, but luckily they found themselves some other enemies along the way. It’s all about variety.

    I’m also one of the 30+ females in the audience (if they think the series only appeals to younger males then they never have been to a convention). I never had watched any sci-fi show before. I came because of RDA, but I stayed for the team, the characters, the relationships, the humour and the good stories. But overall for the reality. I never had watched any sci-fi show mainly because they were on board of some ship all the time, just standing around and saying their lines, and because they were set so much in the future. How much more complex and real were the SG-episodes, with so much going on on different levels so that we could write lots and lots of fanfictions to explore the depths even more.

    I also learned a lot about the different Earth cultures along the way in the early Stargate years. Never before knew any Egyptian god (or Nordic for that matter) but now can rattle their names off as if was nothing.

    I never paid much attention to by whom the episodes I liked most were written and directed, but I read somewhere that Brad Wright used to write stage plays and therefore his scripts are heavy on character and less on blowing up ships, and I found that some of my favourite episodes were written by him, so I guess I’m a Brad Wright fan.

    From the top of my head I only can remember two opportunities in season nine and ten where I had the “old” stargate feeling sitting on my couch. I can’t exactly tell you what I mean, it just all has to come together – great guest stars, close-ups, tension, music, it must make me to hold my breath and give me a warm fuzzy feeling. The two opportunities I’m talking of were in “Prototype” (great guest actor there!) and when Sam thought she would die while she was with Cameron.

    For all of you that miss Jack as the leader of the team, I can highly recommend the latest Fandemonium Stargate novel “Barque of Heaven” by Suzanne Wood. She has nailed the characters and the team action and the different abilities everyone of them is able to contribute to the spot, plus a lot of breath taking action.
    Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

    More Action Figure Theater at


      Nice post and link. I also agree that Prototype was atypical of s9-S10 and I liked that ep a lot too. Maybe its the fact that they did have a great guest characters, maybe because they treated Mitchell like the n00b he was and Carter really seemed like she was in charge (despite Mitchell’s cringworthy "this is SG-1 leader" he is trying to convince someone. When did Jack or Carter [when she was in command] ever feel the need to say that?). I don’t know, I liked the ep even with Mitchell doing some of the shooting in the end and Daniel being slightly more JACKSON then Daniel.

      I don’t know what that other ep you were talking about was, but if I was ever in the field with Camshaft I would be worried about dieing too. *

      *Not to bang on the actor because BB is decent enough and certainly knows his job. However of all the people on Stargate he is the one I least believe when he carries a gun. I don’t know if its because he got his training in a super sci-fi show so he carries it like the toy laser gun, but to me he just doesn’t have the skill\true look that a Carter or an O'Neill have.

      I actually thought about that while watching Atlantis this weekend. Shep comes in carrying the gun ready and looking like a pro. Ronan comes in, weapon up...looking like a pro (but also scifi-y). Rodney comes in without his weapon up, but at least he his holding it in a guard position like a very scared, pro (and lets face it, its probably better he doesn’t have the weapon up and ready to shoot). But to me they all feel more "trained" and not so much like they are "acting".....though of course they are all acting.....Not sure I explained that right. Oh well, its nothing that couldn’t have been fixed had the director\show runner actually wanted it fixed but its one of those "little things" that RCC didn’t have time for. He was probably too busy trying to convince people that know better that having an alien with a hair dryer in her pack would be Hilarious....really... HILARIOUS... see I am still laughing.....too bad it’s AT the show and not WITH the show.
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        You know, I can immediately conjure up an image of almost any SG-1 episode in seasons 1-8 just by hearing a title, but I'm at an utter loss to do the same for seasons 9 and 10. A lack of anything memorable, perhaps.

        In memory of Deejay.
        May we all be so well loved.


          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          You know, I can immediately conjure up an image of almost any SG-1 episode in seasons 1-8 just by hearing a title, but I'm at an utter loss to do the same for seasons 9 and 10. A lack of anything memorable, perhaps.

          Unfortunatly for me, the few 9/10 eps I do remember are painful. Maybe we can sue on grounds TPTB inflicted mental anguish on its fans.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Rogue View Post
            Unfortunatly for me, the few 9/10 eps I do remember are painful. Maybe we can sue on grounds TPTB inflicted mental anguish on its fans.
            Oh, I remember the mental anguish. I just don't remember what it's called.

            We have to bear personal responsibility for continuing to watch the train wreck.

            Or maybe we could sue for the mass psychiatric hospitalizations.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Can we sue for bait and switch or false advertisement? I mean I was turning in to watch Stargate SG-1 not Starship Command (stargates optional and in the corner if you want to use it).
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                The stargate is locked in the closet with the Air Force adviser.

                snark, snark

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  The stargate is locked in the closet with the Air Force adviser.

                  snark, snark
                  Hard to get out without a DHD

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Hard to get out without a DHD

                    Like the Americans ever had one of those.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      Like the Americans ever had one of those.
                      Or the MacGyvered variety.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Sorry, if my behavoir is like hit and run but I'm using my computer at work, and I have to hurry. Yesterday night I watched another ep of season 10 and I needed to ask:

                        There was really a reason for "Bad Guys"????

                        The entire ep was an incredible waste of screen time! IMnotHO While the final credits showed I sat there for some time trying to figure out what has happened. That was the ep? No, really, that was the ep?!?!?!

                        And season 10 was better?!?!?!

                        Yeah, right!

                        Now I know for sure that I won't waste my money on dvds from seasons 9 and 10. The bright side is that I would have more money to waste in something else.


                          Originally posted by Kanetsidohi View Post
                          Sorry, if my behavoir is like hit and run but I'm using my computer at work, and I have to hurry. Yesterday night I watched another ep of season 10 and I needed to ask:

                          There was really a reason for "Bad Guys"????

                          The entire ep was an incredible waste of screen time! IMnotHO While the final credits showed I sat there for some time trying to figure out what has happened. That was the ep? No, really, that was the ep?!?!?!

                          And season 10 was better?!?!?!

                          Yeah, right!

                          Now I know for sure that I won't waste my money on dvds from seasons 9 and 10. The bright side is that I would have more money to waste in something else.
                          Bad Guys was what you call a "stand alone" ep where there is supposed to be an independent story arc. Now the underlining premise was not bad but the follow through was awful.

                          Ben Bowder accidently thought the ep up when he stated behind the scenes that it would be cool if they came through the gate and they found themselves in a museum.

                          A few years ago...around season 8...I had the same idea. Placing the gate in a museum and having them come through. As I started to plan the fan fic out I came across a few major hurdles that the show never even addressed.

                          My first hurdle was "why would a museum have a gate on display and not have either any idea what it is or not be using it. If it's in a museum then it would not be in use."

                          I couldn't come up with any reason why any "civilization" would put something that big on display and state..."we don't know what it is." The gate instead would be in a secured location away from prying eyes.

                          Which brought me to conclude the gate would have to be on display in a civilization that would know all about it and what it is but no longer uses it. Well, I could have placed it in another galaxy to explain why this advanced civilization would have their gate on display and not use it and not know anything about us or have told us...the gate's in a museum...don't use it.

                          Not even the Asgard had their gate in a museum. and since another galaxy would require another chevron and more power than what was available I nixed the gate in a museum idea.

                          The only thing I could come up with that would be in a museum was the quantum mirror and though it was viable...I never bothered to write the fan fic becuase then I was looking at alternate universe.

                          And the very first thing my reader would be interested in would be AU versions of SG-1 and AU is difficult to write.

                          Yep, bad guys was a waste of time and effort.

                          I have come up with an interesting story recently. The team comes through a miniature Stargate that actually shrinks them. Now, before you laugh just listen to the premise. The miniature gate is stolen from a museum and it was considered an ancient toy of a child from long ago. The thief, (A mature Vala whose was born on earth and knos nothing about the program) brings home the little gate as a toy for her dying 6 year old daughter. Vala is a thief in this story because she is a career jewel thief, with no formal education, that is trying to get money to pay for her childs chemotherapy.

                          The team, lead by Jack (old SG-1) comes through the little gate after Daniel finds an address they found before and thinks it will lead to another knowledge depository. Carter figures out they have actually shrunk down to 6 inches tall...becuase if there really was a giant planet that would scale a six foot man down to 6 inches nothing to grow upwards...just sideways due to the gravitational pull.

                          They meet the sick child who is lonely and house bound. She see them more as little tiny playmates and accidently tells them she doesn't like Colorado and move back to her old home.

                          Thus, the team figures out there is a working miniature gate in colorado and they really need to find it and retrieve it. But, when you are at the whim of a six year old that doesn't know her address....that's harder said then done.

                          Jack gets very attached to the girl and doesn't want to watch her die (the treatments are not working) He started arguing for them to help her with alien technology. But the government refuses.

                          I'm not sure if the girl will die in the end or not yet.
                          Last edited by Jackie; 07 March 2008, 07:43 AM.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            Originally posted by Kanetsidohi View Post
                            Sorry, if my behavoir is like hit and run but I'm using my computer at work, and I have to hurry. Yesterday night I watched another ep of season 10 and I needed to ask:

                            There was really a reason for "Bad Guys"????

                            The entire ep was an incredible waste of screen time! IMnotHO While the final credits showed I sat there for some time trying to figure out what has happened. That was the ep? No, really, that was the ep?!?!?!

                            And season 10 was better?!?!?!

                            Yeah, right!

                            Now I know for sure that I won't waste my money on dvds from seasons 9 and 10. The bright side is that I would have more money to waste in something else.

                            Yeah, the ep should have been called "It's really bad, guys."

                            Yeah, I spent the S10 money can't remember how I spent the S9 money on Babylon 5: The Lost Tales. And the rest went to my London 2008 fund.

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Yeah, the ep should have been called "It's really bad, guys."

                              Yeah, I spent the S10 money can't remember how I spent the S9 money on Babylon 5: The Lost Tales. And the rest went to my London 2008 fund.

                              ROFLMAO (but I cant green) "It's really bad, guys".
                              Oh, and is Lost Tales any good? I keep meaning to pick that up.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                Like the Americans ever had one of those.
                                For one episode, then they blew it up. Oh well, it was worth it.

