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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
    So, over the past week or so, the following chain occurred to me...

    With the addition of Farscape's two main actors [Browder (Crighton) and Black (Sun)] to Stargate, some folks coined the terms FarGate and StarScape. Since Crighton and Sun were coming to Stargate, FarGate seems more appropriate and descriptive.

    Then, Stargate's PTB decided to take Stargate into the realm of a screwball bunch of goofups bumbling their way through galactic unbelievability. Maybe it started as 'gee, the main scifi action heroes are always surmounting such unbelievable odds in such unbelievable conditions... *real* humans wouldn't be able to do that. *Real* humans would make mistakes and goof up and screw up. *That* would be *real* human drama. So... how do they get that into Stargate, a series about intergalactic heroes that save Earth and other planets (and the galaxy) on a weekly basis? Hmmm... well, they do it poorly. They turn the main characters into bumbling screw-ups who are only just trying to have fun. Yuck, yuck! They could have had their main characters have flaws and deal with them, but still not come across as bumbling screw-ups.

    Add in a huge over-dash of 'let's have too much idiotic fun' and what was once pleasurable became ridiculous. Dominatrix alien female with cleavage and sexual innuendo prominent. Wallpaper the veteran characters. Or alter them into distorted, new characters. Alien female plays Daisy Duke. Main central character is an alpha male stupendous hero... over the top... and with no pants.

    A farce of it's former self.

    They began actually, and without shame, producing and selling Wormhole Extreme. They weren't that far from it in the past, but they pushed it too far and went into Wormhole Extreme wholeheartedly.

    A farce.

    Stargate became FarGate.

    And then it became a farce of itself.

    That makes it FarceGate.


    Yep, that about sums it up. Just add...kill off the Asgard to cut any ties to the old show and use as a plot device for a really lame endless ending and...there you go...Fargate revamped.
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      Maybe loki was cloning again and made a duplicate of sam. But then--where is the real sam?

      I think the clone went to SGA. She's a bit OC for sam.
      I am still waiting for Sam to show up. I have been a bit disappointed in her role so far.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        me too!
        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          Teal'c: I just had a horrible nightmare, O'Neill.

          O'Neill: Tell me about it.

          Teal'c: First of all, you were not there. You were in Washington at a desk job.

          O'Neill: Like that would ever happen.

          Teal'c: It is worse, O'Neill. Colonel Carter lost her command of SG1 to an imprudent officer—I think the term you would use is "hotdog"--with no offworld experience.

          O'Neill: growl. It'd never happen. Carter is an excellent officer.

          Teal'c: I was relegated to being an observer of all this, except for being tortured during various missions.

          O'Neill: Like they'd ever get ahold of you.

          Teal'c: And SG1 was forced to accept as a member a former criminal who never stopped talking and constantly romantically pursued Daniel Jackson.

          O'Neill: Oh, ho—I knew ya had it in you Danny boy!

          Teal'c: These were unwanted attentions. But perhaps worst of all was Daniel Jackson.

          O'Neill: What about Daniel?

          Teal'c: He was not himself, O'Neill. He had become arrogant and angry. He acted as though Colonel Carter and I were strangers and he was abusive toward the new female team member.

          O'Neill: Daniel? Abusive?

          Teal'c: He literally pushed her around.

          O'Neill: That is a doozie. Ok, no more double pepperoni pizza for you before bed.

          Thinking about "S9-10 realy just a dream" theories and it occured to me...

          ..."Forever and a Day" never ended!

          Yep, Daniel's still been in that mind-communication via Goa'uld torture device thing that Amonet/Sha're was using/

          After going through all that in his mind (or whatnot), Teal'c finally enters the tent for real, but before he can strike Daniel manages to say:

          "Whatever you do, don't kill her!"


            Originally posted by EnterTheWormhole View Post

            Thinking about "S9-10 realy just a dream" theories and it occured to me...

            ..."Forever and a Day" never ended!

            Yep, Daniel's still been in that mind-communication via Goa'uld torture device thing that Amonet/Sha're was using/

            After going through all that in his mind (or whatnot), Teal'c finally enters the tent for real, but before he can strike Daniel manages to say:

            "Whatever you do, don't kill her!"
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              So, over the past week or so, the following chain occurred to me...

              With the addition of Farscape's two main actors [Browder (Crighton) and Black (Sun)] to Stargate, some folks coined the terms FarGate and StarScape. Since Crighton and Sun were coming to Stargate, FarGate seems more appropriate and descriptive.

              Then, Stargate's PTB decided to take Stargate into the realm of a screwball bunch of goofups bumbling their way through galactic unbelievability. Maybe it started as 'gee, the main scifi action heroes are always surmounting such unbelievable odds in such unbelievable conditions... *real* humans wouldn't be able to do that. *Real* humans would make mistakes and goof up and screw up. *That* would be *real* human drama. So... how do they get that into Stargate, a series about intergalactic heroes that save Earth and other planets (and the galaxy) on a weekly basis? Hmmm... well, they do it poorly. They turn the main characters into bumbling screw-ups who are only just trying to have fun. Yuck, yuck! They could have had their main characters have flaws and deal with them, but still not come across as bumbling screw-ups.

              Add in a huge over-dash of 'let's have too much idiotic fun' and what was once pleasurable became ridiculous. Dominatrix alien female with cleavage and sexual innuendo prominent. Wallpaper the veteran characters. Or alter them into distorted, new characters. Alien female plays Daisy Duke. Main central character is an alpha male stupendous hero... over the top... and with no pants.

              A farce of it's former self.

              They began actually, and without shame, producing and selling Wormhole Extreme. They weren't that far from it in the past, but they pushed it too far and went into Wormhole Extreme wholeheartedly.

              A farce.

              Stargate became FarGate.

              And then it became a farce of itself.

              That makes it FarceGate.

              Stargate + Farscape = FarceGate
              Last edited by astrogeologist; 02 January 2008, 03:27 PM.


                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Doo doo by any other name, still stinks.
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    Oh, I had to inform some people at work about AOT being out so lets make sure I give them the right information.


                    Better then expected but:
                    * Carter working with Super Cam to stop RepliNID
                    * Teal'c wandering around himself probably on some jaffa revenge or being tortured thing.
                    * No Vaniel
                    * No real stargate activity (as in the actual device "the stargate")
                    * Vala working with Daniel and Tomlin? Or was Daniel off by himself somplace.
                    * Presumably lots of big explosions when the effects are added.
                    * Oma and Anubis duke it out.... I mean Adria and some ancient person.

                    So is that right, or wrong and should I add or delete anything. I forgot to tell them about the Oma/Anubis thing. They know I am biased toward the negative as I make that abundantly clear, but I do try to give them something of a pic of what to expect and then they can self edit it based upon what I have told them in the past. They keep asking me about spoilers though so I guess what I get from this thread and others must be good enough.

                    Ironically one of the fellows who thinks I am too negative toward S9-S10 is really hating Atlantis this year...whereas I am OK with it. I am not loving it but not close to hating it (well except the one ep where TPTB proved again their lack of understanding what constitutes decent human behavior).

                    Oh he did tell me he found out over the holidays that he was suprised to find out his sister dispises S9-S10 as much as me and for many of the same reasons. So its not JUST me.... not that it would change my OPINION if it was... but somehow I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when people recongnize crp from greatness like Classic SG-1.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Even the eps that didn't go down the road of accidental? parody just fell a bit flat for me. Maybe because I didn't like or care about the main characters (Vaniel). Cam was forced on us in S9 to the point where I hated to see him on screen most of the time.

                      So much of SG1 depends on liking the team--at least for me.

                      TPTB seemed to think we'd shift our allegiance from the Big 3 to Jackson (the ***) a new "sexy alien" (remember how many people disliked Anise--the 7 of 9 of stargate? maybe they thought Anise's problem was that she didn't throw around innuendo to go along with her tight outfits ) and a cartoon character "commander." What show did they think we'd been watching for 8 years? Certainly not the one they thought we had.

                      At least they seem to have learned the forcefeeding lesson w/ Atlantis re: Carter. Unfortunately we haven't seen much of her yet, so it's hard to know if the wallpapering will continue...


                        season 9 and 10 seem to be split down the middle of either you love it or you hate it. Few people I have talked with are just okay with it.

                        On SGA (yes, the Wallace solution was pathetic) there is more of a variety of opinions. Love it, hate it or it's ok.

                        I find SGA is better in overall writing without the silliness in season 3 but still lacks the primary reason and half the cast that added to the show. Now I get a bad taste every time they try and shove "shep's team moments" down my throat.

                        As far as AoT...I don't care enough about Adria and the Bori to watch it anyways so why bother? The side plots seem almost thrown in to make sure Sam has something to do and Teal'c? No clue.

                        Yep, SG-1 ended in season 7 and it took 3 years longer for the show to actually go off the air.

                        To me...SGA's chance at making it to season 6 will depend on how much the writers admit they screwed up with Wier and Beckett. They would have to get Daniel on that show full time (without Vala) to pull out ratings that would be better than what they have now. The reason I say Daniel is because I don't think TH is coming back...she sounds like she's done with SGA.

                        Bringing back Carson has to be done with tact...sounds like they might bring back. But never will TPTB admit they really screwed up with that little ratings trick.

                        Cooper's Stargate Universe better be the next best thing to sliced bread if MGM wants to continue to make money on this franchise.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          if cooper's making Universe, i'm already doubtful to watch it.

                          I'm not a over hormonal young male with my mind in the gutter who wants nothing more than bombs, butts and bombs to spice up my cliches

                          his work is not to my taste
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Even the eps that didn't go down the road of accidental? parody just fell a bit flat for me. Maybe because I didn't like or care about the main characters (Vaniel). Cam was forced on us in S9 to the point where I hated to see him on screen most of the time.
                            I have to say, I did find RCC's suggestion that inserting Mitchell into the battle over Antarctica made him someone who "wasn’t just the new guy but he had been involved with the team in the past" laughable.

                            It certainly didn't make me think that the Stargate Universe was actually much bigger than had been shown and that Mitchell had been a part of the show's history - it made me think that TPTB must be truly desperate to have to force their new character in with such a ridiculously contrived hewoic backstory.

                            They could get away with giving Sam a backstory as part of the team who had been working on the Stargate because (a) it was the pilot episode, and you can cut a little slack for things like that in a pilot episode, and (b) because the dialling interface they used in the movie had to be built by someone, but with Mitchell, it was utterly ridiculous that there had been someone waiting in the wings for Season Eight, intended for the fourth spot on SG-1 but who never got so much as a mention - even when others wanted the spot and a decision was made not to have a fourth person on SG-1 at all.

                            You'd think that Jack might have mentioned it - "Yeah, you guys are going to have to manage as a three person team for the moment because some guy crashed his F-302 and got an owie and therefore deserves the fourth spot that just about everyone working here is vying for. By the way, Carter, don't get too comfortable in command. The second this guy is fit for duty, he'll be leading SG-1. I'm sure the fact that he's got no experience offworld - he hasn't even seen the stargate yet, bless his heart! - isn't going to be a problem."

                            Sloppy, sloppy writing.

                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            At least they seem to have learned the forcefeeding lesson w/ Atlantis re: Carter. Unfortunately we haven't seen much of her yet, so it's hard to know if the wallpapering will continue...
                            They're being cautious with Sam, perhaps too cautious, but to be honest, I prefer that to the alternative, that they'd turn Atlantis into the Sam Carter Show and damage her chances of acceptance even further.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              In regards to AoT, I think Coop went in thinking he was making a block buster like Terminator, but ended up with Pluto Nash instead

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                In regards to AoT, I think Coop went in thinking he was making a block buster like Terminator, but ended up with Pluto Nash instead


                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

