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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    yep, I blocked it. I haven't watched it since it first aired. Positively painful.
    I haven't watched any of S9/10 since it first aired with the exception of 'LitS' and '200' and even those have only been watched twice in total.

    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      yep, I blocked it. I haven't watched it since it first aired. Positively painful.
      Yep, cringe factor was pretty high for me too.


        Originally posted by Nikki View Post
        I haven't watched any of S9/10 since it first aired with the exception of 'LitS' and '200' and even those have only been watched twice in total.
        They're rerunning S10 here, I tried to watch Morpheus last night, but I found myself unable to watch Cam or Vala, so I just switched the channel.

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          They're rerunning S10 here, I tried to watch Morpheus last night, but I found myself unable to watch Cam or Vala, so I just switched the channel.
          I know how you feel, have definitely been there. Early on I tried to catch the odd repeat of a 9/10 ep, to you know...make myself like them, but as you can probably tell, it failed miserably and I ended up changing the channel just a few mins in...both times.

          (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


            Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
            Daniel in S9 and S10 was almost an entirely different character. Cranky, dismissive, detached, a little too trigger-happy for someone who started out as a mild, anti-military archaeologist. Evolution is okay, but this is too much.
            I couldn't agree more. Where's the Daniel from the first couple of seasons? I agree that people grow, develop and change - but the changes that happened between Seasons 8 to 9 and Daniel to Jackson were horrible. It would have been great to see him get older and wiser and to become a wonderful mentor and giver of sage advice after thoughtful contemplation - or to have him still show some of that quick-to-see-the-best-in-others occassionally. It's sad to see people grow old and bitter and jaded and cranky. Sad... and not something that I watch for entertainment.

            Teal'c should also have become more of a mentor - someone who shares his vast depth of experiences with others... someone from whom his words are considered gifts.

            Carter should have been shown as a female competently handling command of the field unit that she was once a fresh-faced Captain on. Again, she should have been mentoring the newbies, and she should have been shown utilizing and drawing on her years of experience in the field, through the Stargate and under Jack's less-than-by-the-book-command (there should have been some innovative, outside-the-box field decisions with references back to her earlier years with SG-1 and O'Neill's command).

            Argh!!! Where was all of that?

            And where was the care and concern for each other between these original three?

            All sacrificed for the new male lead and the new female lead characters... around whom most everything was to now orbit and supplicate???? Ugh!!!

            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            They're rerunning S10 here, I tried to watch Morpheus last night, but I found myself unable to watch Cam or Vala, so I just switched the channel.
            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
            I know how you feel, have definitely been there. Early on I tried to catch the odd repeat of a 9/10 ep, to you know...make myself like them, but as you can probably tell, it failed miserably and I ended up changing the channel just a few mins in...both times.
            Nowhere do I see them saying 'oops, that was a mistake, sorry'... instead they seemed to have the party line that what they did was wonderful - if only I could see it and give it a chance. Have seen it... keep trying to give it a chance... it's just awful! So, to me, I have the impression of the Season 9 & 10 writers collectively giving me the double-handed metaphorical finger (If I don't like what they presented in Seasons 9 & 10, then it's my own close-minded-fault). And that pisses me off to no end.

            I *liked* SG-1. I don't like it anymore - I resent what they did to it too much.


              Couldnt agree more.... cant green, sorry.
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
                I *liked* SG-1. I don't like it anymore - I resent what they did to it too much.

                I have a hard time watching the old eps because of what they did to SG-1 in S9/10. I wished I could just ignore it but I can't. I wished I didn't feel that way because for 8 years Sg-1 was my favorite show.
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                  I have a hard time watching the old eps because of what they did to SG-1 in S9/10. I wished I could just ignore it but I can't. I wished I didn't feel that way because for 8 years Sg-1 was my favorite show.
                  Have got to delurk - first to say HI and hope everyone is doing well second to say I am glad others feel as I do about the most recent seasons of dreck affecting their ability to enjoy the earlier seasons (which I loved - that would be seasons 1-61/2 for me). I have not touched my box sets of DVDs (seasons 1-6 are all I have as with the junk that was mid season 7-10 I stopped spending any money on them) since sometime in season 8 and am on the verge of just throwing them away as I cannot really bother anymore. When I do come upon a repeat on TV I pass right by it now whether it is season 1 or season 9-10.

                  It is funny as I never felt this way about a show before or since and I think a lot had to do with Carter because she really was, for a time through mid season 7 at least, a well-written, believable, strong, intelligent, leader and hero AND she was a female - something not seen often enough and I actually thought TPTB 'got it". There was also the unbelievably wonderful chemistry of the 4 core characters not to mention the chemistry with TR and DD all of which made this show a pleasure to watch. A show that actually had some uniqueness to it (the Gate travel aspect) and a show that had a small group of humans/alien traveling to other worlds and using their ingenuity to get out of trouble or get others out of trouble and to boot they saved the world, universe, galaxy umpteen times, a show that had some maturity and integrity and at the same time an understated, irreverant humour that mature adults could appreciate.

                  Unfortunately cooper's "vision" for SG-1 took over after mid season 7 and he and his band of merry men (lemmings if you will as they remind me of the same type of people mallozzi refers to as lemmings) ruined the entirety of the show for me from making Carter a shadow of the strong, intelligent character she was for so many years (the pete thing will forever remain the stigma that made Carter a door-mat and took her so far out of character that there was no going back, at least for me) and like Astro I am still pissed and bitter about a ruined show.

                  The uniqueness of the show was discarded - how often was the Gate even seen, other than in token scenes, once cooper's vision kicked in? It became a joke and a typical sci-fi show with the ships rolling out like candy and the "kool" beaming technology that saved their a$$es in a nick-of-time instead good old fashioned SG-1 ingenuity, it became cliche-ridden and rote.

                  Now for the matruity - I think we all know what happened to that - it was appalling what cooper did to the show - making it a "comedy" with a "bunch of screw-ups" and a whorelette to boot making crude, sexual-innuendo laden cracks that were just so puerile it was pathetic. I knew from commentary and stories that the crew and actors skewed towards immature humour (PDD, CJ, MS, GJ, come immediately to mind) but I never in my wildest dreams thought they would actually allow the show to devolve into that world of pre-pubescent, juvenile bunk. vala was an embarrasment to the show that once had such integrity. The move of mitchell and Carter was just so horrendously appalling and enough has been said about that that I will just stop now about that bit of rubbish from a group of men who I once thought "got it".

                  It sounds like aot is going to be a piece of season 9-10 junk which I won't waste any money on but I do hope with the end that I have heard to the movie that it ends cooper's "vision" and we can get back to some sense of the real, original SG-1 that played so successfully for so many years prior to cooper's hand taking control as showrunner.

                  I hold a tiny bit of hope for Continuum (I have learned what happens to faithful fans of Stargate who get their hopes beyond a tiny modicum and that won't be happening to me again that's for damn sure) because it is Brad's baby and it sounds like cooper had very little to nothing to do with it because he was soo busy on aot so that's why the tiny bit of hope and also that Brad seems to appreciate the history of the show, he seems to still get what made SG-1 so popular and successful before cooper's showrunning days ran it into cancellation. I also hold hope because it sounds like
                  vala is minimized
                  and with Jack there I am also hoping mitchell is minimized.

                  Anyway, yes - still bitter and pissed that's why I stay away but had to vent for a moment seeing as others actually still have some of the same feelings left that I do - nice to see I am not alone.

                  Take care everyone and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


                    I maintain my theory that Anubis is actually Daniel and season 9 and 10 are Anubis's creation of how he thought SG-1 should be.

                    On another note...I found my happy place in writing for season 7. I can bring back jonas if need be, Janet is not dead. Daniel can be written as Daniel without the influence of Vala or Mitchell. I can continue on this track and not have to come up with stupid reasons to place Jack back in the field and never promote him in the first place. (I could never understand why they would place the SGC under Jack who had a history of trouble.)

                    I started a new story to post after my I post the last ch of my current story and in the the new one I have Janet meets the man of her dreams. Hammond is still the best CO to write for--without a doubt. Hammond is the best!

                    I can bring in an earlier version of Rodney McKay too.

                    Yep, there is a huge difference between writing even season 8 from season 7.

                    9 and 10 are just painful and correcting the mistakes are painful too.

                    Thus I have decided that Anubis is actually on of the writers, perhaps hidden writer, of the show and is attempting to make the show in his image.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                      I knew from commentary and stories that the crew and actors skewed towards immature humour (PDD, CJ, MS, GJ, come immediately to mind) but I never in my wildest dreams thought they would actually allow the show to devolve into that world of pre-pubescent, juvenile bunk.
                      Don't forget to add RDA to that, because he was just as bad. Apparently he and CJ used to have farting contests on the set and he was just as immature as the rest of them. Not as horrid as PD and GJ though. And before season 8, they did a good job at keeping the stupid fratboy stuff off the screen, where it belongs. Then it creeped on, and it was obviously the writers doing it, not the actors themselves. I remember thinking during Mobius about what the heck was going on with all the off-colorish jokes and scenes because we'd never really seen it too much before. (I'm sorry, but as much as a Sam fan as I am, I would have rather seen the rebellion than alt-her and alt-Jack making out in the jumper like a couple of sluts. And all those things about Alt-Daniel being gay and his ESL class guy saying he makes him so hot, Um NO. )

                      But anyway, I don't blame the actors for the turn in the style of the show. For example, from con reports, CJ sounds like he could fit in on Animal House, but we never saw that sort of thing with Teal'c. But suddenly sex jokes became the cup of tea for the day starting in about season 8 and then getting markedly worse in 9. All in the writing.
                      sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                        I say it started in season 6 Metmorphosis anyone listen to the commentary James T wrote the ep and BW wrote that scene in between Nirrti and Jonas. How about Avenger 2.0 at the end Felger dream Sam and that girl got into a cat fight RDA was in the room too where was his input where was Gekko then. That's why I have an issue with hero worship of RDA he's not inocent he's a mere mortal like us. Also the Kirking of Jonas all in the end of season 6 I can think of at least 3.

                        To get back on Topic my issue with Bounty is how they had Vala in my mind they regressed her she didn't need to dress that way anymore.
                        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                          Oh yeah, poundpuppy29, the RDA pedestal is a bit irritating. I think the guy is completely awesome. But he does have a rep of being kind of a perve and a jokester on the set, from Mac, and from Legend and from SG1. I haven't heard much gossip about his soap days, so can't vouch for those, but he was pretty well known for being a bit of a playboy while younger. And he stands up for environment in all sorts of legal and not quite legal ways to support his causes and from what I hear, he's a pretty friendly and fun guy whose kind of shy in the public eye. This is all sheer awesomeness, but he's no where near this paragon of sainthood and goodness that people want to make him into.

                          But I do think he was able to keep a lot of the goofyness off the screen, which is also why he won't allow blooper reels of the early years to materialize. Off screen and on screen are separate, and the writers seem to not beable to separate that any longer.
                          sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                            Oy, it's starting to sound like the old 'pro' stance that the only reason we don't like S9 and 10 is b/c Jack wasn't on it

                            As for Nirti, she was a Goa'uld and that was quite in character for her. We didn't see Jonas having a relationship with sexual innuendo in every scene he was in. And as for S7 RDA was spending less and less time there, so it may have been too late for him to do anything about the least the scene was all in Felger's head and did not show it as how Sam really acted.

                            I'm no RDA or Gekko worshiper, but I did notice a decline in the quality of the show when RDA (not Jack) had less to do with it. Oh and when RCC took over the reings.

                            my fanfic


                              We're getting really close to that line between personal and professional here. Let's keep the rumors and speculation to ourselves please
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                                Unfortunately cooper's "vision" for SG-1 took over after mid season 7 and he and his band of merry men (lemmings if you will as they remind me of the same type of people mallozzi refers to as lemmings)
                                *stops running on the wheel in the bottom of her cage, scampers across the floor and stuffs a lonely sunflower seed in her mouth*

                                I can deal with the rodent stuff, as a matter of fact I'm quite fond of those little, fuzzy animals and proud to be a honorary member of their species. However, I have a hard time picturing myself or any of my lemming-friends as frat boys whose only goal is to have more jokes and more sex on the SG shows. In fact, that's one of the many things we're complaining about.

                                *jumps off cliff, opens parachute and shows her tongue to tptb*

                                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                                To get back on Topic my issue with Bounty is how they had Vala in my mind they regressed her she didn't need to dress that way anymore.
                                She didn't regress only in terms of clothes (no one over 15 can pull off that kind of outfit without giving off a certain kind of message), but generally. Her reference to her past life to the Earth people were plain comic devices. Vala is smart enough to know what she can and what she cannot say to people. The whole "I'm bored" stuff had gotten a little old by then, but I've already explained in earlierl posts why I think it is completely OOC for someone like Vala.

