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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    I don't know about the rest of you, but my first emotion when I heard that the show was being cancelled was relief.
    That was pretty much my thought as well. When S10 didn't really improve over S9, I just didn't think it was worth saving or having it on the air anymore. Sure, I know there are those that did enjoy these two seasons, but for me it both made sense to cancel it, and it was in a way good to end the show right there. Any good reputation SG1 had before S9 was already out the window, and the possible big movie was also out the window because of it.

    I was really looking forward to watching a SG1 movie on the big screen...can't see it happening anymore I'm afraid. Of course, in it's current state, I wouldn't pay to go watch it would need to be classic SG1.


      Yeah, I more or less felt the same way. When I first saw the headline on the front page here, my attitude was more or less, "huh, wow." And like you guys, I just couldn't bring myself to get involved in the save the show campaigns. Now, I might have if they were saving Stargate SG-1 (S1-8). But I really didn't have any interest in saving what we'd been watching for the last two seasons.


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        Yeah, I more or less felt the same way. When I first saw the headline on the front page here, my attitude was more or less, "huh, wow." And like you guys, I just couldn't bring myself to get involved in the save the show campaigns. Now, I might have if they were saving Stargate SG-1 (S1-8). But I really didn't have any interest in saving what we'd been watching for the last two seasons.
        Wouldn't that had been something. If SG-1 was cancelled after S8, then we helped save the show only to get S9 and 10.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
          Wouldn't that had been something. If SG-1 was cancelled after S8, then we helped save the show only to get S9 and 10.
          I'm going to have nightmares!

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            I'm going to have nightmares!
            You weren't already having them after seeing what a farce the show became over the past two seasons?

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              Yeah, I more or less felt the same way. When I first saw the headline on the front page here, my attitude was more or less, "huh, wow." And like you guys, I just couldn't bring myself to get involved in the save the show campaigns. Now, I might have if they were saving Stargate SG-1 (S1-8). But I really didn't have any interest in saving what we'd been watching for the last two seasons.
              Originally posted by Rogue View Post
              Wouldn't that had been something. If SG-1 was cancelled after S8, then we helped save the show only to get S9 and 10.
              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              I'm going to have nightmares!
              *shivers are running down my spine*

              I can just imagine if there was a campaign to save the show back in season 8 was successful--and we got season 9 and 10.

              TPTB could have told us something along the lines of, "You got what you wanted. It's great, now sit down and the shut the H.E. double hockey sticks up."

              Of course if anyone had started a petition to bring back the "real" SG-1, I would sign it in a heart beat right now.

              OT--I'm very pleased to report that in my home based business of selling Watkins Products that I finally made a sale--to someone other than me!
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                I stopped after a few episodes in Season 9 before any lasting damage was done. I knew after the first episode I would not be watching many more. The scene with Mitchell meeting with the possible SG-1 members almost made me cry.


                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  I stopped after a few episodes in Season 9 before any lasting damage was done. I knew after the first episode I would not be watching many more. The scene with Mitchell meeting with the possible SG-1 members almost made me cry.
                  If only I was smart enough to do that! However, with my CRS maybe everything I viewed will be washed away in a sea of fading bad dreams.
                  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                    Wouldn't that had been something. If SG-1 was cancelled after S8, then we helped save the show only to get S9 and 10.
                    Now you got me thinking about bad things. That would be horrible, saving a show just to get what we got now...I would probably feel even more bad about SG1 if that was the case, knowing I helped them make the new seasons.

                    I actually wanted a S9, but I'm not sure if I would feel so bad if it had ended after S8. I thought it was a pretty good way to end the show, and at a right time tbh. 8 years is a long time for a show.


                      i originally thought that s9 sounded kinda cool...until spoiler after spoiler started to come out.

                      things like 'vala and daniel are chained together' and the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and i got a quesy feeling that never really went away

                      it's not just that the idea is's that i had and have little faith in coop pulling something like this off without going OTT into the camp and stupidity and making the already cheesy idea just too silly to bear (at least for my preferences)
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i originally thought that s9 sounded kinda cool...until spoiler after spoiler started to come out.

                        things like 'vala and daniel are chained together' and the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and i got a quesy feeling that never really went away

                        it's not just that the idea is's that i had and have little faith in coop pulling something like this off without going OTT into the camp and stupidity and making the already cheesy idea just too silly to bear (at least for my preferences)
                        Yea SG1, the true SG1 was a drama with comedic undertones played well by the cast, it wasn't in your face...hey look at this isn't that funny I guess Coop didn't realize subtlety worked and in your face farce was not what the audience was looking for.

                        Since when were the s1-8 team a bunch of screw-ups...that may describe S9 and 10 but certainly not S1-8

                        my fanfic


                          i didn't see them as screwups. I saw them as a group of people, tossed head first into an fantastic situation, literally in over thier heads, who struggled and fought and tried their darndest to make things work and to find a way to survive

                          they may have screwed up, but they weren't a bunch of boobs larking across the galaxy, accidentally doing good.

                          humor is a PART of life, but it can't be the only part.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i originally thought that s9 sounded kinda cool...until spoiler after spoiler started to come out.

                            things like 'vala and daniel are chained together' and the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and i got a quesy feeling that never really went away

                            it's not just that the idea is's that i had and have little faith in coop pulling something like this off without going OTT into the camp and stupidity and making the already cheesy idea just too silly to bear (at least for my preferences)
                            I don't mind a little cheese now and then but I prefer an aged cheddar to the limburger we were served.
                            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i didn't see them as screwups. I saw them as a group of people, tossed head first into an fantastic situation, literally in over thier heads, who struggled and fought and tried their darndest to make things work and to find a way to survive
                              they may have screwed up, but they weren't a bunch of boobs larking across the galaxy, accidentally doing good.

                              humor is a PART of life, but it can't be the only part.
                              Exactly. And calling them screwups may have been an attempt at humor, but to me it showed a fundamental disrespect for the whole enterprise. To have your "leader" have that attitude is a recipe for disaster.

                              The idea of SG1 to me (when it was working) was always, the *work* is serious, but we don't take *ourselves* seriously. IMHO that went for the characters and TPTB. Somewhere along the way TPTB switched to taking themselves seriously, but not the show.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i didn't see them as screwups. I saw them as a group of people, tossed head first into an fantastic situation, literally in over thier heads, who struggled and fought and tried their darndest to make things work and to find a way to survive

                                they may have screwed up, but they weren't a bunch of boobs larking across the galaxy, accidentally doing good.

                                humor is a PART of life, but it can't be the only part.
                                Their heart was in the right place and in the end they always managed to do the right thing.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


