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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
    Sam predicts another solar flare in s10. She sends a note back to S8 self stating:
    1) Under no circumstances do you let Cameron Mitchell near the Stargate
    2) Under no circumstances do you open the Iris for a woman named Vala, no matter what Daniel says.

    She gives the note to General O'Neill, he bans both Mitchell and Vala from the SGC. They go fishing.
    I like this one best. 2010 was such a good episode, and it would be so easy to have Cam and Vala screw something up enough for Sam to justify changing the timestream.

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
      Please tell me you aren't planning to lobotomize yourself to get rid of the memory of seasons nine and ten. All that blood would be an absolute bear to clean up.
      Plans? No! The thought crossed my mind. And as a one-word answer I found it hilarious. It's effective.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
        Sam predicts another solar flare in s10. She sends a note back to S8 self stating:
        1) Under no circumstances do you let Cameron Mitchell near the Stargate
        2) Under no circumstances do you open the Iris for a woman named Vala, no matter what Daniel says.

        She gives the note to General O'Neill, he bans both Mitchell and Vala from the SGC. They go fishing. that one.

        Here's an idea:

        We go back to Daniel in the cafe and Anubis shows him the alternate future with him not there to bug SG-1.

        Daniel then decides to stay at the cafe eating waffles while the Others force Anubis to be Daniel.


        Jack ascends in ancient Egypt after he died in mobius. Sees the mess they created and makes it so the alternate team with Nerdy Daniel is the current team. Mitchell is some major some place--no idea where and Vala is still Quetesh.

        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        Please tell me you aren't planning to lobotomize yourself to get rid of the memory of seasons nine and ten. All that blood would be an absolute bear to clean up.
        chemical lobotomy using beer is just as effective.
        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          I like this one best. 2010 was such a good episode, and it would be so easy to have Cam and Vala screw something up enough for Sam to justify changing the timestream.
          And all she'd have to do is justlify it to herself. and really, never having the (B)Ori come to the Milky Way? That in itself is worth it. It's not like anyone could stop her. Although getting the rest of SG-1 - minus Mitchell and Vala naturally - to sign the note would be so much better. Perhaps fingerprints might be enough....

          As Vala came back with a team, searching her and taking any 'treasure' away from her might be enough to bring her back before throwing her in jail. And throwing away the key. Though not on Earth. We can't have 'the resource' anywhere the NID can get hold of it.

          Has anyone seen remorse from Daniel or Vala for opening the (B)Ori to us? At all?

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
   that one.

            Here's an idea:

            We go back to Daniel in the cafe and Anubis shows him the alternate future with him not there to bug SG-1.

            Daniel then decides to stay at the cafe eating waffles while the Others force Anubis to be Daniel.


            Jack ascends in ancient Egypt after he died in mobius. Sees the mess they created and makes it so the alternate team with Nerdy Daniel is the current team. Mitchell is some major some place--no idea where and Vala is still Quetesh.

            chemical lobotomy using beer is just as effective.
            But not nearly as permanent.

            I still hate that 'our team' died in Mobius. I haven't been able to shake the feeling that that's why SG-1 is acting so OOC.

            If Daniel had decided to use the restaurant at the end of the universe as a jumping point to ascension *he* could have fought Anubis, thereby taking away any interest Vala has with the people of Earth. And never found that machine. So no (B)Ori.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              i see no reason to get rid of vala and cameron.

              i'm all for them joining the team...just do it differently is all
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i see no reason to get rid of vala and cameron.

                i'm all for them joining the team...just do it differently is all
                At this point the memorry of them in S9/S10 even if Vala was *much* better cometimes would override any open feelings I have to those characters. First impressions and all that. Though... I'd give it a good so just for entertainemnt value to see tptb 'do it right'.

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  see, i feel that the show needed SOMETHING. rda was gone, amanda was on baby time...and daniel and teal'c simply did not have the story to carry the whole thing.

                  and to be fair, ANY two couldn't do it. None of them had enough of an arc left to carry a show. the price of the writers shutting down the story every season since s7.

                  they needed fresh blood.

                  i think that was apparant way back in s6 and the daniel mess. one actor left and it became the end of the world to find someone to take his place because the show had no one waiting in the wings to step up. they've needed supporting characters for years but couldn't/wouldn't lay that groundwork.

                  Imagine how interesting things coudl have been had cameron joined the team as major mitchell in s8. taking a job and filling a role and doing it very much under the shadow of the person whose job you've taken.

                  I think that mitch and vala could have worked...had more than 15 minutes been given to their storylines and intro.

                  if coop had just taken more care with them, we could very well have been looking at a s11, instead of two seasons that many fans deny even exist
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    A new character like Bram Mitchell (twin brother to Cam ) he is everything Cam is not. Cool under pressure, not a hot head, actually wanted to go through the SGC training program, yet is still a Major. He gets assigned to SG1 as second in command, to actually learn from the best, and actually listen to what they say.

                    While Sam was missing in the beginning of S9, Bram and the rest of SG1 went on missions with other teams (a learning experience for Bram) and when Sam comes back and takes her rightful position on SG1 she mentors Bram and he becomes a well trained member of the SGC, why even trained enough to take over his own team for the next SG show that would have been in the wings.

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      A new character like Bram Mitchell (twin brother to Cam ) he is everything Cam is not. Cool under pressure, not a hot head, actually wanted to go through the SGC training program, yet is still a Major. He gets assigned to SG1 as second in command, to actually learn from the best, and actually listen to what they say.
                      Bram--LOL. Like Bramwell Bronte?

                      I wouldn't have minded if Mitchell was a bit of a hot head as long as he wasn't in charge. Sam's pretty calm under pressure so someone more excitable would have been ok as one of the team. Sam could have slapped him down periodically.


                        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                        Silly, don't you know that S1 - S8 are total crap because Vala wasn't in them.
                        She wasn't?!?!

                        How did they ever survive?!?!

                        Oh, right... the whole intelligent storylines, well thought-out, well written and wonderfully acted characters thing.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          A new character like Bram Mitchell (twin brother to Cam ) he is everything Cam is not. Cool under pressure, not a hot head, actually wanted to go through the SGC training program, yet is still a Major. He gets assigned to SG1 as second in command, to actually learn from the best, and actually listen to what they say.

                          While Sam was missing in the beginning of S9, Bram and the rest of SG1 went on missions with other teams (a learning experience for Bram) and when Sam comes back and takes her rightful position on SG1 she mentors Bram and he becomes a well trained member of the SGC, why even trained enough to take over his own team for the next SG show that would have been in the wings.
                          Or Cameron Mitchel with one 'L'.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            see, i feel that the show needed SOMETHING. rda was gone, amanda was on baby time...and daniel and teal'c simply did not have the story to carry the whole thing.

                            and to be fair, ANY two couldn't do it. None of them had enough of an arc left to carry a show. the price of the writers shutting down the story every season since s7.

                            they needed fresh blood.

                            i think that was apparant way back in s6 and the daniel mess. one actor left and it became the end of the world to find someone to take his place because the show had no one waiting in the wings to step up. they've needed supporting characters for years but couldn't/wouldn't lay that groundwork.

                            Imagine how interesting things coudl have been had cameron joined the team as major mitchell in s8. taking a job and filling a role and doing it very much under the shadow of the person whose job you've taken.

                            I think that mitch and vala could have worked...had more than 15 minutes been given to their storylines and intro.

                            if coop had just taken more care with them, we could very well have been looking at a s11, instead of two seasons that many fans deny even exist
                            I've seen some great ideas for both characters on this thread and the Anti-Season Nine one, among others. If fans can come up with ways to successfully integrate new characters while still respecting the established cast, then surely it is not beyond the realm of possibility for the paid professionals to do the same.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Has anyone seen remorse from Daniel or Vala for opening the (B)Ori to us? At all?
                              Nope, none whatsoever and, ironically enough, although some fans seem to have all but formed a lynch mob after Sam gave Ba'al the information he wanted to keep him from killing his hostages - the end result of which, if I recall, was a treasure hunt that would actually have kept at least one of the Ba'als from causing trouble for Earth - those same fans do not seem to have a problem with Daniel and Vala blabbing.

                              At least we can be thankful that Sam is a strong enough character to be able to say "I made a mistake, I'm sorry". Wouldn't it be far worse if she was so weak that she had to be protected from any and all admissions of error or guilt?

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i see no reason to get rid of vala and cameron.

                                i'm all for them joining the team...just do it differently is all
                                Major Mitchell, fresh from the training program and excited by his assignment to the legendary SG-1 could have been a great character. The whole hero of the battle of Antarctica, CMOH, any post he wanted thing was unsalvageable and should have been scrapped.

                                Vala also had a lot of potential, but I think that they needed to cut the cord between her and Daniel if she was to have a chance of realizing it.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

