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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    hey then next series will be; Stargate Nickelodeon! LOL. Stargate was never ment to be slap stick humor. But, that is what happened when, Larry, Curly and Moe took over.
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      other guys was funny. but, to me at least, it fit better in the scope of the show if it was a dream. or i guess, the whole thing wasn't all that bad, but the scene at the end? the award thing????


      that part kinda ruined it for me. so did the felger fantasy cat fight in avenger

      personally? leave it alone and keep those ending scenes out, or have the whole things be felger's dreams.

      it was funny, but then they just went too far and pushed that credibilty envelope a bit too much for my tastes
      That's my thinking too. The dream sequences at the end were just tooo mcuh. But I do love Jack's "We're on a mission, you nit!" One of my (many) problems with PU was that it made all the SG personnel simply look incompetent. I try to pretend that episode doesn't exist.


        yeah. this show used to treat the military wtih such respect. they werent' perfect, but they tried.

        but in PU the military was made the butt of the joke just for a yuk-yuk moment and to make the plot work.

        the characters were sacrificed for the plot.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          anyone who believes the most popular fanfic pairing is 'canon' is deluded.

          canon is what is seen on the show. plain and simple. and, despite vala being the accessory to pump up daniel's ego, i don't recall them having carnal relations being canon. In fact, sam and jack aren't carnally canon. (not in the main universe anyway)

          canon ships on the show include

          sam/jonas H
          daniel/sara - i believe they were intimate in the past
          daniel/hathor (carnal knowledge)

          there are a few others if you make it 'more than friends' but daniel/vala carnal knowledge is not canon.
          I'm confused and just want to clear something up: a canon relationship has to be carnal? That would leave out some famous fictional romantic pairings . Or are you just listing the ones that were on SG-1?


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            so, other guys and avenger were ok on their own. small lapses into damien's cartoon/anime/fanfic silliness that he was so prone to.
            Avenger was written by the tag team of M&M. I think it might have been better if it had been written by Damian Kindler, since no one else seems to get the characters he introduces.
            Vala in PU, much as I dislike the ep, was fairly kick ass in it (yes, illogical depopulation of the prometheus etc.). Hand the character over to the other writers and she suddenly becomes the innuendo spouting, little girl who needs a man. It's as if the other writers pick up on the "fun" bits of Damian's characters but ignore the whole of the character.

            And I enjoyed The Other Guys, because, unlike some of the more recent comedy episodes, SG-1 was still SG-1 even if everything else was completely daft.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              ok, i don't get this.

              Daniel Jackson, the moral center of the universe, raped an unconscious woman????? Esqueeze me???

              Not even the Jackson version of the character is so warped.

              so sorry, do NOT see that.
              Neither do I ... could never see it in a million years. If they think that silly remark she made in one of the S9 eps (can't remember which one now - it's been forever since I last watched it) is proof of it, there's no basis for it. That would have been the only time it would have happened and I don't see Daniel (or his new incarnation) ever doing that.


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                I'm confused and just want to clear something up: a canon relationship has to be carnal? That would leave out some famous fictional romantic pairings . Or are you just listing the ones that were on SG-1?
                a canon relationship means that it only goes as far as we see/hear on the show. So unless sam thanks jack for the good time last night or hands him an envelope with his forgotten BVD's and makes it clear that they've had sex, they haven't canonly had sex.

                canon = what we see/hear on the show. not what fans want to happen or what they read between the lines

                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Avenger was written by the tag team of M&M. I think it might have been better if it had been written by Damian Kindler, since no one else seems to get the characters he introduces.
                Vala in PU, much as I dislike the ep, was fairly kick ass in it (yes, illogical depopulation of the prometheus etc.). Hand the character over to the other writers and she suddenly becomes the innuendo spouting, little girl who needs a man. It's as if the other writers pick up on the "fun" bits of Damian's characters but ignore the whole of the character.

                And I enjoyed The Other Guys, because, unlike some of the more recent comedy episodes, SG-1 was still SG-1 even if everything else was completely daft.
                vala WAS fun in PU. her depopulating the promie was a HUGE plot hole. one person should not have emptied a ship with, what? 15-20 decks?? there's just too much ship and she was too outnumbered.
                vala in PU was a kick tush opportunist, whereas in s9 and 10 she's turned into Daniel's Little Girl

                the other guys was fun. it was a romp. but the awards ceremony at the end is what tossed it OTT for me.

                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                Neither do I ... could never see it in a million years. If they think that silly remark she made in one of the S9 eps (can't remember which one now - it's been forever since I last watched it) is proof of it, there's no basis for it. That would have been the only time it would have happened and I don't see Daniel (or his new incarnation) ever doing that.
                it was probably the 'i'm pregnant and you're the father...or one of however many potential daddies'

                it was a line meant to put daniel and the others off balance
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Oy, I just read the spoilers and saw the caps for the Bounty. I know I should hold judgement till I have seen it--but I don't think I will bother with that ep. It really looks like a bad fan fic turned into an ep.

                  Vala is dressed like Daisy Duke--I have expect Bo and Luke to show up in the General Lee

                  The ep to me seems like a teenage boys wet dream. OMG--it really doesn't look good.

                  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                    Agree with you all (Jackie, Sky and jckfan) about how Vala was introduced. PU was a study in "logic, let me introduce you to this window."

                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Jusat watched Bounty this morning.

                    Not horrendius. Just not good. It had some funny moments. The Scooby rererence . Vala in Daisy Dukes ala a skankily dressed MaryAnn... Oy. At least they kept the comments to a minimum. Gratuitous gams in the auditorium scene with Cam's buddy too. Skin anyone?
                    At least Vala had her wits about her this ep - even if it tdidn't work.

                    I tihnk I'm missing a character in the Lucien Alliance. Who killed Emerson again? It wasn't the boss, right? I'd like to see him again.

                    I realize the ep was supposed to be fun. And it was. Unless it was painful to watch.

                    Mitchell is still the weak link here. What's the point of the character again?


                    It did have some funny moments. I also noticed that Vala had pigtails for a bit. Well, guess that blows a hole in my Vaniel=pigtails theory. Although maybe in this case an exception can be made because of the Daisy Duke/Maryann thing...


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      it was probably the 'i'm pregnant and you're the father...or one of however many potential daddies'

                      it was a line meant to put daniel and the others off balance
                      Yes, I think that was it. I remember the Vaniel fans squeeeing how that meant there was something carnal between the two. And then with the news that CB was coming back at the end of the season, Vala pregnant and the little info teaser that Daniel "may or may not be the father" (at least from what I remember)... hoo.


                        people see what they want to see

                        but, as far as canon is concerned, until we see them 'in bed', or they make a definite statement declaring thier relationship, they're just 'friends' and not lovers

                        those that want to see them as more, have fun. enjoy yourself and enjoy your ship.

                        it's just not canon until it's canon
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          for me, they were silly in the scope of the show. but add to them the sheer silliness that was s9, they're foreshadowing of the overwhelming mental immaturity of some of the B@B.

                          personally? i dn't like slapstick. i dont' like humiliation humor. It's not all that funny to see some guy hit in the crotch or someone to get a bucket of slime dumped on them or something like that.

                          so, other guys and avenger were ok on their own. small lapses into damien's cartoon/anime/fanfic silliness that he was so prone to.

                          but when i stack 20 episodes of silliness on them that is s9, i just shake my head and wanna scream at them 'grow up'

                          If they wanna make silliness, maybe they need to go get a job at Nickelodeon or the cartoon network
                          Too amusing. (The post, not Sky.)


                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            people see what they want to see

                            but, as far as canon is concerned, until we see them 'in bed', or they make a definite statement declaring thier relationship, they're just 'friends' and not lovers

                            those that want to see them as more, have fun. enjoy yourself and enjoy your ship.

                            it's just not canon until it's canon
                            Exactly. That is how it should be and that's how I am whenever I indulge in my ship.

                            It's a shame some people tend to get over-obsessed about it though.


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Jusat watched Bounty this morning.

                              Not horrendius. Just not good. It had some funny moments. The Scooby rererence . Vala in Daisy Dukes ala a skankily dressed MaryAnn... Oy. At least they kept the comments to a minimum. Gratuitous gams in the auditorium scene with Cam's buddy too. Skin anyone?
                              At least Vala had her wits about her this ep - even if it tdidn't work.

                              I tihnk I'm missing a character in the Lucien Alliance. Who killed Emerson again? It wasn't the boss, right? I'd like to see him again.

                              I realize the ep was supposed to be fun. And it was. Unless it was painful to watch.

                              Mitchell is still the weak link here. What's the point of the character again?

                              Agreed. It was an okay ep, but not at all that good.

                              I just think this isn't Stargate anymore...well I have been thinking that for some time. The whole shipment thing made me remember a ep from the show "Space Rangers" from back in the 90's something. I though SG1 was a group of explorers, not space cops?

                              I wasn't too crazy about the whole reunion thing, and only bits and pieces were a bit fun. The others were pretty much kicked a side for Mitchell/Vala, who I felt took a hugh part of the ep. I didn't like the Bounty hunter guys/woman/aliens, they just didn't work. Oh how I wish they could have made a possible return of Aris Boch instead, now that could have made for some fun . Nah, this ep is just decent, I've seen worse. 5/10 from me.

                              Oh and the Lucian Alliance guy you are thinking of was Anateo (I think his name was), but he was killed in that ep...floating in space . But yeah, I though he could have made them more interesting, Lucian Alliance just never seems to hold my attention and often bring up boring stories.

                              It's too bad they couldn't hold the qualities of Line in the Sand and Road not Taken. But that was to be expected...


                                Well I just the Bounty, and what can I say

                                The beginning was okay, seeing the original 3 doing their thing. Daniel actually remembered there were libraries on Earth Teal'c was working with the free Jaffa (which he has been working towards since S1) And Sam, getting to finally take some credit for her secret work on new technologies. I also think it was neat that Sam was able to take out the bad guy, while wearing a skirt and heels

                                Now for the bad Did we really need Daisy Duke I mean the movie was a total flop, why would they think it would work on SG? The scenes with Cam and family was okay, but then the high school reunion looked more like a fanfic and I mean a bad fanfic. The bad aliens came off more as cartoon characters, and when the one alien shook that man's head, I was like WTF is that supposed to be

                                I watched cartoons when I was a kid, but when I tune into SG1, I don't expect to be watching cartoons! I had some hope that the series was getting back on track with the last few episodes, but this episode just seemed to derail them, yet again

                                my fanfic

