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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I know that. I was just being sarcastic when I said that... *shrugs*

    I don't think their airing of all things sci-fi, fantasy, and horror is out of the norm. Like I said, they used to air MST3K and I think that was actually more comedy (although they used movies that mostly fell under scifi/fantasy/horror). I did find it odd when I first heard they'd be airing wrestling in any form, but then I realized who the SciFi exec is, and that they show wrestling on the other channels under their umbrella (or did, anyway... my memory is fuzzy and I don't follow these things very much).

    FWIW they had one of the "stars" from ECW appear on their Ghost Hunters live Halloween broadcast - which I guess made sense in order to draw more viewers in (and I heard it got some good ratings) but I still found a bit odd... imho of course.
    Last edited by JessM; 24 January 2007, 07:06 AM.


      in the writer's world--sci-fi, fantasy and horror all fall under the same umbrella.

      However, skiffy seems to take it to extremes--I forgot about the wrestling. I'm sure skiffy could come up with sci-fi football too.

      As far as Shanks's interview goes, to him it is less time becuase the first 6 eps of season 9 were far more Vaniel than 10. Ten, they have tried to give the others "some" air time. (hahaha--very litte but some)

      Daniel and Vala were the focus of all of the first 6 pes in 9. Now, he does have to share a bit more.

      Playing Vaniel doesn't help either character, Daniel or Vala. They seem to be much better apart than together on screne. When Daniel isn't around Vala--she is more on her own and has to have substance added to the character. With Vaniel all they to do is make sarcastic remarks back and forth. That maybe more "fun" for the actors but not for the majority of the veiwers.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        Playing Vaniel doesn't help either character, Daniel or Vala. They seem to be much better apart than together on screne. When Daniel isn't around Vala--she is more on her own and has to have substance added to the character. With Vaniel all they to do is make sarcastic remarks back and forth. That maybe more "fun" for the actors but not for the majority of the veiwers.
        Forcing the characters of Vaniel apart, also forces the writers to go back writing for the team whicn has sorely been lacking snice S9. The writers seem to have gotten lazy when writing Vaniel, its always the same old same old. The recent episodes of s10 have been much better, why....becasue we actually see the other characters interacting with each other. Cam didn't bother me as much in LITS,
        because they actually seemed to have written him as competent. Vala also did well with her part with Tomin and the Ori story line.

        Bickering may be fun, but it's not enough to keep a series going.

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Forcing the characters of Vaniel apart, also forces the writers to go back writing for the team whicn has sorely been lacking snice S9. The writers seem to have gotten lazy when writing Vaniel, its always the same old same old. The recent episodes of s10 have been much better, why....becasue we actually see the other characters interacting with each other. Cam didn't bother me as much in LITS,
          because they actually seemed to have written him as competent. Vala also did well with her part with Tomin and the Ori story line.

          Bickering may be fun, but it's not enough to keep a series going.
          I think that's where the lack of checks and balances on the staff come in. They're all having a great time writing it and no one says, "well that's fun, but how does it serve the overall story and SG1 as a team?"


            I get the feeling the writers have "tunnel vision" from the majority of the story lines. They have forgotten the root of the series and the stargate itself.

            Seems like the stargate has become mere wall paper and the ships do all the work--when they are not blowing them up or comming out with another one. How retarted is that? Took years for earth to build a ship with Asgard engines and now we have a new one about every six episodes.

            The gate used to be part of the story. Now it almost seems to be an incovience. The gate used to have mystery to it. That mystery drew the characters together.

            Now, the gate is just sort of there and the story is all about Vaniel and the Ori. the writers tried to replace the gate with the Ori. The Ori are too boring and not really that mysterious.

            I wonder why the writers couldn't come up with a better bad guy? Why did they stick to the ascended bad guy theme? Anubis was far more entertaining as only half ascended. (He also looked like an oil slick--but hey!) The ascended seemed to be a cheap way of explaining angels and what happened to the Ancients earlier on in the series. I never cared for the ascended plot to begin with. Too--convient. Perhaps the lazy writing has always been there but is just now more obvious?

            There are so many other cosmic mysteries the show could be exploring. White holes, nebula clouds, cosmic strings, spiral galaxies, the god's eye nebula, bending light theories, ect.... But it seems to have lost its way.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              How about some exploring other planets, meeting new civilizations and stuff like that. That would be good.
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                in the writer's world--sci-fi, fantasy and horror all fall under the same umbrella.

                However, skiffy seems to take it to extremes--I forgot about the wrestling. I'm sure skiffy could come up with sci-fi football too.
                Heh, that should be interesting

                As far as Shanks's interview goes, to him it is less time becuase the first 6 eps of season 9 were far more Vaniel than 10. Ten, they have tried to give the others "some" air time. (hahaha--very litte but some)

                Daniel and Vala were the focus of all of the first 6 pes in 9. Now, he does have to share a bit more.

                Playing Vaniel doesn't help either character, Daniel or Vala. They seem to be much better apart than together on screne. When Daniel isn't around Vala--she is more on her own and has to have substance added to the character. With Vaniel all they to do is make sarcastic remarks back and forth. That maybe more "fun" for the actors but not for the majority of the veiwers.
                Right, the first 6 eps centered on them, and he has had to share just a bit.. emphasis on "a bit" of course.

                I've found Vala more likeable whenever she interacts with Sam, with Teal'c and with Cam, but sadly she doesn't get much of an opportunity to do that.


                  Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                  How about some exploring other planets, meeting new civilizations and stuff like that. That would be good.
                  I sure wouldn't mind that.


                    You know what, someone mentioned on the TRNT episode thread that maybe Alan McCullough had been reading the S9/S10 anti threads. I don't know what he has been doing but he definitely has addressed some of the things that I have previously lambasted him for. Kudos AM, you have now produced two eps that have an interesting concept AND were implemented fairly well (yes there were a few probs) and ended up delivering fairly solid episodes.

                    Sadly I wish all TPTB had checked out the anti threads and had paid attention. Most people here are not against changes but rather we saw problems with how the changes were made. All we ever wanted was for them, TPTB, to uphold the standards that they previously held, we weren't asking for more than they were capable of giving.

                    After another solid ep in TRNT, I find myself getting my hopes up for The Shroud. Have TPTB learnt from their mistakes or not? Unfortunately I have this little voice nattering away in the back of my head going
                    *watch out! They'll pull the rug out from under you*

                    I really do hope that they have their act together for the sake of Atlantis, the movies and any possible future of the franchise.


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      You know what, someone mentioned on the TRNT episode thread that maybe Alan McCullough had been reading the S9/S10 anti threads. I don't know what he has been doing but he definitely has addressed some of the things that I have previously lambasted him for. Kudos AM, you have now produced two eps that have an interesting concept AND were implemented fairly well (yes there were a few probs) and ended up delivering fairly solid episodes.

                      Sadly I wish all TPTB had checked out the anti threads and had paid attention. Most people here are not against changes but rather we saw problems with how the changes were made. All we ever wanted was for them, TPTB, to uphold the standards that they previously held, we weren't asking for more than they were capable of giving.

                      After another solid ep in TRNT, I find myself getting my hopes up for The Shroud. Have TPTB learnt from their mistakes or not? Unfortunately I have this little voice nattering away in the back of my head going
                      *watch out! They'll pull the rug out from under you*

                      I really do hope that they have their act together for the sake of Atlantis, the movies and any possible future of the franchise.
                      Daniel will be back and I fear that Vaniel would resume its course.


                        that's what i'm expecting. VAniel seems to be the only thing they're interested in if MS is on the set.

                        It'd just be nice - for the sake of the show - if Vaniel pulled in the ratings and positive reviews like those other aspects that get ignored in favor of the oh so hallowed Vaniel.

                        It's good to hear that AM can write an eps that more find pleasing. Good for him.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Yep, I'm expecting it also. Seems that we finally have a few good, solid episodes, and then once MS comes back Vaniel is back like that stubborn cold that keeps coming back and you can't seem to get rid of.

                          Speculating some about The Shroud,
                          MS said in that latest interview that there's a scene at the end where he's in the infirmary - which I assume is after he's been de-Priorized. It would be great to have the whole team there, and Jack especially, showing how relieved they are that he's back and back to normal. But I fear we'll just get a tearful Vaniel reunion, showing us that Vala is indeed the only one who cares about Daniel. Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Teal'c, Daniel/Sam, and even Daniel/Cam (such as it is) friendships? Forget it.


                            I have a rather provacative question to ask this thread-so i am putting in spoiler space only because anybody who is not really interested would not be subject to the cynical ramblings of this Sagittarian.
                            if in the Shroud Jack and Sam act like they don't know each other or aren't in the any scenes together and that Jack, as my cynical little mind is rambling on about, ascends and cannot un-ascend-how many of us will actually continue to watch, download or care? It can be any combination of the 3 thoughts, but I was really wondering fan reaction-especially considering the US won't get these episodes until April, what it will do to the ratings.
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                              I have a rather provacative question to ask this thread-so i am putting in spoiler space only because anybody who is not really interested would not be subject to the cynical ramblings of this Sagittarian.
                              if in the Shroud Jack and Sam act like they don't know each other or aren't in the any scenes together and that Jack, as my cynical little mind is rambling on about, ascends and cannot un-ascend-how many of us will actually continue to watch, download or care? It can be any combination of the 3 thoughts, but I was really wondering fan reaction-especially considering the US won't get these episodes until April, what it will do to the ratings.
                              I stopped downloading SG-1 after S9 RE and SGA after "Echoes" S3. I guess this is a means by which TPTBs want to stop people from breaking the copyright laws


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                                I have a rather provacative question to ask this thread-so i am putting in spoiler space only because anybody who is not really interested would not be subject to the cynical ramblings of this Sagittarian.
                                if in the Shroud Jack and Sam act like they don't know each other or aren't in the any scenes together and that Jack, as my cynical little mind is rambling on about, ascends and cannot un-ascend-how many of us will actually continue to watch, download or care? It can be any combination of the 3 thoughts, but I was really wondering fan reaction-especially considering the US won't get these episodes until April, what it will do to the ratings.
                                Oh goody - someone else with paranoid thoughts

                                I must admit that those things had crossed my mind. Now if any of those were to happen, then because I'm an Aussie and watching doesn't count for me I would :
                                1. Not buy the S10 DVD's (if the back half continues to improve then I was considering purchasing them) I already refuse to buy the S9 ones and contaminate my S1 to 8 collections
                                2. Not buy the movies
                                3. Actively bad mouth the franchise to anyone that will listen

                                and I know I'm not the only one who would do it. I suppose the big question is how much bad publicity and drop in revenue can they safely absorb??

