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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    It's my version of the ripple effect theory.

    When one small change such as specific people leaving the show and new ones taking their place happens. It causes a ripple effect making it grow larger untill the hole show has been effected. This can be either good or bad depending on the people involved and it seems in this case it was a bad one.
    President of the 'AFTU Writers Association'
    President of the 'Count to 15,000 Legends' club
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    CURA STORY LINE, ATFU Pg 53 - Pg 804 (751pages)


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      I am sure he wont need a translator as he has ascended and is by virture of S9-S10 superior to that O'Neill guy in every way shape and forum. After all Vala likes him, so he must be great.

      /above was bitter sarcasm

      where's that good old barf smiley when we need it?




        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

        although my money is on vala
        you're prob right on that, sky (always are), but why in the hayhoo would VALA be able to understand him?




          cause she's half of vaniel

          that's all the rationale that they need

          i'm sure there'll be a throwaway line in there somewhere
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            cause she's half of vaniel

            that's all the rationale that they need

            i'm sure there'll be a throwaway line in there somewhere

            but i have an even more important question... how in the hoohaa did you get to 15,000 posts!?!




              too much talking and noodling
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                but i have an even more important question... how in the hoohaa did you get to 15,000 posts!?!

                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                  Don't forget sunspots and solar flares.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Spoilers for The Quest part 2
                    I'm surprised that nobody thought about Adria for Daniel's translator
                    And why does Daniel get the download shouldn't get it , or


                      Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
                      Spoilers for The Quest part 2
                      I'm surprised that nobody thought about Adria for Daniel's translator
                      And why does Daniel get the download shouldn't get it , or
                      Vala speaking Ancient will probably be explained away by having her learn it while she was in the Ori galaxy - though how she would have communicated with Tobin and co. in the beginning if that's the case is another question.

                      As far as Daniel being the one to get the download goes, MS asked for time off so this gives them a reason to write him out. If Vala or Mitchell got the download, Daniel would either have to still be around to translate or else another translator would have to be brought in in his absence, making his role as expert on the Ancients less special and unique (even though half the people on Atlantis must know far more than he does by now) and risking making him look callous if he abandons his friend in his hour of need or his possibly-more-than-friend in hers.

                      In any case, as far as Mitchell goes, his hewo ship seems to have sailed. TPTB are more interested in Vaniel.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                        Vala speaking Ancient will probably be explained away by having her learn it while she was in the Ori galaxy - though how she would have communicated with Tobin and co. in the beginning if that's the case is another question.

                        As far as Daniel being the one to get the download goes, MS asked for time off so this gives them a reason to write him out. If Vala or Mitchell got the download, Daniel would either have to still be around to translate or else another translator would have to be brought in in his absence, making his role as expert on the Ancients less special and unique (even though half the people on Atlantis must know far more than he does by now) and risking making him look callous if he abandons his friend in his hour of need or his possibly-more-than-friend in hers.

                        In any case, as far as Mitchell goes, his hewo ship seems to have sailed. TPTB are more interested in Vaniel.
                        Yeah, it seems that TPTB can't decide who is their leading man. I really haven't like Daniel since his return.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                          Yeah, it seems that TPTB can't decide who is their leading man. I really haven't like Daniel since his return.
                          Which one?
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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                            Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                            Yeah, it seems that TPTB can't decide who is their leading man. I really haven't like Daniel since his return.
                            For most of Season Nine, Mitchell was very definitely their leading man but he has been pushed into the background since Vala's return.

                            I wonder if TPTB reduced the amount of focus on him because they felt that he was an unpopular character or if he was always going to take a back seat to Vaniel.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              For most of Season Nine, Mitchell was very definitely their leading man but he has been pushed into the background since Vala's return.

                              I wonder if TPTB reduced the amount of focus on him because they felt that he was an unpopular character or if he was always going to take a back seat to Vaniel.
                              IMO Mitchell was Vala's fill in. He had more lead time in season nine and that should have been the season that really cemented Mitchell as the leader of SG-1. However, I get the feeling that after they taped the first six episodes and saw the comedy play-off of Vaniel they basically just used mitchell as a fill in till they could bring back CB.

                              I think Mitchell was inteneded as the lead when BB signed the deal. That CB was intended for the fill in for AT for six weeks at first. But soon TPTB must have started to rethink those positions after they found the Vaniel interaction.

                              Vala is far more tolerable without Daniel IMO, however that would also require much needed character development. Vala has far more development that Mitchell or even Teal'c right now.

                              They thought that reaction to the Vala/ Daniel characters by posters on the web meant they had an ace in the hole. A character that they needed above all else but soon realized that she was Daniel's sidekick and that did tie thier hands. The didn't realize their were far more complaints than pros or they simply didn't care.

                              The majority of the people who were turned off with Vaniel just turned off the set and don't bother to post. There is now way a million and a half viewers would suddenly stop watching TV and suddenly decided to download all the episodes. Anyone who truely believes that is fooling themseleves. The percentage of internet buisness for downloading TV shows in general has risen but it still pales to cable and satalite TV veiwership. Most people simply found something better to watch and don't even know about these boards. After 8 years of watching the show I never to the boards till I started doing research for fan fic. If it weren't for the stories I write--I wouldn't be here now.

                              Yet, in thier persuit of all things Vaniel they totally ignored another character that was the female lead and very well liked, Sam Carter. Big mistake IMO and I think they realized it to some degree and maybe that might have influenced keeping Sam and sending her to SGA. I also think the Rodney/Carter banter influenced that decission and they wanted to get as much banter out of Rodney as possible. Atlantis has turned into the Rodney show unfortunatly. They now ignore Teyla over there.

                              I would love to see Sam going off world with Sheppard and McKay--that would be an awsome trio--they could even leave in Ronin as the lineblocker. I know AT loved working with the Atlantis cast and IMO I think it reminds her of working with the old version of SG-1. So, I'm glad Sam gets a second chance to be Sam again. I just hope the writer's don't really screw it up.
                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                                IMO Mitchell was Vala's fill in. He had more lead time in season nine and that should have been the season that really cemented Mitchell as the leader of SG-1. However, I get the feeling that after they taped the first six episodes and saw the comedy play-off of Vaniel they basically just used mitchell as a fill in till they could bring back CB.

                                I think Mitchell was inteneded as the lead when BB signed the deal. That CB was intended for the fill in for AT for six weeks at first. But soon TPTB must have started to rethink those positions after they found the Vaniel interaction.
                                I'd be inclined to think that the Daniel/Vala interaction was always intended to help win fans in her favour. Vala alone would have to sink or swim on her own merits but if Vala's presence is associated with more screentime for Daniel, perhaps TPTB hoped that Daniel fans would be clamouring to have her back.

                                I think that somebody was very keen on the idea of having CB there full time and tried to ease Vala's path by pairing her with a character who had a fanbase of his own.

                                BB was brought in as the lead, and presumably is being paid the same salary whether he is the lead in fact or in name only. If TPTB never intended to have Mitchell as anything more than wallpaper once Vala was a regular, then it seems a foolish move to pay for a lead they didn't plan on using instead of sticking with a three person team for Season Nine and then having Vala as the fourth.

                                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                                I would love to see Sam going off world with Sheppard and McKay--that would be an awsome trio--they could even leave in Ronin as the lineblocker. I know AT loved working with the Atlantis cast and IMO I think it reminds her of working with the old version of SG-1. So, I'm glad Sam gets a second chance to be Sam again. I just hope the writer's don't really screw it up.
                                I hope that Sam on Atlantis works out well.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

