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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
    To be honest, I don't think they write any of the characters like they are "real". None of them have ever struck a "real" chord with me.
    I completely agree. Doesn't mean I don't like them, because I do and have been a fan for years. But you know, they save the planet/galaxy all the time, never suffer any repercussions (physical or mental), etc. For me, Jack is the one who seems most real in a sense, only because he screws up a lot and has some glaring faults.

    I've heard people say that they feel Daniel Jackson is the most complex, interesting character ever to appear on a Sc-fi show. I like Daniel very much and I know he's the "moral conscience" of the show, but for me he's far from the most complex character ever written. Daniel rarely does anything wrong...he's just too good for my tastes. I'd have to rate G'kar from B5 as one of the most complex, best written Sci-Fi characters. His journey/growth was far more interesting to me that Daniel's ever could be.

    Just my 2 cents.


      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
      you mean this one?
      I wonder if I have my poster mixed up? I know it wouldn't be the first time

      There was a post discussing Danil/Vala episode coming up, I thought it was you that posted it

      Darn there goes my memory again

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by EmmaPeel View Post
        I've heard people say that they feel Daniel Jackson is the most complex, interesting character ever to appear on a Sc-fi show. I like Daniel very much and I know he's the "moral conscience" of the show, but for me he's far from the most complex character ever written. Daniel rarely does anything wrong...he's just too good for my tastes. I'd have to rate G'kar from B5 as one of the most complex, best written Sci-Fi characters. His journey/growth was far more interesting to me that Daniel's ever could be.

        Just my 2 cents.
        Mm, yeah, G'Kar, fabulous character.

        My vote goes to The Plain and Simple Tailor, Garak.
        "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagnation"
        Certainly one of the most amoral and ambiguous characters in SF.



          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          I wonder if I have my poster mixed up? I know it wouldn't be the first time

          There was a post discussing Danil/Vala episode coming up, I thought it was you that posted it

          Darn there goes my memory again

          I think it was Jess and saberhagen83 posts. I was reading them before server went down. I think they got eaten because if it.


            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
            I think it was Jess and saberhagen83 posts. I was reading them before server went down. I think they got eaten because if it.
            Thanks for clearing that up for me LaCroix

            Yep, they say the memory is the first to go

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              I wonder if I have my poster mixed up? I know it wouldn't be the first time

              There was a post discussing Danil/Vala episode coming up, I thought it was you that posted it

              Darn there goes my memory again
              That was mine actually... looks like posts I made on other threads before the crash were deleted too... think I'm starting to get paranoid, lol

              I'll repost it though.


                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                I think it was Jess and saberhagen83 posts. I was reading them before server went down. I think they got eaten because if it.
                Oops just saw your post there I'll repost what I more or less said.

                Basically it looks like we're going to get Vaniel shoved down our throats for the finale.

                (spoilers just in case)
                Was reading reports from the Burbank con and a friend who went called me on the phone to tell me what MS said. Apparently we will see what a relationship between Daniel and Vala "could be like". Then I heard that N. John Smith said it would be for "Unending" the last episode. We'll see possible futures for the characters 20 or 40 years from now. According to one con report, the way MS spoke about it, it could be "shippy." Now for all those who like Vaniel "shippy" could mean the stupid comedy club routine we've seen since S9. Whatever it is, I'm not looking forward to it.

                If they show more than one scenario where Daniel is paired with different people then fine. But I don't need to see Vaniel as the be all and end all. I personally don't know why Daniel would settle down with Vala, unless it's a pod person or bad AU version of him. I don't think that would be a good note for the show to go out on, even if it's not really going out if you take the movies into account. But then again, I guess I should expect this, the way the show's been going the past couple of seasons...

                That's basically what I was saying, as far as I can remember...


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  I wonder if I have my poster mixed up? I know it wouldn't be the first time

                  There was a post discussing Danil/Vala episode coming up, I thought it was you that posted it

                  Darn there goes my memory again
                  np-it wasn't me-i hope that the poster posts it again.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Oops just saw your post there I'll repost what I more or less said.

                    Basically it looks like we're going to get Vaniel shoved down our throats for the finale.

                    (spoilers just in case)
                    Was reading reports from the Burbank con and a friend who went called me on the phone to tell me what MS said. Apparently we will see what a relationship between Daniel and Vala "could be like". Then I heard that N. John Smith said it would be for "Unending" the last episode. We'll see possible futures for the characters 20 or 40 years from now. According to one con report, the way MS spoke about it, it could be "shippy." Now for all those who like Vaniel "shippy" could mean the stupid comedy club routine we've seen since S9. Whatever it is, I'm not looking forward to it.

                    If they show more than one scenario where Daniel is paired with different people then fine. But I don't need to see Vaniel as the be all and end all. I personally don't know why Daniel would settle down with Vala, unless it's a pod person or bad AU version of him. I don't think that would be a good note for the show to go out on, even if it's not really going out if you take the movies into account. But then again, I guess I should expect this, the way the show's been going the past couple of seasons...

                    That's basically what I was saying, as far as I can remember...
                    Ah yes that was the post

                    but I think you forgot one thing, the need for....

                    Hmmm, must update my bucket, they are actually half FULL (not empty) by now

                    my fanfic


                      I'm having trepiditions about this whole 20 year/ 40 year business...sounds like another insane writer's jaunt to totally screw up everything and leave no one happy...


                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        I'm having trepiditions about this whole 20 year/ 40 year business...sounds like another insane writer's jaunt to totally screw up everything and leave no one happy...
                        Well that's nothing new for them

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          I'm having trepiditions about this whole 20 year/ 40 year business...sounds like another insane writer's jaunt to totally screw up everything and leave no one happy...
                          Pretty much.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            I'm having trepiditions about this whole 20 year/ 40 year business...sounds like another insane writer's jaunt to totally screw up everything and leave no one happy...
                            Well seems my post is gone here. So those internet-replicators are real, they eat posts!

                            Oh well let's see if I can remember what I wrote. It was something about them doing this Daniel/Vala thing again for the series finale. It may work and perhaps be fun for a ep or two, but when they throw this much on us during these two seasons, it gets too much. I really don't enjoy this whole Vaniel thing at all.

                            Also the future thing in the finale reminds me alot, if I'm not misstaken, of the Charmed finale. I really don't think that is something that will be good for a SG1 series finale. Not really looking forward to it, haven't looked forward to S10 either so...only ep may be of more interest is "The road not taken", as it will finally have some more Carter (hopefully). It's another matter if it's well done, likely not though.


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Ah yes that was the post

                              but I think you forgot one thing, the need for....

                              Hmmm, must update my bucket, they are actually half FULL (not empty) by now
                              Ah, true, true... I think my S10 bucket is already half full... maybe even a bit more than that now.


                                Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
                                Well seems my post is gone here. So those internet-replicators are real, they eat posts!

                                Oh well let's see if I can remember what I wrote. It was something about them doing this Daniel/Vala thing again for the series finale. It may work and perhaps be fun for a ep or two, but when they throw this much on us during these two seasons, it gets too much. I really don't enjoy this whole Vaniel thing at all.

                                Also the future thing in the finale reminds me alot, if I'm not misstaken, of the Charmed finale. I really don't think that is something that will be good for a SG1 series finale. Not really looking forward to it, haven't looked forward to S10 either so...only ep may be of more interest is "The road not taken", as it will finally have some more Carter (hopefully). It's another matter if it's well done, likely not though.
                                I agree w/Nolamom that it does sound like another chance to screw things up and not leave anyone happy. I don't think I would have minded the Vaniel thing as much if, like you said, it hadn't been forcefed to us during these past two seasons -- AND if it was something that may not happen in our reality (and if we saw "our" Daniel's reaction to it as something like "Okay, THAT'S screwed up..." Though I doubt it would happen at this point).

                                It does sound eerily familiar to the Charmed finale. I think I'm at the point now where I'm going to rely on a more dedicated watcher to let me know how the ep went (she isn't very happy with S10 either - but she still watches for the sake of watching. She must have a stronger stomach than I).

                                I am looking forward to "The Road Not Taken" as well. It will be great to see Sam as something besides wallpaper for once, although I agree it's a whole other matter if it's actually done well.

