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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    Is MS the most liked actor or Daniel the most liked character?
    i think it's a simple matter of him having the most passionate and loud fans
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ReganX View Post
      They should have done one of two things: had Major Mitchell, relatively new to the job and very enthusiastic, if a little reckless, as 2IC or had full Colonel Mitchell, experienced and a bit straight-laced and by the book in command.

      Trying to blend the roles of enthusiastic newbie and heroic leader has made Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell a terribly uneven and, to me, utterly unlikeable character.
      that blending created an unsustainable mish-mash.

      add to it cameron the goofball touching what he shouldn't and cambo the magnificent who will single handedly storm a ship he's never been on to rescue someone while the folks that know the floor plan stay down on the planet to give him his hewo moment, and you have a character that's a joke.

      or i should say the writing of a character that's a joke

      I'm a grumpy cynic, but i see a LOT of 'living through him' going on. it's like the writers are putting themselves in cam's shoes and using the characger to live out thier own personal fanboy fantasies, so we have Marty Stu Mitchell. bestest friends of teh cool kids, who over came overwhelming adversity to attain his dream and is now living out his fantasy

      reminds me of a lot of the summaries i read over at
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
        No wonder Mallozzi stopped doing the blog. It wasn't an intelligent exchange of ideas and disagreements, it was more like the online equivalent of a food fight--just sling any old thing out so it'll stick.

        i persnally don't think that was why. joe seemed to enjoy rousing the rabble adn i'm sure the witchiness on his blog was the source of much amusement at the offices.

        see, only people that respect the fans would care about stirring things up. those that see us as simple kids and people with issues or too stupid to appreciate their changes would likely get quite a laugh out of whipping fans into a frenzy
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i persnally don't think that was why. joe seemed to enjoy rousing the rabble adn i'm sure the witchiness on his blog was the source of much amusement at the offices.

          see, only people that respect the fans would care about stirring things up. those that see us as simple kids and people with issues or too stupid to appreciate their changes would likely get quite a laugh out of whipping fans into a frenzy
          it was no coinky dink that he dropped out of site after Ripple Effect. Man went trolling the boards and got scorched and then bailed. just proves the old adage-if you can't stand the heat-get out of the kitchen.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Not to change the topic or anything, but I just received one of the latest issues of Cult Times magazine in the mail today (one of the reasons I bought it was because Amanda and Michael were on the cover - and I can't remember the last time she was on a cover of an issue having to do w/SG-1).

            There is an interview inside with AT. She seems a bit complimentary about S10, but not to the point of gushing over it like some of the others have. One thing that really stood out for me was that she said some fans online have been quite nasty in regards to her character and it's really upset her. Her husband would see her at the computer, crying and ask "are you reading online again?" I don't know if she's admitted it before, but maybe I just don't remember.

            I sometimes wonder if the bulk of the nasty comments (or at least part of them) are from Vaniel fans or just Vala/CB fans in general. I remember how nasty some of them were when AT came back in Beachhead and Vala left.
            AT is on the cover and has interviews in the recent Stargate SG-1/Atlantis magazine.

            It is sad but I have seen some of the nasty comments that are made about the Sam character of late and many direct them Straight at AT personally.
            People are odd. I don't understand it and really think they should think before they write. Oh, well can't stop them.


              Regan I always said they should have had Mitchell as a by the book in command.The opposite of Jack.Mash had it right by bringing in a by the book commander in Potter after Blake.Mitchell being that way would have created some great tension among SG-1 instead of everyone getting along all the time.


                tension and conflict is what the show needed and still needs

                but the writers seem afraid of it.

                everyone is so happy to the point that they're like they're on mind altering drugs or pod people....i know, the S now stands for Stepford Group -1
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Another benefit of Mitchell being by the book is their would be no comparing Mitchell with Jack.Mitchell develops on his own and their would be no arguments between Jack and Mitchell Fans.You show Sam Daniel and Teal'c struggling to work with Mitchell and eventually you can have them become a closer team.It was tough for many Jack Fans and long time Fans of the Show to not have RDA around anymore.TPTB made it much worse by making it look like Sam Daniel and Teal'c had no problem with Jack leaving.Their should be some bumps when you lose someone like Jack and with everything the orginal team went through for 8 Years.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i think it's a simple matter of him having the most passionate and loud fans
                    and I'm afraid to say, some of that passion looks more like insanity

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                      Another benefit of Mitchell being by the book is their would be no comparing Mitchell with Jack.Mitchell develops on his own and their would be no arguments between Jack and Mitchell Fans.You show Sam Daniel and Teal'c struggling to work with Mitchell and eventually you can have them become a closer team.It was tough for many Jack Fans and long time Fans of the Show to not have RDA around anymore.TPTB made it much worse by making it look like Sam Daniel and Teal'c had no problem with Jack leaving.Their should be some bumps when you lose someone like Jack and with everything the orginal team went through for 8 Years.
                      i am not surprised tht there were no issues with Jack leaving-he doesn't exist anymore. how often have they mentioned Janet? Cassie? Jacob? Hammond?

                      the old out of sight out of mind. season 10 was supposed to be Jack? Who?
                      look at how the character was written. did they write him as the Jack O'Neill that had been on the show or did they write for a character who just happened to be called Jack O'Neill. there is a big difference.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
                        Man, I wonder sometimes if these people are watching Animal Planet rather then SciFi Channel.

                        I really can't see any reason to say any of those things about her. I think they need glasses too. I think she still looks fantastic. And by everything I hear about her, she seems to be just as fantastic as a person as well. It's one thing to be critical about the character, but when someone starts to make nasty comments about the person playing that character, that's going to far!
                        Me neither. It's all so childish.


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          and I'm afraid to say, some of that passion looks more like insanity
                          Yeah it does.

                          But you’ve got to admit it can be rather amusing to gawk at times.

                          Though as vocal as Daniel’s fans can be at times they never took the prize home from me. The Shippers that want AT and RDA to get married in RL. Scare me more than even the most insane Daniel fans. (But not by much.)
                          Last edited by Crow T. Robot; 24 October 2006, 08:31 AM.
                          Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                            Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
                            Sad that some people take it to such extremes isn't it.
                            I got into stargate a little late in the day and only started going on stargate forums early this year and I've certainly had my eyes opened

                            I agree with what you said about those forums, I have a glance over there from time to time but from some of the stuff I read I probably shouldn't bother.
                            Seems to be a large amount of pro-Vala, Pro Vala/Daniel, anti-Sam, and a fair bit of anti-Jack as well (not saying it's everyone who posts there, just a fair number)

                            Anyway as a J/D slasher I would consider myself a Sam fan and can't go along with any hatred of her. Yes I have issues with a lot of the writing for Sam, and in my opinion S/J ship has made both her and Jack look bad at different times. I do also feel that S/J ship did detract from the team at certain times, but that's my opinion. It's no reason to bash Sam.
                            Personally I don't want to see shipping between anyone on the show, I think it's best left to fanfic.

                            I also can't understand why anyone wouldn't want Sam/Daniel to be friends, or Jack/Daniel or Sam/Jack for that matter. It's one of the reasons I like S1-3so much, it felt like it was a real team back then and no pairing/character had preference over another, there was a balance.
                            Couldn't agree more. I loved how the friendships between the team were portrayed back then - between Jack and Daniel, Sam and Daniel, Sam and Jack, Jack and Teal'c, etc. etc. Even if people had their preferred pairings back then, there was something for everyone. Now it's totally one-sided, with Vaniel fans being in heaven and everyone else being fed up.

                            I think that some people just can't separate a character in general from the writing, as had been said before an actor can only do the best with what he/she is given, and if the writing is lacking for whatever reason, their hands are more or less tied.

                            I think the point I'm trying to make (I'm getting there) is that people should have the right to ship/slash who they want without getting abuse, that is just plain wrong.
                            We all see different things and have different opinions on characters/pairings whatever, no-one has the right to say theirs is more important than someone elses, it's like this OTP rubbish that's been going around with some of the D/Vers lately.
                            Agreed - for a while I've been saying "ship(or not) and let ship." It seems that some people in the various fandoms have a real need for competition. Case in point: I have a friend who writes Sam/Daniel fanfic that she posts at the archive. She got an email from a D/V author begging her to post D/V stories (of which she does not write at all) at that site so that the number of D/V stories surpasses the number of S/D stories, and that D/V becomes the actual OTP of the show. First of all that's almost bullying - authors should be allowed to write whatever they want. Second of all, I don't see how having more stories of one pairing than another at a small fanfic archive is going to say anything about a OTP on the show.

                            I just don't see why there has to be competition like this. Maybe I'm missing something...


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              peopl will see whatthey want to see, and every participant will remember things in his/her own favor. If someone wants to believe that MS was effectively shownt he door, it's jsut as likely that, in the s6 negotiations, he said 'do this or i walk' and they said 'ok, you haven't been happy for a couple of years, ya gotta do what ya gotta do'

                              only ms and tptp know what really happened, them and the fly on the wall and none of them have ever reall talked, so it's all speculation

                              as to jonas' into, one could argue that had MS made his decision earlier (they hd to toss out an eps and pen meridian at the last moment) that they woulda had time to intro jonas differently, but the late nature of ms decision left them no other choice

                              and, as i recall, all they did was give jonas sanctuary in meridian, like they've done to other aliens. he didn't join the team until the next season

                              again, folks see and spin things as they want to
                              Right, different people read different things into something like this. I was just talking about the different versions I'd heard and I wouldn't be surprised if it was as you said. But I can't say because I wasn't there at the time - only MS and TPTB know for sure.

                              You're right about Jonas. They didn't instantly put him on the team in that ep. I guess a lot of the Daniel fans came to that conclusion because they were just so angry about Jonas replacing him. I know the friend who helped get me into the show despised Jonas with a passion and I could not understand why at the time. I didn't hate his character. I wasn't happy that Daniel was gone and I was glad that he returned in S7 but I liked Jonas too.


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                First of all that's almost bullying - authors should be allowed to write whatever they want. Second of all, I don't see how having more stories of one pairing than another at a small fanfic archive is going to say anything about a OTP on the show.
                                That and these tactics never work. They either cause an author to stick to their preferred paring or cause authors to say screw it and leave the fandom.

                                I tend to see these tactics more tactics of desperation more than anything else. It goes to show despite a few rapid fans Daniel and Vala really haven’t hit a cord with the main stream fan fiction writers or fan. Cruise the general archives and Jack/Daniel is still the most popular slash pairing being posted and Sam/Jack the most popular ship.
                                Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!

