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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    suffer the logic....if it really WAS the fault of the jack fans...then they'd be coughing up whatever it took to appease rda and get him back and the ratings would rebound
    Dang it Sky!

    You’re giving away our evil, heinous plot.
    Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      i personally define team as them working together. I think of full circle as a team eps, just as i think of tangent as a team eps, even though they were separated

      jack and teal'c are in the glider trying to survive, daniel and sam are fighting to save them. we got to see just how much sam and daniel care, just as we got a glimpse into jack and teal'c's inner soul's as they faced thier death

      they didn't interact WITH each other that much, but we got such a deep look into just how much they care that i see it as a team episode. The lack of action forced the writers to delve into the characters

      We don't get that level of caring anymore. none of these characters seem to really give a damn about each other. all that messy emotional stuff keeps getting cut to squeeze in more exposition and explosions...and it - TO ME - makes the show boring.

      i don't give a damn about blowing stuff up. seen it before and i'll see it again. I wanna know how these characters think and feel
      You said it better than I could. That is it in a nutshell - they're all working together and we get to see how much they care about one another. We don't see much of that anymore (I think COT is a good example of this) and I'm with you - the blowing stuff up is getting boring. It is annoying that we have to leave it to fanfic writers to fill in the holes as far as the characters' feelings go.


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        One of the coolest ship moments for me was Lost City 2.

        Tons and tons of 302s battling it out with Alkeshes and Death Gliders. The visual effect of them clashing together is stunning.

        But what made it a powerful moment was that we knew that right below them, our team was huddled in a little cargo ship underneath the Prometheus. Jack's brain was overloading. He had already had his "goodbye" moments with his friends who were doing everything they could to save earth. Here they were rushing once more unto the breach knowing they they were short on time on two counts (Anubis's attack and Jack's health). They were torn because they knew Jack's time was limited but still buckled down and did what had to be done...defending Jack as he launched the glowy jellyfish and destroyed the fleet.

        So for me at least, the ship stuff was cool because it was a nice counterbalance for the emotional stress our team was feeling knowing they were about to lose one of their own. I found the simultaneous crescendos in both situations very satisfying as a viewer. On its own, the battle was "neato"...but if that had been all there was to it, it would have lacked the depth required in good storytelling.
        Those are good points. I think the ship stuff was important in that case, and it didn't really bother me too much because we still got to see how the team cared about each other (well mostly about Jack in this case).


          I have been MIA and so am out of the loop. Just watched last Firdays ep and all I came away with was how much I really really dislike the Ori storyline.

          Anyone no what the ratings are for last Fri?


            Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
            Can any of you explain something to me?

            What part of:

            10 year-old show+ 25-30% ratings drop+ falling demographics = Cancelled show

            Don’t people understand?

            I just don’t get it. The math is VERY simple. I’m not even touching the whole “it’s not a rating issue”.... When the boys in charge were urging fans to get people to watch the show... It’s a ratings issue.

            Jack take me away! I need a cake moment.
            You're mistake is in trying to be logical. Logic does not apply in the mind of a Gatie. Only belief and opinion mixed with equal parts zeal and fervor.


              Originally posted by Aria Rayn
              You'll hear me a thousand times say it (wow... is my grammer great or what? ), but I think they really should have stopped at season 8.

              I mean, right now, after seeing these last two seasons, what lovelier end could there be but that fishing scene with Sam and Jack, then with Daniel and Teal'c? They defeated the Gou'ald and the Replicators, now they can finally be left alone.

              With a plus for S/J shippers!! : Sam and Jack are finally free!!

              Anyway, there's my obviously crazy and horrid thinking, which would obviously be crazy and horrid since the writers and TPTB are obviously so superior to fans and so obviously know everything there is to know about the show and can NEVER do ANYTHING wrong.

              I've said it time and time again too. I would have been perfectly happy if it had ended with S8. In fact I was ready for it. The scene at the cabin was very ambiguous, in that if you were a shipper you could read it as "yes, Sam and Jack finally went fishing" and assume that they would move on from there to a deeper relationship, or if you were a no-romo it was "yay, the team finally went to Jack's cabin". Everything had been tied up, it could have easily morphed into a couple of TV movies/miniseries for the original cast. They could have even done their new series "Stargate Command" and without the expectations for it to be SG-1 it just might have worked fine.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i personally define team as them working together. I think of full circle as a team eps, just as i think of tangent as a team eps, even though they were separated

                jack and teal'c are in the glider trying to survive, daniel and sam are fighting to save them. we got to see just how much sam and daniel care, just as we got a glimpse into jack and teal'c's inner soul's as they faced thier death

                they didn't interact WITH each other that much, but we got such a deep look into just how much they care that i see it as a team episode. The lack of action forced the writers to delve into the characters

                We don't get that level of caring anymore. none of these characters seem to really give a damn about each other. all that messy emotional stuff keeps getting cut to squeeze in more exposition and explosions...and it - TO ME - makes the show boring.

                i don't give a damn about blowing stuff up. seen it before and i'll see it again. I wanna know how these characters think and feel
                Yep. I even see 48 hours as a team ep, even though Teal'c was only in the first 5 minutes/last 5 minutes, and Daniel was in Russia, with Sam and Jack back at the SGC. It was all about the other 3 doing what they did best and working to get Teal'c back. Everyone was important. Same with Solitudes, Fire and Water, Paradise Lost, even Grace.


                  i kinda see Death Knell more a team eps than grace. both had sam in jeopardy, but in DK we got to see the boys' worry and concern while in grace, it was mostly sam with very little from the boys

                  personal preference i guess
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    i kinda see Death Knell more a team eps than grace. both had sam in jeopardy, but in DK we got to see the boys' worry and concern while in grace, it was mostly sam with very little from the boys

                    personal preference i guess
                    I can see where you're coming from. I agree that DK was more of a team episode in that the team was very involved in finding Sam.

                    I guess I see Grace as being team oriented, in that we did get the guys back at the SGC going out looking for her, but more-so, because we see Sam's perception of her team, how she sees them in her head, and what part of her id they each make up. But it is Sam's perspective, so it isn't a true "team" episode. Still, I think it's more of a team episode than anything we've gotten in S9/S10 and definitely more of a team episode than say Enemy Mine.


                      good point. we did get to see how sam sees the boys

                      as to enemy mine....the ONLY good thing that came out of that piece of tripe was Major Lorne

                      with that eps i finally had something to kick Need off the 'gouge my eyes out before i watch it' list
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        good point. we did get to see how sam sees the boys

                        as to enemy mine....the ONLY good thing that came out of that piece of tripe was Major Lorne

                        with that eps i finally had something to kick Need off the 'gouge my eyes out before i watch it' list
                        Jack in chains - how could you resist?
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by kazzyk
                          Anyone no what the ratings are for last Fri?
                          The ratings for the Gate’s haven’t been posted yet. The ratings for the major networks are up today so we should be seeing them for the gates very soon.

                          LOL! Would you believe in the Friday fast nationals that UPN’s Friday night wrestling beat out Fox’s Friday night line up?
                          Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                            Originally posted by KatG
                            You're mistake is in trying to be logical. Logic does not apply in the mind of a Gatie. Only belief and opinion mixed with equal parts zeal and fervor.
                            Yeah so I noticed.

                            It’s like trying to reason with them that the people that crunch numbers for the network might actually know what their doing and just might know a little more about the industry than the casual TV viewer.
                            Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              good point. we did get to see how sam sees the boys

                              as to enemy mine....the ONLY good thing that came out of that piece of tripe was Major Lorne

                              with that eps i finally had something to kick Need off the 'gouge my eyes out before i watch it' list
                              Ya know, I had to go look up enemy mine because I couldn't remember it - gah!! now I wish I hadn't.

                              There was reason I blocked it out


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                as to enemy mine....the ONLY good thing that came out of that piece of tripe was Major Lorne

                                with that eps i finally had something to kick Need off the 'gouge my eyes out before i watch it' list
                                I must be the minority around here: I’ll take “Enemy Mine” any day over “Chimera”. Bleck!
                                Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!

