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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    it's simpler than's another clone
    But this clone doesn't have a brain. Even a baby-sized clone-Jack wouldn't approve of Mitchell unless the Asgard forgot to upload Jack's consciousness.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
      c) his body is being used as a puppet, controlled by several men who think mitchell is 20xs better than sliced bread. even the cinnamon raisin kind. i believe their new name is BAB. maybe we should call him BAB!Jack.
      I think this is exactly it. The B@B have finally found the perfect character. Whoot.


        Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
        c) his body is being used as a puppet, controlled by several men who think mitchell is 20xs better than sliced bread. even the cinnamon raisin kind. i believe their new name is BAB. maybe we should call him BAB!Jack.
        You do realize that you've just made it inevitable that I'm going to think of Mitchell as TPTB-Continuum's (from the bottom of the totem pole at Bridge to the highest feather on the culture hero atop it at the Sci Fi network) "Sweet BABu" complete with Sally's voice from Peanuts - and the little red cartoon hearts that she exudes when she thinks of him, too. auses momentarily to contemplate the mental image of all those in TPTB-Continuum in a room together discussing Mitchell in a dense, head-high fog of little red cartoon hearts: And, while I was typing this, I realized I think Linus would be better suited to lead an SG team, too. He may do odd things in pumpkin patches, but he does them consistently, and doesn't put anyone else in physical danger in the process.
        Nerd-o-rama: Oh, I almost forgot. Sam also had the power of Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina for a few seasons (can use any alien technology if it suits the script's purpose.) Then they gave it to Jack for some reason.
        So that's why we've seen so little of Sam and Jack in these past two seasons. They're spending all their free time as the Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina League fighting evil in Washington DC.


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          and what they don't realize is that if they'd have just written cam 'better' from the get go, there'd be no need for jack to pump him up.

          If the writers had done thier job better, cameron wouldn't need 'saving'
          Oh, I think they wrote Cam exactly the way they wanted to, and they'll keep using him in exactly the same manner.

          They have a character that they've written as being all over the field, to the point where he can just up and do - anything - without being out of character. In fact, with Vala, they have two characters that they've written as being able to up and do anything without being out of character. No worries about backstory. No worries about continuity. No worries about the development arc of the characters. No worries about fitting the characters into the story threads and arcs. No worries about the personalities they've built or the interactions with other characters. No worries at all about what to do with the characters or how to do it. It can all be pure stream of consciousness, off the top of their heads and the chips can fall where they may. That probably seems easier to them - at the very least it probably seems to require a lot less thought. They have been telling us they like this situation every time they go on about how much they like the character of Mitchell and how much they love Vala, and I think I can take all that slurping, luuurrrving, and self-back patting as them congratulating themselves on having come up with this 'much better and easier' method of writing character and making it so gosh-durned kewl too.


          The trouble is, they didn't figure that the viewing audience isn't all, or, even mostly, on the same page as they are. People watch real live people in action every day, all day, and the behavior of Mitchell and Vala doesn't carry the continuity of type, consistency, motivation, outlook, style, personality, and intelligence that viewers see from real people in real life, so, the characters ring false to many viewers. Real people in such positions don't act like that, and various individual behavioral episodes would be definitively condemned in the same real life situations, but, nothing comes of it, and there are no strong or lasting repercussions for the characters, even when their behavior invites them. Therefore, the viewers who see little, or nothing, that rings true in the characters are just turned off more, because they see even less reality in them, while, those viewers who do happen to be on the same page as TPTB like the characters even better because they like the idea that real life could, maybe should, work the way it does for and with Mitchell and Vala.

          This division of perception creates and continues to widen the split that the Mitchell and Vala characters cause in the fandom. I don't know if that was intentional on the part of TPTB, a forseen consequence that they chose/choose to ignore, a complete accident, or what, but I wonder. What better way to create a readily packaged fandom for a spinoff with Mitchell & Vala as the sole focus than to identify their fans amongst the whole of Stargate fandom so their reactions can be identified and studied in isolation. And what easier way to do that, than to split them out of the body of the fandom using the characters themselves?

          I just wonder what's going to happen if and when Mitchell and Vala get to go of and have excellent adventures on their own if someone tries to make them a little more realistic in terms of consistency, motivation, outlook, style, personality, and intelligence, et cetera? : pours the cashews in the bowl and the Diet Coke in the tumbler and puts up feet in anticipation of watching the ensuing commotion :
          Last edited by Simhavaktra; 07 May 2006, 12:31 PM.
          ...a very cranky blog:


            when they send cam and vala off on their own little spin off, they'll keep up the lazy writing and trite humor and all over the place characterizations. they will be so engrained in writing lazy that they will keep it up...and then marvel at why the show died *sob, sob* and why people couldn't jsut see the greatness and fantasticness of The Adventures of the Two-Dimensional Hewo and the Overexposed Girl Sidekick
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              when they send cam and vala off on their own little spin off, they'll keep up the lazy writing and trite humor and all over the place characterizations. they will be so engrained in writing lazy that they will keep it up...and then marvel at why the show died *sob, sob* and why people couldn't jsut see the greatness and fantasticness of The Adventures of the Two-Dimensional Hewo and the Overexposed Girl Sidekick
              Do you think they will actually try to give Cam and Vala their own show after they drag SG-1 to an inglorious end?

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                just my personal feeling.

                it's based on the one comment joe made in that german interview about a third incarnation, the overwhelming obsession scifi seems to have with ben adn claudia and all things remotely farscape, their seemingly deliberate belittling of the original characters/actors and hte noises we're hearing about s10 being a gift, costs rising, etc, etc.

                Personally? and this is totally my personal opinin, i think someone at scifi adores all things farscape and is trying to recreate the show, without actually paying for the rights. and in the arrogant attitude that they seem to have about how stupid fans are and how gullible fans are, it's not too much of a stretch for them to see a way to get farscape back, without officialy having it and are using stargate to set it up (add to this the obsession they seemed to have to cast ben and claudia and to force thier charactres into the existing stargate universe, whether they fit or not)

                i will not be surprised at all to see that
                s10 is it for stargate
                but wait, here's a spin off, cam and vala go off on a ship, possibly with teal'c, (as a tie in to the old show and, well to add ethnic diversit to the show) while sam and daniel are shunted off somewhere, to be forgotten
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  i will not be surprised at all to see that
                  s10 is it for stargate
                  but wait, here's a spin off, cam and vala go off on a ship, possibly with teal'c, (as a tie in to the old show and, well to add ethnic diversit to the show) while sam and daniel are shunted off somewhere, to be forgotten
                  I don't know, I'd have thought they'd take Daniel because his and Vala's interaction is great and soo hilarious. They can pick up a (cheaper) ethnic alien anywhere.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    just my personal feeling.

                    it's based on the one comment joe made in that german interview about a third incarnation, the overwhelming obsession scifi seems to have with ben adn claudia and all things remotely farscape, their seemingly deliberate belittling of the original characters/actors and hte noises we're hearing about s10 being a gift, costs rising, etc, etc.

                    Personally? and this is totally my personal opinin, i think someone at scifi adores all things farscape and is trying to recreate the show, without actually paying for the rights. and in the arrogant attitude that they seem to have about how stupid fans are and how gullible fans are, it's not too much of a stretch for them to see a way to get farscape back, without officialy having it and are using stargate to set it up (add to this the obsession they seemed to have to cast ben and claudia and to force thier charactres into the existing stargate universe, whether they fit or not)

                    i will not be surprised at all to see that
                    s10 is it for stargate
                    but wait, here's a spin off, cam and vala go off on a ship, possibly with teal'c, (as a tie in to the old show and, well to add ethnic diversit to the show) while sam and daniel are shunted off somewhere, to be forgotten
                    I don't know about anybody else, but I have no intention whatsoever of watching any spinoffs starring Cam and Vala. Poor Teal'c doesn't deserve to be stuck with them.

                    I've never watched Farscape, but if Season Nine and, by the look of the spoilers, Season Ten are anything like it, I'm very glad of that.

                    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Farscape last less than half as long as Stargate? I don't understand why, when they had a show that was great already, they would emulate the cancelled show.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      farscape got cancelled not necessarily because of a lack of quality (although s4, which i did catch bits and pieces of did fall into the sex humor/gross out tricks that stargate is trying now) but because there were financial issues

                      FS was pulling good ratings...then stargate came along and pulled better ratings. so scifi said to FS, 'you can have half a season' (or whatever the number was, it wasn't a full season), FS said 'no, we have to have a whole season'

                      they reached an imapsse and the show was cancelled

                      about the only ratings hurt FS is that, since they were lower than stargate's, FS didn't have the bargainign power they would have had had thier ratings been higher

                      you've seen FS fans, how, in the case of SOME, fanatically loyal they can be. Matt roush is a prime example. he twists and turns his reviews to be as pro FS and FS actors as he can, while before those actors were on stargate, stargate was crap to him. the show was only worth mentioning when his favorite actors joined it.

                      I personally think that there's someone at scifi that's the same way. fanatically devoted and wants to do anything they can to recreate thier show

                      and i think that thery're gonna 'sacrifice' stargate to accomplish just that
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by smurf
                        I don't know, I'd have thought they'd take Daniel because his and Vala's interaction is great and soo hilarious. They can pick up a (cheaper) ethnic alien anywhere.
                        but MS would be competition for ben
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          but MS would be competition for ben
                          teal'c they can just let stand there. maybe raise an eyebrow every once in a while.

                          oh, you want character development? picky, picky, picky. ah well, i suppose we can let him LOSE to cam in sword fighting. no, make that sparring, mitchell is the hewo after all. he must outdo everyone!
                          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            but MS would be competition for ben
                            But the combined available fandom. Wow!

                            I'm not sure he's that much of a threat if he and TPTB thought he needed to be distinguished from BB at the beginning of the season.


                              Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                              teal'c they can just let stand there. maybe raise an eyebrow every once in a while.

                              oh, you want character development? picky, picky, picky. ah well, i suppose we can let him LOSE to cam in sword fighting. no, make that sparring, mitchell is the hewo after all. he must outdo everyone!
                              Character development? Daniel don't need no more stinking character development. He's been there 8 years.
                              It's Cam and Vala time now.
                              All the time.


                                Originally posted by smurf
                                Character development? Daniel don't need no more stinking character development. He's been there 8 years.
                                It's Cam and Vala time now.
                                All the time.
                                d'oh, what WAS i thinking? and i was referring to teal'c, who's been ther for NINE years!! nine years! what could possibly be left to do?
                                let me think...nope...nothing ...oh, gotta go, my afternoon offering to the alter of Incompetence and Boobliage is overdo!
                                teal'c! what was i thinking?!

                                ...:reads post: :wonders she's smoking:
                                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.

