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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    I started watching the show via DVDs supplied by a friend shortly before Season Nine began, so while it was the first season that I watched as it aired, I had seen the movie and episodes from the earlier seasons first, all of One and some of Two. If not for the DVDs, I'd have given up on the show in disgust after a few episodes of Season Nine, and questioned the judgement of the friend who pushed me to watch a show he described as one of his favourites.
    I can just hear the friend telling you, "Honestly, it wasn't like this when I was watching!"

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      I can just hear the friend telling you, "Honestly, it wasn't like this when I was watching!"
      I think he missed the first couple of episodes of Season Nine, so he was telling me to give it, and the new characters a chance before deciding they were bad. Once he got caught up, he wasn't saying that anymore.

      The worst part about them is that they could potentially have made two very strong seasons of SG-1, and then had some foundations laid for a spin-off if they had their hearts set on making Stargate Command.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        True, had they thought it out better and stuck to SG1 canon (and not be sexist in needing a man to lead), Stargate Command could have lasted more than 1 1/2 seasons.

        *Although it was living on borrowed time in order to get the 200th episode*

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          True, had they thought it out better and stuck to SG1 canon (and not be sexist in needing a man to lead), Stargate Command could have lasted more than 1 1/2 seasons.

          *Although it was living on borrowed time in order to get the 200th episode*
          I think that, once they got a ninth season, they were going to get a tenth for the sake of hitting 200 episodes, even if the ratings were so low that another show with a similar price tag would face cancellation. However, the franchise as a whole could have benefited from a stronger finish than it got.

          They did themselves no favours by having Mitchell become leader because the role of enthusiastic, inexperienced newcomer doesn't fit with team leader, not at this stage in the show. An inexperienced leader would only be workable in a situation where there was no alternative but to have an inexperienced leader. Atlantis is an example of this; Sheppard was only a major, and under other circumstances, a more senior officer would have been sent out to take over as ranking military officer after Colonel Sumner died but, as it was, they didn't have an alternative until Sheppard was settled into the role.

          In contrast, even taking Sam's convenient absence into account, the SGC should have had more than twenty officers on hand who were in command of SG teams, so it makes no sense that command would be handed to somebody who had never even seen the stargate before, especially when the plan seems to have been to leave him to pick his team, with no advice from somebody who could help him determine who is most likely to be an asset to a frontline team. Landry is at fault for not seeing to it that Mitchell was provided with guidance but it wasn't exactly a good reflection on Mitchell that he chose to badger people who had moved on of their own free will, complaining that he wanted to work with them. When Mitchell fails to select a team, turning his nose up at the available candidates, he is indulged and allowed to tag along with a mission instead of being told that he's not going near the stargate until he chooses a team, as he was ordered to.

          When Sam, Teal'c and Daniel return to the SGC, they don't really have any choice but to rejoin SG-1, given Mitchell's refusal to select a team from the candidates he had available to him, and his well-known desire to "get the band back together". It would have been one thing if Mitchell already had a team lined up but but they declined to rejoin when the slots on SG-1 were empty, opting to either ask to continue as a three-person team, as they were before they disbanded, or to work from the base, accompanying different teams on missions as needed, it would have been tantamount to saying that they didn't consider Mitchell worthy of being part of their team, undermining him in the eyes of the rest of the SGC.

          Right from the beginning of their careers at the SGC, we see Landry and Mitchell act in a way that makes heir fitness for their roles doubtful, at best.

          Major Mitchell could have provided a fresh perspective for the show, as an officer new to the Stargate Program who has found himself assigned to SG-1 through the luck of the draw. To him, it would be nee and amazing and occasional impulsiveness and the odd careless mistake on his part would be more understandable and forgivable than they would be if he was a more senior officer, and the team leader (titular or otherwise). Over the next two seasons, he could have grown as a character, an officer and a member of the SGC, and could potentially have led a spin-off.

          With Vala, letting her be Vala rather than half of Vaniel improved her dramatically. She had a lot of potential, and CB is a very good actress, given decent material.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            When Sam, Teal'c and Daniel return to the SGC, they don't really have any choice but to rejoin SG-1, given Mitchell's refusal to select a team from the candidates he had available to him, and his well-known desire to "get the band back together". It would have been one thing if Mitchell already had a team lined up but but they declined to rejoin when the slots on SG-1 were empty, opting to either ask to continue as a three-person team, as they were before they disbanded, or to work from the base, accompanying different teams on missions as needed, it would have been tantamount to saying that they didn't consider Mitchell worthy of being part of their team, undermining him in the eyes of the rest of the SGC.
            Except for the fact that there would have been no show without the prior members of SG1, I think they could easily have said "sorry, we've moved on to other things more important to us". That would have forced Mitchell to grow up and do what he was told by his commanding officer, or else be placed on another team that wasn't SG1, and learn from some of the other "best" SG team commanders, of which I'm sure there were several (Reynolds and Dixon among them).

            If Mitchell wound up being "undermined", it would have been his own fault for being so pigheaded about disrupting the lives of other people who had already done their numerous years in service to earth, and who wanted to move on to other areas of their lives. Mitchell should have succeeded or floundered on his own.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Except for the fact that there would have been no show without the prior members of SG1, I think they could easily have said "sorry, we've moved on to other things more important to us". That would have forced Mitchell to grow up and do what he was told by his commanding officer, or else be placed on another team that wasn't SG1, and learn from some of the other "best" SG team commanders, of which I'm sure there were several (Reynolds and Dixon among them).

              If Mitchell wound up being "undermined", it would have been his own fault for being so pigheaded about disrupting the lives of other people who had already done their numerous years in service to earth, and who wanted to move on to other areas of their lives. Mitchell should have succeeded or floundered on his own.
              I wonder if Landry would have understood it if they preferred to operate alone, not to mention preferred not to commit to staying longterm since they all returned as a result of the Ori crisis, and accommodated them or if he would have pushed them to accept Mitchell's invitation to join SG-1 rather than have them turn him down. He didn't push Mitchell about choosing members of his team, and allowed him to tag along on missions, so maybe once the Ori threat became known, he was agreeable to the idea of having Sam, Teal'c and Daniel brought back, and willing to let Mitchell do the badgering.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                I always just assumed they only returned to fight the Ori. What happened after the Ori and Ba'al were defeated? Sam goes to Atlantis, Teal'c rejoined his people (implied by "Midway"), and Daniel Jackson hasn't been seen in uniform since Continuum, suggesting he shifted away from field work in favor of research.

                About Continuum...
                If it's set after the fourth season of Atlantis, why was Teal'c on Earth at the SGC? Shouldn't he have already been present on the Tok'ra home world having arrived with his people, the free Jaffa? If Carter's been gone for a year, where's the new team scientist? Who replaced Teal'c? I can see Daniel and Vala having stuck around, but the fourth season of Atlantis raises questions. If Carter and Teal'c left, Mitchell would have had to replace them with new team members, so... where were they?


                  I think the scene where they are presented with, and accept the SG-1 patches strongly implies that they have decided to rejoin the team for the foreseeable future.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Accept that's not what happened. Carter's return only lasted for two years, the same goes for Teal'c.


                      Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                      I always just assumed they only returned to fight the Ori. What happened after the Ori and Ba'al were defeated? Sam goes to Atlantis, Teal'c rejoined his people (implied by "Midway"), and Daniel Jackson hasn't been seen in uniform since Continuum, suggesting he shifted away from field work in favor of research.

                      About Continuum...
                      If it's set after the fourth season of Atlantis, why was Teal'c on Earth at the SGC? Shouldn't he have already been present on the Tok'ra home world having arrived with his people, the free Jaffa? If Carter's been gone for a year, where's the new team scientist? Who replaced Teal'c? I can see Daniel and Vala having stuck around, but the fourth season of Atlantis raises questions. If Carter and Teal'c left, Mitchell would have had to replace them with new team members, so... where were they?
                      As to the Continuum post...
                      If any new team was led by Cam, without Sam, Daniel or Teal'c they are probably either captured or dead

                      my fanfic


                        Remember Ripple Effect, when teams from other realities were coming to the SGC and they only let in the teams that were in immediate danger and had to be allowed through?

                        What did those teams have in common?

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by reganx View Post
                          remember ripple effect, when teams from other realities were coming to the sgc and they only let in the teams that were in immediate danger and had to be allowed through?

                          What did those teams have in common?


                            Putting aside the fact that I'm a Sam fan, I think one of the problems with S9 &10 was a failure to us *all* the characters well. IMHO, SG1 was at its best when it was teamy. Sam/Laptop and Teal'c getting beaten up is not teamy.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Putting aside the fact that I'm a Sam fan, I think one of the problems with S9 &10 was a failure to us *all* the characters well. IMHO, SG1 was at its best when it was teamy. Sam/Laptop and Teal'c getting beaten up is not teamy.
                              True. They didn't feel like a team, despite the manufactured "bonding" via basketball, a compulsory trip to Jack's spare cabin and fifty years of enforced togetherness that only one of them has any memory of... and Teal'c apparently didn't stick around.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Can ya'll provide examples of how the team didn't feel united in the final seasons? However, I did notice this trend on Atlantis, beginning in the fourth season.

