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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
    They really, really, couldn't have thought that people were going to accept that a rookie, unless he was a supergenius created by Anubis or was implanted with a symbiot, was going to lead the FLAGSHIP team over someone who had over 8 years of experience.
    Since they were the writers, and the writers determine canon regardless of what has been written before, of course they didn't foresee a problem. During the last two years of the show, they really did seem surprised with negative fan reactions when they arose.

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
      Did anyone else get the feeling they didn't really know how to write for Mitchell?
      Which made ti really scary when they flat out admitted they didn't know how to write Sam.

      In memory of Deejay.
      May we all be so well loved.


        Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
        I forgot about that although it isn't as important as the field experience.

        Did anyone else get the feeling they didn't really know how to write for Mitchell?
        Originally posted by suse View Post
        As. We. Met.

        Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
        I don't recogise that expression.
        ROFL! 'As we met' was what O'Neill said to Sam when she asked when he saw her as tense. What I meant was quite a few here saw immediately that they didn't know how to write Mitchell.

        And the old characters, they were also changed beyond recognition when the plot demanded it (Sam becoming a damsel in distress, etc.).
        Poor Teal'c was always in distress so the team leader could rescue him. Again.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          Which made ti really scary when they flat out admitted they didn't know how to write Sam.

          Actually (unless I missed something - which is possible) I think they said they 'didn't know what to do with Sam'.

          That being said, it was Brad Wright that usually wrote the techie bits for Sam. And he was doing SGA. Sooo. Draw what conclusions you will.

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            Which made ti really scary when they flat out admitted they didn't know how to write Sam.
            Originally posted by suse View Post
            Actually (unless I missed something - which is possible) I think they said they 'didn't know what to do with Sam'.

            That being said, it was Brad Wright that usually wrote the techie bits for Sam. And he was doing SGA. Sooo. Draw what conclusions you will.

            Aren't the two roughly equivalent? Not being able to develop a storyline certainly impedes the writing process.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
              Aren't the two roughly equivalent? Not being able to develop a storyline certainly impedes the writing process.

              Considering the kerfuffle about Sam moving over to SGA in S10/S3 for an unspecified number of eps, I'm not so sure about that. I'd best not say more, no proof *and* I'll violate all kinds of rules.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                Which made ti really scary when they flat out admitted they didn't know how to write Sam.
                Or women in general. Lam and Vala were also hit hard.

                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                Since they were the writers, and the writers determine canon regardless of what has been written before, of course they didn't foresee a problem. During the last two years of the show, they really did seem surprised with negative fan reactions when they arose.
                Yep. I guess they didn't pay attention to the fandom when the Daniel - Jonas - Daniel switcharoo happened. It was a good indicator of what would happen.

                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                  Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                  Or women in general. Lam and Vala were also hit hard.
                  Yep, screen time the way Vala was given screen time was no favor. Especially for poor Claudia and her sick hubby and child.

                  Yep. I guess they didn't pay attention to the fandom when the Daniel - Jonas - Daniel switcharoo happened. It was a good indicator of what would happen.
                  I miss Jonas.

                  I'd have not minded Mitchell if he had been placed a bit differently on the team. He'd have made a good 'I've got stuff to learn but am stoked to be here' second.

                  Vala...<sigh> She'd have been bearable if they had toned down/turned off the sexual harassment and attachment to Daniel and made her more of a tormented soul, rather than a fluffy ex space pirate. We had glimmers of what she could have been. They had an actress that could have pulled that off. But apparently "sexy" and "fun" won out.

                  The Ori... well, nothing could save them. We'd have needed a different enemy.
                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Yep, screen time the way Vala was given screen time was no favor. Especially for poor Claudia and her sick hubby and child.
                    Vala's intelligence really seemed to be proportional with her proximity to Jackson. The moment he was gone she became competent and likable.

                    I miss Jonas.
                    Same here, he was a good character and they actually took time to develop him and make him different from Daniel. The off-handed remark about Kelowa being destroyed really annoyed me.

                    I'd have not minded Mitchell if he had been placed a bit differently on the team. He'd have made a good 'I've got stuff to learn but am stoked to be here' second.
                    I think that goes for most of us in this thread, although my personal preference would've been to bring Jonas back.

                    Vala...<sigh> She'd have been bearable if they had toned down/turned off the sexual harassment and attachment to Daniel and made her more of a tormented soul, rather than a fluffy ex space pirate. We had glimmers of what she could have been. They had an actress that could have pulled that off. But apparently "sexy" and "fun" won out.

                    The Ori... well, nothing could save them. We'd have needed a different enemy.
                    There are ways to save the Ori, but it would require them to elaborate more on ascension and they should've ended S9 with a full out war between the Ascended and the Ori which causes a lot of trouble in both galaxies because their respective criminals (Oma and Anubis for instance) are free to roam the universe.

                    Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                    Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                    Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                      Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                      Vala's intelligence really seemed to be proportional with her proximity to Jackson. The moment he was gone she became competent and likable.

                      It was like being on a roller coaster. At times I thought, "ok, she's going to be ok" and then it was back to "fun." You know, given her back story--freed by the Tok'ra but then punished by the people for the deeds of Quetesh, on the run etc., there was a lot they could have done with her. I know her fans say her behavior was a defense mechanism but if so, let's see that point actually developed.

                      And as with Mitchell, if you're going to add her to the *team* let's actually see her relationship with the *team* not just one member of it. Integrate the newbie into the team you've got. Don't try to "make room" for the original team around the new "fun" character.


                        Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                        Vala's intelligence really seemed to be proportional with her proximity to Jackson. The moment he was gone she became competent and likable.
                        Yep. Odd, that.

                        Re: Jonas:
                        Same here, he was a good character and they actually took time to develop him and make him different from Daniel. The off-handed remark about Kelowa being destroyed really annoyed me.

                        I think that goes for most of us in this thread, although my personal preference would've been to bring Jonas back.
                        He was. Me too. I would have liked to see him again, but I think 2 (3 with Vala ) aliens and a civilian might have been a bit much for a military team. - with Sam leading naturally.

                        There are ways to save the Ori, but it would require them to elaborate more on ascension and they should've ended S9 with a full out war between the Ascended and the Ori which causes a lot of trouble in both galaxies because their respective criminals (Oma and Anubis for instance) are free to roam the universe.
                        I guess I should have said nothing could save them *for me*. I reallyreallyreally don't like the whole ascended being storylines. They were fine for a small thread throughout the series, but as THE thread? No. And they were major components of *both* series. No. Just, no.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          It was like being on a roller coaster. At times I thought, "ok, she's going to be ok" and then it was back to "fun." You know, given her back story--freed by the Tok'ra but then punished by the people for the deeds of Quetesh, on the run etc., there was a lot they could have done with her. I know her fans say her behavior was a defense mechanism but if so, let's see that point actually developed.
                          Exactly. I think what those fans say is more justifying bad and inconsistent writing. The same excuse can be used to justify Mitchell's behavior by saying it's his coping mechanism for the stress. Same applies to Landry and Lam.

                          And as with Mitchell, if you're going to add her to the *team* let's actually see her relationship with the *team* not just one member of it. Integrate the newbie into the team you've got. Don't try to "make room" for the original team around the new "fun" character.
                          Team? What team are we talking about? The Cam, Landry, Vala and Jackson team? Or do you mean those four with the wallpaper?

                          Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                          Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                          Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                            Originally posted by Gregorius View Post

                            Team? What team are we talking about? The Cam, Landry, Vala and Jackson team? Or do you mean those four with the wallpaper?
                            The old baggage of Sam, Teal'c and Daniel (not Jackson). I still say Anubis did something to him before he came back... (wish I could use my nickname )


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Re: Jonas:

                              He was. Me too. I would have liked to see him again, but I think 2 (3 with Vala ) aliens and a civilian might have been a bit much for a military team. - with Sam leading naturally.
                              Not really. It would've been a natural evolution of SG-1 and it would've shown that Earth is taking its place in the universe, going from a mostly military team to a team of explorers and diplomats.

                              I guess I should have said nothing could save them *for me*. I reallyreallyreally don't like the whole ascended being storylines. They were fine for a small thread throughout the series, but as THE thread? No. And they were major components of *both* series. No. Just, no.
                              You're right, it might really depend on your views of it. Imo, they could be saved but they would've had to be written very differently. The whole Jihad thing was a bit pointless and made them boring. Had they actually shown Ori appear and spreading miracles and such instead of being flames, they would've been far more menacing. They have potential but it was wasted by one dimensional writing.

                              Just consider how they would've been if they appeared and started sharing so tech and subtlely manipulating planets into worshipping them and loathing the ancients, causing an all-out war between them. It would be far more devious and menacing.

                              Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                              Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                              Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                                Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                                Exactly. I think what those fans say is more justifying bad and inconsistent writing. The same excuse can be used to justify Mitchell's behavior by saying it's his coping mechanism for the stress. Same applies to Landry and Lam.

                                Team? What team are we talking about? The Cam, Landry, Vala and Jackson team? Or do you mean those four with the wallpaper?
                                Click at your own risk.

                                What four were wallpaper? I know of two that were. Sam and Teal'c.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

