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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
    But, but, but....Daniel was so awesome when he was with Vala. He was all snarky and sarcastic and it was sooooo amazing to see him loose his cool. She totally made him a better man.
    He was great in that episode. If they had kept that relationship vibe between he and Vala and just had her do guest spots it would have been fine. I always thought that it could have been funny if the team had a plan and it was confounded because of Vala. The team would have no idea why things weren't going as planned and at some point (to Daniel's dismay) Vala pops up and complicates their plan. Seeing Daniel's shock when it was her if he hadn't seen her since PU would have been great. MS could have really done a good job with it.

    Maybe if Hammond had no idea at all that Jack wanted Daniel to stay at the SGC they could have pulled off the humor and stayed in character for Hammond.
    sigpic "We do get paid for this, right?"


      You know I've not seen PU since it aired but I do remember the awful bit with Reynolds for some reason being hesitant to save his CO's life.

      As for Dixon I could see him being an interrim CO when Carter was away but not when she returned. In fact the only guy I really thing it would be fair to put over Carter would be a returned Ferreti. Since it wouldn't be a stretch for him to have made full bird colonel (he was a major in season 1 after all) and he's the only other military person that was on the original Abydos mission and thus can be claim to be more experienced than Carter.

      Speaking of Ferreti, I wonder why they never really utilised him as a reoccuring character, we never saw him after season 1 finale and never heard of him again after a breif mention in season 3.

      It'd have been nice to see him again especially if they brought back the whole doom sayer attitude from the movie. (which would admittedly be hard if he was the CO)
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        Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
        On General Hammond:
        I can buy Hammond doing anything it took to save some one under his command (like sneaking through the gate, salvaging an old death glider and being generally (pun totally intended ) way more awesome than everyone else. But that was a last resort and he wasn't willing to compromise the integrity or job of anyone at the SGC so he commited the insubordination himself and went alone. He's not going to play the action hero when he has younger, more physically able people with him to get the job done. Hammond makes the good decisions and gets the job done, he doesn't act like a brash fool. except for in PU.
        General Hammond was such an amazing character... *gush*. I think Don S. Davies was perfect for the Hammond role! It may sound strange but I really liked the way for most of the time he was with the SGC Hammond was in the background. Sounds silly considering how much I liked him. There was always some mystery to him but we knew enough about him to like him.

        Landry... hmm... while I like Beau Bridges as an actor I found it difficult to like the character of Landry. I found the story with his daughter dry and too soapish. Plus, I don't know why I thought this but I was under the impression Landry was supposed to be strict (kind of how he was in Continuum) but watching him throughout S9&10 he struck me as a bit soft. There was one point, and please don't ask me why, he reminded me of Treebeard from LOTR.

        EDIT: Sorry for snipping you Ashizuri.
        "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should... With all its sham,drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world." - Baltimore, 1692


          Re: Prometheus Unbound

          I watched a bit of it when it first aired while waiting for SGA to start (I didn't regularly watch SG-1 then), and remember finding the fight scene between Daniel and Vala so silly that I just gave up on it and watched something else. I didn't really give SG-1 another try until my boyfriend later convinced me by showing me Heroes and Window of Opportunity.

          Originally posted by KatG View Post
          I loved Vala with Tomin. It was a lovely relationship and the two actors really played off each other well, bringing a depth to Vala, that was hard to mesh with the flirty, girly, sex kitten that she usually was. I think TPTB really dropped the ball in not developing it more, even if it did come at the expense of D/V (which wouldn't have been a bad idea imo anyway). I didn't like who Daniel became when he was with Vala.
          I really liked Vala with Tomin as well and I kinda wonder what became of them after Ark of Truth. He took care of her when she was probably at her most vulnerable, and I think the affection she felt for him in return was quite genuine.

          Another missed opportunity with Vala, was to not focus more on her time as host to Q'tesh. What a rich backstory that could have been if they had focused more on the effects of that time, maybe used it as a tool for more bonding moments with Sam as being a host is something they both have in common.
          I agree. I think they touched on it in Momento Mori, but I wished they'd spent a bit more time on her dealing with the flashbacks (kinda like Sam in Jolinar's Memories) as opposed to amnesiac Vala.

          Originally posted by HPMom View Post
          I thought it was kind of funny when he wanted Daniel to go on the mission, but I can see where you're coming from. It seems like it was a precursor to S9 and 10 where canon and plot suffered for the sake of humor. At times it could be very funny, but SG-verse shouldn't have to suffer for the sake of humor. It can be funny AND stay true to the characters.
          That's one of the differences in tone that really struck me about season 9-10. It felt like they were deliberately trying to tell jokes, while in the earlier seasons the humor seemed to usually come from the irony of the situation.

          I for one can tell you if they gave the D/V shippers what they wanted, this fan would have walked away because I can't stand the way Daniel acts when he's with her.
          I also didn't really care for how Daniel usually interacted with Vala. I guess the writers were trying to recreate the sometimes antagonistic banter he often had with Jack, but it felt like she mostly just needlessly irritated him as opposed to arguing with him about something substantiative.

          EDIT: Landry as Treebeard! Hee! 'Bless my bark!'



            Originally posted by HPMom View Post
            This is true. It almost felt like relief having her flirt with someone who wanted it. Cam's friend who she was flirting with was pretty funny. I thought she was funny in PU. You're right, had she be a reoccurring character with that personality, it could have been really funny and interesting.

            I felt insulted on CB's behalf when she had to wear the dominatrix outfit at the beginning of season 9
            I was insulted on *my* behalf. Interesting how when Anise dressed the <<word of your choice here>> but acts as normal as an arrogant Tok'Ra can the fans are lauded by tptb for seeing past what MGM (who wanted a 7 of 9 clothed character added) wanted. When Vala comes on in her dominatrix clothing she's "sexy" and "fun". <<sigh> Years later still not seeing it...

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Vladius View Post
              I think that the ships were created faster because we had both Asgard and Goa'uld designs to tack onto it.

              Cam wasn't supposed to be the most awesome person ever or some super badass from day one. The point of the introduction was to... introduce him. He hasn't really done anything extremely cool when compared with the rest of SG-1.
              And yet... he was worthy to lead them.

              Re: the ships as opposed to the 'ships : Designs are still blueprints that had to be altered (not jimmy-rigged like Sam could go get it to work for a bit) to fit long-term onto these ships. Not so long-term as they keep getting blown up. And they didn't have Asgard tech to 'replicate' the items so they had to do it the old fashioned human way. Still would take years more that the program had been around.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by KatG View Post
                Another missed opportunity with Vala, was to not focus more on her time as host to Q'tesh. What a rich backstory that could have been if they had focused more on the effects of that time, maybe used it as a tool for more bonding moments with Sam as being a host is something they both have in common.
                Well watching the girls bond (in a non-sexual way) isn't catering to the much vaunted 'target demographic'. Although that didn't seem to bother them when it was Sam and Janet.

                Besides, they would have to use that pesky canon that did not advance the New!SG-1.
                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Well watching the girls bond (in a non-sexual way) isn't catering to the much vaunted 'target demographic'. Although that didn't seem to bother them when it was Sam and Janet.
                  Man, they totally bonded! Did you not see the episode when they went shopping together!?!
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                    Originally posted by Crazedwraith View Post
                    Man, they totally bonded! Did you not see the episode when they went shopping together!?!
                    Like, totally!

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                      Re: Prometheus Unbound

                      I watched a bit of it when it first aired while waiting for SGA to start (I didn't regularly watch SG-1 then), and remember finding the fight scene between Daniel and Vala so silly that I just gave up on it and watched something else. I didn't really give SG-1 another try until my boyfriend later convinced me by showing me Heroes and Window of Opportunity.


                      I agree. I think they touched on it in Momento Mori, but I wished they'd spent a bit more time on her dealing with the flashbacks (kinda like Sam in Jolinar's Memories) as opposed to amnesiac Vala.

                      That's one of the differences in tone that really struck me about season 9-10. It felt like they were deliberately trying to tell jokes, while in the earlier seasons the humor seemed to usually come from the irony of the situation.
                      A lot of people I know got snagged by Window of Opportunity. So much so that it's high on my recommended list of episodes to hook people on SG-1.

                      Sadly they wasted a prime opportunity with Momento Mori to add some depth to Vala's character. I was actually looking forward to this episode for this very reason, and was very disappointed. I mean, I really, really wanted to like Vala, because I think CB is a great actress, but I just couldn't.

                      I also think that a lot of the humor in the early seasons came from RDA. He ad libbed a lot and had a strong sense of irony and the bizarre, and seemed to bring it out in the other 3. Without him there, the jokes had to be forced, and because of that they fell flat.

                      Originally posted by Crazedwraith View Post
                      Man, they totally bonded! Did you not see the episode when they went shopping together!?!
                      Cause doncha know? That's what girls do.


                        Originally posted by KatG View Post

                        I also think that a lot of the humor in the early seasons came from RDA. He ad libbed a lot and had a strong sense of irony and the bizarre, and seemed to bring it out in the other 3. Without him there, the jokes had to be forced, and because of that they fell flat.

                        Cause doncha know? That's what girls do.
                        And in the early seasons the humor was built on mutual respect. Jack and Daniel would get annoyed with each other, but they were able to give each other a hard time because they knew that they were really good friends and what they were getting annoyed about was the very quality they respected in the other.

                        And I think it's true about RDA. They didn't have to set up the convoluted jokes, much of it was a simple statement from RDA (and the others as well, just not as often). "You ended that sentence with a preposition." or "Ba'al, come on. You should know. Of course, I dare mock you." I found lines like that totally hysterical.
                        sigpic "We do get paid for this, right?"


                          Originally posted by KatG View Post

                          Cause doncha know? That's what girls do.
                          And then parade their purchases around at work for all the boys.
                          sigpic "We do get paid for this, right?"


                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            And yet... he was worthy to lead them.

                            Re: the ships as opposed to the 'ships : Designs are still blueprints that had to be altered (not jimmy-rigged like Sam could go get it to work for a bit) to fit long-term onto these ships. Not so long-term as they keep getting blown up. And they didn't have Asgard tech to 'replicate' the items so they had to do it the old fashioned human way. Still would take years more that the program had been around.

                            Of course, it could just be a TV show we're talking about... with fictional agencies, technology, people, religions, and the kitchen sink thrown into the mix. So who knows?


                              Originally posted by Vladius View Post
                              Of course, it could just be a TV show we're talking about... with fictional agencies, technology, people, religions, and the kitchen sink thrown into the mix. So who knows?
                              Then why have you been arguing for pages why things do an don't make sense in the SG-verse?
                              sigpic "We do get paid for this, right?"


                                Originally posted by Vladius View Post
                                Of course, it could just be a TV show we're talking about... with fictional agencies, technology, people, religions, and the kitchen sink thrown into the mix. So who knows?
                                Fictional? Really? ;eek: :eek; NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

                                The point I was making is that before they didn't feel the need to go *quite* so over-the-top. One was bad enough. But all those resources used to make all those ships? No. Way.

                                Besides, the show is called StarGATE, not StarSHIP.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

