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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by col aga View Post
    I don't For me the last 2 seasons are AU, or another series, and what happens in this other universe doesn't affect my universe of seasons 1-8. So I don't block Unending any more than the 39 episodes before it.
    In my world, seasons 9 and 10 were dreams Mitchell was having while in a coma in the hospital after crashing his F-302. When he wakes up Jack will laugh when he asks to be on SG-1 and tell him that he's going to need a lot more experience before he's ready for that, but will agree to assign him to the SGC for training and eventual placement on an SG team. Sam is still leading SG-1, Jack is still leading the SCG and not allowing Daniel to go to Atlantis, and Teal'c is splitting his time between Dakara and SG-1. When Vala comes through the stargate, Jack will immediately put her in confinment and allow Daniel to talk to her only while she is under armed guard, so she'll never slap that stupid bracelet on him, they'll send her packing without going on her treasure hunt, the Ori will never find out about our tiny piece of the universe and we will never subjected to the lamest bad guys in the history of ever.

    And there will be cake.

    EDIT: And there will be no mention of a Congressional Medal of Honor. None. Except maybe for Jack. Possibly Hammond. The only thing that will stay the same is Daniel's wardrobe. That man was looking good. And the silver in Teal'c's hair after Unending. I liked that too. Also, will some how get AT into that smexy leather number she wore in Off the Grid.

    EDIT #2: Am realizing that everything I liked about the last 2 seasons was on the purely superficial level. I might not have liked it, but the characters/actors were totally hot.
    Last edited by Ashizuri; 22 April 2009, 09:46 AM.
    Originally posted by Callista
    Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
    Originally posted by HPMom
    She saw the candle light as many things.


      Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
      In my world, seasons 9 and 10 were dreams Mitchell was having while in a coma in the hospital after crashing his F-302. When he wakes up Jack will laugh when he asks to be on SG-1 and tell him that he's going to need a lot more experience before he's ready for that, but will agree to assign him to the SGC for training and eventual placement on an SG team. Sam is still leading SG-1, Jack is still leading the SCG and not allowing Daniel to go to Atlantis, and Teal'c is splitting his time between Dakara and SG-1. When Vala comes through the stargate, Jack will immediately put her in confinment and allow Daniel to talk to her only while she is under armed guard, so she'll never slap that stupid bracelet on him, they'll send her packing without going on her treasure hunt, the Ori will never find out about our tiny piece of the universe and we will never subjected to the lamest bad guys in the history of ever.

      And there will be cake.

      EDIT: And there will be no mention of a Congressional Medal of Honor. None. Except maybe for Jack. Possibly Hammond. The only thing that will stay the same is Daniel's wardrobe. That man was looking good. And the silver in Teal'c's hair after Unending. I liked that too. Also, will some how get AT into that smexy leather number she wore in Off the Grid.

      EDIT #2: Am realizing that everything I liked about the last 2 seasons was on the purely superficial level. I might not have liked it, but the characters/actors were totally hot.
      to the bolded bit.

      As to the edit#2: That's because S9/S10 were superficial. At least you saw some good parts.
      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
        In my world, seasons 9 and 10 were dreams Mitchell was having while in a coma in the hospital after crashing his F-302. When he wakes up Jack will laugh when he asks to be on SG-1 and tell him that he's going to need a lot more experience before he's ready for that, but will agree to assign him to the SGC for training and eventual placement on an SG team. Sam is still leading SG-1, Jack is still leading the SCG and not allowing Daniel to go to Atlantis, and Teal'c is splitting his time between Dakara and SG-1. When Vala comes through the stargate, Jack will immediately put her in confinment and allow Daniel to talk to her only while she is under armed guard, so she'll never slap that stupid bracelet on him, they'll send her packing without going on her treasure hunt, the Ori will never find out about our tiny piece of the universe and we will never subjected to the lamest bad guys in the history of ever.
        In my world, SG-1 never existed because they ran out of tissue boxes and while they were procuring one everybody on Abydos got killed by Jaffa.

        (Stargate Atlantis never existed because Rodney was slaughtered by the ruthless Citrus Delivery Brigade when he was four years old. Stargate Universe will never exist because enough fans will whine about it.)

        Oh wait, that would be too much fun to watch.


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Vala could have worked as a secondary character, but how they portrayed her and Cam in s9...well let's just say first impressions are very important. They tried back peddaling in s10 with the characters, (and yes Vala was much better when paired with Tomin than any of SG1), but it was a case of too little too late. They made me sick of these characters, so much so I can't rewatch any of s9 and most of 10 with them in it. With S7 and 8 I can rewatch almost all of them except Prometheus Unbound and Citizen Joe. So 18/20 is a lot better than 1 or 2/20.
          When I watch "Prometheus Unbound", I tend to fast forward through all the parts with Daniel (sorry Daniel) and Vala, just so I can watch the secondary story with Hammond, Reynolds, Novak and Walter.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            When I watch "Prometheus Unbound", I tend to fast forward through all the parts with Daniel (sorry Daniel) and Vala, just so I can watch the secondary story with Hammond, Reynolds, Novak and Walter.
            lol... i knew i was watching it wrong!!!
            "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should... With all its sham,drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world." - Baltimore, 1692


              Originally posted by Vladius View Post
              BUT I LOVE CITIZEN JOE!
              You did

              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              When I watch "Prometheus Unbound", I tend to fast forward through all the parts with Daniel (sorry Daniel) and Vala, just so I can watch the secondary story with Hammond, Reynolds, Novak and Walter.
              Yea, that was the best part of the episode

              my fanfic


                Don't lump the problems of S9/S10 on BB.
                The problems stem from the lack of any real direction as SG1, if sci fi had let the show finish in S8 like everyone else wanted it to... and they had've let the show be retooled to be called Stargate Command then it would have been an interesting show.


                  Originally posted by knowsfords View Post
                  Don't lump the problems of S9/S10 on BB.
                  The problems stem from the lack of any real direction as SG1, if sci fi had let the show finish in S8 like everyone else wanted it to... and they had've let the show be retooled to be called Stargate Command then it would have been an interesting show.
                  Now this is something I've never understood...what difference would have renaming Stargate SG-1 to Stargate Command have made? It would still have gone down the same route as Seasons 9 and 10 as we know them did - focused on SG-1 (Sam, Daniel, Teal'c)...the Ori......Landry in command of the SGC...Mitchell's joining...Vala's joining.

                  The name of the show wouldn't have made an ounce of difference as far as I can see....unless someone knows something I don't.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    Now this is something I've never understood...what difference would have renaming Stargate SG-1 to Stargate Command have made? It would still have gone down the same route as Seasons 9 and 10 as we know them did - focused on SG-1 (Sam, Daniel, Teal'c)...the Ori......Landry in command of the SGC...Mitchell's joining...Vala's joining.

                    The name of the show wouldn't have made an ounce of difference as far as I can see....unless someone knows something I don't.
                    They couldn't change the name and make their 'new' show, because then they wouldn't get the 10 year run record

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by knowsfords View Post
                      Don't lump the problems of S9/S10 on BB.
                      The problems stem from the lack of any real direction as SG1, if sci fi had let the show finish in S8 like everyone else wanted it to... and they had've let the show be retooled to be called Stargate Command then it would have been an interesting show.
                      I don't think anyone blames seasons 9/10 on BB. I'm fairly certain most people think he did the best with what he was given (which wasn't much)...I've also read, on this thread in fact, that people think BB had more insight into his character, the show, and what the fans wanted than TPTB did.

                      And I have to agree with Alan, even without the name change, TPTB made the show they wanted in seasons 9/ wouldn't have been better with a different just would have had a different name.
                      Originally posted by Callista
                      Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                      Originally posted by HPMom
                      She saw the candle light as many things.


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        They couldn't change the name and make their 'new' show, because then they wouldn't get the 10 year run record
                        Ah, there's the rub. But am I right in saying that even if Stargate SG-1 had been renamed as Stargate Command it would still have gone down the way we know Seasons 9 and 10 went...down.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Originally posted by knowsfords View Post
                          Don't lump the problems of S9/S10 on BB.
                          The problems stem from the lack of any real direction as SG1, if sci fi had let the show finish in S8 like everyone else wanted it to... and they had've let the show be retooled to be called Stargate Command then it would have been an interesting show.
                          I definitely agree that none of the actors should be blamed for the problems people see in season 9 and 10. IMO, that responsibility lays with the array of writers, producers, and SciFi/MGM execs who were most likely making the major decisions.

                          I also agree that renaming the show would have made the changes perhaps a bit easier to take for a lot of viewers. I came to Stargate late season 9 and caught up on a lot of season 1-8 before season 10 premiered, and to me, in addition to the new characters and villain, there seemed to be a definite change in the tone of the show post-season 8.

                          If someone didn't like SG-1 seasons 9-10 than they probably wouldn't have enjoyed Stargate Command season 1-2, but the name change would have perhaps encouraged viewers not to expect much continuity from season 1-8, which seems to be a major aspect of people's problems with seasons 9-10.



                            Originally posted by Alan View Post
                            Ah, there's the rub. But am I right in saying that even if Stargate SG-1 had been renamed as Stargate Command it would still have gone down the way we know Seasons 9 and 10 went...down.
                            Oh I totally agree with you on that....well if it even lasted into a 2nd season

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Oh I totally agree with you on that....well if it even lasted into a 2nd season
                              Hehe. Well this is it isn't it? I personally think renaming it to Stargate Command would've been the final nail in the coffin. People who wouldn't have known any better would be thinking "Oh! New spin-off! Cool"...and all they'd have been tuning in for basically is Season 9 with a couple of new cast members.

                              As a person who knows better I would have thought that with a title like Stargate Command, it would be focusing on exactly what it says in the title. But it would just have been following SG-1 again it seems.

                              I had the idea awhile back of a Stargate Command series which had a premise a bit like The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits in which it wouldn't have a regular cast. Every episode would focus on something related to Stargate like say there'd be one episode focusing on SG-3...and then next week there'd be an episode focused on the Daedalus...and then next week an episode focusing on the SGC. Something like that. I personally think that would have been awesome. It would have given some of the recurring cast members of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis a chance to shine and add some depth to their characters and show them what their like when not backing up SG-1 or coming to Atlantis' aid. Maybe for the fourth spin-off, huh?

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                                In my world, seasons 9 and 10 were dreams Mitchell was having while in a coma in the hospital after crashing his F-302. When he wakes up Jack will laugh when he asks to be on SG-1 and tell him that he's going to need a lot more experience before he's ready for that, but will agree to assign him to the SGC for training and eventual placement on an SG team. Sam is still leading SG-1, Jack is still leading the SCG and not allowing Daniel to go to Atlantis, and Teal'c is splitting his time between Dakara and SG-1. When Vala comes through the stargate, Jack will immediately put her in confinment and allow Daniel to talk to her only while she is under armed guard, so she'll never slap that stupid bracelet on him, they'll send her packing without going on her treasure hunt, the Ori will never find out about our tiny piece of the universe and we will never subjected to the lamest bad guys in the history of ever.

                                And there will be cake.

                                EDIT: And there will be no mention of a Congressional Medal of Honor. None. Except maybe for Jack. Possibly Hammond. The only thing that will stay the same is Daniel's wardrobe. That man was looking good. And the silver in Teal'c's hair after Unending. I liked that too. Also, will some how get AT into that smexy leather number she wore in Off the Grid.

                                EDIT #2: Am realizing that everything I liked about the last 2 seasons was on the purely superficial level. I might not have liked it, but the characters/actors were totally hot.
                                Oh how I wish you had been one of the writers for season 9 and 10!
                                sigpic "We do get paid for this, right?"

