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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by amconway View Post
    /off topic
    That a very handsome cat you have there!

    Even if it is a goa'uld.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Even if it is a goa'uld.
      Well, they do go for the pretty!

      I thought that Sam being at area 51 was canon. Have I absobed fanon and mistaken it for canon?


        Originally posted by amconway View Post
        Well, they do go for the pretty!

        I thought that Sam being at area 51 was canon. Have I absobed fanon and mistaken it for canon?
        No, you're right. It is canon that Sam was at Area 51. I think the discussion was about other possible reasons that could have been used (but weren't) to explain Sam's absence for the episodes where AT was not available. The discussion was speculation about how it could have been done better, or different, etc.
        Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

        Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
        Hallowed are the Optimi.


          No, you're right. It is canon that Sam was at Area 51. I think the discussion was about other possible reasons that could have been used (but weren't) to explain Sam's absence for the episodes where AT was not available. The discussion was speculation about how it could have been done better, or different, etc.
          Oh good! Thanks, I'm glad to know I haven't been making things up.


            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            /off topic
            That a very handsome cat you have there!
            Originally posted by suse View Post
            Even if it is a goa'uld.

            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            Well, they do go for the pretty!
            Yes. The goa'uld took one look at him and couldn't resist he was so purdy.

            Originally posted by amconway View Post
            I thought that Sam being at area 51 was canon. Have I absobed fanon and mistaken it for canon?
            I think the reason you're confused is that canon is that Sam went to area 51 on permanent assignment, whereas we're saying that we'd have rather it have been a temporary assignment with the understanding that she was coming back.


              Yes. The goa'uld took one look at him and couldn't resist he was so purdy.

              I think the reason you're confused is that canon is that Sam went to area 51 on permanent assignment, whereas we're saying that we'd have rather it have been a temporary assignment with the understanding that she was coming back.
              Ah! Okay, that clears that up... You guys care way more about this stuff than I do.


                Originally posted by amconway View Post

                Ah! Okay, that clears that up... You guys care way more about this stuff than I do.
                Hence the reason for this thread

                my fanfic


                  Hence the reason for this thread
                  Well, critique covers a wide range of topics, not all of which I consider of primary importance. It also covers both the positive and negative. Contemplation? That covers even more...


                    Originally posted by amconway View Post
                    Well, critique covers a wide range of topics, not all of which I consider of primary importance. It also covers both the positive and negative. Contemplation? That covers even more...
                    true, but many of the regulars started here before the new "vision statement" when this thread had another name.

                    I think one of the problems with "breaking up the team" was that we didn't really see the team in their broken up state. As someone said, the process of getting the team back together could have been interesting. We could have seen more on why each was reluctant to come back. I think it could have been handled in a more creative way than simply having Mitchell nagging them.


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                      I think one of the problems with "breaking up the team" was that we didn't really see the team in their broken up state. As someone said, the process of getting the team back together could have been interesting. We could have seen more on why each was reluctant to come back. I think it could have been handled in a more creative way than simply having Mitchell nagging them.

                      I'd have loved to have seen a breaking up of the team scene if even in a flashback as maybe a tie-in to why Sam, in particular because of their relationship, didn't want to come back.

                      Didn't Michael Shanks say they filmed some Jack leaving scenes? I'd have liked to have seen those.
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        At the very least, they should've explained where Jack was. But they did show him with Landry. It would've been nice to see him saying good-bye to everyone, but it's not as important, imo, as it would've been for them to say where he went to!

                        As far as how they brought in Mitchell goes, personally, I loved it. I thought it was very clever. I never bought Sam as a leader. I think she's better as a scientist or a leader at a scientific installation rather than of a military team. I totally didn't like her on Atlantis. I find it incredibly believeable that she went to Area 51 once the Gould were taken care of. And I like that she said no to Mitchell when he asked her to join, but then she changed her mind once the new threat was discovered.

                        I also love how Teal'c was helping the Jaffa and it took him several (5 or 6?) eps to change his mind and rejoin SG-1. The same with Daniel. He didn't want to rejoin, and was all set to go to Atlantis, which made perfect sense to me too. It took him a while to officially rejoin SG-1 too.

                        I thought the storyline was imaginative and interesting, and we got to see the old team in a different light, which I liked.

                        Plus, even though I agree that Mitchell did act rashly a couple of times in S9, I think it's overstating it to say that he did it all the time, or that he continued to do it after S9. In fact, I think, he was a really good leader for most of S9 too.

                        I do have problems with S9 and S10, but not with the way the season started. That, I like a lot.


                          Did they ever really give Teal'c a convincing motivation for rejoining SG-1 rather than sticking with the Jaffa Free Nation? Was he just supposed to be no longer welcome on Dakarra after Gerek get 'elected'? Considering the FJN is pretty much what Teal'c's been working towards all his life, why would he bow out of it so easily?
                          Banner By JME2


                            Originally posted by ShardsofGlass View Post
                            I never bought Sam as a leader. I think she's better as a scientist or a leader at a scientific installation rather than of a military team. I totally didn't like her on Atlantis. I find it incredibly believeable that she went to Area 51 once the Gould were taken care of. And I like that she said no to Mitchell when he asked her to join, but then she changed her mind once the new threat was discovered.
                            I did buy Sam as a leader. But I can agree with you that (barring other options we've talked about) Area 51 was a believable choice of where she would have gone. A chance to focus on her science would likely be appealing to her and she would have been obviously qualified. I just wish it had been explained or explored more.


                              Originally posted by Crazedwraith View Post
                              Did they ever really give Teal'c a convincing motivation for rejoining SG-1 rather than sticking with the Jaffa Free Nation? Was he just supposed to be no longer welcome on Dakarra after Gerek get 'elected'? Considering the FJN is pretty much what Teal'c's been working towards all his life, why would he bow out of it so easily?
                              That's actually one of my major complaints about the way Teal'c was used in later seasons. There really is no reason for him to rejoin SG-1. The threat from the Ori and his frustration with Gerak make sense to a certain extent... but long-term? I don't see it. I hear fans complain about how Vala has no purpose or reason to be on SG-1, and I do understand that, but the same point is valid for Teal'c. Why is he still on SG-1? What would make him was to stay after the Jaffa were freed? Don't get me wrong, I never wanted Teal'c to leave, but I wish they would have explored Teal'c's reasons for staying at the SGC.
                              Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

                              Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
                              Hallowed are the Optimi.


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                I did buy Sam as a leader. But I can agree with you that (barring other options we've talked about) Area 51 was a believable choice of where she would have gone. A chance to focus on her science would likely be appealing to her and she would have been obviously qualified. I just wish it had been explained or explored more.
                                Originally posted by Khentkawes View Post
                                That's actually one of my major complaints about the way Teal'c was used in later seasons. There really is no reason for him to rejoin SG-1. The threat from the Ori and his frustration with Gerak make sense to a certain extent... but long-term? I don't see it. I hear fans complain about how Vala has no purpose or reason to be on SG-1, and I do understand that, but the same point is valid for Teal'c. Why is he still on SG-1? What would make him was to stay after the Jaffa were freed? Don't get me wrong, I never wanted Teal'c to leave, but I wish they would have explored Teal'c's reasons for staying at the SGC.
                                I agree on both counts. I think it would have been nice to have a scene with Daniel, Sam, and Teal'c where they reflect on how the Ori threat completely derailed their respective plans for the future (Atlantis, Area 51, Dakara), and how they felt about returning to SG-1 when they were all seemingly ready to move on from the team.


