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S10: nostalgia, new viewers & the progression of SG1

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    Originally posted by Farscapefan
    So why SciFi's logo isn't included in ANY of SG-1's DVDs? SciFi airs it (like previously Showtime did), but it's MGM show. BTW, I've read somewhere that the new President of Showtime would love to have Stargate back on his channel. So this could be actually quite good plan B.
    Sure, MGM could pettle it elsewhere if they chose. But they'd have to act pretty quickly.

    Like I've said before though, I'm not too worried just yet. I firmly believe the ratings will pick up.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Originally posted by thothscribe81
      Okay, I really need to vent, I figure this is as good a place as any since most people here seem to be enjoying season 10 like I am.

      I really really enjoyed Morpheus - I loved that we had "classic" Daniel , excited over his research and everything, I loved the team dynamic throughout the episode, and I liked the scene's with Vala. For those who haven't seen the episode yet I wont get into a whole review or anything (I did that on my lj and plan on doing it in the episode thread soon).

      Now I know everyone is not going to have the same opinion as me, I know some people are going to not like the episode, some are going to just feel its average and some are going to really like it, as I did. What is annoying me as I'm reading through posts here at Gateworld, as well as on other Stargate lists and lj's is that I've come to the conclusion that there are alot of people out there that are hating the episodes simply because they dont like the changes in the last two seasons and aren't going to give the episodes a chance regardless of anything. I'm sure this is happening in the "anti" thread, though I havne't read more than a post or two over there. These posters are annoying me because they have decided to hate the show and the new episodes simply because the show had to make some changes. This really bothers me.

      I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but it bothers me when those opinions are totally biased by someone determined not to like something just because its a change from what they are used to. What makes it worse is that these "anti" posters, because they feel the need to complain and vent seem to be taking up more and more space on the forums. I dont think its because there are more of them, i just think its because they post more frequently to complain. The problem with this is that we've know from Brad Wrights interview that they do in fact read these forums. I can almost gaurantee that they have read the posts in the episode threads. And I hate to think that they are getting even more disheartened that the fans dont like the show anymore because of it. I wish there was a way to let them know that there are still a ton of fans that ARE enjoying the new direction of the show. For example, I really liked the return of "classic" daniel we got in Morpheus. I'd like tptb to know this, as I think alot of others feel the same way, but when I post to the episode thread, I'm afraid that my comments are going to get overshadowed by the overwhelmingly negative posts that are being posted by the same people, over and over, saying the same things.

      I think whats worse is that the "anti" posters I think believe that if they complain enough that tptb are going to snap their fingers and make the show like it was back in season 4. Or get rid of Mitchell, or get rid of Vala. This doesn't make any sense. Obviously the show had to change, its been on for 10 years now. There are going to be cast changes (Brad Wright was right to say that he gets annoyed at the posts that want them to bring RDA back), there are going to be storyline changes.

      Nothing is going to make these "anti" posters happy with the new season, unless they bring RDA back and make the team back to the way it used to be. And that is impossible. And as much as I love the "old" team dynamic, I'm enjoying the "new" team dynamic now and am hoping that it will continue for a few more years. My only fear is that the "anti" posters that are just complaining for the sake of complaining are going to overshadow those of us that are enjoying the show, and ruin having future seasons for the rest of us.

      Anyway, sorry for the long post - I just am getting really frustrated with the fact that everywhere I used to go to enjoy friendly stargate discussion - even if it was to rant about how I didn't like a certain scene in an episode or wonder about where a certain storyline was going - has turned into a complain fest for those who dont like where the show is going. This show has always been something fun for me to escape to, to get away from RL for a little while, and latley its become almost as stressful as RL itself just trying to find a place where I can discuss the show with someone happy about it like I am. Gateworld used to be one of those places, but latley it hasn't. Isn't a website like this supposed to be for people who are excited and enthralled by the show? Who want to discuss every aspect (good and bad) and have fun doing it? I just feel like latley the only place to discuss stuff like that is in this thread - something i'm grateful for, but at the same time saddened that the only place I feel up to reading anymore is one thread in a forum of hundreds.

      I'm thinking about starting a group, possibly over at Yahoo that is a season 9 and 10 positive zone, where those who are still enjoying the show can discuss it like I used to have fun discussing the earlier seasons. We can talk about what we liked and didn't like and what we'd like to see and not like to see, but in a fun and friendly manner. Anyone here interested in something like that?

      To anyone who got through this, thanks for reading!
      I'll be very short: I agree 100%!
      School is overrated.


        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
        Nice! I'll PM you a note to add. One note though, you might want to run it through the spell check- "caliber" is spelt "calibre" and words like "Wrights" and "Seasons" in the second paragraph should have an apostrophe.

        Thanks for the input. I made the changes you suggested and went through it a bit more carefully to check for other mistakes

        I should have the site up and running in the next half hour or so!


          I don't have a problem with anti's voicing their opinions, just as I don't have a problem with pro's voicing opinions. What I DO have a problem with is the Anti-anti, Anti-pro attitude that goes on. Some of the stuff that goes on around here is down right childish.


            Okay, website is up and running *g*


            If your interested in joining the campaign, check the website out and let me know what you think. Its pretty basic, but I think it gets the job done. Right now I dont have the cover letter up (its not written yet!) but it should be up soon.

            If everyone who is interested could spread the word (and the link!) to any blogs/lists/forums that they think might be interested it would be appreciated. I'll post this in the general discussion area with an "official announcement" as well as the fandom section.

            Right now I dont have a deadline up for the letters, I'll see what the feedback is like over the next couple days.

            Thanks in advance!



              Yay! Go SG-1


                Originally posted by Lord Shiva
                Yay! Go SG-1
                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                  Originally posted by thothscribe81
                  Okay, website is up and running *g*


                  If your interested in joining the campaign, check the website out and let me know what you think. Its pretty basic, but I think it gets the job done. Right now I dont have the cover letter up (its not written yet!) but it should be up soon.

                  If everyone who is interested could spread the word (and the link!) to any blogs/lists/forums that they think might be interested it would be appreciated. I'll post this in the general discussion area with an "official announcement" as well as the fandom section.

                  Right now I dont have a deadline up for the letters, I'll see what the feedback is like over the next couple days.

                  Thanks in advance!

                  I think it's great what you are doing!

                  If you need any banners made I could help you out! (just a offer)


                    Originally posted by lissa1000
                    If I'm pro something I tend to stay out of the anti and vice versa. I've decided to stay out of threads that tick me off. I'm reluctant to put anyone on ignore, I'd always wonder what I was missing.
                    Yeah don't you just love when you go on the Anti-thread and see that one post that says-" I hope the show gets cancelled soon just for I can say I told you so! Oh, and BTW I'm still as big a fan as anyone else!" I just love reading those type of posts!


                      This is bad.


                      I started a thread on it in the news section.


                        Wow...that seems pretty reactionary. That's how they used to air Farscape--summer of SciFi eps that culminated in September then NOTHING TILL MARCH. And that definitely didn't do the show any favors when it was on the bubble, which subsequently popped, with season 4.

                        IMHO, not a really good way to keep a show active in the fans' minds--take it off the air for 6 freaking months.

                        You're right. It sure doesn't sound good.


                          Originally posted by captain jake
                          I think it's great what you are doing!

                          If you need any banners made I could help you out! (just a offer)

                          Wow, thanks! That would be great actually. It would really get the word out there if I had something for my signature (and others signatures) here, and something I could post to lj's and such.

                          Do me a favor and email me off the board at [email protected] and let me know if you could do something, and what you had in mind!

                          Thanks again!


                            Originally posted by esoap524
                            Wow...that seems pretty reactionary. That's how they used to air Farscape--summer of SciFi eps that culminated in September then NOTHING TILL MARCH. And that definitely didn't do the show any favors when it was on the bubble, which subsequently popped, with season 4.

                            IMHO, not a really good way to keep a show active in the fans' minds--take it off the air for 6 freaking months.

                            You're right. It sure doesn't sound good.
                            IMHO this may be a good or bad thing. If they intened to keep the show on the air this could be good as in they could air seasons almost back to back, however it could drastically hurt ratings. I think we should holdoff the doomsaying however untill we know 100% for sure this is true and why they are doing it. I hope this is not the begining of the end. As i said it could be good if their plan works with BSG, because it seems like they are planning to do the same with Stargate. We should all just wait to see exactly what their plan is and hope they are not trying to destroy our favorite shows. As we all know it has been done before on almost every network. If this leads to our shows going bye bye I won't watch SCI-FI any more. Lets just hope this isn't the "killing blow" that it could be.
                            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                              I don't think the ratings are as bad as some are trying to make them out to be. some have translated the amounts as 1.4 to 1.6 for SG-1 and Atlantis respectively. I doubt it would be that low, I sent Darren a PM nd he agrees it is unlikely to be that low for either shows. I'd say a 1.7/1.8 for SG-1 and 1.9/2.0 for Atlantis wouldn't be too bad, especially if they were slightly better for Morpheus and Misbegotten. And that is just going on what the acj told us, which isn't necissaraly accurate.
                              As for the news that they may be splitting the seasons by a couple more month, I don't know what to think! I think Eureka's ratings will slow soon too, and Sci-fi can't really survive on that and BSG alone. I expect the same will happen to their other new series. Like fifth man said, If worst comes to the worst, MGM could take the 2 series elsewhere. I highly doubt thay would want their second most succesfull franchise not airing new content.


                                Originally posted by SGFerrit
                                I don't think the ratings are as bad as some are trying to make them out to be. some have translated the amounts as 1.4 to 1.6 for SG-1 and Atlantis respectively. I doubt it would be that low, I sent Darren a PM nd he agrees it is unlikely to be that low for either shows. I'd say a 1.7/1.8 for SG-1 and 1.9/2.0 for Atlantis wouldn't be too bad, especially if they were slightly better for Morpheus and Misbegotten. And that is just going on what the acj told us, which isn't necissaraly accurate.
                                As for the news that they may be splitting the seasons by a couple more month, I don't know what to think! I think Eureka's ratings will slow soon too, and Sci-fi can't really survive on that and BSG alone. I expect the same will happen to their other new series. Like fifth man said, If worst comes to the worst, MGM could take the 2 series elsewhere. I highly doubt thay would want their second most succesfull franchise not airing new content.
                                And this ELSEWHERE could be Showtime channel again. I've read recently that it's new president would love to have Stargate back on his channel. Perhaps we should start writing letters to both MGM and Showtime?
                                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


