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Politics (120)

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    Did I say I HATE politics? Usually I am a calm person, but Kinsey flips the switch for me, always.
    I like the start and the end of the episode, not because the whole episode was done from season 1 clips, but because there was so much political spin to suit ones agenda. And the foolishness and blind faith of Kinsey... Did I say I HATE him as well?


      Originally posted by muziqaz View Post
      Did I say I HATE politics? Usually I am a calm person, but Kinsey flips the switch for me, always.
      I like the start and the end of the episode, not because the whole episode was done from season 1 clips, but because there was so much political spin to suit ones agenda. And the foolishness and blind faith of Kinsey... Did I say I HATE him as well?
      Such Passion!! :-)

      I'd agree with SaberBlade about funds allocation given what we know is to come. And I admit I also FF through the clips, but this was still a very intense episode.

      The idea of Hammond traisping through D.C. trying to stir up support to keep the SGC doors open was imaginative and humorous. (SPOILER...sorry, this is from Serpent's Grasp!)
      I have to ask; why are all the civilian vehicles heading into the mountain always decades out of style?

      Teal'c's line: Because what is right cannot be measured by strength epitomizes Daniel of the time. He's consisdered the weak link in terms of military might and yet, it's his focus and passion, his insistence that he's right that finally brings support from his commrades enough to make the next step possible. Loved that in the face of disbelief from his team, Daniel remained steadfast in his resolve to the larger picture.

      The sad part is that, in the 13 years or so since this ep aired, our politicians are still unable to listen without skepticism nor can they hear with an open mind.

      The team played the solemn moments exceptionally well.
      Last edited by dtheories; 21 August 2011, 07:36 AM.


        I hate flashback episodes.
        My favorite TV shows



          I hate this ep nearly as much as I hate Kinsey. Easily my least favourite of the season.


            I don't need to tell you all the reasons I don't like this episode because many of the posts on here explain that very well. I will heartily agree that this clip show is probably my least fav episode of season 1. That being said I didn't hate Kinsey as much this time through as I have before...not sure what that means about me! but there it is.


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              The only thing i had against this ep, was why did they need to do a 'clip' show to reshow what had just gone on in ONE season?
              Because there are often quite a few viewers who didn't tune in until the season was at least half over, and this way they get a primer on precisely WHY the current goings-on matter so much. It gives them context they otherwise wouldn't have, and makes it more likely that they'll tune in next week to see what happens... which of course was the cliffhanger season finale. That makes it more likely that the same viewers will come back next season. It's called increasing market share.

              Originally posted by spatty View Post
              What bothers me most about the clips in this episode is that they are HUGE chunks of the previous shows. At the beginning of each episode they show a "previously on Stargate SG-1" segment. This segment contains short reminders of what happened previously instead of huge chunks. This is what any clip show should be as well. It is meant to tie in what happened previously with what the characters are talking about. When the viewer feels they are watching the previous episode it takes them out of the current one. This was an editing fail.
              See my comment above regarding context. This was a "previously in the entire first season thus far" show, so naturally they needed to show more, in order to give viewers who might not have begun watching the show until Episode 10 or 15 some much-needed hooks to hang their impressions on. It was actually a brilliant move, in my opinion. Remember, this was the late 1990's, when people who hadn't tuned in from the beginning didn't have the option of just surfing over to Hulu and catching up on what they'd missed, the way we can do with current TV shows today.

              Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
              It's an easy way to save money for future episodes. The sets for example would have been very expensive first time around (with their reuse allowing money to be saved in future episodes) so a clip show helps make that possible.

              If you ever see a clip show, usually an episode or two later something expensive tends to take place. Same thing can be said for bottle shows (episodes taking place in pre-existing locations and not very expensive to make).
              This, too.

              (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
              Sum, ergo scribo...

              My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
              now also appearing on DeviantArt
              Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                It was fun to see Kinsey in his first appearance again! Ronny Cox chews up the scenery with the character of Kinsey! I think he's a great character, puts a really fantastically played pompous short sighted face to the opposition on Earth to the Stargate and those that think it's a bad idea using it.

                I've always felt that Stargate did clip shows better than many shows I've seen over the years.


                  Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                  It was fun to see Kinsey in his first appearance again! Ronny Cox chews up the scenery with the character of Kinsey! I think he's a great character, puts a really fantastically played pompous short sighted face to the opposition on Earth to the Stargate and those that think it's a bad idea using it.
                  Have to agree! As much as Kinsey annoys the heck out of me with his close-minded irrationality and need for control and power, he is played exeptionally well.

                  I dont mind this flashback episode at all. I think it was very well done how they tied it into the 3 episode arc with Daniel's alternate reality/ Earth attack plotline.

                  Originally posted by SF_and_Coffee View Post
                  Because there are often quite a few viewers who didn't tune in until the season was at least half over, and this way they get a primer on precisely WHY the current goings-on matter so much. It gives them context they otherwise wouldn't have, and makes it more likely that they'll tune in next week to see what happens... which of course was the cliffhanger season finale. That makes it more likely that the same viewers will come back next season. It's called increasing market share.

                  See my comment above regarding context. This was a "previously in the entire first season thus far" show, so naturally they needed to show more, in order to give viewers who might not have begun watching the show until Episode 10 or 15 some much-needed hooks to hang their impressions on. It was actually a brilliant move, in my opinion. Remember, this was the late 1990's, when people who hadn't tuned in from the beginning didn't have the option of just surfing over to Hulu and catching up on what they'd missed, the way we can do with current TV shows today.
                  This too! Great post, sums up the need for the episode quite well.

                  It is nice to see Teal'c become so emotive during the episode. He really steps up and lets the ignorant Kinsey hear his thoughts. The moment he stands and approaches Kinsey is a very well-played character movement. Great stuff.

                  I LOVE Kinseys opening monologue when everyone is seated around the table. Brad Wright wrote this dialogue extremely well.

                  Good episode.

                  "The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” - Henry David Thoreau



                    My LiveJournal post

                    So they saved a bit of money for the next episode with a clip show in this one, big deal. Don't give them a hard time for doing what you'd probably do yourself.

                    Plus, the finale might not have been as good if they didn't.
                    "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                    "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                    "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                    "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                    >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                      Glad to see I am not alone I hated this episode not because of the flash backs not they did not bother me what irritated me was the pissing match between Jack & Kinsey that annoyed and I hated the whole NID storyline that followed we already had enemy didn't need another one
                      My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                        So...another Sunday afternoon...another ep of SG1...well fired up by the previous ep I get given...this.

                        1. Yeah I suppose, costsaver and an alternate Earth view of the Gate.

                        2. As Jack said "he'd already made up his mind.

                        Yes, Daniel's alternate reality play was a gamble but it was the true and they were out of any other ammo.

                        It was a clip show. Meh. And I did go on to like some of the later Earthbound eps.
                        I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                          Clip show. Saves money, may catch a few new watchers who get interested enough to keep watching.
                          Calculus and Alcohol don't mix. Never drink and derive.


                            OK, this is a clipshow so I would be surprised if it were anyone's favorite. But I still rather like it. For me it is definitely not the worst episode of season 1.

                            I enjoy the modern American politics angle. It's one of the things I really like about Stargate. Having worked on the Hill for a Senator on appropriations requests I can understand the dilema of funding a very expensive, super secret program, that is also highly risky.

                            Another thing that makes this episode fun for me is Ronny Cox. In an interview he gave to GW he explained that he based his character in part on Senator Orrin Hatch. He did say that Senator Hatch is such a nice guy that he had to add a little sinister to the character ala Dr. Strangelove. This just makes me laugh because I worked for Senator Hatch and I can say that he is in fact the nicest guy, and I can see some of my Senator's mannerism in Kinsey (but not the attitude). In fact, while Cox and Hatch would surely disagree on politics, I think they would get along really well personally. Like Cox, Sentor Hatch is a songwriter and he loves folk music. I've always wanted to get these two together.

                            I really enjoyed seeing Jack go toe to toe with Kinsey. At first he tries the charm offensive ("I'm actually a nice guy." *Smile/Wink*) But that goes nowhere. Jack takes Kinsey's measure pretty quick and classes him on the enemy list. From then on it's all out war.

                            Another great beat is Teal'c taking on Kinsey. Remember Teal'c is a hundred years old and a former first prime. He is no fool, but he knows one when he sees one.

                            Finally, when Teal'c expresses his wish to leave if Earth will no longer fight, you can just hear the disappointment in his voice. He really thought the Tau'ri were the hope of the galaxy against the goa'uld. Then Jack makes the brave and loyal decision to go with him. He would accept self-exile from earth rather than give up. That is a great example of the kind of soldier, the kind of man, and the kind of friend Jack is.

                            Finally, a few tidbits of information in case anyone is interested. As clip shows go, there is quite a bit of meat in this one. Yes, the whole story takes place mainly talking around the briefing room table. But there is definitely and important story that leads us into the finale. An entire 15 minutes and 25 seconds pass before even one clip is shown and there are no clips for the last 10 minutes and 15 seconds.

                            There are 9 clips totalling 15 min. 6 sec. as follows:

                            1) CotG = 2:05
                            2) CotG = 1:05
                            3) Nox = 1:15
                            4) Movie = :28
                            5) Singularity = 1:08
                            6) Cold Lazarus (2 scenes) = 1:30
                            7) Enemy Within = 1:15
                            8) Broca Divide (2 scenes) = 3:24
                            9) Brief Candle (3 scenes) = 2:56


                              It's definitely not the worst episode of season 1, and as mentioned above the clips take up a very small part of the show. The scenes with Kinsey are great. Daniel's line about uploading a computer virus is absolute gold. Still, I find clip shows unforgivable so I can't say I loved it.

                              RATING: 6 out of 10
                              Private guitar tuition | Return To Grace - rock/pop party band


                                What's unforgivable about clip shows? They serve a purpose. How else would you suggest giving late-coming new viewers the background they need in order to understand the background of what they've missed, back in the days prior to Hulu, etc.? Would it have been better to just say, "Sorry, you missed it, we're not going to tell you what's going on so that you'll continue to tune in even thought things are about to get confusing and complicated, we don't want you unless you started watching from the pilot onward"... really? Remember, without a growing fan base in the early days, a show doesn't get renewed. I can't speak for anyone else, obviously, but I know that I'm certainly glad we got more than just one or two seasons of SG-1...

                                (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                                Sum, ergo scribo...

                                My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                                now also appearing on DeviantArt
                                Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.

