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Hathor (113)

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    Bad episode.
    I do not like Hathor!
    Glad she is dead


      I totally agree with Dimes she irritated me and you wont like it when I am irritated LOL

      You got nothing on my smileys


        Most gag-worthy episode ever...

        The way the men fawn over Hathor...
        The Jaffa pouch in Jack's stomach...
        All those baby Goa'ulds that look like fish bait...
        And of course the fact that Daniel says his DNA would be in there...*goes to throw up*

        The one and only good thing about this episode is the fact that the girls get to come in and rescue the guys. Woot!
        "Y'know; Lose it. It means, go crazy. Nuts. Insane. Bonzo. No Longer in posession of one's faculties. Three fries short of a Happy Meal. WHACKO!!!!!"

        The perfect couple!


          ah where to start.
          Of course, it's a very very interesting ep because we really need to know more about the Goa'uld and where they come from etc etc, and it's also interesting to see that other academics, outside of Stargate world, have heard of Daniel Jackson's research.

          Just as well that sarc was destroyed or it would have been too easy to keep fixing people up.


          I don't know why people have a problem when the women have their "it's hard being a woman in this man's army" because, actually, it IS often a problem for the women. In fact, when the women get together (IME) this is often one of the the things they talk about, and they have a very good network and support system to help the other women deal with that. I loved how they got it together and worked out what to do (although I really don't like the implied "look! how cute! girls with guns!" aspect - but then I'm VERY sensitive to that).

          I didn't like that the doc was suddenly so wary, but on the other hand I did like that she didn't start wittering on about her role as a doc.

          All in all what with the Goa'uld 101 and a little it of insight into the life of a female member of the military it wasn't a bad ep.


            anyone watching it on Pick TV tonight?

            Anyone at all?
            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



              Anyone watching this right now in the UK on Pick TV?


                oh ha ha MC didn't see your post!


                  haha - fancy meeting you here.

                  So - come on. Spit it out. How do you feel about Daniel getting all protective the week after shooting the baby Goa'uld...
                  In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                    there's so much about this episode that should add up to worst ep ever. But on the contrary I really enjoy it. I agree with MC in that I really like the gals banding together.

                    I do have a great deal of difficulty dealing with the 'date-rape' aspect of this episode though. And we're at that bit right now. Ick.


                      well I am really surprised that they assumed right from the start that she was a nutty human. But how on earth could any human have known about the stargate at all?


                        "You're like the queen bee!"

                        Ha ha I remember the actors talking about this, Suann said it was like the worst line ever and they all thought the episode was so corny everyone would hate it.

                        Well it is the corniest line ever! But Suann pulls the episode off I think.


                          well, apart from her static nylon wig, and all the overblown "the gals are going to save the day" tripe... I have to say, that I enjoyed this as a fun episode. It was hard to really take any of it seriously - especially the bath thing.

                          But the scene that still makes me rofl is them talking about getting DNA samples and Daniel getting all shamefaced and saying that a lot of it would be his.
                          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                            the wig is dreadful! Love it.

                            But don't you think that's essentially, well, no different to loading someone up with rohypnal (however you spell it) so you can get them in the sack? In a court of law Hathor would be done for rape.

                            Is that really all you have to do then - point and pull the trigger (talking about the gun (hee hee) info Sam gives the doc).


                              Watching it now actually....we have one of three cable channels which is showing SG-1 almost continuously atm....and one of them is on S.1 ...

                              Deeds xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Ah Deeds, you on Pick TV?

                                Ho ho now we're coming up to the really icky bit. Jack the Jaffa.

                                And, ha ha, the Doc's lightbulb moment. Sam - I don't like where you're going with this.

                                Edited post to ask: how does the sarcophagus know what to do? wouldn't it think that a 'jaffa' was normal and not heal Jack?
                                Last edited by GateGipsy; 19 November 2012, 11:45 AM.

