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The Nox (107)

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    Originally posted by muziqaz View Post
    You are looking at them from our closed minded point of view. From later episodes and the whole series we can extrapolate that Nox been in this galaxy longer than any of races, even Asgard. So it is safe to assume that their way is the safest way for them and their way helped them survive for many thousands(10s,100s) of years.
    The Nox are so advanced that we as a viewer must open our mind for our imagination on what is possible for The Nox, even though we might think that it is impossible.
    regarding the sentence about your way is not the only way, I think they are nearing the time of ascension but not pushing it that much as Ancients did, as they were threatened by plague. being so close to the nature must mean something, as they are so close to their true nature. I suppose they hate seeing violence.
    Regarding Daniels line, again read between the lines In many occasions they asked SG1 to leave and not to worry about them. But SG1 being Earthlings from great country of America assumed that they are dealing with some unevolved native tribe. They shut the possibility down that maybe The Nox being capable of making themselves invisible and reviving people can protect themselves. Or did they assume that it was just primitive magic and some primitive medicine?
    We are watching people from other planet, and look at them through our point of view, which is extremely primitive compared to The Nox. I don't know if writers of the episode wanted us to see The Nox that way, but for me it seems that showing The Nox as they were in this episode they portrayed Nox as very different and experienced race.
    You're right, of course. I guess I was just kinda having trouble seeing things through their eyes for some reason. I usually don't have a problem seeing a situation from someone else's point of view, but for some reason I seem to have a bit of a mental block with this episode...
    But now that I think about it, I'm beginning to get what Daniel meant, that they have their own ways of protecting themselves and such...
    "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
    "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
    "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
    "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

    >-- Czechs Rock! >--


      Another Sunday afternoon...another SG1 ep.

      1. First impression was that "The Nox" was the creature they were trying to hunt.

      2. Don't remember it registering that SG1 were actually killed, particularly as the main team surely wouldn't be killed seven eps in.

      3. Nox are cute but annoying...understanding your enemy better usually just means understanding why they are bleeps!

      4. Having said that, was impressed with the city when it finally showed up. Bottom line, they'll be allright.


        The one thing I found funny in this episode was how the team was worried about the 3 Jaffa guarding Apophis. Later on 3 Jaffa would be considered a cakewalk.


          The Nox seem to have advanced minds, even to the point of being telepathic. Perhaps they normally communicate that way, since at the beginning of the episode they seemed unused to talking out loud. But they were able to learn English after only listening to it for a short time, Ophir was able to calculate his age in Earth years when Daniel described how we measure time, and he seemed to read Daniel's mind at one point. So the Nox are advanced in the way they think.

          I would have liked to have seen the Nox more in the series, but like the Ancients, they probably don't like to get involved with galactic affairs!


            Daniel's little hop as he turns to discover the Stargate's missing is probably one of the highlights of this ep for me. I rewind and play that a lot! ;-)
            On my DVD, all of Apophis' audio track is missing. Adds to the humor, I think, as we watch him hippity hopping through the jungle. Daniel's pat on Jack's head to wake him 'not in heaven' that follows him gunning down 2 Jaffa without batting an eye shows how he's growing into the soldier the team needs him to be.
            Your Way Is Not The Only Way.


              Really like the Nox - the people & the episode. They were such an original species, and I wish we could've seen them more. It was also cool to see Apophis again.
              Jack: Uhh, Daniel - for cryin' out loud!!, I said I would watch the Stanley Cup playoffs with you!
              Is all this necessary??!?


                I can see why the Nox didn't just chuck everyone back through the gate when they started to be a nuisance. It's not their way.

                FYI Shak'l does make another appearance.

                Teal'c kills him in Cor-ai.

                I don't think the team's attitude was arrogance, just ignorance, and that's the way the Nox saw it. In fact, I think the Nox were impressed that the team seemed to care so much about protecting those the weak and the helpless. (Just because their perceptions were wrong doesn't mean their intentions were bad, and the Nox are certainly wise enough to know that.) That's why, IMO, they chose to show the team their city and what they really were before sending them back through the gate.


                  One thing I find that sucks is that we never see any more Nox tech later on in the series.
                  My favorite TV shows



                    Well the Nox don't share with us because we're too young. They probably believe that the Asgard jumped the gun in that regard.

                    And while I love the Nox I can't see how they could have been brought in for many more stories (I'm impressed the writers were able to work Lya in a couple more times.) Really, there's only so much you can do on an action/adventure show with a race of pacifists.


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I can see why the Nox didn't just chuck everyone back through the gate when they started to be a nuisance. It's not their way.

                      FYI Shak'l does make another appearance.

                      Teal'c kills him in Cor-ai.
                      Good catch.. Almost forgot that he was in that ep.


                        I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but this episode was alot like the original Star Trek - Errand of Mercy. They have a lot of similarities, substitute Goa'uld for Klingons lol. I like when Apophis appears in episodes. He always has that angry look on his face. He's the perfect recurring villan. Oh, and about the furlings... I bet if SGU had continued, the Destiny would have found that the strange energy readings was actually the furling homeworld. J/K


                          Their is something about awesomeness when an episode has the 4 Ancient Races. I love seeing Apophis and SG1 trying to battle him. Yes we know the threat he poses but how he practically killed SG1 with ease really shows how threating he is. I think that is missing in the pilot. We never saw Apophis in battle. I don't agree with the pacifism philosphy of the Nox but its something different then what we are used too. I wish we had saw more of them beyond thier two other appearences. Somehow although Teal'c should have seen Shak'al attack coming
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Loved this ep had it all
                            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                              Originally posted by Starmover View Post
                              I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but this episode was alot like the original Star Trek - Errand of Mercy. They have a lot of similarities, substitute Goa'uld for Klingons lol. I like when Apophis appears in episodes. He always has that angry look on his face. He's the perfect recurring villan. Oh, and about the furlings... I bet if SGU had continued, the Destiny would have found that the strange energy readings was actually the furling homeworld. J/K
                              I just watched Errand of Mercy the other day (catching up with classic Trek on Netflix streaming), and you're exactly right.

                              This is one of the better episodes of first season. Apophis showing up is like the Smoking Man on X-Files. It makes you feel like the overall story is going to take a step forward. Of course, with the X-Files, I rarely understood what that step was. I got very excited when I first watched The Nox because it was the first time Apophis returned sinced the pilot, confirming that continued watching would be rewarded. Great episode!


                                Decent episode....although there was that infuriating 'You're too young a species for us to POSSIBLY ever deign ourselves to communicate with you yadda yadda yadda...'

                                Found it pretty interesting that this is the first time since the start of the season (iirc) that we see Apophis again.

                                Shows like this you figure that the lead antagonist would feature heavily in EVERY episode but that isn't the case with Stargate....Apophis is still the major threat but he's not going to cross paths with SG1 with any regularity....we're still taking our first steps out into the galaxy, we're still not ready to take Apophis on directly.

                                Which makes it all the more puzzling to see that Apophis himself is a part of the 'away team' searching for the Nox, lol. It probably would have made more sense to have him monitor his Jaffa from orbit, checking in and then discovering SG1. At this point he would then travel to the planet's surface.

                                As it stands it's like 'Hey, we need to find this incredibly secretive, native creature who can turn's IMPERATIVE that we move around unseen....Shak'al, could you help me on with my incredibly bright, golden adornemnts? Thanks.'

                                And seeing as how SG1 DID save them from the Goa'uld (it was never established that the Nox could have easily batted away the attack....I assume that they could have but since they didn't....) you would have thought that they would have snuck a 'thank you' in there at some point but I must have missed it during the 'shoving SG1 back towards the Door' part.

