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Emancipation (103)

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    Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
    --The dialogue wasn't always fantastic, but you gotta love Carter's defiance and her spirit. She says, "I'm a warrior and a scholar" and I just thought, "Yes. And that's why I love you."
    I like that line very much too. She uses terms which are meaningful to the culture in which she finds herself, and they are so true.


      The other interesting thing about it is that it sounds so paradoxical - even to us in some ways.

      Scholars aren't supposed to fight, and warriors aren't supposed to think - and, to add insult to injury, the Scholastic Soldier is a woman!

      It's still a silly ep - primarily because it drives in the whole 'Subjugation-Of-Women:Bad' thing with all the subtlety of a Pile-driver and is chock full of clichés. It has it's moments, though ("What is an 'Oprah'?" for starters); so it's not completely unwelcome in my DVD Box-set.


        Man the dialogue really isn't that great, the plot had it's failing and Turghan's daughter really didn't look like she was related to him ( or anyone else for that matter). But since it's only the thrid episode and most shows the early episodes aren't that graeat I forgive it.

        Sam blue dress would have looked really nice if it didn't have those over sized shoulders lol And I agree with

        Things would also have been better if they had the kid took Sam out with some of his drugs rather then have him take her then later she can best a Cheif *rolleyes*

        The ending with the girls being free was a litle over the top cuase IMO it would have taken more then what Sam did.

        Anyway thing episode did have a lot of laughs in it like when the boys saw Sam in her dress, and most of Jack's comments. I really laughed at Daniel reaction to Sam in that dress lol he looks so young and inncount. Also I liked Teal'c's "What is an Oprah?" line.

        Originally posted by Ap-uat View Post
        I know that this is a bit off-topic, considering the previous posts, but has anyone noticed a little mishap(if you can call it that) in the episode. In the very beginning of the episode, in the scene where the camera shows all of the team standing and starting to run to help Abu, AT gives a laugh and says something. There is no sound of that, so its difficult to understand what she´s saying, but it looks like she´s saying "what". Maybe Chris Judge(it appears that his lips are moving but its hard to make out) was telling her a joke and the guys at the montage department noticed it too late to cut it out. ...anyway, i don´t mind, she has a beatiful smile
        I noitced that! She was laughing as she was running after the kid when the dogs are atttacking. I don't mind either, it was goof but it was cute.

        Originally posted by JastersLegacy View Post
        Kill me now, if you wish, but I've got to say that so far, this is my favorite episode. I thought it was hilarious, I LOVED the looks on the guy's faces when they saw her. I agree on the dress though. She was dressed up too fancy considering what the other women were wearing. And I wouldn't think that a place like that would have a dress that makes you stare down a mile of clevage. What, did they have that laying around just in case some Earth women showed up? Other than that, I loved it.
        LOL I agree.
        Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


          Originally posted by DownFallAngel View Post
          It did show that the Tau'ri (In this case SG-1.) was gunna be stirring up trouble though.
          That it did...

          Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
          And I still don't buy that she would have ben able to beat that guy in a knife fight.
          Same here. I mean, if she is so good a fighter, how did she have time for all those other 'specialties' she is supposed to have??

          Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman View Post
          Well, she's in the military, so she does have the killer instinct. She just prefers not to kill if there's a chance. Not to mention, the guy was the chieftain of 22 tribes, if he died there would have been a power struggle that could have been pretty bloody.
          That 'chieftian' part is what i really hated. If he truely was a chieftian, he would have a hell of a lot more hand to hand combat experience. And since sam has had all that 'scientist training' etc, i cannot realistically see her getting anywhere near as good a training in fighting. Even on the off chance she did' training, is no substitute to actual combat experience.

          Originally posted by Osiris-RA View Post
          this episode was hilarous. and the oh-so-subtle insinuations towards islamic culture, classic. *laughing uncontrollably*
          IIRC it was more towards nomadic mongol culture, which is very similar in the way they treat women..

          Originally posted by Naquida Guy View Post
          Basiclly Sam would have had alot of different ways of winning the fight, where as Mr. Mongol could only rely on his brute strength.
          If that is true, i serously doubt mr mongol would have survived to be chieftian of so many tribes..

          Originally posted by hermajesty View Post
          This episode left me thinking "what a waste of 45 minutes". The theme was very tacky girl-power, not at all subtle. It bore no relation to the previous episodes, and the plot was a little suspect. If she could beat the chief in the knife fight then why couldnt she beat the teenage boy when he took her captive.
          That latter part is what i have been wondering since the day i first saw this ep.. And i do agree, it was a little 'tacky' in pushing the 'girl power' theme.

          Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum View Post
          It's still a silly ep - primarily because it drives in the whole 'Subjugation-Of-Women:Bad' thing with all the subtlety of a Pile-driver and is chock full of clichés.
          Which to he is part of the main reason i cannot stand it. I have no prob giving women/minorities their props, i hate it when i get 'they are special and should be equal' stuff (like all the 'history month celebration things') shoved down my throat.

          Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum View Post
          It has it's moments, though ("What is an 'Oprah'?" for starters); so it's not completely unwelcome in my DVD Box-set.
          Even with that funny line, and the dress stuff, those could not redeam it in my eyes..


            If this ep was the only oasis in the middle of an SG1 desert, I would not watch it. That's how bad I thought it was. Gah!
            "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


              Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
              If this ep was the only oasis in the middle of an SG1 desert, I would not watch it. That's how bad I thought it was. Gah!
              I second that- the only good moment was the Oprah line, the rest was just plain painful. And that dress was.....ugh.


                I absolutely LOVED this episode! this was actually the very first episode I ever saw of Stargate, and ofcourse I became a huge fan of Sam/Amanda.
                I mean even though Turghan could've killed her at any moment she still kept being defiant. I loved it, like when she said "do you have to sell your daughter off to make it 23?". I was like oh oh he's gonna kill her now, I loved that look on her face, like she didn't care. Oh and BTW I think that dress looked absolutely perfect on her
                : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                Geeky : Oh brother...
                : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                  Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
                  I absolutely LOVED this episode! this was actually the very first episode I ever saw of Stargate, and ofcourse I became a huge fan of Sam/Amanda.
                  I mean even though Turghan could've killed her at any moment she still kept being defiant. I loved it, like when she said "do you have to sell your daughter off to make it 23?". I was like oh oh he's gonna kill her now, I loved that look on her face, like she didn't care. Oh and BTW I think that dress looked absolutely perfect on her
                  I'm with you on everything except the dress

                  (I think I will re-watch this one tonight. I'm getting nostalgic for it )


                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    I'm with you on everything except the dress

                    (I think I will re-watch this one tonight. I'm getting nostalgic for it )
                    count me in. The dress should have been way better.

                    but that's just it, this episode is one of hits and misses. so the question becomes, did the hits outweigh the misses, I think the clear answer is Yes.

                    I <3 Dr. Carter.
                    (Hammond to O'neill)
                    "You know that's my car, right?"


                      Not for me...


                        I thought that this episode was quite good when I first started watching Stargate. Then I saw Season 2 and now, a good way through Season 3, I've seen something of how good the series can be, and Emancipation doesn't seem so good anymore.

                        It's always good to see Sam getting stuck in with the action though, proving she is both extremely intelligent and tough.
                        Last edited by Harlan's Speechwriter; 05 May 2007, 12:12 PM.
                        Please don't laugh, this is one of my first attempts at a banner.


                          Originally posted by Harlan's Speechwriter View Post
                          I thought that this episode was quite good when I first started watching Stargate. Then I saw Season 2 and now, a good way through Season 3, I've seen something of how good the series can be, and Emancipation doesn't seem so good anymore.

                          It's always good to see Sam getting stuck in with the action though, proving she is both extremely intelligent and tough.
                          It's amazing how one's perception changes over time, isn't it?


                            Originally posted by Harlan's Speechwriter View Post
                            I thought that this episode was quite good when I first started watching Stargate. Then I saw Season 2 and now, a good way through Season 3, I've seen something of how good the series can be, and Emancipation doesn't seem so good anymore.

                            It's always good to see Sam getting stuck in with the action though, proving she is both extremely intelligent and tough.
                            That's the thing with this episode, the first time you see it, you dont think 'This episode was crap', but once you plough through all 10 seasons, and all of Atlantis, you go back and watch Emancipation, and then you think 'Well, I won't be watching this one again'.


                              Originally posted by Anthony View Post
                              That's the thing with this episode, the first time you see it, you dont think 'This episode was crap', but once you plough through all 10 seasons, and all of Atlantis, you go back and watch Emancipation, and then you think 'Well, I won't be watching this one again'.
                              With you on this, except I DID think it was crap first time round
                              "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                                Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
                                With you on this, except I DID think it was crap first time round
                                Me too, i didn't like it at all. In fact for me it's one of the worst Stargate episodes, but it was early in the series so i'll let them off.

